PARISH CONTACTS Physical Address .......... 404 S. Broadway Parish Offices .................... 402-254-6559 Rev. Jeffery S. Loseke, Pastor Rosemary Kathol, Business Manager Louise Guy, Receptionist Steve Heine, Plant Manager Office Fax Line ................. 402-254-6553 Rectory (after hours).......... 402-254-6556 Order of Deacons: Deacon Paul Steffen ... 402-254-6720 Elementary School ............ 402-254-6496 Terry Kathol, Principal Lisa Klug, Administrative Assistant Repay to Caesar what belongs to Caesar and to God what belongs to God. Religious Education........... 402-841-7589 Sr. M. Jane Conrad, PBVM, Director Council Leadership: Pastoral Council Sam Hochstein .... 402-841-4351 Finance Council Matt Steffen ......... 402-254-2117 School Board Jennifer Kleinschmit..402-254-6544 Parish Website & E-mail: SCHEDULE FOR HOLY MASS Saturday Vigil: Sunday: Daily (T-F): Saturday: 5:30 p.m. 8:30 & 10:30 a.m. 8:05 a.m. (and 6:30 a.m. on 1st Fridays) 10:45 a.m. at Golden Living Center SCHEDULE FOR CONFESSIONS Daily (T-F): 2nd & 4th Wed: Saturday: 7:40—8:00 a.m. 7:00—8:00 p.m. 4:00—5:00 p.m. October 19th in the Year of Our Lord 2014 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time Page 2 MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 20th St. Paul of the Cross Away † Msgr. Cyril J. Werner Tuesday, October 21st 8:05 a.m. † Ron Leise Wednesday, October 22nd St. John Paul II 8:05 a.m. L/D of Ed & Betty Meyer Family † Marie Heimes Thursday, October 23rd St. John of Capistrano 8:05 a.m. † Verna Pinkelman 2:45 p.m. Alumni and Benefactors of Cedar County Catholic Schools and Parishes Friday, October 24th St. Anthony Mary Claret 8:05 a.m. † Gerry Miller Saturday, October 25th 10:45 a.m. † Rochelle Raduechel (at Golden Living Center) Vigil for Sunday 5:30 p.m. Gary & Shirley McGregor (50th Anniversary) L/D of Bernard & Pauline Kleinschmit Family Sunday, October 26th 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time 8:30 a.m. The People of Holy Trinity Parish 10:30 a.m. L/D of Vera Peitz Family Patron Saints for the Week St. Paul of the Cross St. John Paul II St. John of Capistrano St. Anthony Mary Claret Passionist Order judges the Catholic press Daily Readings for This Week Mon: Eph 2:1-10 & Lk 12:13-21 Tue: Eph 2:12-22 & Lk 12:35-38 Wed: Eph 3:2-12 & Lk 12:39-48 Thu: Eph 3:14-21 & Lk 12:49-53 Fri: Eph 4:1-6 & Lk 12:54-59 Sat: Eph 4:7-16 & Lk 13:1-9 Sun: Ex 22:20-26; 1 Thes 1:5c-10 & Mt 22:34-40 Points of Ellipses... Fr. Jeff ou may or may not have been aware that the Holy Father had convened an extraordinary Synod for the Family in Rome these past few weeks, which ends this weekend. A synod is an official gathering of the Church for the sake of studying a particular issue in order to give guidance to pastors and faithful alike. In this case, Pope Francis had invited the Church to spend time examining the particular issues and challenges to family life in the modern world. Bishops, theologians, married couples, and non-Catholic Christian observers were invited to participate in this month’s proceedings. It should be kept in mind that this extraordinary synod was convened for the sake of laying the groundwork for the ordinary synod, which will take place in October 2015. his past week, the news media erupted with sensational stories about how the Church was adopting new teachings on divorce-and-remarriage, same-sex unions, cohabitation before marriage, and so forth. These stories were based on a working draft of a document being produced by the synod participants that was made public earlier this week. In its rough state, neither was its language precise nor did it yet reflect the input of all the participants. Any faithful Catholic should know, however, that the doctrine of the Church and the Gospel of Jesus Christ are unalterable. As St. Paul wrote in his letter to the Galatians, “There are some who are disturbing you and wish to pervert the gospel of