Term Four, Week 7 Prayer for World Leaders in Light

Prayer for World Leaders in Light
of the G20 Meeting
God of power and might, wisdom and justice,
through you authority is rightly administered,
laws are enacted, and judgment is decreed.
Assist with your spirit of counsel and fortitude
government leaders of nations.
May they always seek
the ways of righteousness, justice and mercy.
Grant that they may be enabled by your
powerful protection
to lead our world with honesty and integrity.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen
Tuesday, 18th November 2014
Term Four, Week 7
33rd Sunday Ordinary Time
Prov 31: 10-13, 19-20, 30-31
1Thess 5: 1-6
Mt 25: 14-30
(The Parable of the Talents)
Tuesday 18th November
Year 2 Swimming Program.
Principal Visit to Year Two
My visit last week saw the talented Year Two students learning at the Griffith
Swimming Pool. What a fantastic opportunity to see the excited smiles and
enthusiasm on children’s faces as they cooled down in the pool with experienced
instructors. The importance of learning to swim at a young age cannot be disputed.
At St Patrick’s our Year Two swimming program is based on common good sense for
all in that we believe that all young Australians need to develop water safety skills
from a very early age. Furthermore, Australia is a nation whose national psyche is
based on water activities, whether enjoying the water through personal recreation in
Griffith or through cheering on our elite swimmers in the pool. Being at the pool last
week, affirmed to me the importance of this program and it was enjoyable to see our
students engage happily in a health and fitness program whilst promoting safety and
swimming skills. I wish to acknowledge the P&F for their financial support for your
Year Two families so that all students can participate in the swimming program. Want
to see more photos? Then visit our website and Facebook page. I look forward to
seeing the Year Three Students next week.
Thursday 20th November
Year 2 Swimming Program
School Council Meeting
7pm in Boardroom
Friday 21st November
Christmas School Disco
5pm – 6.30 pm K-2
7pm – 8.30 pm 3-6
In the Fr O’Dea Hall
End of Year Assesmblies
Monday 15th December
Class End of Year Assemblies held in
each classroom in the morning.
Times will be advised
for each Year level.
Whole School End of Year Awards
Ceremony – 12pm in the
Fr O’Dea Hall
Wednesday 17th December
Final day for Students 2014
End of Year Graduation Liturgy –
12pm in the Fr O’Dea Hall.
(Students may leave with parents at
the conclusion of the Liturgy)
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The Four Clovers Theatre Company- Years 3-6 Concert
Oh what a night! As you all agree, the students’
performance was absolutely stunning and
entertaining to say the least. I believe the School
leaders summary of gratitude summarise and
captured everyone who formed the fabric that
made the school concert, A Tragedy at the Four
Clovers Theatre a huge success! Mr Wedesweiler
has written further about the concert in this
newsletter. Thank you again to everyone
particularly the students and Mr Moraschi, Ms
Watkins and all the staff!
Please see the reviews from our colleagues from
other Catholic Schools as a testament to our
students and staff fantastic performance last week!
Dear David and Staff Last night's performance was
an absolute joy. Could you please pass on my
congratulations to all your staff? My parents and I
found it both highly entertaining and extremely
heart warming to watch all of the students perform.
It really was a testament to inclusion and the
performances went way beyond my expectations of
a primary school concert. Thank you to all the staff
and students involved for talents and hard work to
bring this to fruition. Well done to everyone! Kind
Ms Christie Scoble, Assistant Principal, Marian
Dear David Please pass on my congratulations to the staff for putting on such a fabulous concert last night. Great choice of songs
and a terrific theme! Also loved the dancing staff...what a great idea!!! Best wishes
Alan Le Brocque, Principal, Marian College
Dear David and Staff I want to
congratulate you and your staff on an
incredible, captivating production last
night. It was amazing! So polished! It's an
experience the kids will never forget. The
behind the scenes planning
and organisation must have been
phenomenal. Well done to everyone!
Mary-Jane Simms, Principal St Mary’s,
Dear St Pats Staff and Students:
Congratulations again to you all on an
outstanding concert. It has been an
absolute pleasure working with the staff
and students of Primary. I've enjoyed every
minute of it. I'm super excited to get back
to work with the Infants kids next week.
See you next week, and please pass on my
congratulations to all the students. I'm
very proud of them all.
