Newsletter 15 August 2014 ‘I am the light of the world; anyone who follows me will not be walking in the dark; he will have the light of life.’ John 8.12 Lumen’s Festival Stars Year 9 Drama Scripted Theatre Culture and Colour Highlight CSPAF Lumen Christi College student’s feedback for the Catholic Students Performing Arts Festival performances so far have been a testiment to the high quality of the Arts programs at the College. Performances for the CSPAF began as far back as May when adjudicators attended the Friday performance of Guys & Dolls. They were full of praise for all performers and musicians, and in particular the lead actors. Over the last two weeks, Lumen has contributed more quality performances to the festival playbill. The Clarinet and the Saxophone Ensembles performed on Tuesday, 29 July and did very well, receiving the award of ‘Certificate of Merit’. The Liturgical Dance group performed ‘Veil Over Their Hearts’. Brooke Specialist GreenDance and Jordan GroupAnthony during rehearsals This was a dance set to a number of pieces of music including Safe and Sound by The Vitamin String Quartet and received an award of ‘Honorable Mention’ for its bold and beautiful imagery and choreography [see pg 4]. Vocal soloist, Julia Mutard gave a lovely cover of Regina Spektor’s Samson. The Year 9 Drama class were outstanding with their Scripted Theatre dealing with image and culture. The Swing Band performed on Tuesday, 5 August and received valuable feedback and the drum solos by Payton Fisher and Lleyton Franklin were very well done. Performances still to come are the guitar solos, the concert bands, flute and clarinet solos and duet, the choir and the specialist dance. Make sure you book your tickets for the specialist dance through Ticketek. Be quick as this event sells out fast! Lumen Christi College - STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE 01 From the Principal’s Desk Building Resilience in our Children In recent weeks, the media has certainly been directing a great deal of attention to issues of mental health, self-esteem and resilience in children. Within emotively headlined newspaper articles and ‘expert’ television reports, various child health experts, sociologists and even school principals have all given quite varied opinions on the importance of giving praise to students, having clear consequences for particular behaviours and the lessons that can be gained (learned) from occasionally failing and working through hardship. It is very important to have a positive mindset and to adopt a view in which one looks for the good in all things and searches for the good in all people. A focus on the positive rather than the negative is an admirable outlook. However, it is also important to be a realist. In life, difficult situations will present, negative results will occur and failure is likely to happen along the way. The ability of our children to bounce back from such situations will determine their growth as people. How children cope with such hardships will be determined by their resilience. While it is vitally important that children constantly receive affirmations for their efforts it is equally important that we do not set up systems that artificially praise all of the time; or in which competition does not occur; or in which hardship and/or failure never exists. This is not how life works! While promoting each and every child’s self-worth is an important role for parents and schools, as a society we must be careful not to go too far with the self-esteem movement where we must ‘feel good all of the time’. A major problem with an over-played self-esteem movement is that it focuses on just ‘feeling good’ rather than ‘doing good’. In doing so, it can give an undue focus on the needs of the individual to the detriment of serving others and the community. It can be a little self-centred! While I am certainly not suggesting an approach that reduces the selfesteem of our children, I am advocating a system where young people, actually all people, develop a real and genuine sense of resilience. It is impossible to always get what we want; or what we apply for; or to win all the time. One of the best ways to develop resilience is to experience both failure and success. Making mistakes or experiencing failure is a mechanism for our overall development. History, both recent and more distant, is punctuated with many important and very famous examples of discoveries and triumphs that have eventually succeeded after many failed efforts and whereby valuable lessons have been learned from mistakes along the way. Developing determination, perseverance and being optimistic are all important aspects of building resilience. Resilience in children can be enhanced by the approach adopted by the significant adults in their lives – essentially their parents, families, teachers and coaches. Parenting has always required an exceptionally strong set of skills, including that of caring, nurturing, encouraging, leading and negotiating. Parenting is also about teaching. The ability to pass on skills, knowledge and attitudes is perhaps the most important parenting skill of all. As parents we teach by modelling behaviours and attitudes, but we also have wonderful opportunities to teach children explicitly about how they cope or manage different and difficult situations that they may experience. When moments of hardship, failure or disappointment do occur (and experience would suggest that they will), we need to see them as ‘teachable moments’ – real opportunities for children to grow and learn from some of the challenges they