CHURCH OF SAINT THOMAS MORE A Community of Parish and University Ministry 6 Madbury Road (P.O. Box 620) Durham, New Hampshire 03824-0620 Parish Office: 868-2666/1043 Fax: 868-3765 Campus Ministry: 868-1043 Masses ext. 2 Email: Website: PASTORAL TEAM Phone ext: e-mail: Pastor & Catholic Chaplain: Rev. Andrew W. Cryans 112 Pastoral Ministry: Roberta MacBride 115 STM Bereavement Coordinator: Ann Kimball Campus Minister: Cheryl Goldthwaite 113 Director of Faith Formation: Karie Thompson 117 Middle School Youth Minister: Ray Bilodeau High School Youth Minister: Felicia Sperry Finance: Bindy Curtis Administration: Maura Slavin 110 Maintenance: Dennis Russell 110 SUNDAY LITURGIES: Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday 9:00am & 11:15am UNH Student Mass: 5:00pm (when University is in session: Sept—May) WEEKDAY LITURGIES: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 12:10pm SACRAMENTS: Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-4:30pm or by appt. Baptism: Call office to register for class & date of celebration Marriage: Call office to schedule appt. at least 6 mos. prior Anointing of Sick: Call office anytime Inquiries & Reception in Catholic Faith (RCIA): Call office First Communion, First Reconciliation & Youth Confirmation: Call Dir. of Faith Formation @ x117 October 26, 2014 . The Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time. . STM MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic Community of Saint Thomas More, called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit ourselves to the mission of Jesus Christ which has been entrusted to us: to worship as one Body; to proclaim the Gospel in word and action; to build a just community without boundaries; and to stand with the poor in solidarity. For the weekend of October 25th and 26th Saturday, 5pm – Jane Dolores Coleman Sunday, 9am – Mary Rosson Sunday, 11:15am – Jeffrey Howard Cryans For the weekend of November 1st and 2nd Saturday, 5pm – Msgr. Alfred Daniszewski Sunday, 9am & 11:15am – For the Deceased Souls of STM SCRIPTURE READINGS November 2nd: All Souls’ Day Reading I: Wisdom 3: 1 - 9 Reading II: Romans 6: 3 - 9 Gospel: John 6: 37 - 40 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE: Offertory for Oct 19: $ 3768.75 World Mission Collection: $ 756.00 “Men should regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God… Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a person be found faithful to his gifts.” ~ 1 Corinthians 4:1 Thank you for your generous contributions. Join us for Coffee & Donuts after the 9am Mass on Sundays, Oct 26! (NOTE: No Coffee & Donuts on Nov 2 due to Reception for Mass of Remembrance on All Souls’ Day.) RCIA RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION OF ADULTS Thank you… World Mission Sunday …for supporting the 1,150 young mission dioceses and communities who await the “Good News” of Jesus as their saving hope last weekend. If you were unable to join us for the RCIA “Come and See” info session on joining the Catholic Church or have questions about completing the sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist, contact Roberta at 868-2666 x115 or if you plan on coming or with questions. Grades PreK-5 Faith Formation Faith Formation: Faith Formation: Today is Priesthood Sunday “The priest is a man of prayer, a man of forgiveness, a man who receives and celebrates the sacraments as acts of prayer and encounter with the Lord. He is a man of charity, lived and practiced, thus all the simple acts, conversations, encounter, everything that needs to be done, become spiritual acts in communion with Christ.” – Pope-emeritis Benedict XVI Sunday, October 26 Sunday, November 2 Middle School Faith Formation There were 35 middle school teens attended our last Edge Night on October 20th. We discussed the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and how Jesus taught us how we should be treating one another with love, concern and compassion. Our next session will be held on Monday, November 3rd when we discuss the issue of physical and spiritual hunger. Thank you & Bless you, Fr. Andy, for all you do for us! St. Thomas More: “A man for all seasons.” HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY SCHEDULE: Fr. Andy Cryans: “A man for all teams.” LT Session Sun Nov 2 