CROSSROADS Catechetical Day January 31, 2015 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Holy Redeemer Parish Registration Packet Dear Catechetical Minister, Catechesis is one of the great treasures of the Church. Your leadership and participation are key to the ongoing development and well-being of the faith of our parish communities. Recognizing the role catechists play in bringing people to the Lord Jesus, we are pleased to offer this CROSSROADS Catechetical Day, which will provide an opportunity for us to gather together and renew our commitment to pass on the riches of our Catholic faith: our beliefs, our rituals and our spiritual traditions. We are heartened by the quality and quantity of workshops, prayer experiences, resources, and opportunities for community-building offered throughout the day. We ask you to please take the time to be renewed and enriched in your personal faith and the faith you hand on to those you serve. Please be assured of our support and encouragement as you so generously dedicate your time and your energy to this important ministry. Yours in Christ, Crossroads Catechetical Day January 31, 2015 Please prayerfully consider which sessions you would like to attend. A registration form is located at the back of this booklet. Please fill it out completely and return it to your Parish Catechetical Director or Holy Redeemer Parish as soon as possible; space is limited. The cost to participate in this Catechetical Day is $35.00 ($5.00 non-refundable). Scholarships are available; please contact Rhonda Lomonaco at 669-9220 for information. Schedule of the Day: 8:00-8:30 am 8:30-8:45 am 8:45-9:45 am 9:45-10:00 am 10:05-11:05 am 11:10-12:10 pm 12:15-1:15 pm 1:20-2:20 pm 2:25-3:30 pm Hospitality Prayer Keynote Speaker - Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP “Walking Together in Faith: Our Privilege as Catechists” Shopping Session 1 Session 2 Lunch (shopping) Session 3 (Vendors close at 2:30 pm) Session 4 (Closing Prayer/Evaluations included) Vendors will be available throughout the day for you to purchase items. Some of the vendors attending include: RCL Benziger Our Sunday Visitor Curriculum Division (not present, but contributing) William H. Sadlier, Inc. St. Mary’ Press Michigan Church Supply (Bishop Baraga Bookstore) Map to Holy Redeemer Parish H R Baldwin Street Holy Redeemer Parish 2700 Baldwin Street Jenison, MI 49428 616-669-9220 Information about our Keynote Speaker Sr. Janet Schaeffler, OP . . • • After ministering for many years in parish and archdiocesan ministry in catechetics/faith formation, Janet Schaeffler, OP, an Adrian Dominican Sister, is currently ministering as: • a facilitator of days of reflection/retreats, workshops/ presentations, parish missions • author • teacher • presenter for Coaching Parents • a member of the Project Team (blogger, author and curator) for Faith Formation Learning Exchange • editor of the NALM (National Association of Lay Ministry) monthly newsletter a member of the resource team for CNAFF (Catholic Network for Adult Faith Formation) facilitator of online courses for VLCFF at the University of Dayton and C21 Online at Boston College Janet now continues the ministry she was involved in in parishes, in archdiocesan ministry and as Director of Adult Faith Formation for the Archdiocese of Detroit. Janet created and publishes GEMS (Great Endeavors Mined and Shared) - a monthly newsletter from an ongoing international best practices study on adult faith formation Janet has been an elected officer of the Executive Committee of NCCL, the National Conference for Catechetical Leadership, and continues to be active, especially as a member of the NCCL Adult Faith Formation Committee. The author of hundreds of articles and several publications in catechetical and parish ministry, her articles can be found in Today's Parish, Catechist, RTJ: Creative Catechist, The Priest, Ministry and Liturgy, as well as several other parish ministerial and catechetical publications. Join us in thanking Sr. Janet as our Keynote Speaker for our 2015 Catechetical Day. CROSSROADS Session 1 - 10:05-11:05am 1. Title: Presenter: Things I’ve learned from New Melleray and Downton Abbey Fr. Phil Shangraw, is a Roman Catholic priest who has served the Diocese of Grand Rapids in a variety of capacities and parishes over the past 34 years; he prefers to live as a hermit when he can. Synopsis: 2. Component: This presentation will highlight some monastic practices - sacred reading, work, silence, asceticism and