What has Year 2 been up to? Newsletter Issue 32 - 18 October 2012 When Alexis showed Year 2 Green her finger knitting recently, it created such an interest that she became the “teacher” and taught everyone (including Mrs Jirasek!) how to do it. As children picked up the skill of manipulating the wool to make the chain, they in turn taught those who needed more time. Alexis (left) finger knitter extraordinaire Persistence paid off! - with talented pupils During this process, the children put into practice so much of what they had been learning at school in the preceding weeks. In Religion children had studied right and wrong behaviours and this was a wonderful example of co-operating with, helping, listening to and accepting each other. They had learnt about persistence, organization, confidence and getting along in the “You Can Do It” programme and the photos show them demonstrating all of this. Some found that they needed a lot of persistence! They used their Maths knowledge to measure, in centimetres and metres, the length of their knitting and were very excited when they had made 1metre or more. What’s on next Week Saturday 7am Parish Working Bee (Parish land) Star of the Sea Ball Monday Pupil Free Day (Consistency of Teacher Judgement (CTJ) Day for teachers) Tuesday Year 5 Camp (Chaverim) Year 2 Excursion to Hervey Bay Museum Wednesday Year 5 Camp Thursday Year 5 Camp It was a delight seeing them all so busily and happily engaged learning this new skill. Friday Year 5 Camp Sunday 28th Parish Picnic Principal’s Corner Pupil Free Day-Monday, 22 October (Consistency Altar Servers for this Weekend: 20/21 October of Teacher Judgement (CTJ) Day for teachers) 6pm John Algarra, Declan Fowler, Sarah Murphy, Hannah Gamble 7am Coen Willrath, Sophie & Lochie Armstrong 9am Lauren & Jarrod Sankey, Connor & Flynn Whelan & Brittany-Rose Plant Support our Sponsors HOW YOU CAN DONATE OR FUNDRAISE for a special someone like Jon-Jon Watch our ‘Restore Hope to a Special Someone’ DVD on YouTube and share it with your family and friends! www.catholicmission.org.au/ aspecialsomeoneDVD Set up an online fundraising activity and get your family and friends to sponsor you! Go to www.catholicmission.org.au/fundraiseforus and click on ‘schools’. Collect cash donations from your family and friends and hand them into your teacher. Get your family and friends to donate to the ‘Restore Hope to a Special Someone’ campaign online: www.catholicmission.org.au/ aspecialsomeone THEY NEED YOU NOW! STAR OF THE SEAS SOCKTOBER FESTIVAL DAY - 31 OCOTBER Parish News St Joseph's Church, Pialba, Mass Times The Sacrament of Penance St Patrick's Church, Howard Mass Times The Sacrament of Penance Liturgy of the Word with Communion 8am Monday - Friday, 6pm Saturday, 7am & 9am Sunday 10 - 11am Saturday (or by appointment) 2nd, 4th & 5th Sundays each month at 5pm 2nd & 4th Sundays each month 1st and 3rd Sundays each month at 5pm St Peter the Fisherman Burrum Heads Mass Times 1st & 3rd Sundays each month at 5pm Sacrament of Penance 1st, 3rd and 5th Sundays of the month 4.30 - 4.45pm Liturgy of the Word with Communion 2nd & 4th Sunday each month 9am Recorded Mass Times (07) 4128 1358 herveybay@bne.catholic.net.au PARISH PICNIC DAY There will be NO 9.00am Mass on Sunday October 28. Instead we will celebrate the Mass at our Parish Picnic at 9.00am. ALL ARE WELCOME. Please BYO chairs and picnic lunch. Soft drinks will be provided. Fr Joe From the A.P.R.E. CATHOLIC MISSION: October is Mission month which is an opportunity for all of us to stop and think of how we can contribute to making the lives of others a little better. Each year Catholic Mission internationally reaches out to give life and hope to millions of people in 1100 dioceses spanning 125 countries, and offering mission formation opportunities in 160 countries. This is possible because of passionate, caring people like you. Catholic Mission raises funds for the largest humanitarian organisation (the Catholic Church) in the world, and is the only Catholic organisation with works dedicated to children. Catholic Mission partners with local Catholic dioceses and parishes. Works are carried out by lay and religious people, including priests, brothers and sisters/nuns, who are usually in their home country or community. In 2010, all Catholic Mission agencies worldwide assisted 2.5 million children and helped train 77,000 seminarians. Australian supporters alone directly assisted missionary works in assisted 131 dioceses in 37 countries, specifically: 507,414 children in their spiritual and practical needs 9,203 catechists and 3,983 seminarians in training The building, upkeep and maintenance