6-8:30pm; no meal Fellowship Activity Fri Nov 14 Bowling night DTS Session Sun Nov 16 5pm Mass; 6-8pm w/meal High school teens, if you are planning to be confirmed you need to be a registered member of our High School Youth Ministry and need to be an active participant during your freshman and sophomore year prior to the Confirmation process. Confirmation is typically at the end of your sophomore year but can take place during your junior or senior year. For those who are juniors and seniors and are not confirmed, you are welcome and encouraged to participate and be part of the program. The HSYM is open to all high school students of St Thomas More parish. * Note: Ring on Fr. Andy (a Yankee fan) is a RED SOX World Series ring. ans CARING & SHARING: STM Food Pantry’s most needed items at this time are: Instant Potatoes, Canned Peas, Stuffing, Vegetable Soup, Pancake Mix, Syrup, Meal Packages such as Hamburger Helper, Quick Bread & Brownie Mixes, Ketchup/Mustard, Canned Pasta, Coffee and Tea. ~ Your generosity is greatly appreciated! ~ 2014 From the Care for Creation Commission: Steve Curwood Executive Producer of "Living on Earth" ALL SOULS DAY “Mass of Remembrance” Sunday, November 2nd 11:15am Reception will follow in the Church Hall All are invited to join us as we remember parishioners who have died this past year. + Blanche Bekeris + Marina Slavin + Elisabeth Evora + Joanne Harding + Caitlin Titus + George Crombie + John Costa + Elizabeth Finnegan + Patricia Messler + Arnold Hayes We will also remember immediate family members of parishioners who have died this past year. …which airs on over 300 NPR stations, is coming on Nov. 3! Parishioners from St. Thomas More and the Durham Community Church are invited to hear Steve and discuss "Faith and Justice and Living on Earth.” 7:30pm in the chapel of the Durham Community Church. Parking in the Durham Community Church lot. Free! Your Creative Crafts Are Needed!!! Please help make this year's craft table even more festive with a donation of your own craft. We are looking for sewn, knit, crocheted, glued, painted, or carved pieces to add to our table. If you are crafty and you know it, please donate to this great fundraiser. Please help us by letting us know a "fair-value" selling price for your items. Crafts are welcomed up to Friday, December 5th. If you have any questions or comments please contact Danielle at or Mary Ann at or 868-2019. Thank you!!!! HELP NEEDED!! We are still in need of someone to take charge of the Major Raffle - we have prizes lined up, but need help with pre-fair prep and Fair Day "stuff". We are also looking for donations of items for a new table this year which will be a "Straw Game" - we will have smaller inexpensive prizes and some nicer prizes, but every straw is a winner. Items we are looking for are kid or adult jewelry, kid books, puzzles, games, craft kits; also Christmas ornaments, decorations, small serving dishes/plates, mugs and more. New items please. Call Cindy Racic for more information at 781-0945. Care for creation...does not arise from some extrinsic obligation. Rather...the care we have for our children, parents and siblings should model how we think about and "care for creation." --Daniel P. Horan, O.F.M., "Community of Creation," America, 7/21-28/14 Cancelled… We are sorry to announce that the Christian/Catholic store party on Wednesday, Nov 12 has been cancelled. WATER COLOR RETREAT AT BERAKAH: “WATER” A weekend of reflection on the spiritual benefits of water w/watercolor techniques and other techniques. There will be time to pray, to reflect, to create and to express one’s own spiritual journey. Interpretation of artworks will be provided for those who choose to do so. Bring own supplies (call for list). Fri, Oct 31 4pm – Sun Nov 2 after lunch. Presenter: Kim Le Nguyen “Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it.” Lao Tzu. Cost: $190.00 Pre-registration required. Contact Berakah 435-7271 or ELECTRONIC RECYCLING FUNDRAISER Sat, Nov 1, 9am-12pm at Saint Charles Church. Proceeds to benefit Saint Mary Academy. Recycle your old computer towers, laptops, monitors, printers, toaster ovens, vacuums, DVD/VCR players, old phones, TVs, etc. Because discarded electronics are harmful to the environment, this recycling fundraiser provides you an