face. Recognising and grasping these teachable moments is how parents, indeed all significant adults, can help children become resilient and bounce back from some of the setbacks they will encounter now and into the future. Children live in the ‘now moment’ and it is easy for parents to get caught up in ‘their now moments’, particularly when they are experiencing hardships, frustrations and difficulties. Our natural instinct is to step in and take away their pain and protect them! When we focus solely on making the situation better we may miss valuable opportunities to help children learn and grow. The big learning opportunities are usually hidden as problems. Most commonly they present as; change, loss, rejection, failure, disappointment and conflict. Not being picked for a team that they have tried out for, or being ignored by friends, or failing a topic test are likely scenarios for most children at some point in their life. When parents and teachers have mindsets for building resilience then they see such situations as teachable moments. While we never wish these things upon any child, they do allow us to explore lessons about the value of striving for your best, turning tough situations around and talking about personal feelings. While we can enjoy moments of triumph and rightly give out praise when they occur, it is equally important to use those moments of hardship as an opportunity to learn and grow. It is not the amount of times you stumble and fall that matters, rather it is the number of times you get back up. Parenting is certainly exciting…. and wonderful! Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival The Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival is now well and truly underway. This is a month long festival in which some 20,000 students from both Primary and Secondary Catholic Schools from across the state will compete and showcase their talents in the Arts. Of course, with such a well-earned reputation for excellence in the Arts, Lumen Christi College is heavily involved with over thirty entrants in drama, music and dance – some individual or small group ensembles, while others are major bands and dance groups. While it is difficult to see all of our students perform, I do have the pleasure of seeing many of our large group performances. Last week I was able to see our Year 9 Drama group perform, while on the same evening the College Swing Band took to the stage. Last Wednesday morning, our Liturgical Movement Group performed a very beautiful piece at the Mercy Chapel. The Adjudicators Reports for all groups reflected on their preparation, polish and quality. This week, I was able to attend the Angelico Exhibition for visual arts. Held in the City, it brought together a collection of stunning art pieces from students in Catholic schools across the state. Once again, our College had several students selected to show their work. This week end, our Junior and Senior Concert Bands will perform as part of the WA Schools Band Festival and they will perform once again as part of the Catholic Performing Arts Festival later this month. Our Specialist Dance Group is scheduled to perform in front of a full house at the Perth Convention Centre next Friday evening, 22 August. I am sure many families and friends are excited about seeing their showcase performance. All of these students have worked very hard for several months and they have certainly learned the valuable lesson that hard work and perseverance pays off. They are wonderful ambassadors for our College, have done themselves proud and should be justifiably excited at how well they have performed. I commend the many students who involve themselves so enthusiastically in the Arts. May I also acknowledge the extraordinary work of all of the Staff and Tutors in the Arts Learning Area. Such dedication to our talented students is certainly appreciated May the Light of Christ shine upon you Mr Darren O’Neill, Principal Latest information about news and events happening at the College and with our students. Lumen News Lisa Harper-Brown’s Choral Masterclass for the Lumen Christi College Choir Angelico Art Exhibiton Smarter than Smoking Video Production Angelico Art Exhibition byMr Lance Taylor statistics about smoking. The 21st Annual Angelico Art Exhibition officially opened with a formal cocktail function for invited guests. The speeches focused on celebrating the talent and efforts within our in Catholic schools. Production of the commercial began on the 25 July. The class developed a storyboard and video footage. The Editor, Producer and Director then worked together to select and edit the video. Lumen Christi College had six pieces of work included in the exhibition. The works were created by Year 10 and 11 students. Shannyn Pomersbach and Emily Richter (Yr 10) submitted crazy ceramic tattooed dragons while Antonia Alaniz, Renata Nagtegaal, Ashley Wilkins and Chelsey Primrose (Yr 11) chose impressive drawings and paintings of classical figures to be included in the exhibition. Our students artworks were well received and made a very positive impression. Congratulations to our talented Lumen artists! The Master of Class by Miss Jessica Del Borrello Professional opera singer Lisa Harper-Brown gave a fantastic Masterclass to our Lumen Choir students this week. Lisa delighted audiences with her vocals at the S’Wonderful concert in July. Our Choir had the opportunity to perform with her on stage. To our excitement Lisa returned to Lumen to impart her knowledge and skills for our students. The students were taken through an energetic warm-up that prepared their