Volume1, Issue 9 online at www.melhashriners.com Inside Burns Brigade Chief Howard Vincent Passing, Unit Votes to Disband Melha Shrine Memorial Service Honors Fallen Nobles High Priest & Prophet Turrini commented that this particular service had a deeper meaning for him by the loss of close friends Nobles Howard Vincent and Jack Davis; two Nobles that made a difference in his life. Potentate Bill Faust, Melha‘s Legion of Honor, Military Band, Chief Rabban Dave Butterfield, Recorder Phil Thomas PP, 1st. Ceremonial Master Glenn Surprenant, and Marshal Dan Smith all participated in this solemn event. Nobles Art and Jeff Hastings and Noble Ron Archer added their special touch to the service. Thank you ‘Forget - me - Nots’ for sharing your Nobles with us over the many years. Your loved ones will be sorely missed and will always be in our hearts. Lady Denise Turrini, assisted by the ladies of the Divan, served light refreshments afterwards. It was heartening to see the show of support for the families of our fallen Brethren. May they rest in peace. P6 2015 divan installation Public Installation of new Divan and Festivities P4 Annual clothing drive Marceau directs winter clothing drive for the homeless P8 POTENTATE’S MESSage P2 FROM THE RECORDER Annual Meeting Information P3 Black Camel P3 MELHA UNITS p6-p8, p10 MELHA CLUBS p11 MELHA SHRINE Center p4,p5,10 MELHA SHRINE Ladies p11 EVENT CALENDAR back page December 2014 High Priest & Prophet Ray Turrini Presides over service On Sunday, November 9, 2014 Melha Shrine’s High Priest & Prophet, Ray Turrini, convened the ‘Annual Memorial Service’ at the Shrine Center. This service is held each year to honor Melha’s fallen Brethren and Nobles. Shrine membership was reduced by 32 this year. Melha extends its thanks to the Rev. Ronald Jackson for stepping in for the late Father John Debonville, a longtime friend of the Shrine who presided over past Memorial Services. Melha Memorial Service altar POTENTATE’S MESSAGE Greeting Nobles and Ladies, Here we are again another month has gone by. The month of November just flew by. It was quite a month here at Melha. All of the visitations are done for the year. We had the Veteran’s Parade on the 11th. I thank all who marched to honor our Veterans. I want to thank our Legion of Honor for leading our units in all our parades. To all of you THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE to our great country and to Melha. The memorial service this year was well attended, if you have not come to this service as a member of Melha you should try and make an effort to come. THE OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF MELHA SHRINERS, SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL CAMELHA Available on the Web at www.melhashriners.com EDITORS Russ Mitchell, P.P. Email:........ editor@melhashriners.com Mike Robinson Email:........ editor@melhashriners.com Tel Wk :.............................. 860 684-6226 Tel Hm : ............................ 413 567-2138 SPECIAL NOTICE All copy submitted for publication must be submitted by e-mail and received before the 12th of the month preceding publication. All Ads must be submitted by the 1st of the month. The Editors reserve the right to edit all copy. It is truly a wonderful service to remember and honor the brothers we have lost. I know the families that attended are grateful for all of those who are in attendance. Debbie and I would like to thank Ray and Denise Turrini for all the hard work they put into this year’s memorial service. It was a touching remembrance for all the Nobles we lost in the past year. The Feztival of Trees committee is hard at work getting everything in order for the years Feztival of Trees. We want to thank all the units and everyone who has sponsored a tree for this year. We hope it will be bigger and better than last years. Please tell everyone you know about this event. Come down to your Shrine Center and see it transformed into a beautiful and “FEZ”tive wonder land. And don’t forget the Melha Kid’s Christmas Party on December 14th. We will be celebrating the New Year here at Melha, so don’t forget to make your reservation for New Year’s Eve at Melha. Please make sure you get your 2015 dues paid and atMELHA SHRINER CENTER 133 Longhill Street Springfield, Massachusetts 01108 Tel.: . ............................... (413) 736-3647 Fax ................................. (413) 731-9572 e-mail:..... recorder1@melhashriners.com Debra Collins............................ Secretary OFFICE HOURS 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Monday through Friday MELHA WEB SITE www.melhashriners.com PAY WITH CREDIT CARD Melha honors Visa, MasterCard and Discover cards. Minimum amount charged must be $20.00. Use it for: •Dues •Melha Events •Fezzes •Melha Trips, etc. tend the annual meeting. This is your Shrine Center please show your support to all of the Nobles who you elect to lead Melha into the future. The final numbers are in for two of the big events that took place this year, the Circus and the Northeast Field Days. We had a good circus this year. As always Hamid Circuses put on a great show. Ill. Al Zippin and Jim Spear did a great job for Melha. Our circus came in at $54,400.00 The Northeast Shrine Association committee lead by Ill. Pete Spaulding did a great job. NSA2014 returned an $8,000.00 profit to the Melha Shrine Center. Thanks to all who helped to make both of these events a great success. As always thanks for all you do for your Shrine and Hospitals. In this holiday season, Deb and I wish extend to all our Nobility and to our extended Melha Family a joyous and happy Christmas and Hanukkah and a safe and healthy New Year. Yours in the Faith Bill Faust, 2014 Potentate & GOLDEN FEZ ROOM RENTALS Contact the Recorder’s Office. DIVAN OFFICERS Potentate...................William Faust 413-786-1272 Chief Rabban................ David Butterfield 413-519-5498 Ass’t Rabban...................... Brian Connor 413-636-4270 High Priest Prophet................ Ray Turrini 413-297-8111 Oriental Guide..............Robert Wogatske 413-575-7788 Treasurer..................Ronald Gagnon P.P. 413-568-4402 SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN 516 Carew Street Springfield, MA 01104 413-787-2000 MELHA BOARD OF GOVERNOR MEMBERS David Burstein: Chairman, George Sachs, James Spear Jr., Joseph Surprenant, Edward Geoffrion Gary Surprenant, Associate Member Allen Zippin, P.P: Chairman Emeritus, Charles Weaver, P.P.: Chairman Emeritus, Philip E. Thomas P.P.: Chairman Emeritus SHRINERS BURNS HOSPITALBOSTON 51 Blossom Street Boston, MA 02114-2699 617-722-3000 MELHA BOARD OF GOVERNORS MEMBERS Dean Whalen Russell Mitchell, Associate Member Saul Michaelson, Emeritus Member Robert Spaulding P.P., Emeritus Member 2 BUTTERFIELD AUDITORIUM Recorder.................Philip E. Thomas P.P. 413-736-3647 1st Cerem. Master...... Glenn Surprenant 413-583-8991 2nd Cerem. Master...............Ed Geoffrion 413-537-8801 Chief Director..........................Al Stratton 413-323-0268 Marshal....................................Dan Smith 413-531-3542 Capt. of the Guard................ Leo Plourde 413-348-3889 TRUSTEES Kevin LaPlante: Chair.413-626-9990 Michael Santos.........413-246-2804 David Duncan...........413-348-8766 Jack Greaves...........413-246-2804 John Scribner...........413-323-7729 Alan Couture............413-537-1657 ADMINISTRATORS Saul Michaelson: Chair..... 413-537-5759 Nick Creanza..................... 413-596-2577 Cary Miller......................... 413-567-0514 Stan Rubenstein................ 413-567-0618 Ron Gagnon...................... 413-568-4402 Melha Shrine Center From the recorder Stated Meeting Notice Our Grand Master M.W. Harvey J. Waugh through his membership committee announce a One-Day class. The One-Day Class will be held in our area at Meadows Lodge in East Longmeadow. The date for this class is March 7, 2015. This announcement provides us as Shrine Masons an opportunity to create brothers that are unable to attend evening lodge schedules or the time to spend going through the usual three month period along with Lodge of Instruction. So, if you have a potential candidate in mine it is advised that you contact your lodge Secretary and submit his name for the One-Day class NOW. The process within the lodge to review and vote on application will require time. I hope that you have the opportunity to attend some of the events at Melha during the holiday season, the committees are working hard on their projects for you to have fun and enjoyment. It’s your Temple and we need your support. Black camel Noel Sweeney December 2014 Wednesday December 17, 2014 7:30 pm, for the purpose of conducting the business of Melha Shriners, as well as balloting on individuals for initiation, obligating candidates, and for the dissemination of information to the membership on matters relating to current Shrine events. To vote on the 2015 Budget. All Nobles are invited to attend. Unit and Club leaders are required to attend. Proper attire is required and please wear your Fez. Ill. William Faust, Potentate Attest Philip E. Thomas, P.P. ANNUAL MEETING Friday, January 9. 