others - that can be adapted and practiced by people who are not monks and nuns, but desire to seek God in their own vocations and life. These practices could help the likes of both the Earl of Grantham and Mrs. Patmore. Spirituality/Theology Title: Presenter: Dennis Hahn, is a Certified School Psychologist serving Hudsonville Public Schools. He has been ADHD: More than an Attention Problem practicing School Psychology for the last 18 years. Synopsis: 3. Component: ADHD can be much more than a short attention span or an inability to sit still. This session focuses on current information related to ADHD theory, diagnosis, and treatment. Methodology Title: Pray Always and All Ways Presenter: Sr. Mary Ann Barrett, OP, is a Dominican Sister from Marywood who has had experiences as a teacher, preacher, campus minister, vocation and retreat director during her 50 years of religious life. Synopsis: Amid the busy-ness of life, Christians, people-in-love, need to carve out time for quiet and reflection in order to bring balance to their relationships with God, self, others, and nature. The art of deep listening helps us lean towards the world in love. Together we will experience a variety of Prayer Styles, including Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer, and Praying with the Body. All forms of prayer enhance our spiritual walk and talk. Spirituality Component: 4. Title: Presenter: The Church History of West Michigan Patrick Nugent, is a Religion Teacher at West Catholic High School for 20 years, Religion Department Chair at West Catholic High School, and holds a Masters in History Education. Synopsis: Component: 5. Title: Presenter: This session will include an overview of the history of the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Special emphasis will be given to themes and topics that could be shared with students, RCIA candidates, or adult learners. Theology Explaining the Stations of the Cross to Children Betty Searle, is a parishioner at Holy Redeemer Parish and a member of the RCIA Team for 19 years. She has been offering presentations to the youth/adults of her parish as well as other parishes on the Stations of the Cross and the Rosary for the past 16 years. Synopsis: Component: 6. This session will offer how to explain the Stations of the Cross to children and adult converts to the faith. Ideas on how to teach all grade levels will be explored. Theology/Methodology Title: Color the World with Prayer (Prayer Ideas for our Catechetical Sessions) Presenter: Synopsis: Sr. Janet Schaeffler (See “keynote” page for bio) More and more, we are appreciating that there is more than one way to pray and that different people pray in different ways. What a gift we have! In our time together, we will explore several different kinds, forms, types of prayer to share with our young people as we accompany them on the journey of prayer. Theology/Methodology Component: 7. Title: Presenter: Parishes in Holland where he coordinates pastoral care visits, funerals, gives retreats, and works extensively with Catholic students at Hope College. In addition he worked as a lay missionary in South America for three years. Synopsis: Pope Francis has said again and again that we are seeking to build a culture of encounter. This session explores the notion of encounter as a spiritual/theological term coming out of Latin America. The session would seek to ground ministry in this notion of encounter as being one of connection with other people - especially the poor - and how this mirrors and encounter with the Living God. Spirituality/Theology Component: 8. The Spirituality of Encounter—Parishes as Places of Encounters Tom Eggleston, is the pastoral associate for St. Francis de Sales and Our Lady of the Lake Title: Presenter: “Into & Out of the Desert with Jesus: A Scriptural Reflection on Mark 1:12-15” Msgr. William H. Duncan, is the Pastor at St. Sebastian in Byron Center and Vicar General, Office of the Bishop, Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: 9. Title: Presenter: This year the Gospel of Mark inaugurates the Lenten season on the First Sunday of Lent with a most stark yet powerful proclamation of Jesus in the desert. We will explore the impact of these words upon our Lenten Journey. Spirituality/Theology Using Children’s Literature to Teach Values Fr. Ron Hutchinson, Pastor at Holy Redeemer Parish and Director of Priestly Vocations for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: 10. Title: Presenter: Many pieces of children’s