The 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Monday 8:40 am Tuesday 8:40 am Wednesday 8:40 am Thursday 8:40 am Friday 8:40 am Saturday 5:30 am Sunday 9:00 am 11:00 am 1:00 pm Sunday, October 12, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS October 13 Fr. Negusse Kelata Corazon Fadul (RIP) Robert Sonza (RIP) October 14 Communion Service October 15 Fr. Vu Tran Mario Alegria (RIP) October 16 Fr. Bob Kenny Thanksgiving – Bravo Family October 17 Fr. Vu Tran Michael Selivanof (RIP) Fr. Joseph Tacderas (RIP) October 18 Fr. Bob Kenny For Our Parish Family October 19 Fr. Bob Kenny For Our Parish Family For Our Parish Family Spanish Mass REST IN PEACE October 11: Soledad Porras ’07; Clarence Clutter ’77, Elvis Cadle ’77; October 12: Vincent Reyes ’99, Rose Responte ’89, Lucile Nirk ’89, Martha Robinson ’88, Larry Lazo ’85; October 13: Mike DiLazzaro, Sr. ‘01; October 14: Eugenio Pascua ’13, Jose Palaylay ’98, Margaret Taylor ’86, Dan Marinas ’81; October 15: Barbara Elizabeth Koch ’06, Felipa Laureta ’96, Richard Bakken ’87, Esteban DeVera ’87; October 16: Maurice Pulmano ’93, Joseph Valela Jr. ’89, Betty Gomez ’79; October 17: Godofredo A. Tabile ’04, Joseph Chatman ’96, Manuel Abriam ’93, Richard Johnson ’93, Veronica Oden ’91, Edward Zembryckie ’89. Last week we prayed for: Ill: Patty Bernard, Kathleen Huddleston, Ken Schmidt, Dennis Wilson, Malia Nive Siale, Marcelina Escano, Carmen Dunn, Richard Cormier, Archbishop Brunett, Sean Maddock Death Anniversary: Bernardo Cruz, Macaria Flores, Rosario Forteza, Eugenio Pascua BAPTISMS Please contact the Parish Office 3 months before the baptism date (206-722-7888). Parents need to be registered in the parish and take a Baptism Preparation Class. For information about Spanish Baptism Preparation, please call Ventura Herrera, 206-291-6337. If you or a family member are seriously ill, please call the parish office at 206-722-7888 so a minister can visit. WELCOME to St. Edward Parish! We want to welcome you, whether you have come here from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. Won’t you join us and become a part of our Catholic Community by registering at St. Edward? If you have been away from the Church for a while & would like to return, or if you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith, please contact Father Felino Paulino. If you would like to register in the parish, call the parish office, 206-722-7888, to obtain a registration form. Congratulations to the following couples who were married last month: Arma and Ron Rivera Dannette and Jay Henderson May God's blessings be yours throughout your life as husband and wife. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) Do you know someone who would like to become a Catholic? Or would like to learn more about our Catholic Faith? Invite them to our RCIA Program which recently began. It’s held at St. George Parish Center 7:00pm every Wednesday. The topic for Wed. October 15th is Catholics and Prayer. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process through which women and men become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person into believing, praying, worshipping and serving with the community of the Catholic Church. For more information, please call St. Edward Parish office at 206-722-7888. CONFIRMATION CLASS REGISTRATION This year’s Confirmation Program is underway. If your child is a baptized Catholic, at least 16 years old or in the 11th grade, is willing to take on the role of a disciple of Christ, and would like to be Confirmed next Spring, please pick up an information packet and registration form in the back of the Church. Confirmation class schedule change: On Sunday, October 19th, the Confirmation class will attend the 3PM talk at St. Paul Church Romans Hall by Catholic author and speaker Mark Shea. This will take the place of the regularly scheduled Confirmation class at St. Edward from 4:00-5:30pm. All are invited to hear his own story. St. Edward Parish School News St. Edward School continues to enroll students for the 2014-2015 school year. We have space in most grades. If you have questions, you can call the school office at 206-725-1774, or send a query using the Contact form on our website, We look forward to serving you this fall! Make plans now to attend the Cornerstone Catholic Conference Fri. Oct 24th & Sat. Oct. 25th at the Greater Tacoma Convention Center. The Bishops of Washington State are sponsoring the Cornerstone Conference to inspire and educate Catholics. This is the first-ever statewide Prolife Conference sponsored by our Catholic bishops and the line up of speakers is truly impressive: *Archbishop Sartain, Bishop Elizondo, Bishop Tyson, and Bishop Cupich of Spokane. * Immaculee Ilibagiza (Rwandan genocide survivor) ---*Abby Johnson (former Planned Parenthood director and author of “Unplanned”. She is now a pro-life activist. *Vicki Thorn (national founder of Project Rachel) *Bishop Robert McElroy (frequent contributor to Catholic media on caring for the poor) *There will be noted speakers on human trafficking, ministry to the poor, and end-of-life decisions. Register online: Questions? Call 206-301-0556. Tickets cover Friday evening & all day Saturday. Lunch is included! The Conference is designed for adults only, with special events for young adults (18-28). No childcare is available. Adults $75, Young Adults (18-28) $65 Partial scholarships are available. Contact Sunday Religious Education Classes Religious Education classes begin this Sunday from 10:15-11:15 am, Spanish Religious Education classes are from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm. Please register your children for these classes even if they attend St. Edward Catholic School. These classes are important and enrich your children’s faith. Knights of Columbus Council Membership Drive - Weekend of Oct. 25th & 26th after the Masses If you are a Catholic male ages 18 and up, and you are interested in serving our parish through the Knights of Columbus, see any member for more details. STEWARDSHIP CORNER Stewardship of Treasure Weekend of October 4-5, 2014 Amount needed to support parish: $ 7,755.00 Electronic donations: $ 346.00 Children’s envelopes $ 5.00 Spanish Mass Collection $ 464.15 Weekend Collection: $ 5,029.67 Total Donations received $ 5,844.82 Shortfall: $ 1,910.18 July 2014 – June 2015 Fiscal Year to Date (Actual) $ 88,209.07 Budget to Date $108,570.00 Shortfall: $ 20,360.93 Stewardship of Time and Talent This year we are combining the Time and Talent aspects of Stewardship. In the pews, we will have cards where you can sign up for a ministry to volunteer your time and talent. We invite all parishioners to participate and serve in a parish ministry. We need more volunteers to help with ministries such as St. Vincent de Paul, or serve in any of our liturgical ministries Lectors, Eucharistic Ministers, Altars Servers, and Ushers. Our presiders will be inviting you to fill out the cards at Mass and drop it in the collection basket. If you are interested in serving in a ministry please fill out the card and circle I for interested. If you are already serving in a ministry, please circle A for active. Mark Shea– Popular Catholic author and speaker will be at St. Paul Parish on Sunday October 19 at 3:00 pm in Romans Hall. All are invited to hear his own story. His Presentation will be on Mary, Mother of the Son “Few things are more strange for a nice Evangelical than Catholic devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Here's the story of how this convert from Evangelicalism came to see that Catholic Marian theology was thoroughly biblical, refreshingly sane, and deeply satisfying to the soul.” VISIT KENNEDY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL ON “LANCER TUESDAYS” Eighth grade students who are thinking about applying to Kennedy Catholic High School are invited to shadow a current student on Tuesdays beginning in October. You will spend a day exploring our school from the inside out! Experience a “typical” high school day with a Kennedy Catholic ambassador. Hot lunch is provided. To schedule a visit day, go to our website:
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