2015 at 7:00 P.m. DINNER: 5:45 P.M. MELHA SHRINE Nobles: This Annual Meeting is called for the purpose of the Election of the Potentate, Chief Rabban, Assistant Rabban, High Priest & Prophet, Oriental Guide, Treasurer, and Recorder for 2015. Also an election will be conducted for one (2) Trustee and one (1) Administrator. We will elect four representatives to the Imperial Council for one year. We will hear the reports of the Temple and to act on any other business that might come before the Temple. Anyone interested in a voting position should contact the Melha Recorder at 413-736-3647. William Faust Potentate Attest: Philip E. Thomas PP. Recorder Section 206 Sec. 206, The printing, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, tickets or other devices by a Noble or Nobles, suggesting, recommending, opposing or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the Temple, is hereby prohibited. For any violation of this section, the Imperial Potentate shall suspend the offending Noble or Nobles until next regular session of the Imperial Council, and he may, in his judgement declare the election of such officer or officers void and order a new election. ALL NOBLES OF MELHA ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND THIS MEETING. PLEASE NOTE: All Unit rooms will remain closed and unoccupied from 7:00 p.m. until conclusion of the Annual Meeting. Admittance by 2015 Dues Card Election Regulations 325.11 Election Regulations. (a) Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate during the year he is seeking the elected office, a résumé consisting of his educational background, his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or other devices, by a unit, club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesting, recommending, opposing, or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited. (b) Expenditures Prohibited. The expenditure of money for gifts, favors, or entertainment on behalf of a candidate for elected office is prohibited. (c) Violation. For any violation of (a) or (b), the Imperial Potentate may suspend any offending Noble, and he may declare the election of the officers void and order a new election. (d) Notice. At least one week prior to the annual meeting or any election, the temple Recorder shall mail to each member a notice thereof containing this section. Appointments Last For One Year For the information of uninformed members of the Nobility, when a Potentate’s term of office expires, all appointments made by him during his administration TERMINATE, according to Imperial Code. Such appointments include ALL appointed Officers, Potentate’s Aides, member of Committees and their Chairmen. Special Appointees, Directors, Assistant Directors and all members of the Potentate’s staff. Some uninformed Nobles have mistakenly believed or assumed that their appointments are permanent. Each Potentate, when installed in office, must make his own appointments. The Potentate has the power and authority under Imperial Shrine Law to replace every appointee; or he may, if he believes it to be in the best interest of the Temple, retain all appointees by reappointment. Traditionally, for the sake of efficiency, many Nobles of demonstrated ability are continued in Office, but this is at the will and pleasure of the incoming Potentate. In no case is he, or can he be bound by his predecessor. By the same token in no case can any Potentate bind his successor. Courtesy requires that a Noble holding an appointive office, position or assignment tender his resignation to the incoming Potentate. If it is the will and pleasure of the incoming Potentate to that the Noble is to continue in his office or position by reappointment, he will be notified by the Potentate to that effect. In the event a Noble is NOT appointed for the ensuing year, he should return the insignia or emblem of office to the Recorder. 3 MELHA SHRINE center Divan Public Installation Jan. 10th at 2:00 P.m. please JOIN US in welcoming the incoming 2015 potentate and divan at the Butterfield Auditorium 4 Melha Shrine Center MELHA SHRINE center December 2014 5 MELHA SHRINE UNITS Burns Brigade City, NJ. This was given to us at the annual Fire Chief’s show by Bill Judd The Melha Burn’s Brigade held at the Big-E in June by Retired Chief and Noble Charles Maurais of Ashland, MA. Finally the Burn’s Brigade was still going because that’s was what Howard wanted. Due to lack of members and attendance at our meetings, on the second Monday in November we discussed the direction of the Burn’s Brigade. By a vote of the members present, we decided this would be our last and to disband the Melha Brigade started in 2001. Thank you to all that have support and assisted us in our ventures. Be Burn and Fire safe and take a moChief Howard Albert Vincent ment to think about how Howwas saddened with the pass- ard touched your