The Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception

Adult ed session TODAY
Pastor Ann Temkin returns to the Shrine TODAY,
9:45-10:45 in the Parish Hall to guide us in a study on
Calvary and what it means (or might not mean!) to be
“under the blood.”
The Catholic Shrine of the
Immaculate Conception
Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
November 9, 2014
8:30 & 11:00 AM
12:10 PM
9:00 AM
Sacrament of
Call anytime for an appointment.
Whether you have traveled
from across the street,
across the county,
or across the country,
we are honored that you have
chosen to spend part of
your weekend with us.
Msgr. Henry Gracz
The Catholic Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
strives to live the Gospel of Jesus Christ as a welcoming
community of diverse Christians,
seeking spiritual growth and providing
compassionate outreach.
In Underground Parking Deck at
the corner of MLK Jr Dr. and Central Ave.
Bring ticket into church for validation.
Rev. Mr. Bill Monahan
Director of Music
Discipleship Coordinator
Religious Education
Pastoral Coordinator
Susan Kokoszka
Tricia Austin
48 Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive, SW, Atlanta, Georgia 30303
For the past several weeks, inquirers of the Faith have
been meeting for Sunday sessions of the Shrine’s
“Becoming Catholic” initiation program. On Sunday,
December 7th, the group will be introduced to us, their
parish community, during the Rite of Welcoming at the
11:00 Mass. To be a part of their faith journey, we are
asking you to come forward and take the journey to Easter
as a Sponsor or a Breaking Open Catechist.
Description cards of both are in your bulletin. For more
information or to sign up, call the office at 404.521.1866.
Finance Administrator
Jerry Bryant
Dónal Noonan
Lee DeSandre
Stacey Jones
Central Outreach & Advocacy Center sponsors
“Cheers for Change!” 3-6PM at Monday Night
Brewing. Three hours of food, live music, and a warm,
fuzzy feeling for doing good.
Tickets: or 404.601.3110. We hope you will
join us for a fun afternoon that will help a great ministry!
Baptism Preparation Class
Please call the office.
In the West, the ideas of Anselm of Canterbury have dominated the church. His view—that Jesus died “in our place”
to pay the penalty owed for our sins—lacks credibility for
many of us today. This session will look at different perspective on atonement, in what way his death and
resurrection are healing for us. Come, join us!
Ending Gun Violence in Georgia: November 14-15
Ending Gun Violence in Georgia, a Multi-faith Event
of Advocacy & Action. Speakers: Rev. Jim Atwood,
Presbyterian minister and author and Joshua Horwitz,
Exec. Director of the Coalition to Stop Gun Violence.
Friday, Nov. 14th, 6PM at The Temple, Atlanta.
Saturday, Nov. 15th, 8:30AM-3:30PM at Central
Presbyterian Church—Presentations & Workshops.
Contact Maureen Hunt at 404.601.3124 or email her at for more information.
Please remember in your
prayers Margaret Shaw, the sister of Pat
Gardella. Margaret died suddenly as a
result of cancer and was buried
privately on Friday. Cards and notes
can be sent to Pat either directly or in
care of the church.
fast approaching. The Shrine’s St. Vincent
de Paul ministry aids the Fulton County
Sheriff’s Department in collecting food for
Thanksgiving baskets. We need
your help to provide the fixings. Help fill
the bags from a recommended shopping
list found at the entrance to church. Bring the filled
bags to the church by Sunday, November 23rd. Many
thanks for your generosity!
Today we honor the veterans
from our Parish. We thank you
for defending our country and
making it safe for us to enjoy
and live in. Please take time to
visit the collection of memorabilia placed
on the table by the Pieta. Please remember all veterans,
living and dead, in your prayers on Tuesday, Veteran’s
Children’s Sunday school
Moms and Dads! Would you like to
grow in your faith? If the answer is yes,
please volunteer to help us in our
Children’s Sunday School Program.
We need teachers and teacher aids to help us meet the
needs of all your wonderful children. You will learn
something as well. Promise! Please call Stacey Jones,
404.727.7141, or the Parish Office, 404.521.1866, if you
are willing to help us in this important ministry.
“It’s All About Love” Retreat—
Fortunate Families, a ministry to support, welcome,
and strengthen Catholic Families with LGBT members,
hosts this retreat at Ignatius House, Sunday,
November 23rd, 12:30-7:00PM. Archbishop Gregory
will celebrate the opening Mass; additional speakers and
discussions will examine how to make LGBT family
members feel more welcome in the Catholic Church.
Check-in begins at 12:30; dinner is at 6:00PM.
Registration deadline is Nov. 13th; call 404.255.0503.
St. Francis Table served 537 meals last
1110 Morning Sandwiches given to
guests during the week.
Our Food Pantry gave assistance to 28
We thank those from all over Atlanta and our own Shrine
members who helped with these ministries. To help with
St. Francis Table, please call the Parish Center at
For our November Food Pantry Outreach, please
bring Canned Corn, Greens (Turnip or Collard),
Green Peas, Lima Beans, Rice, and Coffee!
Thank you!
The Shrine Conference of the St. Vincent de
Paul Society (SVdP) makes home visits to those
in need. Two members go together on these
visits and, when a client is a woman, at least one of the
members must be a woman. Because of this, we are in
need of additional women members. Of course, we
would also welcome new male members. New
members are partnered with experienced ones.