Christ. But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach [to you] a gospel other than the one that we preached to you, let that one be accursed! As we have said before, and now I say again, if anyone preaches to you a gospel other than the one that you received, let that one be accursed!” (1:7-9). ope Francis has asked the synod participants to address the issues facing the family today and to discuss new ways to support those families trying to live the truth of marriage and family life. Additionally, he has asked them to address ways that the Church can better reach out to those who are not living in conformity with God’s plan for marriage and the family. In neither case has he asked for an alteration of the Gospel or the teachings of the Church. Despite the wishful thinking of the secular media, the Church cannot adopt the ways of the fallen world. Rather, she must always speak prophetically about the beauty of the Gospel and the goodness of God’s plan for us. Welcome to the Parish through the waters of Baptism... Mackenna Lynn Buss, daughter of Tyler & Denae Buss Peyton Kay Holan, daughter of Nathan & Jennifer Holan Anders Reese Peitz, son of Bradley & Carrie Peitz Page 3 Points from the Parish & Community... B E RE AV EM ENT C OM M ITTE E M E E TING : The Bereavement Committee will meet this Tuesday, Oct. 21st at 6:45 p.m. in the parish meeting room. PASTORAL COUNCIL MEETING: The Pastoral Council will meet this Tuesday, Oct. 21st at 7:30 p.m. in the parish meeting room. WEDNESDAY CONFESSIONS: Confession will be available this Wednesday evening at 7:00—8:00 p.m. ALL SAINTS & ALL SOULS DAY M ASSES: This year, All Saints Day (Nov. 1) falls on a Saturday, which means that Mass attendance is not obligatory—though still encouraged—for the Holyday. Holyday Masses will be offered both on the evening of Friday, Oct. 31st and on the morning of Saturday, Nov. 1st. The evening Mass on Nov. 1st (5:30 p.m.) will be the Vigil Mass for All Souls Day, which falls on a Sunday this year. ALL SOULS DAY INTENTION ENVELOPES: Please note that there are two envelopes in your stewardship packets for November 2nd: one is for the usual Sunday offering and the other is for All Souls Day. Please keep these separate. Only offerings in the Sunday envelope will be recorded as regular stewardship to the parish. The envelope for All Souls Day is for Mass intentions for those who have died. Mass will be offered each First Friday of the month throughout the year for these intentions. Please include in your All Souls Day envelope a list of the names of your beloved dead whom you would like remembered in our monthly Mass intentions for All Souls. Additionally, you may include a stipend with your Mass request in this envelope. This stipend is not recorded as stewardship to the parish as it is your gift to the priest who celebrates those Masses. GUILD NOTES: October’s cleaning group is Group 5, led by Carrie Hochstein. November’s cleaning group will be Group 6, led by Rose Steffen. Group 11, which was skipped in the regular rotation, will serve the next funeral luncheon. We will then continue with Group 3, led by Barb Bowers, to get us back on track. CHOIR MEMBERS NEEDED: If you are interested in being a part of the parish choir, please contact Rose Koch or the parish office. ROSARY FOR LIFE: All are invited to pray a Rosary for life at 6:00 p.m. each evening at the Grotto, south of the Activity Center, during this month of October. DOMESTIC VIOLENCE CAMPAIGN: October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. The HT CCW (Guild) will be accepting donations for its annual “Lick Family Violence” campaign after Masses next weekend, Oct. 25-26. All donations raised through this effort will be given to Haven House. REL ED TRICK-OR-TREAT FOR THE HUNGRY: Religious Ed. students (gr. 9-12) will be “trick-or-treating” for the Hartington Food Pantry next Wednesday, Oct. 29th. Students will stop by houses in town 6:45—8:00 p.m. to collect nonperishable