lungs to sing in four-part harmony. She demonstrated each part of a small chord progression for the students until the Choir joined together making the most harmonious sound. “As singers, our bodies are our instruments,” Lisa explained as the students stand tall and ready to rehearse their pieces for the Catholic Schools Performing Arts Festival. Smarter Than Smoking by Cheyanne Enciso During the last two weeks of Term 2, the Multimedia class in Year 10 started planning to make a Smarter Than Smoking TV Commercial. The project aims to prevent teenagers taking up smoking in Western Australia. The initiative began in 1995 and resulted in a decline in youths smoking. We started our campaign with Smarter Than Smoking branding visibale at the College Athletics Carnival. Teardrop banners were placed in prominent positions and we also had students do live commercial reads over the speakers, which included facts and Spiritual Hugs by Ms Anne Kennedy Even in this day and age many people view God as a snooping ‘Big Brother’ character, constantly watching over us, waiting to catch us out. Yes, God is watching over us, but like all parents, with eyes of love. God is the best of big brothers; always ready to help pick us up, dust us down and set us back on the right path when we’ve got lost. God’s grace can provide a spiritual hug or a shoulder to cry on, and the courage to carry on. If in doubt, check out the current Sunday Gospels. The stories provide wonderful examples of how God keeps the promise made to his people many generations ago. God promised to always love us; even when we doubt that truth. Last weekend the Gospel recounted how Peter, was able to walk on water. The story shows the disciples overcoming their fears, growing in faith and gradually recognising the power faith can bring. The message for us is as clear as it was for Peter. If we take our eyes and focus off Jesus we begin to sink. We need to recognise him as the source of our strength, our guiding light. This coming Sunday’s Gospel introduces us to the faith of a Canaanite woman, a non-Jew, whose daughter is possessed by a demon. Despite her heritage, and low status in the community, the woman has faith. Not merely in the power of Jesus to heal, but in his willingness to accept and respond to her justly. The story gives a clear indication of God’s abundant mercy and offer of salvation to all of humanity. Too good to be true? It’s well worth a punt in my book! Going Private for Peace of Mind by Kerri Pollett Lumen’s Private Bus Routes are gaining popularity as they offer a safe and affordable option for students to get to school. Currently we have two routes; Brookdale and Canning Vale. For regular users, the cheapest option is a Term Pass where you save $120 per term. For more details au/life-at-lumen/bus-services/private-bus-services Lumen Christi College - STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE 03 Liturgical Dance 2014 CATHOLIC SCHOOLS PERFORMING ARTS FESTIVAL “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures: He leads me beside still waters. He restores my soul: He leads me in the right paths for His name’s sake.” Veil Over Their Hearts In contemporary society, we often find ourselves trapped by pressures and high expectations. We need to remember that the Lord’s saving grace and His power through the Resurrection are always with us. Throughout this piece, our performers expressed the joyful sense of freedom and safety that comes through the offer of salvation. performed to a selection of music including Safe & Sound by The Vitamin String Quartet View more photos on More Lumen News Mr Rory McNally, soon to be Foundation Principal of the new Catholic Care School in Maddington Daffodil Day 22 August 2014 Beyond Blue Fundraising May the wind be ever at your back Rory Lumen Christi College’s Learning Support Coordinator has been appointed to the position of Foundation Principal of the soon to be established, Catholic Care School in Maddington. This is a wonderful appointment for our wider Catholic Education system and an exciting time for Rory as he will bring his knowledge, skills, experience and his extraordinary capacity to show genuine care for children, to this important role. Of course, Mr McNally will be sadly missed by all within our College, particularly those students, families and staff who are part of our Learning Support Program. Over the past seven years. Rory has been central in the implementation and development of many initiatives and programs that have afforded meaningful and rewarding pathways for many of our students. I certainly wish to affirm that his efforts and vision have certainly enriched our School community and acknowledge the very special legacy that he leaves. On behalf of the Lumen Christi College Community, I wish to congratulate Mr McNally on his appointment as Principal and wish him every success as he takes up this role in the coming weeks. I pray that the Light of Christi continues to provide him with direction and inspiration. Unfortunately depression doesn’t discriminate and can affect anyone at any time. Right now, 3 million Australians are living with anxiety and depression. If you are concerned about yourself or a loved one, you can read more about signs and symptoms using the links below. You can call our Support Service on 1300 22 4636 to work out the next steps with us, or call 000 in a crisis. If you’ve been meaning to ask how someone is, or talk about what you’re going through, don’t wait – start the conversation now. The next fundraising effort from the SLT will be on Friday, 22 August for Daffodil