This Week:

Sunday, February 23rd, 2014
This Week:
Catholic Center Leadership
Applications Due
Together in Mission Sunday
 Masses, 10:30am, 7pm &
 Sacristan/EM/Lector
Training, 11:30am
 Music Ministry Pancake
Breakfast Fundraiser,
 Greek Night, 7pm Mass
Fri. 2/28
Daily Mass, 5:30pm
Intelligent Catholicism:
Silence in the Age of Social
Media, 7pm
Lunch w/Campus Ministers
@ Campus Center, 1pm
Daily Mass, 5:30pm
Homeless Ministry, 6pm
Daily Mass, 5:30pm
Adoration and Confession, 6pm
Community Dinner &
Leadership Elections/
Appointments, 7pm
ESL Classes @ CARECEN,
Daily Mass, 5:30pm
844 W. 32nd Street, Los Angeles, CA 90007
Phone: 213.516.3959
Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time
ASB Spaghetti Dinner & Live Auction
Come support our Alternative Spring
Break trip to Puerto Rico! On Sun.
March 2nd at 8pm come to Newman
Hall and purchase a spaghetti dinner for
$5! You can purchase advance tickets at
the Catholic Center before the event. At
the dinner we will also have a live
auction! For more information contact
Mayra at
Greek Night On Sun. 2/23 come
dressed in your Greek letters for
the 7pm mass! You will receive a
blessing and a small gift. After the
7pm mass we’ll have a light
reception of Greek appetizers. For
more information contact Mikayla
Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser
for Music Ministry Come on Sun., Feb. 23rd after the 10:30am for a
Pancake Breakfast Fundraiser! All proceeds will go towards music
ministry at the Catholic Center. Tickets will be sold at all masses this
weekend for $5. For more information on this fundraiser contact
Intelligent Catholicism: Silence in the Age of Social Media Is it
true that modern electronic communication technology has increased
our connectedness but has it deepened our relationships? How should
a Christian evaluate this pervasive phenomenon? Join Fr. Heft as he
explores these questions on Monday February 4th at 7pm at the
Catholic Center.
Leadership at the Catholic Center Want to become a leader at the
Catholic Center? We will have our elections on Thurs. February 27th
at 7pm at our community dinner! If you are interested in a position
please look at the applications for leadership roles on this
website: If you have questions please contact or Leadership
Applications are due on Sun. 2/23.
Liturgical Ministers Desire to be a Eucharistic
Minister? Lector? Altar Server? Sacristan? Contact Erica
Christianson for more information at
Together in Mission One way we can love our neighbors is through
our support of Together in mission. This year’s annual appeal will
provide essential financial support for 37 parishes and 56 schools in
our archdiocese. At all masses next weekend we will be asking for
contributions for this cause. If you have any questions about this
program contact Vilma at God bless you
for your generous gifts to those in need.
Lunch w/Campus Ministers @ Literatea 1pm every Tuesday! Kick
back with the campus ministers as we eat and just hang out!
Busy Trojans' Retreat a challenge to strengthen your spiritual life
This retreat is a directed retreat tailored to fit your schedule! The Busy
Trojans’ Retreat will begin on Sun. March 9th at the 7pm
mass. Following a blessing at the mass there will be a short
introduction session, snacks included, in Newman Hall to kick off the
retreat. You will meet your spiritual director and confirm meetings at
this session on Sun., March 9th. Each week during Lent you will then
meet with a spiritual director for 30-60 minutes one time a week at a
time that is convenient for you! We also ask that you devote 30
minutes or more in personal prayer each day and if your schedule
permits, mass or communion services on Monday - Friday at 5:30pm at
the USC Caruso Catholic Center. Please pick up a flyer at the USC
Caruso Catholic Center or sign up online ( by
Thursday, March 6th. Please be advised that spots for this retreat are
limited. There is no fee for this retreat. For more information on this
retreat please contact Rosie Murphy at
Relay for Life The Catholic Center is looking for a team captain to
recruit members for a Catholic Center Relay for Life team. For more
information contact Mimi at
Interfaith Block Party The Interfaith Council and the Office of
Religious Life invites YOU to join in this celebration of religious
diversity on USC's campus! The event will be taking place on Sunday,
March 2nd, 2014 from 2pm-5pm at the USC Caruso Catholic Center (at
Hoover & 32nd). Experience fun activities presented by the religious
organizations, which are engaging and representative of their faiths.
Enjoy live music, showcasing the different traditions. Connect with
interfaith, multi-faith, or non-denominational friends!
Devotions at the Catholic Center Join us every Thursday at 6pm for
Adoration and Confessions! We also have a Daily Rosary at 5pm
Monday through Thursday. You can also receive the Sacrament of
Reconciliation on Mondays at 4:30pm or you can schedule an
appointment for confession with Fr. Lawerance or any of the priests
as desired. Pray on!
Recipient of the Tommy Award for 2010 Student Organization of the Year
Sunday Mass 10:30 AM, 7:00 PM, 10:00 PM
Daily Mass Mon-Fri 5:30 PM Adoration Thursday 6:00PM
Confession Monday 4:30PM & Thursday 6:00PM Rosary, Monday-Thursday 5PM
Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 10am-9pm, Fri 10am-6pm
A place of service, spirit, and intellect.
Coming Up:
World Day of Prayer
Masses, 10:30am, 7pm & 10pm
Sacristan/EM/Lector Training,
 Grad Student & YP Brunch
after the 10:30am Mass
 Interfaith Block Party, 2pm
 ASB Fundraiser Spaghetti
Dinner & Live Auction, 8pm
Sun. 3/2
Mon. 3/3
Tues. 3/4
Intelligent Catholicism:
Pornography, the Elephant in the
Room, 7pm
Fat Tuesday
Grad & YP: Mardi Gras Party
Ash Wednesday
 Ash Wednesday Services:
12pm, 5:30pm, 7pm
Fri. 3/7
Fish Fry, info TBA
Last week’s collection: $663
Thank you for your generous response to God’s call to
stewardship. Fight on!
Weekly Quote "A tree is known by its fruit; a man by
his deeds. A good deed is never lost; he who sows
courtesy reaps friendship, and he who plants kindness
gathers love” - St. Basil
Rev. Lawrence Seyer, Pastor
Rev. Edward Benioff
Anthony Heim, Campus Minister
Rosie Chinea Shawver, Campus Minister
Deacon Paul Pesqueira
Joe Bazyouros, Director of Music