Melissa Brown
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
School Leaders for 2015
I want to acknowledge the students in Year Five for stepping up for the nominations
of School and Social Justice Leaders for 2015. This year we again had a large
contingent of students who nominated for the positions. It takes plenty of courage
to step in front of peers and parents and share your ambitions and vision as school
and justice leaders. I wish to congratulate all the students and teachers for their
support of this important initiative. As a principal, I want to see our students
challenged by new ideas about leadership and to have an understanding of the
impact their leadership will have on the school community in 2015. A big task, but I
see our students who will test themselves and have the strength and will power to: See the improvement of their skills in communication and problem solving.
 See themselves as being inclusive and outreaching to others.
 Have fun.
 Develop an understanding of unity by engaging as a team and community.
 Always foster good relationships with their peers and staff, whilst always
looking out for the needs of others.
 Be like Jesus by making a difference.
Congratulations Year Five teachers and staff who have worked together to put
together a most comprehensive criteria for school leaders that lead to an
outstanding presentation of students for 2015. Stay tuned for more exciting news on
School and Social Justice leaders in the coming weeks.
School Fees Outstanding for 2014
The academic year continues to move towards closure, I will be contacting parents regarding
outstanding school fees. I wish to sincerely acknowledge all the families who have honoured their
financial commitment to the school. I have in the previous term and this term made many attempts to
contact families in reference to non-payment of school fees for 2014. If any family is experiencing
difficulties with payment, please contact the school office for a confidential appointment before the end
of the term. All families at St Patrick’s Primary School have signed a contract to honour their financial
commitment to the school. The Parish Priest and School Council support the notion to endorse to hold
back Semester Two school reports. I encourage families not to let this situation occur by making time to
talk with me, so that together we can find a positive solution. My door is always open.
A Hot Day in Paradise
With last Friday being so hot, all our students enjoyed a refreshing
stop with an icy pole! Oh what a life. Thank you Mr Moraschi for
topping up the Icy Poles for the students to enjoy! Parents can stay in
touch with what is happening around our school as the temperatures
soar! Obviously these Year One students truly enjoyed the moment to
chill out! Thanks Mrs Taylor for the photo!
Remembrance Day
Last Wednesday our K-2 Students gathered under the School Flagpole to participate in
our Remembrance Day Service. The students wore red poppies that they had made
and participated in the service. The students listened to the Last Post, paused to
remember, and proudly sang ‘Advance Australia Fair’. They concluded the service with
everyone joining in to say ‘LEST WE FORGET’.
Lord, hold our troops in your loving hands.
Protect them as they protect us.
Bless them and their families
for the selfless acts they perform for us in our time of need. I
ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord and Saviour. Amen.
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
AGM for Parents and Friends Association: Meeting on December 16th at 7:00pm.
“Put your hand up and become engaged in our P&F Association in 2015!
All parents are invited to the Annual General Meeting for the new positions on the
Executive of the St Patrick’s Parents and Friends Association on December 16th. This is
an exciting time of the year where the outgoing P&F members and myself will share
with everyone their achievements throughout 2014. The meeting will begin at 7:00pm
and will be held in the school library. After the AGM is completed, the election of the
new members will be held, it is expected that 2014 Year One parents will fulfil the new
executive positions that includes:
President, Treasurer, Secretary & Executive Members
The new St Patrick’s P&F Model is attached to this newsletter to provide further
information about what the P&F engages in across the school community. I wish to
acknowledge and congratulate the outgoing P&F and executive, particularly the President, Mrs Andrea Crockett. Andrea’s
leadership has been very strategic, inclusive, outreaching and engaging for all whom have been involved throughout 2014. On
behalf of the families, staff and students thank you!
The P&F is for everyone, it represents the interests of the whole parent body, it helps parents engage with the school and the
education of their children and finally the P&F works to support the school. This means that parents are partners with the
teachers and the principal in the education of their children and consequently parents share the responsibility of educating their
children with the teaching staff. So come along on Tuesday, 16th December at 7:00pm and become involved in our children, our
future! See you there!
Classroom Connections Week 7
Throughout the week many of our students in the upper primary years spent
time at the Griffith Theatre, rehearsing for their concert which was a huge
success. The students reflected on Wednesday with Remembrance Day at
school and the theatre. Students began their swimming program and then there
was the night of nights with the concert performances. Another busy week had
in paradise, celebrating learning in the Arts and CSIRO visit and Kindergarten
students sharing their writing adventures. Now that is the spirit of learning!