opportunity to throw away electronic items safely and clean out your house at the same time! Costs to recycle: $5 for a laptop, keyboard, router or mouse; $10 for a CPU, DVD/VCR, printer, scanner, fax or small copier; $15 for a monitor, computer, TV up to 36"; $25 for large TVs. No items with broken glass or a/c with Freon will be accepted. For more info, contact Stephanie Bolduc at or Beth Evans at, or St. Mary Academy at 7423299. CHRISTMAS CRAFT FAIR Sat, Nov 8 9am-3pm at St. Luke the Evangelist Parish in Plaistow. Gifts from 25 vendors of high-quality handmade items, cash raffle, Penny Sale, other raffles, Silent Auction, Jewelry, Cookie Heaven, live entertainment & children’s activities. Photos w/Santa 10-2pm. B’fast & lunch available. DAY OF ENRICHMENT: PARABLES: STORIES TO CHANGE OURSELVES AND OUR WORLD: Presenter: Mary Schneiders, OP. Sat Nov 8 from 10am-3:30pm at St. George Manor/Holy Cross Center, Manchester. Jesus used parables to shake us out of our usual way of seeing things, to help us see as God sees, in order that we might be more effective in helping to bring about the kind of world that God desires for us. To register call 435-7271 or email Bring a lunch, drinks provided. Free will offering. RAISING REBELS 3rd Annual St. Joseph Catholic Family Center Family Conference on Sat, Nov 15. Keynote Speaker: Steve Ray. Bishop Libasci will be the Principal Celebrant & Homilist for Mass. LIFT Ministries with Jon Nive will lead Praise & Worship and Ministry with Teens. The Running Sisters will oversee the children’s portion of conference. Email: Visit: (under “Calendar”). TRIP TO LASALETTE SHRINE Members of Corpus Christi Parish of Portsmouth are organizing a trip to LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro, MA. The trip includes a viewing of the Festival of Lights, Fr. Pat’s Christmas Concert, an opportunity for Reconciliation & Mass. Cost: $59 pp, including transportation by motor coach. Dinner available at additional cost. Leaves from 508 Post Rd, Greenland (Egizia’s house) at 11am on Sun, Nov 30 and returns by 9pm. For more information, contact Egizia Brown at 436-6381 or NH CATHOLIC CHARITIES VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY a client living in Dover needs a ride to a doctor’s appointment in Hanover once a month. Please call Sr. Helene at 332-7701 if you can help. STRUGGLING IN YOUR MARRIAGE? - YOU ARE NOT ALONE! If your marriage is tearing the two of you apart, if there is little or no meaningful communication, if you are considering separation or divorce, we believe Retrouvaille can help. You are NOT alone! Our peer ministry is led by couples who have lived through the honeymoon phase often followed by deep disillusionment before finally finding resurrection in their marriages using the tools taught in this program. Rediscover a loving marriage with a Retrouvaille (pronounced re-tro-vy) weekend. Upcoming weekends will be held on Jan 9-11, 2015 and Sept 11-13, 2015. To register for the weekend or for more information, call 1-800-470-2230 or visit BISHOP LIBASCI URGES CATHOLICS TO CAST VOTES FOR GOOD OF OTHERS Bishop Peter A. Libasci has issued a letter … calling upon Catholics in the Diocese of Manchester to be citizens “who will work first and foremost for the good of others…to benefit all people, especially the unborn, the poor, the forgotten elderly.” Visit to learn more. Upcoming Events: 10/26: 5pm Student Mass followed by 6pm Student Supper (free to all and available at the Catholic Student Center next door to the Church after Mass) Campus Ministry Corner… Who in my life has served as a model of December genuine love that I have sought to imitate? The Scriptures this week, teach us about love. Who to love, how to love…. Who has taught you about love? 10/27: Catholicism 101 “The Saints” 8pm at the Catholic Student Center This week, look for things or people or ideas that speak to you about how to love… December 10/30: Catholic Student Organization Meets at 8pm for a Speaker from UNH, Patrick Lacroix on Catholicism in America 11/2: 5pm Student Mass followed by 6pm Student Supper (free to all and available at the Catholic Student Center next door to the Church after Mass) 11/3: Catholicism 101 “Mary” 8pm at the Catholic Student Center
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