Prayer For World Mission Father, you will your Church to be the sacrament of salvation for all peoples. Make us feel more urgently the call to work for the salvation of all, until you have made us all one people. Inspire the hearts of all your people to continue the saving work of Christ everywhere until the end of the world. Amen Tuesday, 21st October 2014 Term Four, Week 3 ‘29th Sunday in Ordinary Time’ ‘Readings for the week: Is 45:1, 4-6 Thess 1: 1-5 Mt 22: 15-21 (The Question about Paying Taxes) DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Friday 24th October Transition for Group 1 of our 2015 Kindergarten Students 9.30am -12pm in 501 Thursday 30th October Principal visit to Ballarat The Year Five excursion this year to Ballarat was nothing short of sheer brilliance! Congratulations to our staff who organised the camp and made all things possible. The students were fine ambassadors who really represented our school in all aspects. Parents should be very proud of them as it was a pleasure to observe them, support, care and look out for each other throughout the camp. The highlight of the camp in listening to our students was the sound and light show entitled Blood on the Southern Cross. It is truly an explosive show like nothing else. It depicts the story of the Eureka Rebellion and the dramatic battle between the gold miners and the Government forces at Ballarat. All this was shown in an open air set where the voices and light effects stunned us all! To help join the dots the students on the second day independently enjoyed the marvellous museum of Sovereign Hill. This place brilliantly recreates Ballarat as seen in the first ten years of establishment since the discovery of gold in 1851. Our students saw firsthand and actively participated in gold panning, saw how a musket fires, watched a candle stick maker in action, went back to school and dipped pens in ink whilst writing letters on paper, discovered how boiled lollies were made, watched a blacksmith pour gold and some of our students got the opportunity to hold the gold bar worth a cool $130,000 dollars! Now that is the spirit of valuing gold! As the students walked down the streets, they frequently engaged with people in traditional costume and even went for a ride in an old stage coach. How fortunate that we were able to be there as this year marks 160 years since the extraordinary events at Eureka etched a unique place in our nation’s history. On behalf of everyone involved in planning behind the scenes, the teachers and staff and Mrs Woodhouse for keeping all our families updated on Facebook, a huge thank you! 1 Crazy Socks Day! Wear your crazy socks to school and bring a gold coin donation for Socktober Friday 31st October Feast of All Saints Day 9.30am in Sacred Heart Church Catholic Primary Schools Basketball Challenge Last weekend under the guidance of St Patrick’s school teacher Kellie Kelly, students and families from St Patrick’s Primary School Griffith travelled to participate in the Annual Catholic Primary Schools Basketball Challenge in Wollongong and Kiama. With support from our brilliant coaches our boys and girls played some fantastic and gutsy basketball against competitive teams ranging from Mosman to Queanbeyan! Outside the basketball arena our students also engaged in a celebration Mass. Isaac Testoni and Sam Kelly proudly represented our school by carrying a candle, symbolising the spirit of the games. Thank you boys! There are so many people to acknowledge, without the fear of leaving someone out, I wish to express my heartfelt thanks to all our coaches, parents and supporters who travelled to Wollongong. From all the photos I have received it looks like our boys and girls had the best time ever in a sporting carnival. Thank You! Enrolments Now Open Years 1-6 We are now accepting enrolments from Year One through to Year Six. Parents, if you know of families who are moving to Griffith or who are considering an enrolment in a Catholic school, please direct them to the school office on 6964 2888 for an information package. Our school website and Facebook page are an excellent referral in order to gain an understanding of our Catholicity, education and sporting achievements, resources, facilities and grounds. Please do not leave to the last minute and be disappointed- as there are now only limited spaces in certain year levels. Make an enquiry today! School Fees Overdue Parents, a gentle reminder that there are some school fees that are well overdue. This week parents will receive emails and phone calls due to overdue fees. I was surprised by the number of parents who had simply forgotten their payment of school fees. I understand that it can be embarrassing to receive such a phone call, so I ask all families to check their school fees and their bank accounts to ensure that outstanding fees are paid by the end of this month. As a business, we have a reputation to uphold in the community as we meet our commitments to the payment of goods received, electricity bills, water rates and other maintenance bills. Thank you for your cooperation and support. Have a great week and thanks for reading. David Adams-Jones, Principal Merit Awards at Assembly Kindergarten Year One Year Two Year Three Key Punch-Jackson Michael Wilson Marcus Virago Tahli Connor Samran Sidhu Natasha Stradiotto Amelia Clarke Keira Andreatta Tucker Collins Harry Morshead Ayushi Ghosh Nicholas Salvestro Chloe Zamin Milly McGregor Sienna Sergi Samuel Scott Noah Puntoriero Shyanne Hodges Taleea Hodges Olivia O’Connor