items. If you will not be home, you may leave items on your porch for pickup. HT CAMP 2015: Mark your calendars: HT Camp next summer will be July 6-10, 2015. DEANERY MEETING OF THE CCW: The Council of Catholic Women of the Rural North Central Deanery (RNC CCW) will meet this Tuesday, Oct. 21st at Holy Family Parish’s Sacred Heart Hall in Wynot. Registration at 10:00 a.m.; meeting at 10:30 a.m. CCW SECRETARY NEEDED: There is an opening at the deanery level of the Council of Catholic Women for the position of Secretary. Please contact Kay Steffen (402-254-6720) for more info. FOOD PANTRY DONATIONS: Cedar Security Bank is accepting donations to the Food Pantry until Oct 31st. HOLIDAY FAIR: The Sacred Heart Monastery’s Holiday Fair will be Saturday, Oct. 25th at 9:30 a.m.— 2:30 p.m. at 1005 W. 8th Street in Yankton. SPECIAL INCOME THIS WEEK: Thanks to all who paid their annual dues to the Guild and for continually supporting Guild fundraisers like the Fall Dinner. This income helps the Guild to make a semiannual contribution of $12,500.00 to the parish budget, which we just received this week. Other income received this week—$8,000.00—came from quarterly interest from our Parish Endowment. SCRIP: Use Scrip gift cards as gifts or for personal shopping. A percentage of purchases will come back to our Catholic schools. Order cards by 11:30 a.m. on Monday mornings a pick them up on Friday afternoons at the Catholic Development Office or they can be sent home with your Catholic school student, if you choose. For more information, call the Catholic Development Office at 402-254-3912. Financial Update - October 17, 2014 Projected Weekly Need - $22,555 Sunday Stewardship .............$ 13,127.16 Tuition & Other Income.. .......$ 28,081.89 Total Income...................$ 41,209.05 Fiscal Year-to-Date Income: $ 373,481.40 Fiscal Year-to-Date Expenses: $ 379,646.49 Fiscal YTD Excess/(Deficit): ($ -6,165.09) Page 4 THE WEEK AHEAD AT A GLANCE… ARCHBISHOP’S See what’s happening in our Catholic parishes and schools. ANNUAL APPEAL SUNDAY OCTOBER 19TH MONDAY OCTOBER 20TH Second Collection: World Mission Sunday 9:30—10:45am Rel Ed First Reconciliation Class at Meeting Room 2:30pm Kid’s Fun Run 4:00—7:00pm HT Fall Dinner at Activity Center & HT Gym GOAL $31,685.83 100% 75% $16,575.00 52.3% 50% 25% TUESDAY 0% The Annual Appeal supports the ongoing ministries of the local Church—both at the archdiocesan and parish levels. Our parish always benefits from this appeal in dollars that come back to us. OCTOBER 21ST 10:30am RNC CCW Meeting at Sacred Heart Hall in Wynot 6:45pm Bereavement Committee Meeting at Meeting Room 7:30pm Pastoral Council Meeting at Meeting Room WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 22ND 1:00pm Dismissal from School ~ P/T Conferences No Rel Ed Classes ~ HNPS P/T Conferences 7:00pm Confessions in Church THURSDAY OCTOBER 23RD FRIDAY OCTOBER 24TH 2:00—2:40pm Prayers for Priests Holy Hour at Church 2:45pm CCHS Mass at Church Wedding Banns Matthew Arens & Brittany Auch October 25, 2014 at 2:00 p.m. Holy Trinity Church VOCATION CRUCIFIX Oct. 19—25: Lee & Lois Lammers Oct. 26—Nov. 1: Bob & Sylvia Lauer GOLDEN LIVING CENTER ROSARY LEADERS Day of Penance: Abstain from meat or take up some other penance No School 6:00pm Wedding Rehearsal at Church SATURDAY OCTOBER 25TH SUNDAY OCTOBER 26TH 2:00pm Arens~Auch Wedding at Church Oct. 21, 3:30pm: Sandra Loecker Oct. 28, 3:30pm: Darlene Wieseler 9:00am—1:00pm Fall Pancake Breakfast at SH Hall in Wynot LITURGICAL MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEK: OCTOBER 25—26, 2014 Saturday, 5:30 p.m. Sunday, 8:30 a.m. Sunday, 10:30 a.m. Chris Miller Jean Yates Dean McGregor Duane Arens Ron Wortmann Angela Barnell Mike & Lana Jueden Family Mike & Adel Fischer Family Scott & Janet Schrempp Kelly & Patty Steffen Servers Ethan & Abbe Morten Calvin Nieman Easton, Keyan & Dagen Joachimsen Soren Doll, Brodrick Emanuel Sam Feilmeier EMHCs Susan Nieman, Jean