of more than 79 churches, presbyteries, pastoral centres and 15 convents Subsidies for 17 Catholic radio and TV broadcasters Mission formation opportunities for more than 600,000 Australians We are currently planning our fundraising activities for Catholic Mission. We will be holding a special day of activities which will be organised by the Year 5, 6 and 7 students. We are calling this special day the “Star of the Sea Socktober Festival”. Students will be asked to bring a gold coin to be a part of the festival as our method of fundraising. We are also inviting all students to wear “crazy socks” for the day for which they will pay another gold coin. Thank you for your support of this very important event. STAR OF THE SEA FAMILY MASS: I would like to invite all families to join with us to celebrate the Eucharist here at school on Sunday 18 November. We are hosting this special mass in our school hall on Sunday afternoon at 4:00pm where Fr Joseph will be our celebrant. This will be a wonderful opportunity for our school community to come together to thank God for all that we have and ask his blessing on our school community. Please add this date to your calendar, more information in the weeks to come. Till next time. May God hold you in the palm of His hand. Teresa (APRE) Support our Sponsors From the School Pastoral Worker My Child Has Special Needs – Now What? A workshop for mothers/carers who have a child with special needs. The sessions will be run one day per week over 3 weeks and will focus on enhancing individual strengths to maximise each child’s potential. Wednesdays 14th, 21st, and 28th November from 10:00am to 12noon. Ph 4125 5788. Anger Management – Everyone gets angry, but how many people know how to use their anger beneficially? This workshop will be run one day a week for 4 weeks. Tuesdays 30th October – 20th November from 10:00am to 12:30pm. Ph 4125 5788. There is a new federally-funded website offering tools and tips to people who are battling anxiety and depression. The interactive self-help website – mycompass.org.au – was launched by the Black Dog Institute and the federal government last term. This website is designed to help people suffering mild to moderate anxiety, stress or depression who may not otherwise seek help because of a lack of time, lack of access to face-to-face services, or a fear of stigma. Mary Care – Hervey Bay (St Joseph’s Church) Mary Care is a voluntary group providing handyperson jobs, home help, transportation and visitation services on a short term basis. For more information, please phone Irene Chambers on 4124 7412. Family Connect – offers free information and support for families with children aged 0-12 years. Phone 4194 3050 Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm. The following two websites contain some helpful information on parenting: raisingchildren.net.au http://www.kidscount.com.au/english/default.asp Enjoy the weekend with your loved ones, God Bless! Ms Jenny Care and Concern Our next monthly cuppa will be held on Friday 2nd November 2012 directly after assembly in the undercover area. All are very welcome. Please bring a small plate of food to share. Hope to see you there! If you know of a family that may require assistance, please contact me to discuss how we may be able to help. Enjoy the weekend with your family, God Bless! Ms Jenny - School Pastoral Worker/C&C Coordinator Support our Sponsors Sports News BALL GAMES Once again another fantastic day of fun at Star of the Sea School. Thank you so much to all the teachers and school officers for running your class activity so well. The biggest praise should go to all students who participated in our Ball Games and Novelty Relays. Your sportsmanship and efforts to do your best were outstanding. Congratulations. The overall winning house was UNGOWA (house captains were Alexia Johansen & Hayley Boonstra) The House Spirit Trophy went to ELI (house captains were Ella Nicholson & Josh Chilcott) Listed below are all the House Captains who were selected to represent their House for the 2012 Ball Games & Novelty Relays Carnival. Congratulations – you did a fantastic job, especially the grade 7 students and house captains from WORALIE who came early in the morning to help set up for the carnival. WORALIE – Luke Jacob & Megan Green AWINYA – Piper Johnson & Elizabeth Lambert ELI – Ella Nicholson & Josh Chilcott UNGOWA – Alexia Johansen & Hayley Boonstra GRADES 3 – 7 SWIMMING LESSONS All students from grades 3 to 7 should have received a swimming information note regarding school swimming lessons to commence next week. Please refer to the swimming timetable below. Swimming is an