Mischa Northeast Luca Belardo Oliver Crockett Jordan Bonaccorsi Koby Clark Lochlan Painting Beth Huxley Pepper Malijan Charlie O’Sullivan Hardi Patel Zaviea Connor Role Potgieter Kayla Curran Year Four Year Five Year Six Max Vardanega Sebastian Piccinin Isaac Railo Mia Terblauche Hayden Volk Joe Sergi Lexi Salvestro Arabella Dorata Alyssa Quinn Ane Miller Frank Pirrottina Nicholas Zanatta Ned Stewart Aribo Kaibwa Nikita Piromalli Christopher D’Aquino Dharmik Mongrolia Isaac Testoni Nathan Bruss Ella Yardley Molly Balind Joanne Sebastian 2 MJR AWARDS – Ella Yardley for making Jesus Real by offering to help a student lock up their bike when they were having trouble with the lock.. CONGRATULATIONS to YOU! From our Assistant Principal Professional Learning: QELI I will be away in Sydney from Monday 19th October to Tuesday 20th October attending a Professional Learning Opportunity. I will be attending the final phase Emerging Principal’s Program™ (EPP). I have been identified as one of those with high potential for Principalship, which is a great honour as well as a responsibility. The EPP aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to effectively lead and participate in key changes across their schools. The program will help me to step up to the challenges involved in leading whole school improvement—through a focus on strengthening my capabilities in the areas identified as critical in making a difference to the outcomes of students in our own school now and in the future. The program is aligned with the professional practices outlined in the Australian Professional Standard for Principals (Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership) including: Leading teaching and learning. Developing self and others. Leading improvement, innovation and change. Leading the management of the school. Engaging and working with the community. I have been working on a personal project with our Year 6 students and teachers focused on Student Feedback – Helping us all learn. In an Educational Inititiative, students gave feedback to their teachers to help the teachers identify and understand student learning and thus help to direct their teaching. Students answered the followng questions: 1. What did I (the teacher) do that helped your learning today in Literacy / what occurred that helped your learning? 2. What are you not sure about? 3. What would help? The project was a great success and I am currently examining ways of continuing this project to other grades and Curriculum Areas in the school. Updated School Calendar Parents please note that we have an updated version of the school calendar on our website for your reference. You can find it at: Virtue of Courage Without courage, people would only do what is easy. No one would try new things. Everyone would do what everyone else is doing, to avoid standing out – even if they knew it was wrong. Fear would always be in charge. Fortunately, at St. Patrick’s we are teaching that with courage, you can face any situation. Courage helps you to do great things. At St. Patrick’s we recognize that courage helps you to do the right thing. When you feel afraid, name the fear and then let it go. Then do what you really want to do. Admit mistakes and learn from them. Keep trying. Stand up for what you know is right even if all your friends are doing something wrong. Ask for help when you need it. Let courage fill your heart. 2015 Kindergarten Orientation This term we will be welcoming our 2015 Kindergarten students as they continue their transition to Primary School. This Transition Program is aimed at having fun, with hands on activities promoting a learning and stimulating environment, giving our 2015 Kindergarten students an opportunity to interact with one another under the careful supervision and leadership of one of our Kindergarten Teachers and a Teacher’s Aide. Our current Kindergarten students will continue their learning program as per their normal routine with one of our regular casual teachers leading the learning. This year, there will be three groupings for Orientation Days with each group completing 2 sessions. Below are the dates for the th children. A reminder that the program commences this Friday 24 October 3 Group # Group #1 Dates th Day 1 - Friday 24 October st Day 2 - Friday 31 October Group #2 Day 1 - Friday 7 November th Day 2 - Friday 14 November Group #3 Day 1 – Friday 21 November th Day 2 – Friday 28 November th st Times 9.30am -12pm in room 501 9.30am-12pm in room 501 (information session for Parents from 11am -12pm in Fr. O’Dea Hall) 9.30am -12pm in room 505 9.30am-12pm in room 505 (information session for Parents from 11am -12pm in Fr. O’Dea Hall) 9.30am -12pm in room 502 9.30am-12pm in room 502 (information session for Parents from 11am -12pm in Fr. O’Dea Hall) Teacher supervising Mrs Louise Hill Mrs Louise Hill Mrs Sarah McNicol Mrs Sarah McNicol Miss Kayla Page Miss Kayla Page th Last Thursday 17 we warmly welcomed the Four Year Old Preschoolers from Kindy Lane who had a meet n’greet and look at our facilities and our friendly faces. I wish to thanks Mrs Alissa Woodhouse and Mrs Daniela Armanini for their organisation and leading of the tours of “Big School” and for their organisation of Morning Tea for the parents. Whilst I was engaging with the parents, I was able to share with them the fantastic opportunities that we have here at school. Stimulating lessons, teachers weaving in amongst the students, open plan learning, ukulele lessons and Melissa Brown leading Year 3 Students in preparation for the dance concert to name but a few. We have plans to continue to invite the wider community into our school to showcase our work here and spread the very positive messages about St. Patrick’s Education. A reminder that on our school website under the Enrolments Tab is a link to the KidsMatter site which has a wealth of tips and information on starting school. I have been featuring these tips regularly throughout the year and will be sharing more as the year continues and our Transition program continues. 