2015 Staff Appointments
It is with pleasure that I formerly announce our new permanent teachers for
Mr Michael Morell
Mr Michael Morell will begin 2015 academic year as a full time permanent teacher with nine years’ experience in the upper
primary years at Holy Family Primary School in the Canberra-Goulburn Archdiocese. Michael will bring to this exciting position
dedication, enthusiasm and commitment with a sound knowledge of the Australian Curriculum. Michael has a wide range of
skills in Mathematics, Music (plays and teaches the guitar) Sport (a Bulldogs Supporter!) and passion for Environmental matters
and a love for vegetables gardens. Michael has a Bachelor of Education from the Australian Catholic University and is an
accredited teacher of Religious Education. Michael will begin his role next year a classroom teacher and Religious Education
Ms Leeanne O’Connor
Many of our families will know Leeanne who has served as a teacher within the Diocese of Wagga Wagga for nine years.
Leeanne has a Bachelor of Teaching from the Charles Sturt University (Bathurst Campus) and recently completed her studies in
Theology at the Broken Bay Institute as part of her requirement to teach in a Catholic School. Leeanne, has also completed a
Certificate in the Disability Standards for Education at the University of Canberra. It is with pleasure that we officially welcome
Leeanne to a permanent position at St Patrick’s Primary School.
Ms Danielle Martinello
I am pleased to announce the appointment of Danielle Martinello as classroom teacher at St Patrick’s Primary School. Danielle
gained a Bachelor of Education majoring in Early Childhood from the Australian Catholic University in 2013. Danielle also holds a
Diploma of Children’s Services from Canberra Institute of Technology, a Certificate Three of Children’s Services from the
National Institute of Early Childhood. Danielle’s wide experience in Early Childhood settings locally and in Canberra along with
her current teaching knowledge in Year One at St Patrick’s places her as one of our inspirational teachers as we continue to build
our Early Childhood precinct that reflects the twenty first century model of contemporary education.
I wish to acknowledge our panel in the selection process of seventeen highly qualified applications for the three permanent
positions. On behalf of the school community, I extend congratulations to Michael, Leeanne and Danielle.
Have a great week and thanks for reading have a great week! God Bless
David Adams-Jones,
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
Merit Awards at Assembly
Year One
Year Two
Year Three
Benjamin Scott
Olivia Holloway
Hughie McLean
Caelan Cai-Culgan
Ollie Lanza
Navdeep Kaur
Keira Villarias
Nicholas McGibbon
Meg Walsh
Juliet De Marco
Jake Roberts
Diya Liddar
Giorgio Farronato
Madeline Dickie
Jake Sergi
Alainna Dhillon
Tannaya Jones
Sunaina Locham
Malia Afridi
Ella Savage
Ryan Puntoriero
Kayla Virago
Samantha Tam
Talia Armanini
Jessica McMaster
Zaid Memon
Elizabeth Sergi
Year Four
Year Five
Year Six
Adriana Piedrabuena
Amandeep Singh
Patty Agresta
Lachlan Harrison
Zaine Della Franca
Joey Barbaro
Jonathan Codemo
Brooke Aloisi
Thomas Nicholls
Francesca Sergi
Anna Harrison
Jordan Pollard
Zachary Scoble
Giordan Pastro
MJR AWARDS – Oliver Crockett for making Jesus real by letting a
student on the bus before him when all the boys were rushing on.
Javier Torresan for making Jesus real by showing a caring and mature spirit
to a fellow classmate in need. He also offered very sensible & sensitive
advice to her by saying ‘Sometimes it’s just better to walk away’ CONGRATULATIONS to YOU BOTH!
From our Assistant Principal
Virtue of the Fortnight - Justice
Practicing justice is being fair in
everything you do. It is seeing with
your own eyes and not judging
something or someone by what other
people tell you. Fortunately, at St.
Patrick’s we are teaching that being
just is standing up for your rights and
the rights of other people. It is taking
responsibility if you make a mistake
and making amends. At St. Patrick’s
we recognize that justice means that
every person’s rights are protected.