Wiebelhaus Kevin Uhing Connie Wiedenfeld, Roger Wortmann, Wendy Wortmann Jane Sayler, Brenda Steffen Kim Emanuel JoAnne Hamilton Lori Christensen Robin Potts Rosemary Kathol Amber Collier Emily Feilmeier Lectors Greeters & Gift-bearers Musicians Video Jerry Wintz If you are unable to be at the Mass for which you are scheduled, please exchange with another liturgical minister or arrange for a substitute. Page 3 cont’d An Extra Page of Points... SMILES FOR CATHOLIC SCHOOLS!: Don’t forget to get your $100 gift card for KG Studio for just $50 this month. For your $50 purchase, you will receive a $100 gift card for a photo session, and $50 will be donated to any one of the Catholic schools of Cedar County. This special runs only until Oct. 31, 2014. Gift cards have no expiration date. Contact the Catholic Development Office (402-254-3912) with questions and/or to get your gift card today. TRINITY LUTHERAN HARVEST EVENT: The women of Trinity Lutheran in Hartington will host a harvest luncheon, bake sale, and country store on Saturday, Oct. 25th in the Fellowship Hall. Coffee and rolls will be served 9:00—11:00 a.m., and soup, sandwiches, and pie will be served 11:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m. CHRISTIAN MUSIC-INSPIRED MISSION: John Michael Talbot, the Christian music legend, will be presenting a mission at St. Michael Church in Sioux City at 7:00 p.m. on Oct. 27th & 28th. All are invited to share in this rare opportunity to hear his message and song. UPCOMING PARISH FUNCTIONS: Holy Family Parish will serve a Fall Pancake Breakfast next Sunday, Oct. 26th, 9:00 a.m.—1:00 p.m., at Sacred Heart Hall in Wynot. Yankton’s Sacred Heart Parish Bazaar & Dinner will be held on Sunday, Nov. 2nd, 10:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the Community Center in Yankton. HOLY FAMILY’S DRAMA PRODUCTION: You are invited to Holy Family’s Theater Production on Nov. 22nd & 23rd. The play will be performed on Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon; a dinner theater performance will be held on Sunday evening. Watch the bulletin for further details. WEST CATHOLIC DEVELOPMENT BRUNCH: West Catholic Development will host a brunch on Sunday, Nov. 2nd at 9:00 a.m.—12:30 p.m. at the Fordyce Parish Center. 300 CLUB WINNERS: Winners for October are Gerald & Connie Wiedenfeld ($300) & Brenda Albers ($300). HT/CCHS HISTORY BOOK SALE: Get your copy of A Journey of Faith, the Holy Trinity/Cedar Catholic High School History book at the special closeout price of $5.00 throughout the month of October. Stop by or call the Catholic Development Office (402-254-3912). 2015 M ARCH FOR LIFE PILGRIMAGE: The Archdiocese of Omaha is leading its annual March for Life Pilgrimage on January 20-25, 2015. Defend the right to life and visit holy and historical sites in Washington, DC and Gettysburg, PA. This pilgrimage is open to high school youth and young adults (ages 19-34). For more info, visit or contact Elizabeth Abbott ( or 402-551-9003 x1306). Registration and payment deadline is November 24, 2014. CCHS RESERVED PARKING AT GAMES: Thank you to Sue Feilmeier, Matt & Brenda Steffen, and Rob & Pam Howell, who purchased RESERVED PARKING for the 2014-15 volleyball and basketball seasons. These three reserved spaces are immediately to the west of the handicapped parking spaces in front of the Msgr. Werner Activity Center. Signs read, “Reserved Parking Cedar Catholic Fall and Winter Games.” (Sometimes the wind blows them down; nevertheless, your notice of them is appreciated.) DR. ALVEDA KING AT CREIGHTON: Dr. Alveda King, niece of Martin Luther King, Jr., will speak at the Creighton University Harper Center Auditorium on Monday, Oct. 27th at 7:30 p.m. The talk is titled, “How Can the Dream Survive?” This is a free event. Dr. Alveda King’s new book King Rules will be available for purchase. Free parking is available in the Law School parking lot on the corner of 20th and Cass Streets, next door to