2014 Concerts The students and staff are excitedly preparing for the 2014 Concerts. They are a magnificent opportunity to showcase the student learning and achievements in the Key Learning Curriculum Areas of English and Creative Arts. Please put the following dates into your diary: Kindergarten, Year One, Year Two Christmas Concert: th Friday 12 December starting at 10 am in the Fr. O’Dea Hall followed by picnic lunch in the school grounds. Entry by gold coin donation. Years Three to Six Concert: th Monday 10 November – Full rehearsal in Fr O’Dea Hall – all day. th Tuesday 11 November – Full dress rehearsal at Griffith Regional Theatre – all day. th Wednesday 12 November – 11am Matinee performance and 7pm performance. K-2 St. Patrick’s students attending Matinee (no cost to students) Tickets available for purchase for Matinee and Evening performance th Thursday 13 November – 7pm performance. Tickets available for purchase Tickets available for $15 for parents, friends, family via the Griffith Regional Theatre website or Box Office from 9am on Monday th October 27 . Parental engagement More than ever parents are turning to schools for advice, information and direction about how to raise their kids. Yet their issues are increasingly complex, demanding specific advice. At St. Patrick’s we seek to provide assistance often and share our experiences and information to help you. Attached to this newsletter is an article by Michael Grose featuring ideas for every parent to build better relationships with their children. At St. Patrick’s we believe that building relationships with children is every parent’s dream. This article we have shared with you has some simple, timely tips based around one-on-one time for all parents. Maintain & share your awesomeness, Alan Wedesweiler, Assistant Principal 4 Congratulations Congratulations to Carly Amery on the birth of her beautiful baby boy, Hudson William Amery who was born on 15th of October. We are pleased to say Mum & Bub are doing very well and we are looking forward to seeing them very soon. From our Religious Education Coordinator As we move through the month of October please remember the power of prayer through saying the Rosary. It is a valuable time to remember those less fortunate than us. Start thinking what crazy socks you can wear on Thursday, th st 30 October. We will be having an All Saints Day Mass on Friday, 31 October, if you wish to join us. Kindergarten will be organising the Mass. Take care, Maryanne Dodd Pastoral Care Corner: Seasons for Growth Dear Members of our School Community, Just a reminder that due to unforeseen circumstances Mrs Vickie Wigg will be away for a few weeks. As a result of that we are putting Seasons for Growth on hold & we will th resume next week on Wednesday 29 of October. Thank you for your understanding. We pray for all families that are grieving the loss of a loved one/ones. Cath Catanzariti, Pastoral Care Coordinator Please Pray for We pray for all the members in our school community who are sick and for all families who have lost loved ones. If you have any special intentions for prayers that you would like us to include in this section, please email Alissa in the office on From our Parish Dear Lord, We entrust to your love, care & healing all families who are experiencing grief as a result of the loss of loved ones. May your healing spirit also restore to good health all who are ill and others that may be enduring difficult times in their lives. In Jesus’ name, AMEN. Dear Friends, I am currently on a pilgrimage in an amazing place called Medjugorje. On 24th June 1981, in this parish in Bosnia- Herzegovina, the Blessed Virgin Mary appeared to 6 young people. On the second day, Our Lady spoke and ever since (with few exceptions early on), she has been appearing daily to them all, then later three of the children and annually to the other three. The apparitions have taken place at various sites, some outside of Bosnia Herzegovina. Secrets pertaining to the future have been given to each and there have been countless messages. Our Lady identified herself in Medjugorje as the Blessed Virgin, Queen of Peace.Her central message is peace – peace with God and man. She told the young people, "I have come to tell the world that God exists. He is the fullness of life and to enjoy this fullness and obtain peace, you must return to God". In bringing the world back to Her Son, Mary has been sent by the Father to make Medjugorje a model parish. During the apparitions, the visionaries don't react to light, they don't hear any earthly sound, they don't react to being touched. They have been subjected to many scientific tests, even during the apparitions and the findings are well documented. While with Our Lady, they feel they are outside of time and space. Our Lady is especially requesting us to pray the Holy Rosary. This month of October is dedicated to the Rosary and so on Saturday we will have a special day commencing at 4pm at our Parish Grotto which will conclude with a giant Rosary of helium