CHURCH OF SAINT THOMAS MORE A Community of Parish and University Ministry

A Community of Parish and
University Ministry
6 Madbury Road (P.O. Box 620)
Durham, New Hampshire
Parish Office: 868-2666/1043
Fax: 868-3765
Campus Ministry: 868-1043
Masses ext. 2
Phone ext:
Pastor & Catholic Chaplain:
Rev. Andrew W. Cryans
Pastoral Ministry:
Roberta MacBride
STM Bereavement Coordinator:
Ann Kimball
Campus Minister:
Cheryl Goldthwaite
Director of Faith Formation:
Karie Thompson
Middle School Youth Minister:
Ray Bilodeau
High School Youth Minister:
Felicia Sperry
Bindy Curtis
Maura Slavin
Dennis Russell
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am & 11:15am
UNH Student Mass: 5:00pm
(when University is in session: Sept—May)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday:
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-4:30pm or by appt.
Baptism: Call office to register for class & date of celebration
Marriage: Call office to schedule appt. at least 6 mos. prior
Anointing of Sick: Call office anytime
Inquiries & Reception in Catholic Faith (RCIA): Call office
First Communion, First Reconciliation &
Youth Confirmation: Call Dir. of Faith Formation @ x117
November 16, 2014
Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time
STM MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic Community of Saint Thomas More, called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit ourselves to the mission of Jesus Christ which has been entrusted to us: to worship as one Body; to proclaim the Gospel in word and action; to build a just community without boundaries; and to stand with the poor in solidarity. For the weekend of November 15th& 16th
Saturday, 5pm – Barbara Lynch
Sunday, 9am – Jeffrey Howard Cryans
Sunday, 11:15am – Jim Foley
For the weekend of November 22nd & 23rd
Saturday, 5pm – William Evans Morgan
Sunday, 9am – Intentions of Evelyn Cryans
Sunday, 11:15am – Irene Plourde
Martin Buber, the great Jewish philosopher,
observed that God regularly began a conversation
by asking a question:
November 23rd: Our Lord Jesus Christ,
King of the Universe
of Adam:
“Where are you?”
(Genesis 3:9)
of Elijah:
“Why are you here?”
(1 Kings 19:10)
Jesus of Nazareth asked Andrew and John:
“What are you looking for?”
(John 1:38)
Reading I: Ezekiel 34: 11 – 12. 15 – 17
Reading II: 1 Corinthians 15: 20 – 26, 28
Gospel: Matthew 25: 31 – 46
Early deadline for Nov 30 bulletin
The deadline for submissions for the
Nov 30 bulletin is 10am Friday, Nov
Might I suggest we spend some time in
prayerful reflection pondering these three questions
as we gather for weekend worship?
May God’s grace illumine our prayer.
Thank you!
Fr. Andrew
Winter farmers' markets are beginning! Sat., Nov. 22 & Dec. 6, 10 am ‐ 2 pm (Seacoast Eat Local) Wentworth Greenhouses 141 Rollins Rd., Rollinsford STEWARDSHIP UPDATE:
Offertory for Nov 9:
$ 4030.25
“Men should regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the
mysteries of God… Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a
person be found faithful to his gifts.”
~ 1 Corinthians 4:1
Saturday, Dec. 6, 10 am ‐ 2 pm Rolling Green Nursery 64 Breakfast Hill Rd., Greenland Thank you for your generous contributions.
CARING & SHARING Coffee & Donuts
Hope you can join us after the 9am Mass
on Sunday, Nov 16!
STM Food Pantry’s most needed items at this time are: Instant Potatoes, Canned Peas, Stuffing, Pancake Mix, Syrup,
Meal Packages such as Hamburger Helper, Quick Bread & Brownie
Mixes, Ketchup/Mustard, Canned Pasta, Hot Chocolate, Coffee & Tea.
~ Your generosity is greatly appreciated! ~
Grades PreK-5 Faith Formation
Faith Formation Classes:
Sunday, November 16
Sunday, November 23
(No class Nov 30 – Thanksgiving weekend)
Middle School Faith Formation
The goal for our Monday night MSFF program is to give the
middle school youth a better understanding of the need to help
those who have no physical place to call their home, as well as
those who suffer from spiritual homelessness by feeling left out,
lonely or unloved. We will have a representative from the Dover
House Authority speak with our youth on Monday night,
November 17. Session begins at 6pm.