literature have hidden underlying messages. Come hear how you can make Gospel messages come alive through the mirror of familiar children’s literature. Methodology Mary, Mother of God: Mary in the History of Our Salvation Fr. Joachim Lally, is a Paulist Priest in Senior Ministry, Missionary to Dominican Republic 40 times, Teacher of Prayer. Holds a Master in Counseling. Synopsis: Component: 11. Title: Presenter: This presentation will focus on the history of exemplary women in our salvation history. A special focus will be on our Mother Mary. We will talk of the qualities of Mary as: believer, obedient, humble, receptive, etc. Also we will talk of sanctity in general and how Mary has served as a great example of sanctity through the ages. We will conclude with a conversation on the holy rosary. Theology What About the Ten Commandments and the Gospel? Peter Ries, is the RCIA Director at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and St. John Church and Student Center in East Lansing. Synopsis: Component: 12. This session will consider the foundations of Christian morality and give some background and explanation for the commandments. Applying the commandments to current challenges will also be explored. Methodology Title: What the heck is this “Mercy” thing the Pope keeps talking about? Presenter: Fr. Mark Przybysz, is the Pastor of St. Anthony of Padua in Grand Rapids and Director of the Office for Continuing Formation of Priests for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: Mercy is a key theme of Pope Francis' ministry and vision for the Church. We will look at the idea of Mercy, found primarily from the book of the same name by Cardinal Kasper. Theology/Methodology Session 2 - 11:10-12:10pm 13. Title: Presenter: ADHD: More than an Attention Problem Dennis Hahn, is a Certified School Psychologist serving Hudsonville Public Schools. He has been practicing School Psychology for the last 18 years. Synopsis: Component: 14. Title: Presenter: ADHD can be much more than a short attention span or an inability to sit still. This session focuses on current information related to ADHD theory, diagnosis, and treatment. Methodology Things I’ve learned from New Melleray and Downton Abbey Fr. Phil Shangraw, is a Roman Catholic priest who has served the Diocese of Grand Rapids in a variety of capacities and parishes over the past 34 years; he prefers to live as a hermit when he can. Synopsis: Component: 15. This presentation will highlight some monastic practices - sacred reading, work, silence, asceticism and others - that can be adapted and practiced by people who are not monks and nuns, but desire to seek God in their own vocations and life. These practices could help the likes of both the Earl of Grantham and Mrs. Patmore. Spirituality/Theology Title: Bringing Scripture to Life with Children Presenter: Sandy Rigsby, has served as a director for children and adolescent catechesis and youth ministry and has over 20 years’ experience in Faith Formation. She has published five books on scriptural activities and reflection for youth and adolescents. Sandy is a Sales Consultant for Saint Mary’s Press. Synopsis: 16. Component: This workshop will explore ideas and strategies that will help children to become more familiar and confident with Scripture. We will discuss practical ways Scripture can be integrated into catechetical sessions and focus on creative ideas that can be immediately used with elementary children. Theology/Methodology Title: Pray Always and All Ways Presenter: Sr. Mary Ann Barrett, OP, is a Dominican Sister from Marywood who has had experiences as a teacher, preacher, campus minister, vocation and retreat director during her 50 years of religious life. Synopsis: Amid the busy-ness of life, Christians, people-in-love, need to carve out time for quiet and reflection in order to bring balance to their relationships with God, self, others, and nature. The art of deep listening helps us lean towards the world in love. Together we will experience a variety of Prayer Styles, including Lectio Divina, Centering Prayer, and Praying with the Body. All forms of prayer enhance our spiritual walk and talk. Spirituality/Methodology Component: 17. Title: Presenter: Overview of Church History (the first 13 centuries) Patrick Nugent, is a Religion Teacher at West Catholic High School for 20 years, Religion Department Chair at West Catholic High School, and holds a Masters in History Education. Synopsis: Component: 18. Title: This session will be a survey