life, we have! ing of our Chief Howard Albert Clowns Vincent. Noble Howard was By Jerry “Fix-It” Ducharme part of the Brigham Lodge in I had thought October was Ludlow and passed on August going to be a slow month. I 14, 2014 and was involved with was wrong. Started the month so much. He was Past Master of at Travelers Woods in BerRoswell Lee Lodge, very much nardston. Next day Fall Foliage involved with our Springfield Parade in North Adams with a Shriner’s Hospital, the Eastern great turn out by the unit. Jo Jo Star and so from Utica also made an apmuch more. pearance at that parade. FolEveryone lowing weekend we welcomed who knew Pedal for Pennies at the ShriHoward, ners Hospital. The next Friday loved him there was a paper drive at Food and would do City in Turners Falls. At the anything for Franklin County Pumpkin Feshim, think tival David Kuklewicz raised a 1904 Springfield about that, Melha medal over $700 for the hospital by what a Noble, selling raffle tickets for an afShriner, friend and just a great ghan made by his wife Tammy. person we should have all We supported the Sphinx clown learned from. Howard we will unit by attending their gig at miss you, but you will be in our the Brown’s Festival in Windhearts forever. sor Locks, CT. Randall Farms In Howard’s memory the was well attended on the 18th Burn’s Brigade presented to and 19th, and on the 24th and Shriner’s Hospital a two hun26th we had a few clowns at dred dollar donation in Howthe Bernardston Scare Crow in ard’s name and to Melha we the Park event where Raymond presented, at the monthly stated Redfern aka Brass Buttons (or meeting, a 1904 Springfield BB?) did his first gig, where, I Melha medal from the impemight add, he did an outstandrial convention held in Atlantic ing job. 6 The above was submitted by none other than our “on his way out” chief Jonathon “ Dimples “ George. how bout a warm round of applause? Ok enough of that and this article for this month. Until next time “BumpA-nose” DRUM CORPS by Jim Marceau, PP “Here Rests in Honored Glory an American Soldier Known But to God” Every time I see that inscription on the tomb of the unknown soldier in Arlington Cemetery it gives me goose bumps. I was fortunate enough to have been part of the Melha contingent on our recent Legion of Honor Washington trip for the laying of a wreath at the tomb for Veterans Day. I was also able to visit the Gettysburg battlefield for the first time, something I had wanted to do for years. Add that to visits to several of our national monuments, and the result was a weekend well spent. Kudos to my brother Dick for once again organizing an outing long to be remembered. If any of you have never visited our nation’s capital, I strongly suggest that you consider going so next year. It makes you proud to be an American--a feeling I hope is shared by all the politicians who work there. Seeing what they do all too often, I somehow doubt it. As you can see, we have reached the quiet time of the year. No parades or contests. Social life prevails at the Center. Time to learn a new ensemble piece for the spring show on April 18, 2015. Please come to rehearsals and keep Ron sane! Speaking of Ron, I am going to make a bold prediction that he will once again be elected president of the unit. I do so because his was the only name nominated for the office! Those of you who don’t know Ron Mongeon (his last name rhymes with...nothing in particular), who don’t deal with him on a regular basis or see how he runs the Drum Corps are...luckier than the guys in the Corps! Somehow the words “warm” and “fuzzy” never come up when talking about our beloved president, but we all like him. And as he always tells us, he is “cute, too!” Why am I picking up vibes of malcontent among some of the members of our Ladies groups? They feel unappreciated by us. Guys, we have to do everything we can to make them feel welcome at Melha. They do a lot for our hospital and for our Temple. We are in a position now where we all must pitch in to keep the building on a solid financial footing. The ladies are feeling the membership pinch just as we are. Lets all work together, please. We can support their events and activities a little more. They have been supporting ours for years. It was nice to be able to present a check for the hospital at the last stated meeting. The money was earned through our participation at the Small Drum Corps Association Exhibition held in Pittsfield in October. As I told the audience that day we rely on support from other organizations to keep our hospitals working efficiently. Thank you to all those who helped bring that project to fruition. Time to call it a day...and a