the Harper Center. The Homeless Jesus Sculpture by Timothy P. Schmalz Detail of the Precious Wounds of Christ. This striking and challenging statue by Timothy Schmalz is being made available to Catholic parishes across the country for the special purchase price of $39.00, which includes free shipping to the church. The inspiration and creation of this masterpiece came from Tim’s encounter with Christ in a homeless man on the streets of Toronto in 2012. Last year, Pope Francis viewed and blessed Tim’s original statue in Rome. As one gazes upon this statue, one cannot help but remember Bl. Teresa of Calcutta’s words about finding Jesus in the “most distressing disguise” of the poor. A replica of the statue will be available at the Fall Dinner and at the parish offices this week for viewing. Orders will be taken through October 31st. Holy Trinity Fall Dinner & Bazaar Notes of Interest Sunday, October 19, 2014 DINNER: Salads and pies may be brought to the check-in table located inside the main doors of the Msgr. Werner Activity Center from 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Please remember the salads are to be “FULL” 5 QUART Ice Cream buckets. We are trying to have only 4 varieties of salad. **************************************************** GAMES: Cakes for the Cakewalk Game, and toys & beverages for the prize table, that were not turned in to the Parish Office, can be brought to the check-in table located inside the main doors of the Msgr. Werner Activity Center from 7:30 AM to 1:30 PM. Games begin at 3:30 PM. ************************************************************************ RAFFLE: Each ticket will cost $5.00. We NEED to sell 1,000 tickets. Tickets are at the Raffle booth located in the Msgr. Werner Activity Center on the day of the dinner. Tickets have to be tracked so they were not sent in the mail. ********************************************** BAKE SALE: Each family/household is to donate $5.00 worth of baked goods or $10.00 Cash. The baked items must be covered, labeled, & in a disposable container and brought to the gym between 7:30 AM and 1:30 PM. The Bake Sale workers will price them. If you choose to donate $10.00 cash in lieu of baking, it can be paid at the Bake Sale Table located in the Msgr. Werner Activity Center. ********************************************** TRAY CARRIERS: As part of our Religious Formation on Stewardship, we ask that all of our th 5 & 6th Grade Students of the parish volunteer to carry trays at our Parish Fall Dinner & Bazaar. These families received a letter to inform them of this. Since we want our patrons to be served well, we will do the same thing as last year. The 5th grade Students will serve the 3:45 PM to 5:30 PM shift and the 6th Grade Students will serve the 5:30 PM to end shift. HOLY TRINITY PARISH FALL DINNER AND BAZAAR SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19, 2014 Serving from 4:00 pm to 7:00 pm The dinner will be held in the Msgr. Werner Activity Center, Hartington NE Please call 402-254-6496 for Take-out Orders and In-town Deliveries Also Raffle, Bake Sale & Country Store, Book Fair and the Kid’s Fun Run MENU: Broasted Chicken & Ham Mashed Potatoes and Gravy, Vegetables and a Delicious Variety of Homemade Salads and Pies 7th Grade thru Adult $9.00 Kindergarten thru 6th Grade $5.00 Preschoolers Free LOTS OF GAMES AND FUN ACTIVITIES IN THE HOLY TRINITY GYM FOR THE KIDS BEGINNING AT 3:30 PM 1. $500 2. $250 3. $125 4. $125 5. $100 6. $100 7. $100 8. $100 9. $100 10. $100 11. $100 12. $100 13. $75 14. $50 15. $50 16. $50 17. $50 18. $50 19. $50 20. $50 21. $50 22. $50 23. $49 24. $49 25. $30 26. $25 27. $25 28. $25 29. $25 30. $25 31. $25 32. $25 33. $25 34. $25 35. $25 36. $25 37. $25 38. $25 39. $25 40. $25 41. $25 42. $25 43. $25 44. $20 45. $15 46. $15 Cash Prize Cash Prize Cash Prize Fall Blitz Ticket for 2 Cash Prize Farmers Union Gift Cert. Tuition - HT Schools/Rel. Ed., CCHS Cash Prize Food Town Gift