CANADIAN MARTYRS CATHOLIC PARISH 835 Northmount Dr., N.W. Calgary, AB T2L 0A3 TEL: 403-284-3311, FAX: 403-220-0095 E-mail: web site: Pastor: Fr. Jos Tom Kalathil Parambil Fr. Paulos Tewelde - In Residence Secretary: Regina C. Bartlett Custodian: Theresa Hryhor Sunday Masses: Vigil Saturday - 5:00 p.m. Sunday Morning - 9:00 & 10:30 a.m. Weekday Masses: Tuesday - 7:00 p.m. Wednesday – Saturday - 9:00 a.m. Sacrament of Reconciliation: Saturday - 4:00 – 4:30 p.m., or any time by appointment. Adoration of Blessed Sacrament: st 1 Friday of the month - 9:30 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. Rosary: Sunday, 8:30 a.m. before Mass. Weekdays, before all Masses. Baptism Preparation: A family interview with the priest is required prior to any arrangement for the baptism of a child. Baptismal Instruction is obligatory for both parents. Wedding Arrangements: Couples contemplating marriage should contact a priest at least six months prior to the date chosen. Couples who are planning to be married at Canadian Martyrs Catholic Parish are expected to regularly worship with this Parish Community and to participate in a Marriage Preparation Program. Teacher’s Profession of Faith: Teachers in such a situation should make themselves known to the priest of the parish, be registered, regularly attend Mass at this parish and participate in a ministry. Teacher should bring their completed faith form to their interview with the pastor. Pastoral Health Care Team – welcomes the opportunity to visit and bring the Eucharist to our housebound parishioners. Contact the Parish Office or Tess Langill 403-249-0969 to schedule visits at home or in the hospital. Parish Pastoral Council – st 1 Thursday of the month 7:30 pm Catholic Women’s League – rd 3 Tuesday of the month at 1:00 pm Office Hours: 9:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Monday - Friday Knights of Columbus – st 1 Wednesday of the month at 7:30 pm Society of St. Vincent de Paul – nd th 2 and 4 Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm Children’s Liturgy of the Word - (ages 3-7) Sept –June - Held at the 10:30 am Sunday masses except on Holidays and Long weekends of the Calgary Catholic Schools. Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults – For those preparing for Baptism or for entry into Full Communion with the Catholic Church. All Souls’Day Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed November 2, 2014 A Vocation View: “Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?” Christ is alive and has conquered death by death. (1 Cor 15:55) MASS INTENTIONS Tues Nov 4 7:00 pm Wed Nov 5 9:00 am Thurs Nov 6 9:00 am Fri Nov 7 9:00 pm Sat Nov 8 9:00 am Sat Nov 8 5:00 pm Sun Nov 9 9:00 am Sun Nov 9 10:30 am Kaminski & Lewczuk Family (RIP) Req Jean Kaminski & Fam Marg Wotske (RIP) Req Tess Langill Enzo Serpentini (RIP) Req Jean Kaminski Marg Wotske (RIP) Req Jo McDowell Marg Wotske (RIP) Req Carmel Campbell Theresa Phelan (LIV) Req SSVP Bea Monaghan (RIP) Req John Fedaj & Lewzuk (RIP) Req Helen Fedaj & Family PLEASE KEEP THE SICK OF OUR PARISH IN YOUR PRAYERS-- May they know the deep love & support of our community through our thoughts & prayers. Especially, Daisy Giachino, Bruce Cairns, Bill Carpenter, Ivor Shenfield, Matt Skletowich, Elvia Tognazzini, Jean Ibach, Simon Beile, Jayden De Sa, Allan & Lynn Stodalka & Ralph Gaetz. Welcome to all new parishioners. Please take a moment to fill out a registration form in the foyer. Our ushers will be happy to assist you. Together In Action 2014 -As Bishop Henry said: “Faith working through love” (Gal.5:6) becomes a new criterion of understanding and action that changes the whole of our lives. “So if anyone is in Christ, there is a new creation: everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!” (2 Cor.5:17).Through faith we recognize the face of the risen Lord in those who ask for our love. “As you did it to the least of my brethren, you did it to me” (Mt.25:40). These words are both a warning and a perennial invitation to return the love by which he takes care of us. It is faith that enables us to recognize Christ and it is his love that impels us to assist him whenever he becomes our neighbour along the journey of life. Supported by faith, let us look, with hope at our commitments as we await a new heavens and a new earth. Please be generous to your TIA contribution. Our goal this year is $22,128.05. Collection to date is $16,547.34. As you can see we are still short in our target for this year. We thank those of you who have donated and we ask those who have not yet contributed to please consider doing so. It