If you feel called to this ministry, please contact
Peter Frawley at
Catholic schools
Shrine Stewardship & GIVING
If the Shrine has touched your life, pray about
remembering us with a gift in your estate or will.
Our offertory for last week was $ 12,361.70.
To meet our ministry commitments, we need
$9,884.00. Thank you for your generosity which
keeps us growing!
Each holiday season, the Shrine anticipates and relies
on a seasonal increase in contributions. It is through
the donations of every individual and family in the
congregation that we are able to carry on our work
now and throughout the year.
If you need a convenient way to make regular
contributions or plan to make an additional gift
before the end of the year, we encourage you to check
out our electronic giving options. As the pace of life
speeds up around the holidays, you may find electronic
giving a most welcome way to make contributions.
To set up a recurring giving schedule, visit us online at
<> and locate the Online
Giving button. Or if it’s easier, complete a paper
authorization form and return it to the church office.
Thank you for your generosity and support!
Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School is a Catholic
learning community that educates young people of
limited economic means to become men and women of
faith, purpose, and service. Through a rigorous college
preparatory curriculum, integrated with a relevant work
study experience, students graduate ready to succeed in
college and in life.
Cristo Rey Atlanta Jesuit High School has begun
accepting applications for the 2015-16 school year. Please
visit their website : Inquiries
should be sent to admissions or
call 404.637.2897. There will be an Open House next
Sunday, November 16th at 1:00PM. Please pre-register
at: .
St. Peter Claver Regional School (K-8) hosts an Open
House on Sunday, November 16th from 1-3PM.
Contact Meaghan Schroeder at 404.241.3063 or or visit our website at
In the area
Praying pacem in terris
Magnificat: You are invited to the Magnificat meal for Catholic women next
Saturday, November 15th at Holy Cross
Church in Atlanta. The speaker is Nicole
Hartman, founder of the Embrace ministry
for families who have lost a baby in
miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death. Call Holy Cross
for more information. is quite impossible for political leaders to lay aside their
natural dignity while acting in their country’s name and in
its interests. They are still bound by the natural law, which
is the rule that governs all moral conduct, and they have no
authority to depart from its slightest precepts.
Mary of Nazareth Book & Film Tour:
Tuesday, November 18th, 7-9PM, Holy Spirit
Church (McDonough Hall).
Come meet the
Alissa Jung, star of the film
“Mary of Nazareth”.
Register/details at; call Jennifer at 404.252.4513,
Spiritual Direction, or Spiritual Companioning, is
not really about being directed, but more about being
encouraged to notice the movement of The Spirit in
your life. The privilege of a spiritual director is to walk
with you as you deepen your relationship with God.
This takes place in a confidential, one-on-one session
that usually lasts an hour.
Nancy O’Neill and Marian Monahan are trained
and committed to ongoing formation in this ministry.
You may contact them to find out more, to explore
what this ministry may offer you, or to set up a time to
The idea that officials, by the fact of their appointment to
public office, are compelled to lay aside their own
humanity, is quite inconceivable. Their very attainment to
this high-ranking office was due to their exceptional gifts
and intellectual qualities, which earned for them their
reputation as outstanding representatives of the body
READINGS Week of November 9th:
Mon Ti 1:1-9
Lk 17:1-6
Fri 2 Jn 4-9
Lk 17:26-37
Tue Ti 2: 1-8,11-14
Lk 17:7-10
Sat 3 Jn 5-8
Lk 18:1-8
Wed Ti 3:1-7
Lk 17:11-19
Sun Prv 31:10-20,30-31
Ps 128:1-5
l Thes 5:1-6
Mt 25:14-30
Thur Phlm 7-20
Lk 17:20-25
Marian Monahan: or
The Archbishop’s Annual Appeal results so far:
Our pledge goal is $37,400.
We have collected $27,496.21 so far!!
73.52% of our goal has been paid!!!
This year’s drive is coming to a close!
We need approximately $10,000
more to fulfill our pledge.
Please remember our sick and homebound…
A.J. Carubbi, Freddie Mae Elliott, Lynn Dobbs, Vester
Johnson, Herbert Anderson, Jacquie Scott, Michelle
Bourget, Sharon Jones, John Evaniak, David
Furukawa, Major Wilkerson, Joseph Morgan,
Renfrow Widener, Karla Schell, Dolores Wilder,
Ramona Carter, Ruth Jackson, Emily Denham, & Ed
Please also pray for… Ada Meyer, Stephanie
Merenda, Joan Angolia, Cathy Cornelius, Peggie Schell,
Jay Lodisky, and Virginia Seery.
Visit our Shrine Gift Shop
Please let the parish know of any sick, call 404.521.1866.
Betti Knott, one of our
long time members
who is working for St.
Vincent de Paul Society
in Australia, has been
battling cancer. We ask
you to join friends
around the world in
praying for her healing
Frederick Ozanam as
one of the miracles
Prayer for the Canonization of
Blessed Frederic Ozanam
God, our Father, you alone
have the power to bestow those
precious gifts of yours which we
rightly call miracles. If it be your
will, be pleased to grant such a
gift on behalf of Betti Knott.
We humbly ask that you grant
this favor so that Blessed Frederic
Ozanam may be canonized by our
Holy Mother the Church. We make