Cert. Cash Prize Farmers Union Gift Cert. Filips Eye Clinic Gift Cert. Food Town Gift Cert. Cash Prize Food Town Gift Cert. Food Town Gift Cert. Cash Prize Cash Prize Food Town Gift Cert. Food Town Gift Cert. Keith’s Liquor Gift Cert. Food Town Gift Cert. 100 Postage Stamps 100 Postage Stamps Food Town Gift Cert. Kruse Hardware Gift Cert. Dollar General Gift Cert. Casey’s Gift Cert. Subway Gift Cert. Fay’s Furniture Gift Card Steffen Drug Gift Cert. Keith’s Liquor Gift Card Food Town Gift Cert. Floral Designs Gift Cert. Pizza Hut Gift Cert. Bomgaars Gift Cert. Subway Gift Cert. Subway Gift Cert. Cash Prize Cash Prize Food Town Gift Cert. Sheila’s Country Garden Gift Cert. Sheila’s Country Garden Gift Cert. Stop N Go Gift Cert. Etched Impressions Gift. Cert. Subway Gift Cert. Jerry & Marlene Dendinger Dan & Marsha Kathol Fischer Bros Trucking, Inc. Judy Pinkelman Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Ed & Michelle Lammers Kelly & Patty Steffen Joan Vlach Don & LaDonna Hames Dr. Roger & Ann Filips Richard & Jan Walz Betty Klanderud Terry & Darla Frank Terry & Darla Frank Ed & Theresa Fuchtman Jeanette Lammers Jolene Kathol Norman & Delores Sudbeck Lee & Lois Lammers Duane & Elaine Arens Anonymous Clare Schmidt Don & Darlene Miller Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Anonymous Steve & Jayne Steffen Steve & Jayne Steffen Bill & Connie Christensen Bob & Joyce Gentrup Jerome & Eleanor Feilmeier Kenny & Sheila Schmidt Kenny & Sheila Schmidt Anonymous Scott Keiter Family Scott Keiter Family Get Your Tickets This Week For The “Second Annual Cedar Catholic Fall Blitz” Saturday November 8, 2014 Advance Tickets! $125 per ticket admits 2 guests to enjoy an all-you-can eat dinner, courtesies & entertainment. Benefits the Cedar Catholic School budget. An adult only event. (Snow Date: November 9, 2014) at the Msgr. Cyril J. Werner Activity Center, Hartington, NE. 3:45 p.m. Scavenger Hunt Check-in (for those participating) 4:00 - 5:00 p.m. Blitz Scavenger Hunt 5:00 - 6:00 p.m. Social Time 5:00 - 5:45 p.m. music by the “Back Forty” 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Specialty Buffet Dinner 7:15 - 7:30 p.m. Cedar Catholic Jazz Band & Cedar Catholic Dance Team 8:00 p.m. - Drawing for great prizes. 8:30 p.m. - Enjoy the evening in a rustic fall setting and music by the “Back Forty” band. Have a blast at the Blitz! Come hungry and plan your attack on a variety of delicious dinner entree's: Roasted whole Hog, Appetite Priming Prime Rib Sandwiches, Some of the prizes include: Husker Tickets, I-pads, Ron’s Barbecued Rib-Tickling Ribs, Tator Sliders & Tator Shreds, Weber Grill, 2 Beans in a Shed, The Corn Crib, Sides of Silage, The Sugar-Shack of Sweets, a 47” Flat Screen TV, Cedar Catholic Season and a Bridge Over Calming Waters. Tickets, Cedar Fan Items, Great a portable heater, Entertainment: The food bunks, corn crib and food sheds will Hunting-Fishing License close at 8:00 p.m. Casual or country attire! * Cedar Catholic Combos with NE Park Jazz Band Passes, $100 Gift Certificates for groceries * Cedar Catholic For tickets or more information call, & gas, $100 Certificates to Dance Team Brian & Jody Paulsen, Mark & Denise Kuehn, farm & hardware stores, $50 * Music by Ron & Joan Brodersen, Raleigh & Christi Burbach, Gift Certificates to “Back Forty” Keith & Michelle Loecker or the Development Office. Restaurants, flower & gift shops, and more!!! BLITZ Scavenger Hunt Scavenger Hunt Teams will consist of 4-6 people (or 2 or 3 couples) who will road trip within Hartington to complete their list of clues for Scavenger finds. Blitz Scavenger Hunt teams will pick up their list of clues at 3:45 p.m. on Saturday November 8, 2014 at the Msgr. Werner Activity Center Scavenger Hunt Check-in table, in time to begin your scavenging by 4:00 p.m. The first two teams to return to the Activity Center with their completed lists by 5:30 p.m. or before will receive prizes. Great fun with which