is imperative that we address this Together in Action shortfall. Your continued support and generosity will help us reach our target again this year. Surplus funds will be used for Capital Projects. Thank you in advance. Prayer Chain –What is a gift you can give or receive that you do not have to pay membership, user fees or taxes? “The Gift of Giving Prayers” The Prayer Chain is very strong here at Canadian Martyrs Parish and we are not afraid to ask God or our favorite saints to help intervene with our requests or thanksgiving. Praying for others also showers benefits on the one who pray. If you are interested to be a Prayer Chain Apostolate, please call Nadean Meyer at 403-282-1654, or the office at 403-284-3311. Thank you & God Bless. Parish Fund Raising Program-The following articles are for sale after each weekend Mass at the Knights of Columbus table: Gift cards, Safeway, Calgary Coop, Vocation Book (Signposts of our Faith) for $10.00. Visa & Master Cards are honored. Nickels for Novices - Our fund raising program is now $560.00. Thank you for the generosity of our parish members. Money collected help support seminarian program. CWL MEETING – TUESDAY, NOV 4, 7:30 PM – All members please attend this meeting as it is our final meeting before the bazaar. BAKERS & BAKING NEEDED – Just a reminder to all parishioners who can help with donating baking items to the Bazaar - please mark on your items whether it contains nuts or not – and all items can be dropped off at the church Friday Nov. 14 from 9am-5pm. Or make arrangements with Sharon Thielen 403 -282-1302. CANADIAN MARTYRS BAZAAR & LUNCHEON – Saturday, NOVEMBER 15, 2014 from 10:00 AM-2:00 PM – This is our biggest fund raiser and most favorite event of the year. Buy your $1.00 Raffle Tickets starting November 1for a chance to win a Ginger Bread House or A 12 Days of Christmas Banner! We are looking to the parish to assist in this event by donating baking, Christmas & Mini Raffle Table Items, and children’s gently used small toys. For more information contact: any CWL Member or Cathy Munro @ 403 220-0203 or the office 403 284-3311. Catechesis of the Good Shepherd is a program for ages 3-6 that is being offered at Canadian Martyrs Parish beginning Nov. 4th. If you would like more information about the program or registration, please contact Paula Sabatini at or 403.244.1104. Cost is minimal. The Editor’s Assistant -Resurrection of the body “We do not guess at what the afterlife holds. We do not base our faith on human opinions, poets’ dreams or philosophers’ images. We draw our faith from the very fountain of truth, God himself. And who could have greater knowledge of divine things? We do not teach that souls pass into other bodies so that humans become animals, or that souls live on without bodies, or that souls die in the body. We don’t need these lies, because we have the Truth itself. This Truth—God and his Word—has promised in its teaching and proved in its rising again that the flesh will be raised to eternal life. Since we have these proofs and the light of faith how could we ever doubt the resurrection, which we have heard from God’s Word and seen and felt with the eyes and hands of the apostles.” St Paulinus of Nola Woodworking, small projects-Some 3-6 year olds are looking for a kind woodworker to create a few small dioramas of biblical stories and parables. We have some examples in our catechesis room to show you if you are interested. These projects, built out of love for the church, are for the education of our youngest parishioners. The materials will be used in our parish during the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd program. Please call Paula for more info 403-244-1104. Father Vincoy, an exorcist in his diocese in the Philippines, will be at St. Luke’s on Saturday, November 8th, 2014. Mass will be at 9:00 am and following Mass Father will be available for individual healing. The Francis Effect-The Francis Effect, produced by Salt + Light, takes a critical and in-depth look at how an ancient institution is rapidly changing under the leadership and vision of Pope Francis, and exclusive interviews with prominent Catholics and non-Catholics reveal that Francis is having a profound effect on the world as well. For more info on The Francis Effect, visit Mount St. Francis -Men’s Retreat -Nov 7-9-Contact for registration-Chad 403-347-3198-or Anthony 403-201-7975 Nov 14-16-Men's Serenity Weekend-Retreat begins with Supper Friday at 7:00-Please contact Jim at 403-242-0688 Nov 21-23Advent Retreat-To register call Linda at 403-932-1804 Seniors spirituality and reflection program