HLBSA Majors Rule Book The primary goal of the Major Baseball Program for 11 and 12 year olds is to reinforce the fundamentals and rules of the game which were taught during the Minor league Program. Additional concepts (e.g. stealing bases with leads) which were not previously covered will also be introduced. At this level the coaches will continue to focus on individual skill improvements and the basics of team strategies. While the main focus remains on skill development and the enjoyment of participation, players will compete and games will resemble as much as possible, the “true” game of baseball. The game shall be played in accordance with the Official Baseball Rules, published by the National Baseball Congress except the rules modified herein. Field Maintenance Home teams are responsible for preparing the field for play prior to game time. At the conclusion of play, the Visiting team will rake the mound and plate area, police the field, empty trash cans, and return all tools and misplaced gear to the equipment shed near the concession stand. Teams consistently avoiding their maintenance responsibility are subject to additional outs assessed and forfeiture of atbats for subsequent games. Batting Line up The complete lineup will be batted, no exceptions. All players must be in the line up at the start of the game and remain in the same order for the remainder of the game. Once the first pitch is thrown the line up is set. If a player arrives after the beginning of the game, the player entering the game will bat at the bottom of the order (e.g. if the initial line up had 10 players the new player would be placed in the 11th position). If a team has gone through the complete line up, the player is still placed in the next spot at the bottom of the line up. Batting Helmets Batting Helmets with a chin strap must be worn when batting or running the bases. Helmets with face protectors may be used. Any player that removes his helmet while the ball is in play shall be called out. Batting helmets must also be worn while practicing. Bunting Bunting is allowed. Courtesy Runner Rule Each team will have the option of using a courtesy runner for the catcher with 2 outs. The player used will be the last player to make an out. Courtesy runners will help speed up the game, especially with kids that need help with the equipment. Fair Play Rule Fair Play will be the rule of the game. Good sportsmanship will be exhibited at all times. The umpire will have final say in any and all field circumstances. The game umpire will enforce good sportsmanship from coaches, players and fans. The Umpire has the right to ask any person not adhering to proper conduct, as determined by the umpire, to leave the field after first warning the coach of the offending team. The umpire shall also have the right to declare a forfeit if the situation so merits. Base Coaches affiliated with the team batting must stay in their designated area while the ball is in play. Any base coach or manager who approaches the umpire prior to a time out being called can be ejected from the game. Fielding Free substitution allowed. Coaches are encouraged to rotate positions among players as much as possible. Hit by the Pitch Rule If the pitcher hits 2 batters in the same inning or 3 batters in two innings the pitcher will be removed from the game. If the player hit by the pitch needs a pinch runner the player making the last out will be used. If the player hit by the pitch is removed for a pinch runner that player may return into the lineup without penalty. Exception: If the umpire decides to let the pitcher remain in the game, he may request that the pitcher be removed at any point in the inning if he feels the hitter’s safety is in jeopardy. If the pitcher completes the inning without being removed, and he starts the next inning, he must hit two batters in the new inning before he can remove the pitcher. Infield Fly Rule The infield fly rule is in effect in the Major League. Leading Leading will not be allowed. The runner can steal as soon as the pitcher makes a “pitching move”. A pitching move is either towards home (a pitch) or towards a base as a pickoff attempt. A pitcher can attempt to pickoff a runner at any base, but the ball is deemed “live” during the pickoff attempt; therefore, the runner(s) at any base can then attempt to steal during the pickoff attempt. If a base runner attempts a steal prior to the pitcher making a “pitching move” as defined above, the umpire should call time and provide a team warning. Each team will be given two team warnings during a game for runners leaving the base prior to a pitching move. A third warning will result in the runner being called out. Should a runner leave the base early, play is deemed dead (the umpire should immediately call time) and no further activity will count until the runner returns to the base. Activity includes pitches (balls, strikes, hit by pitch), hits put into play from the pitch, or any baulk made by the pitcher due to the early running. The umpire should call time and provide the team running with a warning (or an out). To define when a runner has to be on the