The Vine - Archdiocese of Brisbane

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March 2015
The Vine is the E-news for Adult Faith Formation,
Evangelisation Brisbane. It is sent six times a year and is
received by over 1,300 recipients. Our goal is to provide
information on new resources, programs, books, seminars,
conferences, courses and websites.
We are very grateful for your emails: your feedback; your
constructive criticism; and items to include in this issue.
Our next edition will be for May/June 2015. Please send
us information on diocesan, parish and deanery events
by April 16th.
miniCALENDAR March, April 2015
23 Feb
Hendra parish Hall
Rob Cosgrove,
Evangelisation Brisbane
menALIVE team
26 Feb
26 Mar 5:45pm-7:30
14 Mar Saturday
9am - 3:00pm
18 Mar Wednesday
7.15 - 9:00pm
21 and 8:45am Sat
22 Mar 1:30pm Sun
28 Mar Saturday,
9am –
7-11 Apr Tue – Sat
15 Apr
Pope Francis – walking the path of Joy,
Mercy and Compassion
menALIVE in the City
Annual Pastoral Council Development
Living Biblically in a Secular World
menALIVE weekend
Francis Rush Centre, 277
Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
Dominic Centre, 100
Mayfield Street, Carina
Francis Rush Centre, 277
Elizabeth Street
menALIVE in the City
Archbishop Mark Coleridge and
Fr John Chalmers
Archbishop Mark Coleridge
St Mary’s School Hall, Beaudesert
Lenten Reflection Day for Women
Sacred Heart Parish Centre, Grace Harwood, Dragonfly
Cothill Road Booval
Movers and Shakers Christian
Leadership Training for Young People
Living Biblically in a Secular World
James Byrne Centre,
Francis Rush Centre, 277
Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
Francis Rush Centre, 277
Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
Aspinall Centre, 4 Klumpp
Rd, Upper Mt Gravatt
Grovely Parish Daly Centre,
67 Dawson Parade, Keperra
Archbishop Mark Coleridge
7.15 - 9:00pm
28 Apr
7.00-9.00pm Truth and Charity:
Mercy in the Gospels
9 May- 8.30am5 Sat workshops – IFE Foundations for
17 Oct
Lay Pastoral Ministry Course
16 May- 8.30am5 Sat workshops – IFE Foundations for
17 Oct
Lay Pastoral Ministry Course
Sr Veronica Lawson RSM
Theological and Practical Ministry
Theological and Practical Ministry
Rich in Mercy • Families Living God’s Mercy
Over 14,000 people have signed up as participants in the Rich in Mercy small group program.
Books have sold out. We have some DVD and CD kits available.
Evangelisation Brisbane has also printed 35,000 copies of a four page brochure for families for
Lent: Families Living God’s Mercy. These have been sent to every family in Catholic primary
schools. Some copies have also been sent to parishes and Centacare pre-schools in the
archdiocese. You can also preview and print a copy from the internet. Copies are also available
from Evangelisation Brisbane.
The website now has a number of new features and resources.
Living Mercy
Each week of the program the Living Mercy section refers to websites that provide further
information or further resources. To make these easier to locate the ‘Links’ page on the website enables simple access to these websites for each week.
Prayer Cards
Over 40,000 prayer cards have been ordered by parishes around Australia.
The print masters for each week are now on the website. You can download the files and take
them to your local print shop to print on card.
This year a single prayer card for each week of Lent and Easter Sunday is provided in PDF format.
These copies can be emailed to parishioners for use on their iPhone or tablets. They make
excellent reading while travelling to work on public transport or for busy parents during the day
when the opportunity arises, eg waiting to pick up the children at school!
For each week of Lent a video of Archbishop Mark Coleridge’s scripture reflections will be added
to this page. Please promote this through your bulletin and other communications.
For a variety of reasons – busyness or other commitments – many parishioners are not able to
join discussion groups. These online videos are a way to give everyone access to these formation
opportunities during the season of Lent.