to begin your evening of blitzing-out on the specialty food buffet, entertainment and prizes. Must PRE-REGISTER by returning this form by November 5 with $50 for the Scavenger Hunt registration. (To participate in the Scavenger Hunt participants must also purchase the $125 Fall Blitz ticket). _____ Yes! We would like to participate in the Blitz Scavenger Hunt. Teammates names: 1)__________________ 2)_________________ 3)____________________ 4)_______________________ 5)____________________________ 6)________________________ Contact Person: _________________________ Phone: ________________ Return to: Catholic Development Office, PO Box 654, Hartington, NE 68739 2014 Cedar Catholic Annual Fund Chairpersons Tom and Beth Stevens & Family October 2014 The Stevens’ Support the Tradition of Catholic education. They invite you to also support the 2014 Cedar Catholic Annual Fund Drive. Dear Holy Trinity High School/Cedar Catholic High School Alumni & Friends, We believe Catholic education gives children a strong foundation to their faith by providing religion classes and Mass almost every school day. We wanted our children to get a firmer foundation in their faith by attending a Catholic School. Being around that environment every day is a constant - a habit for them. We send our children to Catholic schools to continue what our parents and grandparents started. It benefits the children while passing on the gift previous generations gave to us. Catholic education can build a firmer ground hopefully strong enough that when our kids are faced with tough trials they know where to turn and get strength from. They will also know where all their blessings come from and who to thank. We invite you to help strengthen Cedar Catholic today with a gift to assist the School’s annual budget. A gift to this years’ Annual Drive will help general budget costs of education and help complete the school bus loan close to term. Cedar Catholic basically operates on donations and tuition. The school’s needs are funded by gifts and fundraising, parish subsidy via donations and tuition. It is amazing that our Catholic high school has been operating for 110 years on generosity and commitment. It seems obvious. Why shouldn't we send our children for a Catholic education? It’s available to us. We should utilize it. We are thankful we have the Catholic school so close. Thank you for your support of the 2014 Cedar Catholic Annual Fund Drive. Thanks to you will also be offered and remembered at school Masses said for alumni, friends and benefactors on October 23, 2014 at 2:45 p.m., January 30, 2015 at 2:50 p.m., February 27, 2015 at 2:45 p.m. and March 27, 2015 at 2:45 p.m. Sincerely, Tom & Beth Stevens 2014 Cedar Catholic Annual Drive Chairpersons Yes, I (We) would like to join the Tom & Beth Stevens Family in their commitment and support of Catholic education and Cedar Catholic Jr.-Sr. High School’s 2014 Annual Fund Drive . I (We) offer our prayers and a gift of: ____$10 ____$25 ____$50 ____$100 ____$150 ____$250 ____$500 ____$1,000 ______Other ____ Please apply my gift to the 2014 general school budget expenses. ____ Please apply my gift to the budget transportation cost that will help complete the school bus loan. Name ________________________________________________ Phone______________________________ Cell Phone ___________________________ Address ___________________________________________________ City, State, Zip ____________________________________________ Email _______________________________ Occupation: _______________ Class of __________ Date ________________ Check No. ________ Spouse’s Name ___________________ (Make checks payable to Cedar Development). Please save a stamp and send my acknowledgment to me by e-mail! No acknowledgment for this gift is necessary. Please return to: Cedar Catholic Annual Fund Drive % Catholic Development Office P O Box 654 Hartington NE 68739
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