of the history of the Catholic Church from the Apostolic Age through the High Middle Ages. Major topics will include the Apostolic Era, the Church Fathers, the Middle Ages, the Protestant Reformation, Missions, and the Second Vatican Council. Special emphasis will be given to themes and topics that could be shared with Students, RCIA candidates, or adult learners. Theology Prize-Winning Practices for Priceless Participation (Practical and Fun Methods and Things To Do in our Catechetical Sessions) Presenter: Synopsis: Component: Sr. Janet Schaeffler (See “keynote” page for bio) On the faith journey, no one is a spectator. In our faith formation sessions, the more our learners are involved and participating, the more they are learning, the more they are growing in faith, in relationship to God and God’s People. Let’s explore some creative, fun and faith-filled ways for participation and involvement for our youngsters. Methodology 19. Title: What the heck is this “Mercy” thing the Pope keeps talking about? Presenter: Fr. Mark Przybysz, is the Pastor of St. Anthony of Padua in Grand Rapids and Director of the Office for Continuing Formation of Priest for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Mercy is a key theme of Pope Francis' ministry and vision for the Church. We will look at the idea of Mercy, found primarily from the book of the same name by Cardinal Kasper. Theology/Methodology Component: 20. Title: Using Music in the Classroom, Lessons For K-12 Presenter: Synopsis: Elizabeth Christian, Director of Music at St. Sebastian. Learn how to use music in your classroom, whether it’s for squirming Kindergarteners or hard-to-please High Schoolers, and see how music can get their attention. Music can raise their interest, improve their memory, and make a class interesting once you know how to use it! Learn with music, whether you think you sing or not! Methodology Component: 21. Title: Presenter: Eucharist is a Meal and a ___________________ Fr. Chris Rouech, is the Pastor at St. Pius X in Grandville and directs the Office for Worship for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: 22. Title: Presenter: Nearly every faithful Catholic knows to fill in that blank with the word “sacrifice.” But what does that mean? Does the word “sacrifice” have any particular relevance in modern times? While the Church’s understanding of the sacrificial elements of the Eucharist will be summarized in this session, our higher goal will be to develop a deeper appreciation for the mystery of the Eucharist and how to incorporate the spirituality of the Mass into everyday living. Spirituality/Theology Mystery of the Triune God Peter Ries, is the RCIA Director at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and St. John Church and Student Center in East Lansing. Synopsis: Component: 23. The reality of God as a Trinity of Persons is a basic belief of Christianity. Catechists need to understand the significance of this belief and how it relates to the faith formation of all age levels. Theology/Methodology Title: Catechesis in a Bilingual Setting: Building Cross-Cultural Awareness Presenter: Fr. Stephen Dudek, D. Min., is the Pastor at Holy Name of Jesus Parish in Wyoming and Director of the Missions Office for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: 24. Title: Presenter: Today’s parishes are increasingly becoming “shared” or multicultural parishes. These settings benefit from catechists with special knowledge, attitudes, and skills. This workshop will help develop intercultural competence in the classroom. Theology “Into & Out of the Desert with Jesus: A Scriptural Reflection on Mark 1:12-15” Msgr. William H. Duncan, is the Pastor at St. Sebastian in Byron Center and Vicar General, Office of the Bishop, Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: This year the Gospel of Mark inaugurates the Lenten season on the First Sunday of Lent with a most stark yet powerful proclamation of Jesus in the desert. We will explore the impact of these words upon our Lenten Journey. Spirituality/Theology Session 3 - 1:20-2:20pm 25. Title: Presenter: Using Children’s Literature to Teach Values Fr. Ron Hutchinson, Pastor at Holy Redeemer Parish and Director of Priestly Vocations for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: 26. Many pieces of children’s literature have hidden underlying messages. Come hear how you can make Gospel messages come alive through the mirror of familiar children’s literature. Methodology Title: Leading People in