important part of our Physical Education program. With this in mind, could you please provide your child’s class teacher with a dated and signed note if your child will not be swimming on their designated day? If possible please include a reason for non-participation. SWIM TIMES Wednesday Thursday 9.15 – 10 7 3 10 – 10.45 4 5 10.45 – 11.30 6 If you did not receive a swimming note there are spares at the office. Yours in Sports Billie Willis (P.E. Teacher grades 3 – 7) This School needs YOU!!! Do you, as a parent, grandparent or neighbour, have 1 hour to spare on a Wednesday morning? Weekly, fortnightly? We are in need of School Banking Co-ordinators for the Student Banking Program. No experience is necessary. The children bring their deposit books and money to the office, the co-ordinators collect them, stamp their deposit and count the money which is then taken to the bank. You will have full support of the other banking co-ordinators at the school. Our School Banking Program, with its Rewards Program designed to teach kids about money, helps them develop good saving habits and gives them the confidence and independence to make sound financial decisions. With hands-on learning experience, we can help children grow into financially aware adults. PLEASE HELP THE CHILDREN! YOUR TIME AND EFFORT WITH THIS PROGRAM WOULD BE HIGHLY VALUED. Support our Sponsors ELDERS SWIM CENTRE has SWIM WEAR AVAILABLE including Chlorine resistant SHIRTS and BATHERS. 44 Islander Rd. Pialba, ph. 4128 4888 FAMILY PORTRAITS The family portraits will take place this Saturday between 9am and 1pm. The photographs will be taken in the Mary MacKillop room at the back left hand side of the hall. The sitting times are: 9.00 Kristy Palmer 9.10 Fran & Mark c/o Kristy Palmer 9.25 Jennifer Batsikas 9.35 Kerrianne Farrelly 9.50 Sue Greener 10.00 Amber Cashman 10.10 Amanda Sarchet 10.25 Julie Gibbs 10.35 Michelle White 10.50 Claire Hollis 11.00 Yasmin Caelli 11.10 Katherine Stead 11.25 Billie Cluck 11.35 Melissa Witt 11.50 Donna Jenkins 12.10 Coren Mills 12.25 Gerri Glass 12.35 Helen Harding If you have any queries please call Donna Jenkins on 0419 787 904. Academic Achievement Awards P Gold Kobi Muras P Green Bonnie Lamont 1 Gold Harin Ravindran 1 Green Maxwell Redding 2 Gold Danika Rogers 2 Green Lilly Thompson 3 Gold Cade O’Rourke 3 Green Cheyne D’Arcy-Koppen 4 Gold Finn Mills 4 Green Sarah Murphy 5 Gold Jackson Landon 5 Green Will Clayton 6 Gold April Davies 6 Green Cody Marsden 7 Gold Elizabeth Lambert 7 Green Kane Forster Fantastic Work!!!! Keep Up the Great Work!! The awards will be handed out to the students during Monday’s assembly. Uniform Shop Please collect second-hand sales money: M. Alexander, Birmingham, G. Cullen, L. Glover, L. Jones, T. Lindsay & J. Lunn Thanks, Marie—Phone 4125 4508 Support our Sponsors Curriculum Matters Next Monday is a pupil free day for our students and all Star of the Sea teachers will be meeting with teachers from Xavier College, St Mary’s Primary (Maryborough) and St Joseph’s Primary (Childers) for our Consistency of Teacher Judgement Day (CTJ). At this meeting we will be discussing student work samples in the areas of Maths, English, Science and History in year level groups, curriculum planning and pedagogy. These meetings assist us with our professional development and maintaining consistent programs and assessment in line with the Australian Curriculum across schools. Until next week, Steph Smith (Assistant Principal/Curriculum Support) Date Claimers 20 Oct – SOS/Xavier Ball @ SOS 22 Oct – Consistency of Teacher Judgement (CTJ)- Pupil Free Day 23-26 Oct – Year 5 Camp 23 Oct- Year 2 Museum excursion 26 Oct- World Teachers Day 2 Nov- Year 4 Sleepover 1 Nov- Prep 2013- Orientation Day 6 Nov- Melbourne Cup Day & Year 7 Retreat Day- Michael Fitzpatrick 14 Nov- Healing Mass- Year 6 15 Nov- Swimming Carnival 18 Nov- SOS- Youth ministered mass- 4:00pm- SOS hall 27 Nov- Year 6 Nursing Home visit 27 Nov- Volunteers morning tea 4 Dec- Year 2 Nursing Home visit 5 Dec- Year 7 farewell and celebration night 7 Dec-Last day of term- 10:00am- final mass- SOS hall LOST!! A soft toy identical to this disappeared from a child’s bag on Friday afternoon after school while she was changing in the junior toilets for dance class. As it has significant sentimental family value, it would be appreciated if all parents would check their child’s bag and bedroom and, if found, return it to Mr Welch in 4 Green. Happy Birthday Mason Glover, Isabel Pedley, Jarlo Dart, Patrick Gray, Piper Rauschenbach, Georja Brown, Brayden Hutchinson, Tamara Anderson Support our Sponsors
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