year! As we enter the Christmas Season, I would like to extend the best of Holiday Wishes to all, be their beliefs what they may. There is something about the time of year which seems to bring out the best in us. May the light of the season, be it from bulb or candle, remind us of that divine light which brings peace on earth. Continued on page 7 Melha Shrine Center MELHA SHRINE UNITS Melha Shrine Units From the Whitcomb Family, I have enjoyed doing the * BUFFET $35.00 we would like to wish you and Camelha, but guess it’s time to PER PERSON God bless you, and Rock the yours a happy and safe Thanks- step down. The old saying we * CASH BAR. giving. need new blood etc. I will conFez! tinue to do the Camelha until a * BRING A $2 Highlanders Flyers SCRATCH TICKET volunteer comes forward that By Dick MacGregor By Katherine Whitcomb will take over the duties. I will * DRAWING AT END Another year has passing assist them in any way I can. As the weather gets colder OF PARTY. our thoughts turn to winter and winter is settling in. Hope Hope to see all our invited coats, snow shovels, and how all of you had a wonderful guests and Legion members at * RESERVATIONS MUST, BY DEC. 10 soon some of us can escape Thanksgiving. The Highlander our Christmas Party. RememSouth! We also plan holiday Christmas party is coming up ber keep our troops safe, and * CONTACT BOB THRESHER get-togethers with family and or has passed, depending when in our hearts during the holifriends, and this year our family you receive your Camelha. I’m day season, and always GOD HURRICANEBOB57@AOL.COM will be getting an early Christ- sure everyone had a good time. BLESS AMERICA. M-413-813-4197 mas present – by the time this The new year will see new ofEven if you don’t march ficers installed on the first Monarticle is published my wife with us or carry a flag, you are H-413-544-419 and I will have hopefully wel- day in February. The new slate still a Veteran brother, and a PAST MASTERS comed our first grandchild! My of the Temple officers and Di- member of this great Unit. Let van will be elected at the annual younger daughter and her husus start the New Year off right, by Richard Poudrier band are expecting a baby girl, meeting on January 9th. Every- and together as one. Greetings Nobles, who is supposed to make her one should make an effort to at- LEGION CHRISTMAS PARTY I hope the Thanksgiving To ALL Legion of Honor memappearance sometime around tend this important meeting. Holiday went well. The holiday This will be the last article I bers, both uniformed and non- season has begun and with it all Thanksgiving. An extra-special will write for the Camelha. Our uniformed. 2014 Paid up mem- those things that make it a seapresent to put under the tree! Jr. Past Chief, Garth Parker will bers join us for the: The winter season also ushson we look forward to every 2014 L.O.H. take over this duty for the Januers in the Fez’tival of Trees. year. Christmas Party Last year I helped Malcolm ary paper. On Sunday December 14, I would like to take this opCorse and his Lady Winnie set 2014, members of the Past * DEC. 14, 12:00 - 15:00 up the Franklin Shrine Club portunity to wish you and your Masters Unit of Melha Shrine tree. If you ever want a laugh loved ones a Merry Christmas * LA NOTTE’S RESand the Scottish Rite Valley of TAURANT E. come down and watch a bunch and a healthy and happy New Springfield, their family WINDSOR, CT. of Shriners set up a new tree Year. Continued on page 8 That’s all for now, Mac from a box – the first one to look at the directions loses! LEGION OF HONOR Speaking of escaping by Richard S Skowron South, remember the 4th AnNominations for the 2015 nual Melha Winter Picnic, to be Legion officers were read and held at the Citrus Shrine Club all accepted, and are as follows in Inverness, Florida (468 N Bob Thresher Commander Woodlake Avenue). You can - Lenny Stratton 2nd Lt Cmdr. call Malcolm Corse at (413) - P.C. Paul Frenier Person369-4608 for information and nel officer and Chaplain - P.C. reservations. Stanley Heaton Finance Officer As always, remember to vis- Matt Herman 1st Lt Cmdr. it your Blue Lodges. I recently Steve Maagero Sgt-at-Arms went to a local Lodge meeting P.C. Richard Skowron Adjutant and ended up filling the role of - Bob Thresher Membership Junior Deacon, where I found Liaison that changes have been made to LEGION TRAILER the short form opening. (HapNobles from any Shrine pily the Senior Warden helped by Jim Spear unit, or Shrine Center, riding me with the changes in ritual.) The group who attended the Legion Trip to D.C. the first part It is always good to keep your the trailer would make the use of November. We left on Thursday