The cutting edge Volume: 17 Edition: 01 A word from the Chair 2 Christmas Dinner photos 4 HGV Tasmanian conference review 7 Upcoming Events 2015 10 Committee 11 A word from the Chair Where did the year go? There was the successful quiz night and Mt Gambier Conference earlier in the year, then a swag of interesting education sessions and the logo competition, culminating with the Christmas function in December. Nameste Restaurant again proved to be popular for a friendly, relaxed Christmas gettogether and was well supported by 29 locals and trade friends. A big thank you to the Leica’s representatives Bianca Eaton and Wayne Wolfaardt and for donating much of the wine for the evening. The Logo competition was fiercely contested by representatives from all the pathology providers and the eventual winner, as voted by the committee, was the design by Sarah Minns from FMC. Congratulations to her for the design that captured our state and our craft so well. The committee underwent some changes throughout the year. We welcomed Fortunato Marafioti and Felicity Drabsch to the committee and said goodbye to Rebecca Dyer. More recently Angela Nuske also farewelled us to move to Victoria – we wish her the best for the future and thank her for her large contribution to the success of so many events. The year had its sad moment with the passing of John Dore. He was an inspirational speaker and tutor on all matters of histology and we were fortunate to have him speak at our conferences. He had a colourful career and lifestyle, travelled broadly and was a great humanitarian. His enthusiasm to share his craft and knowledge is a rare quality – he will be missed. We are starting this year with the Quiz night on March 16th, followed by sessions in May, June, August and October. We will keep you posted on the events as they draw closer. Cheers Alex Szabo The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 2 of 11 The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 3 of 11 Christmas Dinner 2014 The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 4 of 11 The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 5 of 11 The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 6 of 11 Meeting Reviews HGV ‘Experience Tasmania’ Conference We couldn’t have asked for better weather over the weekend that the HGV Histology Conference in Tasmania was on! Picturesque surrounds and warm weather made it a great location for a conference. The conference itself was great too, of course! As usual, there was quite a focus on IHC. These presentations help to give a greater understanding of the scope of IHC, since it is not something that everyone is involved in. There were also some interesting case-studies presented, which give the audience insight into the difficult diagnoses that pathologists are faced with at times. There was a very interesting talk by Dane Hayes on a topic close to the heart of Tassie – the Devil Facial Tumour Disease, which is devastating the Tasmanian Devil population. The research into this cancer is important to ensure the survival of the species. The histology of this tumour is difficult to characterise, so immunohistochemistry has been used to provide more information. Hopefully, the dedication of Dane and his team will pay off and enable a vaccine/treatment to be developed in time to save the species! Another hit was the “Bring the Fab back into the Lab” session by Fiona Tarbet and Kerrie Scott-Dowell. They put together a quiz using photos of histology slides with sub-optimal sections and staining. The audience tried to work out what caused the problem. This was a fun way of providing a lot of information on errors and problems encountered in the lab, and how to trouble-shoot the cause of the problem. The new Online RCPA Macroscopic Cut-up Manual was also explained and is an excellent tool that should be utilised in every lab! There are multiple links to information on different tissue types and includes videos and photos as well. This training tool will help to ensure inter-lab consistency in training. Another topic of interest to Scientists performing cut-up is the proposed RMIT Cut-up Program for complex specimens. The course, if introduced, would give workers the opportunity to further their skills in Macroscopic Cut-up to include complex specimens. This would have many benefits, including: • Acknowledge the skills of the scientist. • Provide career paths and opportunity for professional development. • Reward scientists who do complex specimen grossing by promotion to HP2 or above. • Increase quality (as technicians with strict training would be doing the grossing of surgical specimens rather than pathologists who have had varying training in grossing techniques). • Decrease time pathologists need to spend in the lab. The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 7 of 11 The conference ended on a very interesting talk about Histology in the Congo. It was an eyeopening presentation of the difficulties faced with bringing pathology to a third world area. From bringing in reagents and equipment and realising it is not there on arrival (the pharmacy seemed to think it was their property), to getting enough power to run the tissue processer all the way through to paraffin, to making an embedding mould out of steel and hand pouring the wax… this process was no easy feat! Bec Dyer – Adelaide Pathology Partners The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 8 of 11 The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 9 of 11 Upcoming Events 2015 HGSA Quiz Night, Highgate Girls Guides Hall 16th March 4th International workshop in Diagnostic Immunohistochemistry Coolangatta Qld/Tweed Heads NSW 21st-23rd March HGSA Education Session @ RAH 4th May 7th National Histology Conference, Brisbane 5th-7th June HGSA Education Session @ Clinpath 29th June HGSA Education Session TBA 24 August HGSA Education Sessions @ RAH 26 October HGSA Christmas dinner, venue TBA TBA Got any suggestions for educational meeting topics or speakers? Do you have some feedback on any events? Want to contribute to the cutting edge by writing a review? Let the committee know by email The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 10 of 11 Your Committee Chairperson Alex Szabo, SA Pathology FMC Secretary Ruth Davies, SA Pathology TQEH Treasurer Sharin Prakash, SA Pathology FMC Editor Peter Holt, Clinpath Laboratories Committee member Rod Coombe, SA Pathology RAH Committee member Fortunato ‘Nat’ Marafioti, SA Pathology FMC Committee member Emily Schneider, Adelaide University Committee member Felicity Drabsch, Adelaide Pathology Partners Editorial Note The Histology Group of South Australia includes advertisements in it’s newsletter at a very reasonable cost ($75 per A4 page).for more information send an email to Peter Holt Clinpath Laboratories The Cutting Edge Volume 17 Edition 1 Page 11 of 11
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