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
Police Liaison Officer Visit
I have recently met this morning with Senior Constable Janelle Lynch on a range of issues.
(none personal, I assure you). She is the Youth Liaison Officer for the Griffith Local Area
Command. We have invited Senior Constable Janelle Lynch to address the Years 4-6
students, teachers aides and teachers in the Fr.O'Dea Hall from 12pm for one hour on
Friday 21 November. Janelle will use an engaging presentation, scenarios and QnA format
to develop the learnings and understandings of all. All parents from Pre School to Year Six
are invited. She will cover the topics of Bullying (Social, Physical and Cyber) and Socially
Appropriate Behaviours from the perspectives of school and also from a law enforcement
perspective. This learning opportunity is about empowering and engaging our students for the betterment of themselves and
society. An additional benefit for us as school is the development of our relationship with the Griffith LAC in caring as a
community for our students - our future.
Griffith Connections has provided us with another great opportunity, this time for our older boys.
The CEO and founder of Enlighten Education, Dannielle Miller, has launched a new program for boys
and men called "Goodfellas". It is receiving very good feedback from the schools and communities
where it has been introduced and we are delighted they are bringing it to Griffith in November.
Dannielle Miller says these workshops would be a great opportunity for our Year 5 & 6 boys. The
program was delivered by Danielle Miller and Martin Harper, today from 9.30am - 12.00midday. We
hosted the program in the Fr.O’Dea Hall and students from Griffith North attended the session as
well. Danni says: "The workshop goes for 2 1/2 hours and "debunks" the most common, and
damaging myths about boys in a really engaging, funny, positive way and builds up skills that allow boys
to move beyond stereotypes. Myths debunked include: There's nothing I can do about violence against women, Real men have six
–packs, Real men don't cry, Boys punch on, then move on, All gamers are geeks, Men are from Mars, women are from Venus,
Boys hate learning. We’ve seen her in action with the girls on several occasions and she is a dynamic and engaging speaker and
the boys loved the presentation we’re sure.
2015 Student Leaders
We offer our congratulations to our Year Five students for standing up and putting themselves forward for
leadership positions in our school: School Leaders, Social Justice Leaders and House Leaders. The process
of speaking and voting has now been concluded and the votes have been tallied. The announcement of
the 2015 Leaders will be made on Monday 15 December at the Whole School End of Year Assembly.
2015 Kindergarten Orientation
Our Transition program continues this Friday with our final group of students having their first orientation session under the
tutelage of Miss Kayla Page. This Transition Program is aimed at having fun, with hands on activities promoting a learning and
stimulating environment, giving our 2015 Kindergarten students an opportunity to interact with one another under the careful
supervision and leadership of one of our Kindergarten Teachers and a Teacher’s Aide. Our current Kindergarten students will
continue their learning program as per their normal routine with one of our regular casual teachers leading the learning. This
year, there will be three groupings for Orientation Days with each group completing 2 sessions. Below are the dates for the
Group #
Group #1
Day 1 - Friday 24 October
Day 2 - Friday 31 October
Group #2
Day 1 - Friday 7 November
Day 2 - Friday 14 November
Group #3
Day 1 – Friday 21 November
Day 2 – Friday 28 November
9.30am -12pm in room 501
9.30am-12pm in room 501
(information session for Parents from 11am -12pm in School Library)
9.30am -12pm in room 505
9.30am-12pm in room 505
(information session for Parents from 11am -12pm in School Library)
9.30am -12pm in room 502
9.30am-12pm in room 502
(information session for Parents from 11am -12pm in School Library)
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Teacher supervising
Mrs Louise Hill
Mrs Louise Hill
Mrs Sarah McNicol
Mrs Sarah McNicol
Miss Kayla Page
Miss Kayla Page
School Leaders Thank You Speech
I have included the Thank You speech given by our school leaders at our recent Years 3-6 Concert. The concerts are a
magnificent opportunity to showcase the student learning and achievements in the Key Learning Curriculum Areas of English
and Creative Arts.