by bus and returned Sunday. ritual memory fresh – think of of the trailer worthwhile. There were 50 plus folks led by Richard and Dianne Marceau. CAMELHA REPORTER it as brain training! A great time was had by all. Continued from page 6 Legion Trip To Washington D.C. December 2014 7 MELHA SHRINE UNITS Melha Shrine Units Continued from page 7 and friends will be attending the Holiday Gala at the Salem Cross Inn located in West Brookfield, MA. It promises to be an evening of seasonal songs with the cast dressed in 19th century period costumes. A Traditional New England Turkey Dinner with all the trimmings will be the fare of the evening. But best of all, it will be a great opportunity to experience the warmth of fellowship when family and friends of our brethren get together. Our Holiday Gala is our premier events which we enjoy every year. At our November meeting the Assistant Rabban, Brian Connor, dropped in for a visit. It is always a treat to have a member of the Divan attend one of our meetings. Special Kudos goes out to Ill. Bob Marshall, who attends our meetings when his busy schedule allows. Our units members, as noted in the last article, have been busy installing officers not only their district but also in other districts when called upon. They are also responding to requests to help out with degrees when lodges are short of officers. Our President, Mark Muller who is also active volunteer, commends those who are participants. Our unit notes the passing of Wor. David Levin. Wor. Levin was a past master of William Whiting Lodge which was located in Holyoke, MA.. William Whiting Lodge is no longer in existence. Wor. Levin was master of William Whiting Lodge the same year I was master for the first time in Mount Tom Lodge in 1981. Our unit extends condolences to his family. The Election of officers, the new appointments in Grand Lodge and the Feast of Saint 8 John are held in December. For those District Deputies whose terms are up, we thank for their service and look forward to welcoming the new District Deputies. On behalf of the president, officers and members of the Past Masters Unit, I wish all the nobles and their families of Melha Temple a Very Happy Holiday Season and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year. REMEMBER TO SUPPORT YOUR BLUE LODGE AND SHRINE AND GET INVOLVED Melha Golf League Riders by Mike Greenberg Fellow Riders: This is my final article as the Melha Riders Correspondent. I have been writing this column since the inception of the Riders back in 1998. It has been a sometimes frustrating but usually rewarding experience watching the Riders grow and mature over the last 15 years. The Riders are a great and colorful group and there is always good material to choose from. It has been a genuine pleasure to write it all down. Now it is time for someone else to assume this responsibility and keep the Club entertained and informed. I will say, it isn’t as easy as you think coming up with something creative, informative and amusing month after month so… you got what you got. To those who offered praise I thank you. To those that criticized, (usually the ones who never did anything but complain) rather than tell you to stick it, I instead offer that you now have the opportunity to offer your services to the cause and see if you can do better. A new slate of officers is Continued on page 10 photo by Phil Thomas. Left to right: Junior player Garth Parker, most valuable player and winner of the “A” division Neil McElwey, Steve Burrall Division “B” winner, Dick MacGregor league statistician holding the league trophy, Treasurer David Ramdell and League President Mark Dunn. Absent from photo is Wayne Vangness division “C” winner. by Phil Thomas The Golf League had its 31st banquet at Melha on October 31st with 22 Nobles attending, A great meal was served by Tony and Penny’s. It was decided at the meeting the golf league would continue to play at East Mountain Country Club at 3 PM on Friday’s. It was also agreed that Nobles 70 and older could play from the senior tees if they so desired. The next season will start in March 2015. Looking for new members. See you all next season on the green. Have a great holiday season. Clothes For The Homeless By James Marceau A reminder to all Nobles, family, and friends that the Clothing for the Homeless Drive is in full swing until January 31, 2 0 1 5 . The collection box is in place behind the stage as a drop off for warm, gently used clothes. White cotton socks would be very appreciated. Here is your chance to clean out that closet and donate all the articles you have been keeping for no particular reason. They would be better used keeping