Prayer Presenter: Fr. Chris Rouech, is the Pastor at St. Pius X in Grandville and directs the Office for Worship for the Diocese of Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: 27. In the Sacrament of Baptism, we are anointed “priest, prophet and king.” Yet many Catholics feel incapable or unworthy of leading people in prayer. Participants in this session will gain confidence by learning and practicing basic principles of preparing and leading prayer for both informal and formal occasions. Spirituality/Methodology Title: Mary and Maryam Presenter: Mary Vaccaro, serves as a Spiritual Care Coordinator for Gentiva Hospice, an adjunct professor of Theology and Women’s Studies at Aquinas College and an occasional columnist for Faith Magazine Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: 28. Title: Presenter: Catholic Christians look to Mary as a model of discipleship, the Beloved Mother of Jesus, indeed the Mother of God. Known as Maryam to Muslims, this holy woman is highly honored and revered for her great faithfulness to Allah. Mary will discuss Mary/Maryam as she appears in the Bible and Quran as well as the customs and traditions of Christian Muslim Peoples. Theology Overview of Church History (1400-present) Patrick Nugent, is a Religion Teacher at West Catholic High School for 20 years, Religion Department Chair at West Catholic High School, and holds a Masters in History Education. Synopsis: Component: 29. Title: Title: Using Music in the Classroom, Lessons For K-12 Presenter: Synopsis: Elizabeth Christian, Director of Music at St. Sebastian Learn how to use music in your classroom, whether it’s for squirming Kindergarteners or hard-to-please High Schoolers, and see how music can get their attention. Music can raise their interest, improve their memory, and make a class interesting once you know how to use it! Learn with music, whether you think you sing or not! Methodology Component: 30. This session will be a survey of the history of the Catholic Church from the Renaissance Era to the present. Major topics will include the Protestant Reformation, Missions, and the Second Vatican Council. Special emphasis will be given to themes and topics that could be shared with students, RCIA candidates, or adult learners. Theology Title: Discernment - A Tool for Every Catholic Presenter: Andy Rebollar, is the Pastoral Associate for Parish Life for St. Pius X in Grandville. Andy has been involved in full time ministry since 2001 and has served in a variety of roles for the Catholic Church. Synopsis: Component: Discernment is a way of opening the Door of Faith to your decisions. It involves God, the Holy Spirit and yourself as sacred partners designed to bring clarity and consolation. This introductory class will help you discover what discernment is and how you may be able to apply it to your life and the decisions you make. Spirituality 31. Title: Presenter: Managing Student Behavior Peter Ries, is the RCIA Director at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and St. John Church and Student Center in East Lansing. Synopsis: Component: 32. Title: Presenter: Synopsis: Component: 33. Effective management of student behavior will greatly enhance learning and the entire faith formation process. Group management techniques allow the catechist and students to work together in harmony in order to promote growth in faith. Methodology The Catechesis of Evangelization: Witness and Testimony in the Classroom Kevin Hilgert, is the Director of Youth Ministry at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Holland. In this session we will explore some theology, theory, and history of the need, and to a degree, primacy of witness and testimony in relation to catechesis. Kevin, will offer concrete methods to help develop effective witness for use within a classroom setting in order to further the faith formation of those participating. Additionally, we will explore ways to utilize the witness of both catechists/adult leaders and students alike in order to create a more intimate and personal ownership in the catechetical process. Theology/Methodology Title: Teaching the Sacraments: Unique Signs of God’s Love and Mercy Presenter: Clem Schwartz, is the Director of Family Faith Formation at St. Jude’s Parish, Grand Rapids and brings with him over 30 years of experience and represents William H. Sadlier. Synopsis: 34. 