DTS Session
Life Teen Session
Sun Nov 16 5pm Mass; 6-8pm w/meal
Sun Dec 7 6-8:30pm; no meal
Fri Dec 12 Movie night
Service Opportunities:
Sat Nov 22 Thanksgiving baskets & bread
Sat Dec 6 Christmas Fair; 9:00am-2:00pm
High school teens, if you are planning to be confirmed you need to
be a registered member of our High School Youth Ministry and need
to be an active participant during your freshman and sophomore year
prior to the Confirmation process. Confirmation is typically at the
end of your sophomore year but can take place during your junior or
senior year. For those who are juniors and seniors and are not
confirmed, you are welcome and encouraged to participate and be
part of the program. The HSYM is open to all high school students of
St Thomas More parish.
Second collection next weekend (Nov 22 & 23)
Catholic Campaign for Human Development
The Catholic Campaign for Human Development is
the domestic anti-poverty program of the U.S.
Catholic Bishops, working to carry out the mission of
Jesus Christ "... to bring good news to the poor
... release to captives ... sight to the blind, and let
the oppressed go free." (Luke 4:18)
The belief that those who are directly affected by unjust systems and
structures have the best insight into knowing how to change them is
central to CCHD. CCHD works to break the cycle of poverty by
helping low-income people participate in decisions that affect their
lives, families and communities. CCHD offers a hand up, not a hand
CCHD has a complementary mission of educating on poverty and its
causes. This strategy of education for justice and helping people who
are poor speak and act for themselves reflects the mandate of the
Scriptures and the principles of Catholic social teaching.
CCHD provides the Catholic faithful with concrete opportunities to
live out the love of God and neighbor in ways that express our
baptismal call and continuing Eucharistic transformation. CCHD is
made possible by the generous support of Catholics in the United
States, especially through an annual parish collection.
CCHD is an essential part of the Church in the United States' social
mission, and a unique part of the Catholic community's broad
commitment to assist low-income people, families and communities.
St. Thomas Aquinas High School’s Canned Food Drive Nets Over 15,000 Cans Led by Associate Campus Minister and Theology Teacher Brett
Payeur, student and parent volunteers delivered the canned goods to
Lazarus House. With their predictable enthusiasm and contagious
energy, students unloaded, sorted, and organized the food items in
the Lazarus House food pantry.
Since 1983, Lazarus House Ministries has helped the poor and
homeless by providing hot meals, temporary shelter, job training,
child care, emergency food, clothing, outreach and advocacy. In so
doing, they restore dignity and self-respect in order to empower
guests- the poor, the underserved and the homeless.
For more information about St. Thomas Aquinas, visit us during our
Open House on Nov 23, 1pm or find out more information at; (603) 742-3206.
STM Christmas Fair Saturday Dec 6 9am – 2pm
Your Creative Crafts Are Needed!!!
Please help make this year's craft table even more festive with a
donation of your own craft. We are looking for sewn, knit, crocheted,
glued, painted, or carved pieces to add to our table. If you are
crafty and you know it, please donate to this great fundraiser. Please
help us by letting us know a "fair-value" selling price for your items.
Crafts are welcomed up to Friday, December 5th. If you have any
questions or comments please contact Danielle at or Mary Ann at or 868-2019. Thank you!!!!
OPEN UP …a place at the table Would you like to introduce your
children to the gift of gratitude by
sponsoring a child or an elderly
person living in poverty? Unbound, formerly known as the
CFCA, is a Catholic lay organization that works side by side
with families living in poverty in 21 countries throughout the
world. For the cost of yours or your child's monthly cell phone
bill, you can keep one child or elder out of poverty through a
monthly contribution. During this season of gratitude and
giving, it is a perfect time to ask ourselves this question: is
there a child or elder out there who needs me? The answer is
a resounding YES! Please stop by the information table after
the Masses the weekend of November 23rd to learn more.
Sylvie Butler is the Unbound Ambassador for our parish.
Contact her at or 659-8593 with
CAMP REGISTRATIONS: Camp Fatima for boys and Camp
Bernadette for girls are now accepting online registrations for the
2015 summer season. The camps, located in the Lakes Region of
NH, offer 2-week overnight sessions for children, ages 6-15. For
more information or to request a brochure and DVD, contact Michael
Drumm at 364-5851 or email
Or visit us at
HEART TO HEART NH invites you to join them for a fun-filled
afternoon as they continue to build a caring community of faith and
friendship with persons with disabilities, their families and friends
featuring singer/guitarist Brandan Bullard. All ages and abilities
welcome. Sun, Nov 16; 3–5pm at Ste Marie Church (Montminy
Hall), 378 Notre Dame Avenue in Manchester. Heart to Heart NH
preparing to establish family-like homes in NH for persons with
developmental disabilities. Questions:
HOLY MASS OF HEALING AND HOPE: Please join us on Tues.