a homeless person warm this winter. Don’t forget, there are homeless women and children too. May God bless you for you generosity. Melha Shrine Center MELHA SHRINE clubs Berkshire Shrine Club by John Fiske The Berkshire Shrine Club will be meeting November 12,2014 at the Mystic Lodge on 116 South St., in Pittsfield,Ma. The Social will be at 6pm with the dinner at 7pm. The cost is $ 12.00 pp. The Club has just finished a busy Fall season of parades. We have one more the Saturday after Thanksgiving. The details will be available at the meeting. We have had a really good season. There has been more brothers in the parades and there has been a good selections of vehicles. We had our annual meeting at the Jail on Oct.8th and voted our new officers for 2015. President: Dave Waltermire - 1st Vice President: Les Rhinemiller - 2nd Vice President: Kurt Haswell - Secretary: Kevin Lehrer Treasurer and Parade Captain: Mark Feder - Circus Chairman: Bob Waltermire - Paper Drive Chairman and Camelha Correspondent - : John FiskeChaplin: Walter Bradley We Thank these Nobles for stepping up and making the Club a Super organization. We would like to give a special Thank you to Shaun and Dick Murphy for their support of the Club during a very difficult time for them Sunshine Notice: On Nov.13 Noble Chuck Gardner will be under going major surgery. We send him our Prayers and Best Wishes First is New Years Eve. [SEE OUR FLYER] What a party this going to be, sit down dinner, live band, and new and old friends both Shriner’s and non Shriner’s. All this for 99.00 per couple. Reservations are a must. Call Ed Gillis at 413-531-3121 or Bob Salmon at 860-623-4511. We need to know menu choices and how many in your party. Checks may be made payable to PVSC or by credit card by calling the Melha office. The cut-off date is 12/20/14. Hope to see all of you there. On January 7 2015 PVSC will host our annual member and possible new member pizza night. All members of melha are welcome. Ten dollars per couple gets you pizza and your yearly dues. WHAT A DEAL. We will be electing officers for 2015. The nominating committee has chosen: Jack Greaves: pres. - Marc Babilonia: 1st vice - Bob Salmon: sec - Harry Ishler: treas. We need someone to step up for 2nd vice. We will also be talking about events for 2015. That’s it for now hope to see everyone on New Years Eve. HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO ALL Italian American Club by Roy Martin The Next Italian American Club Meeting will be December 12. all nobles are welcome and encouraged to come down and join the fun and fellowship of this group. You do not have to be Italian Pioneer Valley Shrine Club by Bob Salmon Hello from the pioneer valley. It getting colder, the leaves are gone and hello winter. Lots of information this month so lets get started. December 2014 9 MELHA SHRINE center Melha Units continued from page 8 scheduled to assume command of the Riders in 2015. President Mike Cote will lead. 1st VP Rick LaMotte, 2nd VP Felix Parker, Secretary Dan Swiecanski (hope I spelled that one right) & of course Howie “two ply” Shapiro continues to serve as the numbers cruncher and bill payor. Yes Howie likes seeing money come in and whines when it goes out but that is the sign of a good Treasurer. On the subject of money, the Hospital Run for 2014 raised over 13K!! The holidays are fast approaching and that means the wheel barrel of cheer is in high gear. The drawing will be held on Dec. 8th @ 9 PM at Maximum Capacity in Chicopee. For the final time I will say bring in your bottle and buy or help sell some tickets. The money from this fund-raiser allows us to continue to do what we do. Whether you are waiting for Santa Claus or the Hanukkah Armadillo to bring you some new chrome this holiday season, my sincere wishes for a happy and healthy holiday season to you and your families. The End Grand lodge of MAssachusetts one day class It’s Not Too Late? Membership Gold in 2015 The ONE DAY CLASS on Mar. 7 seems a long way off but the reality is that, the end of Dec. is when all the paperwork is due: • Have you done an Investigation? • Have you done a background check? • Have you Published your candidates in the lodge bulletins? If you answered no to any of these questions, contact your Lodge Secretary and let’s get to the FINISH LINE! UNCLE MILTY’s 2015 MELHA GAME DINNER AUCTION Jan. 17, 2015 1. UNCLE MILTY’S PRIVATE DINING ROOM FOR TEN. 2 SERVED FAMILY STYLE FIRST BY A WAITRESS. 