Day to raise money for Cancer research. You can help by donating some spare change, buying cakes from the stall or wear a splash of yellow for a gold coin donation. Recent Sports Results Soccer Results Lumen Junior (0) Vs Safety Bay A (3) Lumen Senior (3) Vs Servite College (5) Rugby Lumen Year 10s (0) Vs Thornlie Christian College (52) We wish him good luck and God’s blessings. State Inclusion SLT News Lucy Cuppari has been selected to represent WA in the 2014 State Touch Football team in the National Schools Championships in Morwell, VIC from 18-25 October. Lumen’s SLT work tirelessly throughout the school year to raise money and awareness for charitable causes. Our hardworking Student Leaders raised nearly $800 for Beyond Blue last month. Beyond Blue are an organisation that offer help and support for people suffering from anxiety and depression. A topic that is forefront on many peoples minds after the recent loss of comic genious Robin Williams. The Beyond Blue CEO, Georgie Harman issue this statement: Many of us are distressed at the tragic loss of Robin Williams. PHOTO S JR GUYS AND DOLLS Now Available for Purchase Online for a Limited Time Only Digital Photo Files $6ea | Expires 29 August 2014 Password MissAdeliadeSings A diverse range of activities take place at Lumen throughout the school year. This edition of the newsletter features the events coming up this month. Events in the Lumen Calendar Catholic Performing Arts Festival Calendar of Lumen Christi College Performances Lumen Events College Tour Saturday, 16 August 2014; 10.00am Parish Visits | Sacred Heart Saturday & Sunday, 16 & 17 August 2014 Sacred Heart Church, Thornlie Year 11 River Cruise Thursday, 28 August 2014 Student Free Day Friday, 29 August 2014 Head Boy & Girl 2015 Applications Open Monday, 1 September 2014 Book Week Monday-Friday, 18-22 August 2014 Year 10 OLNA Testing Monday, 1 September 2014 WA School Bands Festival - Senior Concert Band Saturday, 16 August 2014; 2.05pm, Churchlands SHS Year 12 Mass Monday, 1 September 2014 CPAF Junior & Senior Concert Band Performances Wednesday, 20 August 2014; 7.00pm Chisholm Catholic College, Bedford Year 9 Mass Tuesday, 2 September 2014 CPAF Flute & Clarinet Friday, 22 August 2014; 11.30am-12.30pm Isabella Eagles, Isabella Nguyen - Solo Performances Isabella Eagles & Linda Solomon - Flute Duet CPAF Specialist Dance Friday, 22 August 2014; 7.00pm Perth Convention & Exhibition Centre (Tickets through Ticketek) CPAF Piano Solos Monday, 25 August 2014; 11.05am | Zenith Music, Claremont Isabella Nguyen & Isabella Eagles Wednesday, 27 August 2014; 11.00am | Zenith Music, Claremont Angelique Ogden Friday, 29 August 2014; 11.35am | Zenith Music, Claremont Sophie Nagtegaal CPAF Choir Performance Wednesday, 27 August 2014; 7.00pm Trinity College Whole School Assembly Wednesday, 27 August 2014; 8.55am LCC Sports Centre Principal’s Cup Basketball/Netball Monday, 1 September 2014 Year 9 Mass Thursday, 4 September 2014 Community Mass Thursday, 4 September 2014; 8.10am Fathers’ Day Service & Breakfast Friday, 5 September 2014; 8.00am Reminders College Fees All College family fees are due and payable by Sunday, 30 November 2014, unless an approved payment arrangement is in place. Please contact the Finance Department to arrange payment of your fees. Please refer to the 2014 College Fees and Charges schedule for further information. Student Pick Up/Drop Off Please do not use the Administration Entrance (Station St) to drop off or pick your children up from the College. Please use the Senior Centre Entrance on Mills Road West. Lumen Christi College - STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE 06 Lumen Community COMMUNITY NOTICES: Space permitting Lumen Christi is happy to support local initiatives by publicising community news items in this newsletter. We are unable to provide endorsement for any such items or programs. Community Notices & Events Central Institute of Technology - Health Campus Open Night Health Career Info - Specifically for Secondary Students Wednesday, 24 September 2014; 5.00-7.00pm Central Institute of Technology, 397 Lord St, Mt Lawley Enquiries Maddington Little Athletics Club Training Starts Thursday, 18 September at Harmony Fields, Alcock St, Maddington Training Days Tuesday and Thursday; 4.30-6.00pm Competition Commences Saturday, 11 October at Langford Sporting Complex. Roman & French Online Boutique for First Holy Communion and Confirmations Lumen Christi PnF Association Community Bingo [7.00pm (eyes down at 7.30pm)] Arts - Friday, 15 August 2014 Matrix Mission & SEEDS - Friday, 19 September 2014 Switch Your Thinking - Volunteers Required Residents in City of Armadale, Gosnells, & Shire of Jarrahdale To be eligible you need to have lived in your house since Jan 2014 and be eligible for a Health Care Card (under $51Kpa) Registered participants will receive on SMS message a week with an energy saving tip, a $25 Woolworths voucher on registration and a total of $150 of vouchers during the trial. Details Email or 9397 3207 City of Gosnells - Safe City Awards Do you know someone who makes your community a safer place Applications open for the Community Initiative, Constable Peter Ball Memorial and the Community Kids Awards. For more details or to enter online PnF Meetings Come along to the next PnF Meeting. We welcome all Parents of students at Lumen Christi College to join us in the Staff Room on Tuesday 9 September at 6.30pm Keep in touch with Lumen Christi on social media LumenChristiC 07 Lumen Christi College - STRIVING FOR EXCELLENCE
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