Nov. 18 at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Rochester for our
next healing service. Rosary begins at 6:30pm followed by Holy
Mass at 7:00 pm. Fr. Paul Gousse is our celebrant and he will lay
hands to pray on all who come forward. Trained prayer teams are
also available for those who would like more extended prayer. For
more information or directions call Jackie at 332-3576. "Behold the
Bridegroom is coming; come out to meet Christ the Lord." CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL Corpus Christi Parish invites you to its
annual Christmas Festival at St. James Church in Portsmouth on Fri,
Nov 21 3-8pm and Sat, Nov 22 8am-2pm
no one more treasured than a child and, at St. Thomas Aquinas High
School, we celebrate that fact On Sun, Nov 23 at 1pm, STA High
School will host an Open House and welcome prospective students
and their families to visit this center of educational excellence. The
curriculum at St. Thomas Aquinas is rich and deep. With high
expectations, students are challenged to become the best version of
themselves. They are inspired to think independently, to debate
confidently, and to communicate effectively. They are provided
support and encouragement to meet these expectations and are
nurtured in an environment that will transform their lives spiritually,
academically, and socially. At STA, our curriculum is enriched by
numerous athletic and extracurricular activities. Whether a student
chooses to participate in the Robotics Club, Jazz Band, Lacrosse, or
all three, there is a place for each young person to shine. During
Open House, there will be an opportunity to tour the campus, meet
with current students & faculty members. For more info, visit STA at or call (603) 742-3206.
TRIP TO LASALETTE SHRINE Members of Corpus Christi Parish
of Portsmouth are organizing a trip to LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro,
MA. The trip includes a viewing of the Festival of Lights, Fr. Pat’s
Christmas Concert, an opportunity for Reconciliation & Mass. Cost:
$59 pp, including transportation by motor coach. Dinner available at
additional cost. Leaves from 508 Post Rd, Greenland (Egizia’s
house) at 11am on Sun, Nov 30 and returns by 9pm. For more
information, contact Egizia Brown at 436-6381 or
ANNULMENT INFORMATION. A representative of the Tribunal of
the Diocese of Portland will come to the Parish of the Ascension of
the Lord in Southern York County Maine soon to provide
information. Through the annulment process, the Church seeks to
offer the reconciling presence of the Lord to those who feel alienated
because of a broken marriage that has ended in civil divorce. The
information session will be offered 6:30 – 8 PM on
Monday, December 1st at the St. Raphael’s Parish Center; front
entrance, 6 Whipple Road, Kittery. For more info and to register call
or e-mail Frank at 207-363-8208 or MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER: When one finds a worthy wife, her
value is far beyond pearls. Her husband, entrusting his heart to her,
has an unfailing prize.” Do we value the prize we have in our spouse
enough to take time to enjoy it? The next Worldwide Marriage
Encounter Weekends are December 5-7, 2014 and January 23 - 25,
2015. For more information call Jim and Elaine Richard at 1-800-710WWME or visit our webpage at
CONTEMPLATIVE WEEKENDS at Our Lady of Hope House of
Prayer in New Ipswich, NH on Dec 19-21, 2014; Jan 2-4, 2015; and
Feb 6-8, 2015. Come away for a while and BE STILL! A precious
time of silence to be alone with Your God. Cost: $130 (includes
$30 registration). Please contact Sisters Rita Pay or Suzanne
Rivard, p.m. for further information or for reservations at 603-8782346 or
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING There is a healthy, life-giving,
alternative to contraception and artificial reproductive technologies.
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology,
effective to achieve and avoid pregnancy, offers couples who are
experiencing infertility the hope of achieving pregnancy while
following the teachings of their Church. For more information contact:
Marguerite d’Youville FertilityCare Services at 603-232-3141 or
Upcoming Events: 11/16: 5pm Student Mass followed by 6pm Student Supper (free to all and available at the Catholic Student Center next door to the Church after Mass) 11/17: Catholicism 101 “Who’s Who in the Catholic Church” 8pm at the Catholic Student Center 11/20: Catholic Student Organization (CSO): Thanksgiving Prayers and Pot Luck, 8pm at the Catholic Student Center 11/23: 5pm Student Mass followed by 6pm Student Supper (free to all and available at the Catholic Student Center next door to the Church after Mass) Campus
When has my faith led me to
take a risk that I would not
otherwise have taken?
11/24: Catholicism 101 “Catholics and Prayer” 8pm at the Catholic Student Center 11/27: Thanksgiving Mass at St Thomas More at 9m; Enjoy your Holiday!! December Cheryl Grady, Campus Minister can be
December reached at
11/30: NO 5pm Student Mass Due to the THANKSGVING HOLIDAY; No Student Supper 12/1: Catholicism 101 “Catholic Practices, Catholics and the Church” 8pm at the Catholic Student Center 12/4: Catholic Student Organization (CSO): Make ornaments and decorations to bring caroling