base, the following should be followed: After a pitch that has not been put in play : Base runners are encouraged to take a lead once the pitcher has made a baseball move toward home plate. If the runner has not attempted to steal during the pitch, then once the ball has been returned to the pitcher and the pitcher is within a few feet of the rubber with the intention of setting up for the next pitch, then all base runners can no longer advance and are required to return to their base. Managers should not be aggressive on this rule. If the pitcher has the ball on the mound and no stealing activity has been attempted, the managers should not encourage stealing activity as the pitcher has the ball and is walking toward the rubber. The umpire will send the runner back in an instance of arguing the distance a pitcher is from the rubber in preparation for the next pitch. Overthrows back to the pitcher are considered a “live ball” and runners can attempt to advance to the next base at their own risk if this occurs. After a ball has been put in play: Once a ball is put in play, it is considered a “live ball” until the umpire calls time. If there is no time called during a play and there is a runner(s) on base, then once base advancement has clearly stopped and the pitcher is within a few feet of the mound in preparation of the next pitch, then the base runner must return to their base and not lead further. Leaving the Game If a player is injured or gets sick during the course of the game the manager must decide when the player’s spot in the batter order occurs: whether the player is removed from the lineup or will stay in the line up. If the player is removed from the lineup no out will be recorded and the player can not reenter the game offensively or defensively. If the manager elects to keep the player in the game an out will be recorded if the player is unable to bat. As long as the player is not removed from the lineup they may reenter the game at any point and resume their position in the batting order. Exception 1: If a player is unable to take his spot in the order in the last inning an out will be recorded regardless of the circumstance which led the player missing his spot in the order unless the situation falls under Exception 2. Exception 2: If a player is scheduled to leave the game early (Boy Scouts, Church, etc.) and the manager notifies the opposing manager prior to the game that a player will be leaving, an out will not be recorded if the first at bat missed is in the last inning. At no time will a manager use this rule to strengthen his batting order. In the event that a game is suspended (meaning the remainder of the game is played at a later date), then a new makeup game will be rescheduled if possible. Length of Games Games will consist of 6 full innings. Any game interrupted because of foul weather, darkness, or the twohour rule will be declared an official game as long as the losing team has batted at least 4 times. Games that are suspended in the middle of an inning will revert back to the last completed inning to determine the outcome. Any runs scored during an incomplete inning will not count unless the losing team has batted less than 4 times. There will be no ties. Play will continue until a winner has been established. In the case of darkness or weather, play will resume on a date to be coordinated with the umpires and determined by the league commissioner. Minimum # of Players Rule A team must play the game with at least 8 players. If at any time the number of players falls below 8, the game will be considered a forfeit under all circumstances. The teams may elect to play an unofficial scrimmage by temporarily assigning players to the team with the shortfall, provided that each team still has 8 players. Mound Visit Rule The pitcher shall be removed upon the third visit to the mound in one inning by any of the coaching staff. Must Play Rule Free substitution is allowed at any point in the game (except pitcher, if that player has already pitched in the game). Each player must play a minimum of 3 defensive innings per game and shall not sit for two consecutive innings. Over Throw Rule Advancing on over throws that are out of play at first or third, will be limited to one additional base. For example, with runners on first and second the infielder fields the ball and over throws first base. If the ball goes out of play the batter is entitled to second base, the runner starting on first is entitled to third base and the runner starting on second will score. An overthrow that does not leave the field of play will be considered a live ball and the runners may advance at their own risk. Pitching Restrictions A player shall not pitch more than 3 consecutive innings per game, with a maximum of 9 innings per week. A pitching week begins on Saturday and ends on Friday. Each coach must keep a record of innings pitched per week in their scorebook. There are no fractional innings – one pitch will count as an inning. The league managers will vote on the pitching restrictions for the seasonending tournament. If the managers do not reach a majority the commissioner will determine