Follow-up and Evaluation
Towards the end of Lent please encourage group leaders and participants to complete the online
feedback. (In the past this has been provided in the book.) Your suggestions and ideas are
invaluable when we are planning new resources.
The ‘Resources’ tab provides information on free online resources and other books that groups or
individuals might choose to use after Lent.
New Archdiocesan Website
A major re-design project for the Archdiocese of Brisbane website was completed late last year The website has been redesigned to be compatible with smart
phones and tablets (eg iPad and Android) as well as computers.
One significant new feature is a series of short and informative videos, broken into bite-sized
presentations. These videos are an excellent resource for adult faith formation.
The videos are aimed at a general audience; parishioner, catechumen or a member of the public.
Below are the titles so far. Watch this space – new videos will be added through the year.
The Historical Jesus
Dr Maeve Louise Heaney takes an inspired look at the historical Jesus – what can we know about
Jesus of the 1st century in our time? What did Jesus ‘look like’? What did Jesus do?
The Joy of the Gospel
Archbishop Mark Coleridge shares his thoughts on Pope Francis’ Apostolic Exhortation The Joy of
the Gospel. He believes in the document so wholeheartedly he has declared it the charter for the
Archdiocese of Brisbane.
Why do Catholics go to Mass on Sundays?
Monsignor Tony Randazzo explains the centrality of Eucharist and why Catholics attend Mass on
The Early Church
Join Archbishop Mark Coleridge for a look at the fascinating story that is the birth of the Church in
the first century of the Common Era.
How do Catholics celebrate key events in a person’s life?
Sr Kari Hatherell discusses how Jesus has put skin on God for us and how the Catholic Church
offers us rituals, called sacraments, that lead us into the heart of the mystery of God.
Encounter Jesus
Only through encounter with Jesus crucified and risen can we discover the full truth of who God
really is and the full truth of who we really are.
Toward Effective Adult Faith Formation
Loyola Press has been the publishing division of the Chicago Province of the Jesuits in the US since
1912. Their website includes these very practical guidelines from their publication Gathering
Together, by Jane E. Regan Ph.D and Mimi McReavy Bitzan.
Top 10 Guidelines for Adult Faith Formation
It is essential that those who direct faith formation programs for adults keep in mind practical
considerations to help ensure success. The following guidelines offer practical tips for
implementing effective faith formation opportunities for adults (adapted for Australia). For
further details on each dot point click here.
• The most important question we must always ask, ‘So what?’
• Lose the lecture. Not really, but make sure there is also time for discussion and processes that
allow for engagement, interaction and community-building.
• Make a commitment – budget money, time and advertising.
• Faith formation is a team sport.
• Language: Get real.
• Connect with the Church’s liturgical year.
• Creativity is essential.
• Hospitality is not optional.
• Timing is everything. Always start and end on time. Respond to the ‘signs of the times’ and the
seasons of the year.
• Have fun! Take Pope Francis as your model – we’re people of the Good News and everyone
knows it by the smile on our dial.
Yes, But What About … ?
Challenges faced by priests and adult faith formation teams
Christopher Ruff, editor of the Discipleship Series, addresses some of the big issues …
Eg, We’ve publicised this kind of faith-sharing initiative before, but people just don’t sign up.
While some of his answers relate to the Discipleship Series, just substitute this title for any other
program or resource, eg Rich in Mercy – Reflections for Lent 2015.
Best advice I have ever seen for group leaders who have ‘Overly Talkative Participants’:
A. Overly Talkative Participants
• Love them.
• Recruit them to help you draw out others.
• Choose a seat next to (not opposite) them.
• Direct some questions specifically to other persons.
• If problem persists, talk to them one on one, in charity.
B. Overly Quiet Participants
• Provide extra affirmation when they do respond.
• Call on them periodically.
• Sit opposite them.
• Always allow them to pass if they prefer not to share.
For more of Christopher’s excellent tips.
Diocese of Buffalo • Department of Lifelong Faith Formation
If you’re searching for fresh ideas it is always helpful to borrow and learn from others. Typing into
Google ‘Adult faith formation US dioceses’ brought some great results including this website from
the Diocese of Buffalo (named after the city, not the animal). The Planning Resources page has a
wide range of excellent links, PDFs and helpful resources.