balloons being released into the skies of Griffith. It will be a wonderful spectacle, be sure not to miss out. I hope to see you this Saturday. God Bless, Fr Grace, Parish Priest 5 Extend Our Weekly Recap Highlight of our week this week was definitely making table top soccer boxes. Made from old cardboard boxes with green paper for the field and a foam balls for the soccer ball the kids had so much fun using their straws to verse each other in games. Our Extend Superstar is… Jackson D. For always being so creative th Monday 20 October st Tuesday 21 October nd Wednesday 22 October rd Thursday 23 October th Friday 24 October Make Your Own Board Game Make Your Own Board Game Stalagmites Blow Paint Monsters Ellie's Birthday Administration In reference to the Administration Office Hours in previous newsletters, please note that during ‘Office Closed’ period times (Tuesdays from 12.30- 1.30pm & Thursdays 12.30-1.30pm) carefully selected, skilled staff will be monitoring any emergencies that arise. An answering machine will be on for our landline (6964 2888). In the event of an emergency you can contact David Adams-Jones on 0459 142 177. News from St Patrick’s School Council The St Patrick’s School Council annual general meeting (AGM) is fast approaching and that means if you are interested in joining the School Council in 2015 then you need to nominate now! School Council members are elected for a 2 year term and are able to sit on Council for up to 3 terms. Current members are eligible to stand for re-election at the completion of their term. Any parent of a child enrolled at St Patricks in 2015 is eligible for nomination. This year, 4 board members finish their 2 year terms. They are Jane Bonny, Margaret Andreazza, Oscar Roche and Roy Catanzariti. Additionally, Robert Kelly has completed 6 years on Council, 3 of which he served as Chairperson, and is departing us for good. I wish to thank all of these for their hard work, valued input and commitment to our school during their time on the Council. The call is now being for made for interested parents to nominate, re-nominate or nominate someone else for a position on the School Council. There are 4 vacant positions. The School Council consists of: the Parish Priest, Principal, Assistant Principal, representatives from the P&F and staff, along with 8 parents. nd Members attend a meeting on the 2 Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. There are no more than 10 meetings per year. Below you will find a nomination form. Simply complete this form and return it to the school office by the date noted. The AGM th is scheduled for Thursday 11 December 2014. Why should you join? The School Council is an advisory board that assists the Principal in meeting his obligations to education, parents and the community. The Council assists in policy making and financial control of the school and as such is a vital component of the school. I urge you to consider a Council position or to nominate someone you consider would work in the best interests of all members of St Patrick’s community. Anthony Salmon Chairperson, St Patrick’s Primary School ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nomination for membership of St Patrick’s Primary School Council I, Mr or Mrs ______________________________ Phone: ____________________ Wish to nominate _________________________________________________________ for a position on the St Patrick’s Primary School Council Signed: __________________________________ Date: ______________________ th Nominations must be returned by 4:00pm Friday 28 November 2014 6 Canteen Canteen Roster: nd Wednesday 22 October: A Woodhouse, M Harrison rd Thursday 23 October: J Davidge, S Piccoli th Friday 24 October: L salvestro, P Minato, V Forner, K Salvestro th Monday 27 October: K Yardley, M Dalo, V Emery th Tuesday 28 October: A Barbaro, C Musolino, J Sergi th Wednesday 97 October: D Della Franca, J Calabria, R Torresan Sport Diocesan Basketball, Tennis, Cricket and Softball Trials Diocesan Sports Trials for Basketball, Tennis, Cricket and Softball for boys and girls for 2015 will be held this term. The reason we hold them at this time is because the MacKillop Trials are later this term or early in term one 2014 we need to be organised to have our Diocesan Trials started or completed this year. The students who can attend the Diocesan Trial would more than likely be in Year Five in 2014 and should be playing in a local competition to a high standard. Year Six students in 2014 are not eligible as they will be in high school next year. Diocesan Trials are not “come and try” days. th Nominations close on Monday, 27 October 2014. Forms are now available. Please see Mrs Dodd or Mrs Cavanagh for more information. WANTED If anyone can donate empty 2 ltr white ice-cream containers for Year 5 for the concert. They can be left in the office. Thanks in advance. Parish Fete Trash ‘N Treasure / White Elephant Stall Clear all your cupboards of pre-loved or unused saleable items – display plates, Bric-a-brac, CD’s & DVD’s, Non electronic games, crockery, crystal, toys etc. (NO CLOTHING THANK YOU). Items may be dropped off before the Fete in the box provided at the entrance of the church.. Contact Liz Sergi 0448 004 118 for more information. Operation Christmas Child A note to students and parents that the Operation Christmas Child Boxes are due in to the school office by this Friday 24 October. Thank you to those families that have already donated. 7 th 8 9 10 11 12
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