meets Mondays, November 3, 10, 17, and 24th from 1 to 3 pm at St. Joseph parish. All seniors and soon to be seniors are welcome. St Joseph is at 640 19 Ave. N.W. No charge, refreshments are served. Come to one or all as each session is unique. Call Elaine 403 265 3633 for information or just come and join us. “Let’s Talk” A workshop on Loss & Grief using the inspirational writings of Henri Nouwen, facilitated by Chris Brochu and Michael Soentgerath. Join us during this month of remembering our loved ones who have gone before us, for an evening of sharing in a faith dialogue, our personal dealings with our losses. Tuesday November 18 at St. Cecilia’s Parish Auditorium 321 – 90 Ave SE Calgary from 7 to 9 pm. No charge and open to all seeking dialogue, healing and wholeness in times of loss and grief. On November 8 & 9 we celebrate Catholic Education Sunday, in recognition of the wonderful work taking place throughout the province in our Catholic schools. A special collection will be taken, which provides you with an opportunity to support Catholic education in our community and to ensure the continued success of our Catholic schools. Our Catechism of the Catholic Church states that faith is a gift we receive from family and community, a gift nurtured by those around us and as receivers of faith we are called to hand it on to others. Your generous donation will support students through the Calgary Catholic Education Foundation and St. Mary’s University College as well as the seminarians at Newman College. With almost 52,000 students attending our Catholic schools the needs are many! For each one of these students who have touched your life please consider a donation of $5 per child. On behalf of Calgary Catholic students we thank you in advance for your generosity and support. COME AND SEE WEEKEND: A priestly vocation discernment weekend will take place at St Joseph Major Seminary in Edmonton on the weekend of November 21 - 23 (It will begin Friday evening and end after the noon lunch on Sunday.) Please register by November 7th. For further information and to register please contact the Office of Vocations at 403-245-2753 or INN FROM THE COLD: Living Your Faith, Serving Your Community. Volunteer and Information Line is 403-536-5682. Information about parish opportunities, how to volunteer and more. MATTHEW 25: 35 – “I WAS A STRANGER...AND YOU WELCOMED ME..." The Diocesan Office of Religious Education is offering a Prayer workshop on Saturday, November 8, 2014 from 9:30am to 2:30pm at the FCJ Christian Life Centre, Calgary. It will be facilitated by Dr. Glenn Byre, Associated Publisher at Novalis and will be based on his recent book “Like Spokes on a Wheel: Catholic Prayers beyond the Liturgy”. The day will explore the amazing variety of prayers. The cost is $50.00 which includes lunch. To register please contact Alicia at 403-218-5501. All souls -When the powers of hell prevail-O'er our weakness and unfitness-Could we lift the fleshly veil-Could we for a moment witness-Those unnumbered hosts that stand-Calm and bright on either hand-Oh what joyful hope would cheer Oh what faith serene would guide us-Great may be the danger near Greater are the friends beside us Collections, week of October 25 /26, 2014 =$3,087.00 Capital Renewal Project=$132,463.38=Total left to spend Thank you all for your generosity! MINISTERS’ SCHEDULES 5:00 pm 9:00 am Eucharistic Donna Machowski Theresa Hryhor Children’s Liturgy of the Word Schedule Dedication of the Lateran Basilica First Teacher: WEEKEND OF - November 8th 10:30 am Ildiko Farkas Reyes Bertolin Patrick Callin Rudy Kintanar Anna Bince Anna Chen Richard Wheatley 5:00 pm - 9th - 2014 9:00 am 10:30 am Ushers Sean McSwiney Theresa Hryhor John Spronken Ekenma Aniekwe Tom Campbell Rob Bartlett Regina Bartlett Mike Shenfield Herman Thielen Lectors Doris Tam Mary Ann Donaleshen Victor Panlilio Thomas Farkas Hospitality Kathryn Meyer Martin Meyer Ekenma Aniekwe Judith Farkas Mary Coughlin Second Teacher: Linen Schedule Colleen Iozzi God of all consolation: In your unending love and mercy for us, you turn the darkness of death into the dawn of new life. Show compassion to your people in their sorrow. Be our refuge and strength to lift us from the darkness of this world to the peace and light of your presence. Your son, our Lord Jesus Christ, by dying for us, conquered death and by rising again, restored life. May we then go forward eagerly to meet him, and after our life on earth be reunited with our brothers and sisters where every tear will be wiped away. St Vincent Ferrar.
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