We truly hope you enjoyed our 2014 Primary Concert A Tragedy at the Four Clover’s Theatre. It has been a remarkable journey
for all students and we would like to thank some very special people who have made our concert such a success. Firstly, we would
like to thank the many people who worked so hard for us behind the scenes. Maurice Wood who did such an amazing job making
all our props. Maurice has always been such a huge supporter of St Patrick’s and we would like to acknowledge the hard-work
and effort you put into the props that are always so meticulously planned and built. Thank you. Thank you to Melissa Brown for
all your amazing choreography in putting each of the dances together. Considering the range of songs from the Blues Brothers to
Strictly Ballroom you were able to come up with fantastic dance routines. But more importantly was the way you interacted with
each of us treating all students with the respect and dignity they deserve and treating all of us like we were the main attractions
for dancing with the stars. Betty Neville from Betty Boo costume hire for the time and effort in putting together many of our
amazing costumes. And thank you to Vania Rizzeri and Estie Terblanche for all the sewing and chasing up of props and costumes.
Griffith Regional Theatre staff for their expertise and providing us with the opportunity for us to experience this amazing venue. A
huge thank you goes to the St Patrick’s P&F. We acknowledge Mrs Andrea Crockett and her amazing team for all the hard work
and dedication that goes into the P&F fund raising for the year. That money goes directly towards resources for our school.
Resources that are shaping our education. Our dance program is funded directly by the P&F and the outcome as you can see is
truly spectacular. To all our teachers and staff at St Patrick’s. Without your support, guidance, encouragement, direction and
patience we would never have a concert. For this we are truly grateful. To all our parents and the many extras you do from
running about trying to find a punk outfit to hairstyles from the sixties. Makeups and facepaints and the many times you were
interrupted from the TV to watch our dance or hear our lines. We know that a lot of these things are never recognised but they
are truly appreciated and thank you for joining us on this very special night. A big thank you to all the students that made this
such an amazing performance. From our script writers that started our journey way back in Term 2 to the many lunchtimes our
main characters put into rehearsals. To our IT experts that put together the iMovie, and to all classes that took on our theme,
contributed ideas, worked on scripts and practiced and practiced and practiced, thank you. To our amazing Bollywood
performance that is culturally and gender inclusive, providing a perfect example of what student directed, teacher facilitated
collaborative inquiry learning in the 21st century can accomplish.
Maintain & share your awesomeness,
Alan Wedesweiler, Assistant Principal
Please Pray for
We pray for all the members in our school community who are
sick and for all families who have lost loved ones.
If you have any special intentions for prayers that you would like
us to include in this section, please email Alissa in the office on
Dear Lord,
We entrust to your love, care & healing all families who are
experiencing grief as a result of the loss of loved ones. May
your healing spirit also restore to good health all who are ill
and others that may be enduring difficult
times in their lives.
In Jesus’ name, AMEN.
In reference to the Administration Office Hours in previous newsletters, please note that during ‘Office
Closed’ period times (Tuesdays from 12.30- 1.30pm & Thursdays 12.30-1.30pm) carefully selected, skilled
staff will be monitoring any emergencies that arise. An answering machine will be on for our landline
(6964 2888). In the event of an emergency you can contact David Adams-Jones on 0459 142 177.
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
Canteen Roster:
Wednesday 19 November: A Woodhouse, M Harrison
Thursday 20 November: J Davidge, S Piccoli
Friday 21 November: L Salvestro, P Minato, V Forner, K Salvestro
Monday 24 November: K Yardley, M Dalo, V Emery
Tuesday 25 November: A Barbaro, C Musolino, J Sergi
Wednesday 26 November: D Della Franca, J Calabria, R Torresan
Dear Parents & Carers,
Below is a roster for our school canteen, Term 1 - 2015. As you can see we are very much in need for new volunteers. If you can
spare 2 hours approximately twice a term, please fill in the below slip and return to the office ASAP.
I _______________________________________________ am interested in volunteering in the school canteen.
I can be contacted on _______________________________ (phone number).