the pitching restrictions. Intentional walks are not allowed. Pitching Warm‐ups There is a maximum of 8 warmup pitches per inning, even for new pitchers just entering the game. Playing Field Basepaths will be 70 feet. The pitching rubber will be 48 feet from home plate. A mound is not required. Ground rules will be determined by the Umpire and reviewed with each manager prior to the game. Field circumstances may dictate the ground rules (e.g. hole in fence). If situations occur which are not covered by the ground rules the umpire will use their judgement to make the call. Slaughter Rule There shall be an optional slaughter rule of a lead of 12 runs or more after 4 innings. The losing team has the choice to exercise the option. Slide Rule Players must slide to avoid contact. Headfirst slides are not allowed and will result in an out, except if the player is returning to a base. Defensive players must not block the base path without the ball. Please coach the kids not to obstruct runners when involved in the play. Stealing Stealing is permitted. Team Standings Win – Loss records will be kept to determine the season champion and for tournament seeding. Each win will be worth 2 points and each tie will be worth 1 point. It is the responsibility of both managers to report the outcome of their games to the league commissioner. After the regular season schedule is completed a League Champion will be determine based on the Won / Loss point system. If two teams have the same number of points a champion is determined by the following tiebreakers: ● Head to Head competition ● Head to Head run differential ● If there is still a tie then cochampions will be declared. ● Trophies will be awarded to the Regular Season Champions. Third Strike Rule Batter is out on third strike whether or not the catcher catches the ball. (batter can not run on a dropped third strike – however catchers are encouraged to make the tag) Throwing the Bat If a player throws the bat, after hitting the ball, the umpire shall warn the team of the offending player. After a team warning, each occurrence of a thrown bat will result in an out. If a player throws the bat after the team has been warned the umpire will immediately declare the batter out with no runners advancing. A batter who intentionally throws a bat or helmet (including in the dugout) shall be ejected from the game and will sit out the following game. Tournament Each team will participate in the season ending tournament. Teams will be seeded based on their regular season point totals. If there are ties in the seeding process we will use the team standing tiebreakers. However, if teams remain tied after the first two tiebreakers we will revert to a coin toss. Trophies will be awarded to the tournament finalist. Two Hour Rule All games are limited to two hours. No new inning will start after two hours from the official starting time of the game. The umpire shall declare the official starting time at the beginning of the game. This rule will not pertain to the season ending tournament. Umpiring Paid umpires will be used as much as possible. Volunteer umpires should become familiar with the Major League rules and the rules of Major League Baseball. Coaches must treat the umpires with the utmost respect at all times. Baseball requires judgement calls and mistakes will be made. There is generally only one umpire and they can’t see everything. Discuss all calls in a controlled manner and set a good example for the kids and the parents. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Protests The umpire will log the date, time, and nature of the protest in the game’s official scorebook at the time of the occurrence. All protests must then be submitted in writing to the league commissioner within 24 hours of the game’s starting time (email acceptable). There is no filing charge. Protests involving an umpire’s judgment will not be reviewed. The decision of the commissioner is final. Thunder/Lightning Policy Lightning strikes or thunder will result in a 20 minute delay of game. Teams must leave the field, benches, and bleachers for a lightning delay. Games may resume upon a consecutive period of 20 minutes without a lightning strike or thunder. The umpire reserves the right to cancel a game due to excessive delays. I f an umpire doesn’t call a 20 minute delay of game when there is a lightning strike, managers must still comply. Boys Majors Base Rule Set 1. Governing rules with these exceptions Official Baseball Rules 2. Base length 70’ 3. Pitching length 48’ 4. Game length 6 innings 5. Pitcher innings 3 innings 6. Balks After 2 warnings rd 7. Dropped 3 strike NO 8. Infield fly YES 9. Lead offs YES 10. Maximum bat size 2 ¼’’ diameter 11. Metal spikes NO 12. Slaughter rule Optional 13. Bunting YES 14. Head first slides NO 15. Runners must slide to avoid contact YES 16. Intentional Walks NO 17. Courtesy runner for the catcher after 2 outs YES 18. Umpires required YES 19. Each team (Home and Visitor) provides a game ball YES Last Edited: April 2015 | Terrance MacGregor / Chris Rodski | Visitor + Home Team Ball
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