3 THREE DRINK TICKETS PER PERSON 4 THREE RESERVED PARKING SPACES 5 TWO COMPLEMENTARY BOTTLES OF WINE 6 FIVE MEAT PIES TO GO All bids must be sent to the Melha Recorder’s office by mail to UNCLE MILTY’S AUCTION, 133 Longhill Street, Springfield, MA 01108 and postmarked no later than January 8, 2015 or by E-mail Melha98@aol.com no later than January 8th, 2015. Minimum bid is $1,000. Bid winner will be announced on January 9, 2015. 10 Melha Shrine Center MELHA shrine ladies Daughters of the Nile by Pr. Olive Larson A Message from Our Queen: Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah! It is the most wonderful time of the year. A time to reconnect with old friends and family. I realize most budgets these days are very tight, but you do not have to buy an expensive gift to say your special, I miss you or I love you. Pick up the phone, call someone and say, “Merry Christmas or Happy Hanukkah. I miss you or reminisce about ______ or remember when and laugh together”. You can mail a meaningful card already preprinted or written in your own words. The most important thing to the recipient is that they were remembered. It’s always been about remembering our fellow woman or man and sharing our love and compassion with one another. I wish everyone a Joyful Holiday Season. Queen Carolyn Congratulations to Princess Geraldine Matthews on receiving her 25 year membership pin. At our November Session we celebrated Founders Day. Our Historian Pr. Ruth Hunter shared some wonderful memories of our Temple during her report. It was nice to see so many of our Past Queens, and Past Queen Faye Ward of Ankh Temple in Bangor Maine and dual member of Ahlem Temple, left 18 inches of snow in Bangor to be with us. Thank you to everyone who helped at the Autumn Days fair on November 8th. Change of Dates: Note that our December Session will be on Wednesday, December 10th and also January 7th at the Shrine Center. For the Holiday – “Tis heavenly music you must play for December 2014 heavens child is here today. Hallelujah, Hallelujah. - From 14th century carol. FORGET-ME-NOTS by Edith Sweeney “Forget-me-nots” wish a happy holiday season to all. Celebrate with family and friends often and share memories. Stay warm and well! Our next planned meeting is Friday, March 20, 2015 at a local restaurant - to be announced in Feb. please contact Corinne Pierson, 413-789-8148, Claire Patruno 413-596-3251 or Edith Sweeney esweeney12@cox. net” HELMA CT 64 by Anita L. Tetreault Once more a brand New Year has quietly and quickly sneaked up on us, making us wonder, as we do every January, how it could possibly have happened. But that’s life, and most of us actually enjoy the process, although we don’t admit it. Thursday, January 8 will be our first Court meeting of the year 2015. Let’s see if we can all attend. The Traveling Ladies will meet on Sunday, February 8 at 2 pm at Lady Joyce Frechette’s house. There will be an election of officers. And let’s keep saving those tabs. Recycling of these tabs, as we know, gives us the funds to help the hospitals with the items they might otherwise not be able to receive for the care of the children. In the picture L-R Helene Calvanese LOSNA, Collette Parsons Recorder LOSNA, Sue a large contributor and camper, Vicky the organizer, and Brian Scott Melha Shriner Kenolie Village Campgrounds is a family campground 12 miles out from Brattleboro VT in Newfane, VT. They have been collecting can tabs for apx 5 years now. Vicky the sister of the campground owner Buster Dowley has a grandson that is an outpatient of our hospital. Every year they strive to beat the previ- ous years donations so that the children can get much needed things. On the Columbus Day weekend Collette Parsons, Recorder of LOSNA, her daughter, Kathy Hamel, Helene Calvanesee LOSNA ventured up to collect the tabs and present a certificate of Appreciation to the campgrounds. Why Advertise in the Camelha? • Your business reaches over 1500 potential new customers. • You help reduce the operating expenses of your Shrine. • Network your company with your fellow Nobles. 11 Melha Calendar of Events December 1 to 7 Mon - Sun Fez’tival of Trees 31 Wed 6:00 PM New Year’s Eve Celebration at Melha Shrine Center [BA] Every Monday Highlanders [BA] 7 Sun 1:00 PM Berkshire Shrine Club Holiday Every Tuesday Military Band [BA] Party [BA] = Butterfield Auditorium Event 8 Mon 6:30 PM Board of Directors Meeting 8 Mon 6:30 PM Franklin Shrine Club December All events are at the Melha Shrine Center unless noted above. Time and dates subject to change. Social 10 Wed Daughter’s of Nile Full Session [BA] 11 Thu 6:30 PM Hadji and Directors Dinner 14 Sun Children’s Christmas Party [BA] 17 Wed 7:30 PM Stated Meeting [BA] 18 Thu Daughters of the Nile Patrol Rehearsal [BA] 25 Thu Merry Christmas - Office Closed 26 Fri Office Closed
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