My child/children are
__________________________________________ Class ________
__________________________________________ Class ________
__________________________________________ Class ________
__________________________________________ Class ________
Signed: _________________________________ Date: ____________
1, 2015
29 January
26 February
26 March
30 January
27 February
27 March
L Sergi
A Sergi
M Sergi
S Sergi
6 February
6 March
23 February
23 March
24 February
24 March
25 February
25 March
K Yardley
M Dalo
V Emery
2 February
2 March
30 March
A Barbaro
D Taylor
M Macrae
3 February
3 March
31 March
D Della Franca
J Calabria
R Torresan
4 February
4 March
1 April
B Aventi
R Carlon
N Restagno
9 February
9 March
D Salmon
K Beltrame
S Bell-Smith
K Adams-Jones
L Campbell
J Murray
10 February
10 March
11 February
11 March
12 February
12 March
13 February
13 March
S Martinello
T Barbaro
20 February
20 March
L Salvestro
P Minato
V Forner
K Salvestro
5 February
5 March
2 April
S Fanani
16 February
16 March
17 February
17 March
18 February
18 March
N Codemo
A McGibbon
A Thomas
19 February
19 March
T Feltracco
J Salvestro
K Andreatta
M Andreazza
S Trotter
A Woodhouse
M Harrison
J Davidge
S Piccoli
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
Scholastic Book Club
Thank you for supporting the Scholastic Book Club during the year. We had an outstanding number of sales. All profits are
allocated to purchasing resources for the school. Have a happy Christmas and a happy new year.
Bookclub organisers
News from the P&F
Christmas Disco
The P & F will be hosting a Christmas Disco. This will be held this Friday the 21 November 2014.
This will follow the same previous Disco format, with an K-2 session from 5.00 PM – 6.30 PM and a
Years 3-6 session from 7.00 PM – 8.30 PM.
The Theme is Christmas so you can dress in your favourite Christmas outfit (Optional).
Entry - $5.00 / Child (includes 1 Free Sausage Sandwich or 1 Piece Of Pizza)
There will be the following available for purchase: Sausage Sandwiches - $2
Pizza - $2
Soft Drinks - $2
Water - $1
Lollies - $2
Light Up Necklases & Bracelets - $2
We are still in need of Volunteers for the two sessions. If you can help it would be greatly appreciated, please contact Annette
Waide 0418 119 759. Thank You!
P & F Annual General Meeting
The P & F Annual General meeting is on Tuesday the 16 December 2014 at 7.00 pm. The P & F
Executive Commitee consists of Year Two parents and also invites all members of our School
Community to attend and play an active role in our meetings.The 2014 P & F Commitee will step
down from their positions at this meeting. This an invitation to all our Present Year 1 Parents
who will have Children in Year 2 in 2015 to attend. Anyone who is wanting any further
information about the P & F Committee please contact Andrea Crockett 0439 627 705 or
Annette Waide 0418 119 759
News from St Patrick’s School Council
The St Patrick’s School Council Annual General Meeting (AGM) is fast approaching and that means
if you are interested in joining the School Council in 2015 then you need to nominate now! School
Council members are elected for a 2 year term and are able to sit on Council for up to 3 terms.
Current members are eligible to stand for re-election at the completion of their term. Any parent
of a child enrolled at St Patricks in 2015 is eligible for nomination. This year, 4 board members
finish their 2 year terms. They are Jane Bonny, Margaret Andreazza, Oscar Roche and Roy
Catanzariti. Additionally, Robert Kelly has completed 6 years on Council, 3 of which he served as
Chairperson, and is departing us for good. I wish to thank all of these for their hard work, valued
input and commitment to our school during their time on the Council. The call is now being for
made for interested parents to nominate, re-nominate or nominate someone else for a position on the School Council. There are
4 vacant positions. The School Council consists of: the Parish Priest, Principal, Assistant Principal, representatives from the P&F
and staff, along with 8 parents. Members attend a meeting on the 2 Thursday of each month at 7:00pm. There are no more
than 10 meetings per year.
Below you will find a nomination form. Simply complete this form and return it to the school office by the date noted. The AGM
is scheduled for Thursday 11 December 2014.
Why should you join?
The School Council is an advisory board that assists the Principal in meeting his obligations to education, parents and the
community. The Council assists in policy making and financial control of the school and as such is a vital component of the
school. I urge you to consider a Council position or to nominate someone you consider would work in the best interests of all
members of St Patrick’s community.
Anthony Salmon, Chairperson, St Patrick’s Primary School
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nomination for membership of St Patrick’s Primary School Council
I, Mr or Mrs ______________________________
Phone: ____________________
Wish to nominate _________________________________________________________
for a position on the St Patrick’s Primary School Council
Signed: __________________________________ Date: ______________________
Nominations must be returned by 4:00pm Friday 28 November 2014
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au
www.spgww.catholic.edu.au spg-info@ww.catholic.edu.au