35. Component: There are signs that inform us and there are signs that have a hidden message. Sacraments are unique signs that “cause to happen when they signify.” No matter what grade you teach, come and discover ways to communicate this idea to adults and children. Theology/Methodology Title: Empowering Parents to Navigate the Waves of Adolescent Faith Presenter: Teri Burns, is the Director of Faith Formation at St. Robert of Newminster Parish in Ada. Teri has been involved in Catechetical Ministry for 35 years. Teri holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology and Sociology from Aquinas College and a Master’s in Pastoral Theology from St. Maryof-the-Woods College, Terre Haute, IN. Synopsis: Component: The seas of adolescence can sometimes be calm and sunny, but other times the waves crash as the storms rage. How do we respond when parents ask, “What can I do to help my adolescent child keep the faith?” This session will explore ways that parish ministers and catechists might work with and empower parents for engaging their adolescents in prayer, faith conversations, and faith-filled living. Methodology Title: Lectio Divina for Kids/Youth (Adults, Too) Presenter: Jim Hurst, is the Director of Education and Formation for Children at Holy Redeemer Parish. Jim is a 31 year old married male addicted to Jesus and the infectious Joy that comes from living in the richness of the Faith He gave us. Synopsis: Just because it’s hundreds of years old, is a Latin name and has Latin components, doesn’t mean that it is obsolete! This way of praying the scripture can open the eyes and ears of our students to experience God’s Word in a deep, meaningful, and personal way. Come, break open the scriptures for yourself and learn how to lead your students to do the same! Theology/Methodology Component: Session 4 - 2:25-3:30pm 36. Title The Rosary Presenter: Betty Searle, is a parishioner at Holy Redeemer Parish and a member of the RCIA Team for 19 years. She has been offering presentations to the youth/adults of her parish as well as other parishes on the Stations of the Cross and the Rosary for the past 16 years. Synopsis: This session will explore how to explain the Rosary to children and adult converts to the faith - from kindergarten to adulthood. Theology/Methodology Component: 37. Title: Lectio Divina for Kids/Youth (Adults, Too) Presenter: Jim Hurst, is the Director of Education and Formation for Children at Holy Redeemer Parish. Jim is a 30 year old married male addicted to Jesus and the infectious Joy that comes from living in the richness of the Faith He gave us. Synopsis: Component: 38. Just because it’s hundreds of years old, is a Latin name and has Latin components, doesn’t mean that it is obsolete! This way of praying the scripture can open the eyes and ears of our students to experience God’s Word in a deep, meaningful, and personal way. Come, break open the scriptures for yourself and learn how to lead your students to do the same! Theology/Methodology Title: A Prayer Altar Catechesis - Lent Presenter: Joe Marble, is the Director of Religious Education Immaculate Conception in Hartford, MI since 2001 and Parish Coordinator at San Felipe de Jesus in Fennville since 2008. Synopsis: Component: 39. Learn how to give a catechesis about Lent while creating a prayer altar in your classroom or location where your catechesis is given. Using symbols to hold the attention of the participants in the catechesis, we will see how we can teach the key themes of Lent in a creative way. Methodology Title: Growing a Grateful Heart Presenter: Mary Vaccaro, serves as a Spiritual Care Coordinator for Gentiva Hospice, an adjunct professor of Theology and Women’s Studies at Aquinas College and an occasional columnist for Faith Magazine Grand Rapids. Synopsis: Component: 40. Life does not always turn out exactly as we had planned. But we can work through our disappointments by learning to be grateful for our blessings, to recognize blessings in disguise, and by building our relationship with God. This presentation will employ humor, story, discussion, song and prayer as means of helping all participants to grow a more grateful heart. Spirituality Title: Parables: Stories of Faith with a Lesson Presenter: Clem Schwartz, is the Director of Family Faith Formation at St. Jude’s Parish, Grand Rapids and brings with him over 30 years of experience and represents William H. Sadlier. Synopsis: Component: 41. Title: Presenter: At every grade level we use “parables” to teach the children. Parables comprise a substantial part of the recorded preaching of Jesus. We will examine the literary form: parable as used