Foundations for Lay Pastoral Ministry
Foundations for Lay Pastoral Ministry is an IFE course designed to provide theological and
practical lay ministry formation in the Archdiocese of Brisbane. It is suitable for people who are
involved, or have been invited to be involved, in baptismal preparation for parents, family
sacramental preparation, and/or the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults.
The course comprises five core modules plus practical ministry elective streams. All workshops are
interactive and practical, with a focus on personal formation, developing skills and understanding
and practical application in a parish or ministry context.
• Option A: Five (5) Saturday workshops on 9th May, 6th June, 18th July, 8th August, and 17th
October at Aspinall Centre, 4 Klumpp Rd, Upper Mt Gravatt
• Option B: Five (5) Saturday workshops on 16th May, 13th June, 25th July, 15th August, and
17th Oct at Grovely Parish Daly Centre, 67 Dawson Parade, Keperra
Plus select one (1) practical ministry workshop from Formation for RCIA ministries, Baptismal
Preparation, or Family Sacramental Preparation.
For further course information, please contact IFE: Ph 3336 9167, email:
Forming Liturgical Ministers of Gospel Joy
Over the next three years Evangelisation Brisbane in partnership with Liturgy Brisbane is offering
formation for Liturgical Ministers. The completion of these workshops will have Archdiocesan
This formation will consist of three sessions (2 hours each) looking at theory, practical skills and
local context. The first two sessions will be provided at a deanery or regional level. We are happy
to negotiate times and places for these sessions.
It is envisaged that the third session will be facilitated in the local parish. This will allow for the
parish priest to meet with the liturgical ministers and for them to be familiar with local customs
and expectations.
Contact Details. For more information or to express interest in the program please contact:
Donna on 3324 3452 or email or click here for more information.
Pope Francis • walking the path of Joy, Mercy and Compassion
Do you want to give your faith a boost? How can the words and actions of Pope Francis change
your life? What practical steps will make a difference for you as you prepare for Easter?
The season of Lent is a wonderful opportunity to check our compass and bearings on our journey
to Easter. Through stories, videos and inspiring quotes this presentation will follow the example of
Pope Francis; ‘to develop a spiritual taste for being close to people’s lives and to discover that this
is itself a source of greater joy’ (The Joy of the Gospel 268).
• Monday 23rd February
• Cuppa then commence at 7:30pm. Conclude at 9:00pm.
• Parish Hall, 25 Bowman Street, Hendra
Rob Cosgrove, from Evangelisation Brisbane
menALIVE in the City
menALIVE in the City is an opportunity for men to get together and explore the things that
• Date: Thursday February 26 and 26 March, 2015
• Time: 5:45 pm - 7:30 pm
• Where: Francis Rush Centre, 277 Elizabeth Street
Living Biblically in a Secular World
The Scriptures, though written 2000 years ago, offer insight and wisdom into the contemporary
issues we experience today. Drawing on his biblical scholarship, Archbishop Mark will
demonstrate the capacity of God’s word to speak into such issues and its power to transform our
3rd Wednesday of the month. Dates for next two months: 18 March, 15 April.
7.15 - 9:00pm
277 Elizabeth St. Brisbane. Cathedral car park open from 7pm. (entrance via Charlotte St.)
Gold Coin Donation
Please distribute the brochure in your parish.
Annual Pastoral Council Development Day
When: Saturday, 14 March 2015
Time: 9am-3pm
Where: Dominic Centre, 100 Mayfield Street, Carina
For: Members of Parish Pastoral Councils, Clergy, Lay Pastoral Ministers, anyone in a leadership
role in the parish
Outline of the day:
o Registration from 8.00am (coffee/tea available)
o Mass 9.00am with Archbishop Mark, Our Lady of Graces Church, Carina
Mission in the Gospel of Mark by Archbishop Mark
What Might Pope Francis Say to Us About Parish Pastoral Councils by Fr John Chalmers
Mission stories from parishes
Opportunity to discuss, listen, share, network
Practical ideas for missionary parishes
Morning tea and lunch are provided (Please advise special dietary requirements)
Bookings are essential
Please RSVP by Friday, 6 March 2015 to: Mary-Anne Cullen — Evangelisation Brisbane
Ph: 3324 3443 Click here for Brochure
Truth and Charity: Mercy in the Gospels
Veronica Lawson rsm is a member of the Circle of Institute of Sisters of Mercy of Australia and
Papua New Guinea (ISMAPNG) Theologians. She is a biblical scholar. Her weekly reflections on the
Sunday Gospels are widely reproduced.
Tuesday 28th April
Sr Veronica Lawson RSM
Francis Rush Centre, 277 Elizabeth Street, Brisbane
The ABC of the RCIA • State Conference
For pastors, pastoral ministers, RCIA teams, catechists and sponsors. The conference will follow the
steps and phases of the journey of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
This conference will be an opportunity to return to basics – the ABC of the RCIA. It will be
particularly helpful for parishes that are implementing the RCIA after a period of ‘absence’ (short or
long) or for new team members.
• Date: Friday evening 7th August (including dinner) to Sunday 9th August (concluding with
• Venue: Santa Teresa Spirituality Centre, 267 Wellington St, Ormiston
• Places will be limited so book early! (Contact Rob Cosgrove 07 3324 3442).
Faith Formation Learning Exchange
The Faith Formation Learning Exchange is dedicated to helping leaders in all forms of Christian
The Learning Exchange is a forum that can bring the best thinking and practices in lifelong faith
formation to you as a leader in faith formation. There are dozens of ways that you can use the
Learning Exchange as a resource in your ministry: deepen your understanding of faith formation
today; create vibrant faith formation for age groups, families, and all generations in your
congregation; prepare and conduct courses and leadership training in faith formation; create faith
formation programs and projects; review current research and thinking in faith formation; and
much more.
The Exchange is an initiative of Vibrant Faith and is supported and sponsored by a number of
church educational and pastoral formation organisations in the US including the National
Conference for Catechetical Leadership.
Prayer on Wheels
A Spirituality Team is being formed by Evangelisation Brisbane as a mobile resource to respond to
parish and deanery requests for formation in prayer.
Prayer seminars will focus on practical ways to help people to nurture their relationship with God.
As Pope Francis reminds us: ‘The best incentive for sharing the Gospel comes from contemplating it
with love, lingering over its pages and reading it with the heart. If we approach it in this way, its
beauty will amaze us and constantly excite us.’ (The Joy of the Gospel n.264)
For more information contact Mike Humphrys from Evangelisation Brisbane Ph. 3224 3450.
The Catholic Faith and Family Bible
A new edition of the NRSV. Created to make the Bible easier to read and understand for the
everyday Catholic family, helping parents and children grow in faith together.
Topics include:
• Book Introductions for each book of the Bible written specifically for Catholic families with
helpful tips for parents on sharing Scripture with children
• Over 1,000 Relevant Notes and Reflection Lines to help families apply Scripture to daily living
• Presentation pages in the front of the Bible for recording family tree information, sacraments,
and other important events
• An Index to guide families to important Bible stories, prayers, teachings, and connections to the
Catholic faith
• Maps to help visualize the Bible lands
• Available in Hardcover or Paperback. Published by HarperCollins
To preview a lengthy sample click here (includes the section ‘Frequently asked questions about the
Jesus – A Pilgrimage
Written by Rev James Martin SJ.
In 35 years working for the archdiocese I have never seen a book receive endorsement from such a
diverse group of reviewers; from Archbishop Desmond Tutu to Scott Hahn; from Sr Joan Chittister,
OSB, to Archbishop of Philadelphia Charles J. Chaput, O.F.M. Cap.
Fr Martin takes the reader ‘on pilgrimage’ through the Holy Land, but also on a profound
pilgrimage of the heart and soul.