by Jesus. The better we understand the structure of this literary form, the better we will be able to use them with our students. Theology/Methodology How Do We Learn? One Size Does NOT Fit All: Learning and Teaching Skills Peter Ries, is the RCIA Director at St. Thomas Aquinas Parish and St. John Church and Student Center in East Lansing. Synopsis: Component: Learning styles vary from one individual to the next. Catechists for adults, teens, and children need a general understanding of the various ways in which different people learn in order to design and conduct effective lessons which will promote the growth in faith of the people they teach. Theology 42. Title: Presenter: Synopsis: Component: 43. 44. 45. The Catechesis Of Evangelization: Witness and Testimony in The Classroom Kevin Hilgert, is the Director of Youth Ministry at St. Francis de Sales Parish in Holland. In this session we will explore some theology, theory, and history of the need, and to a degree, primacy of witness and testimony in relation to catechesis. Kevin, will offer concrete methods to help develop effective witness for use within a classroom setting in order to further the faith formation of those participating. Additionally, we will explore ways to utilize the witness of both catechists/adult leaders and students alike in order to create a more intimate and personal ownership in the catechetical process. Theology/Methodology Title: Forming Faith Apprentices: Engaging Young Learners in Active Faith Formation Presenter: Teri Burns, is the Director of Faith Formation at St. Robert of Newminster Parish in Ada. Teri has been involved in Catechetical Ministry for 35 years. Teri holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Theology and Sociology from Aquinas College and a Master’s in Pastoral Theology from St. Maryof-the-Woods College, Terre Haute, IN. Synopsis: Component: The aim of catechesis is “to bring about in the believer an ever more mature faith in Jesus Christ, a deeper knowledge and love of his person and message, and a firm commitment to follow him.” (NDC, no. 19A) As young learners begin their faith journeys, catechists can be mentors to help them know Jesus and his message and engage them in activities to build a foundation of faith as a way of life that they will continue to develop throughout their lives. This session will offer some suggestions for engaging energetic young children in active learning, but it will also invite participants to begin thinking of young learners a “Faith Apprentices” rather than simply students. Methodology Title: Discernment - A Tool for Every Catholic Presenter: Andy Rebollar, is the Pastoral Associate for Parish Life for St. Pius X in Grandville. Andy has been involved in full time ministry since 2001 and has served in a variety of roles for the Catholic Church. Synopsis: Component: Discernment is a way of opening the Door of Faith to your decisions. It involves God, the Holy Spirit and yourself as sacred partners designed to bring clarity and consolation. This introductory class will help you discover what discernment is and how you may be able to apply it to your life and the decisions you make. Spirituality Title: Saints Presenter: Patrick Nugent, is a Religion Teacher at West Catholic High School for 20 years, Religion Department Chair at West Catholic High School, and holds a Masters in History Education. Synopsis: This session will look at the saints. What makes someone a saint? How does the canonization process work? Saints from throughout the history of the Church and from around the world will be referenced as examples, including our American Saints and recently canonized Saints. Theology Component: Join Us For crossroads Catechetical Day 2016! Saturday, January 30th . Crossroads - Catechetical Day Name: Church/Parish: Ministry in Parish: Phone #: E-Mail: Please write number and name of the topic you would like to attend during each session. Please return your completed registration form to your Parish Catechetical Director or Holy Redeemer Parish by January 16, 2015. (Please note - space is limited so register ASAP!). Session 1: Number Title Session 2: Number Title Session 3: Number Title Session 4: Number Title The cost to attend this Catechetical Day is $35.00 ($5.00 non-refundable). Scholarships are available; contact Rhonda Lomonaco at 669-9220 for information. Holy Redeemer Parish 2700 Baldwin Street Jenison, MI 49428 Phone: 616-669-9220 I Fax: 616-669-9360
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