Fr Martin is perhaps one of the best communicators of faith, it doesn't hurt that he also has a great
sense of humour. This is a book that is a delight to read. Available in paperback, hardback (544
pages) and ebook (eg Kindle, iBook, Kobo $18.99). For a sample and video of Fr Martin introducing
his book.
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained
Symbolon: The Catholic Faith Explained is a stunning new video series that systematically presents
the BIG picture of the Catholic Faith. Filmed on location in Rome, the Holy Land, Calcutta, and in
the Augustine Institute studios in Denver, dozens of nationally-known teachers clearly present the
beauty and brilliance of Catholicism.
Acclaimed author, speaker and theologian Dr. Edward Sri leads a team of top experts to clearly and
comprehensively explain the Catholic Faith in a way that helps us know it, live it, and articulate it to
1. The Journey of Faith
2. Divine Revelation
3. The Bible
4. The Story of Salvation
5. Who Is Jesus?
6. The Paschal Mystery
7. The Holy Spirit and the Life of Grace
8. Why Do I Need the Church?
9. Mary and the Saints
10. The Last Things
Cost: US$99
1. The Sacraments
2. The Eucharist
3. Walk Through the Mass
4. Penance and The Anointing of the Sick
5. Matrimony & Holy Orders
6. A Catholic Moral Vision
7. A Love That Lasts - Part 1
8. A Love That Lasts - Part 2
9. Catholic Social Teaching - Part 1
10. Catholic Social Teaching - Part 2
Cost: US$99
DVDs’ Leaders book and Participant’s Guide are available from Lighthouse Catholic Media in the US. NB At this point only
available in NTSC format (Nth America). Generally multi-region DVD players and most computers will be suitable, but check
Samples can be viewed at the Augustine Institute
Evangelisation Brisbane has a preview copy of all the DVDs (Part 1 and Part 2) and one set of the Leaders book and
Participant’s Guide (Part 1). Please contact Donna Longland (3324 3452 ) if you want to call in and preview these resources.
Until now, the extraordinary story (warts and all) of Rev Dr Martin Luther King jr has never made it
to the big screen. The seventh of March is the 50th anniversary of the first march from Selma to
Montgomery, Alabama, by the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC). This episode in
King’s short life is powerfully depicted in, Selma, at our cinemas around Australia from the 12th
For many of the actors and production crew this a was spiritually inspired endeavour. Selma, is
rated M; there are painful scenes of violence, racism and oppression. However despite all that, the
prophetic spirit of Martin Luther King brings justice through non-violent and peaceful protest.
For an interview with David Oyelowo, the actor who portrays King click here. (‘Selma Was a
Spiritual Endeavour For Me’, Christianity Today)
Adult faith formation is much more than
programs; it’s about who we are. The
search for God, the call to discipleship, is
rooted in all we are, all we do. It is the very
essence of everything we do. … The goal of
faith formation – to help bring people into
intimacy with Jesus Christ – is at the heart
of everything that happens in and at the
church. Adult faith formation pervades
everything; it is happening all the time.
‘Churches … are communities of
transformation – places where people
come to encounter God and know God
more deeply. Adult faith formation is the
gathering and strengthening place for
learning to be a Christian, for mentoring
others in faith, and for practising faith
corporately. It is the heartbeat of
churchgoing in the twenty-first century.’
(Diana Butler Bass)
‘We don’t go to an art museum to see art on
the wall there. We go to an art museum to
be sensitised to beauty everywhere. It is
much the same with church. We go to
church to be sensitised to the holiness that
is everywhere.’ (Kathy Coffey)
‘I learned most not from those who taught
me but from those who talked with me.’
(St. Augustine)
Text and quotes above are from ‘A View from
the Community: What Are We Learning about
Adult Faith Formation’ (Life-long Faith, Fall
2012). Written by one of the ‘grand-mothers’
of adult faith formation, Sr Janet Schaeffer OP.
Read the entire, and entirely excellent, article.
Evangelisation Brisbane • 143 Edward St, Brisbane 4000, Australia
| ph: 07 - 3324 3442 | mob: 0400 332767 |
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