Al Bedooings

Al Bedooings
October 2014
Volume 52 Issue 8
Official Publication of the Al Bedoo Shrine Temple
Casino Games - Horse Races - Silent Auctions
Raffles - Hors d’ oeuvres - Bar
Saturday - November 1, 2014
6:00 pm - Social Hour
7:30 pm - Hors d’ oeuvres
$25 Advance - $35 Door
Al Bedoo Shrine
P.O. Box 20673
Billings, Mt.
Al Bedoo Shrine, 1125 Broadwater Avenue, Billings, MT
Tickets 406-259-4384 or
Proceeds benefit Al Bedoo Shrine Chief Rabban Fund and are not tax
From the desk of
September got us back into the swing of things, starting with
a rousing discussion at our U.U. meeting. If you or your unit
representatives are not attending, you are missing out on some great
discussion and opportunities to help direct the future of Al Bedoo’s
units. We also held our 3rd stated meeting of the year. As it has
happened all so often in recent years, we do not see enough of our
Nobles showing up to these meetings, we need to see you all taking
an active part in YOUR fraternity. I would like to thank all those that
do actively participate, your input is indispensible! THANK YOU!
We had a couple of unique opportunities this last month that
has allowed Al Bedoo and our Hospitals to be seen out in our
community. First was the Phillips 66 “Meet in the Park” on
September 4th. Secondly we were invited to participate in the Safe
Kids event at the Mall on September 13th both events are community
oriented. We not only had great public exposure; we made some
really good contacts along the way. I would like to see Al Bedoo
continue and expand upon these events. The more the public knows
about what we do the easier it should be to get both support and new
members. I especially would like to thank the Hospital Corp for
working these events, a special thanks to Laris Roberts P.P. for not
leaving me all by myself at the mall!
The thing that I think of in Fall is the very enjoyable weather,
not too hot and not too cold…the Goldilocks of the seasons. It always
brings to me thoughts of fun gatherings and warming ourselves by the
fire. Well if you are anything like me, then you won’t want to miss
our Fall Ceremonial as it gives us exactly that. October 18th we are
going to bring some new members into Al Bedoo. As I alluded to in
last month’s article we are going to shake things up just a bit. It will
be a night time ceremonial so take your naps during the day and come
out and welcome our new Nobles that evening.
Festivities for the evening will start “officially” at 5:00 with a
social hour followed by a dinner in….”Honor”….(umm yeah that’s
the word!) of our newcomers. Dinner will be a Pitch Fork Fondue
consisting of Steak and Chicken and all of the trimmings. We will
also be enjoying a roaring bonfire to keep ourselves warmed in the
parking lot. The actual ceremony will start sometime after dark, all
three sections will be performed. From what I have been told the
party does not stop there and may just go into the wee hours. The
ladies are of course welcome to the festivities and will have some
time together while the gentlemen are initiating our new members.
Come out and support this event, it promises to be something
different and a great time!
Oh and don’t forget to be back at 8am, if you choose to leave,
for breakfast and Fezzing the next morning!
The last thing I will leave you with, is to make sure that you
have your tickets for Chief Rabban night, the crew is working hard on
putting on a great event and fundraiser on November 1st. We need to
rally around our chosen leaders and this gives everyone a chance to
get together and have some fun, while supporting our next Potentate.
This year is rounding third base and heading towards home
plate… let’s make the most of our time left in the year and spend
some quality time amongst our fraternal family!
Until next time brother Nobles, Ladies and friends….assalaam'alaykum
Darren DeHass
Al Bedoo Shriners
ŸPage 2 Potentate
ŸPage 3 Recorder
ŸPage 3 Events List
ŸPage4 Memorial and
ŸPage 5 Brass Band
ŸPage 6 Fundraising
ŸPage 7 Clowns and Black
Horse Patrol
ŸPage 8 Daughters of the
Nile, Provost Guard
ŸPage 9 Car Club and
Daughters of the Nile
ŸPage 10 Membership
ŸPage 11 Office Message
ŸPage 12 Hosp. Corp
Al Bedoo Mission
Nobles, Units, and Clubs must work
together in harmony and camaraderie to
achieve our goals:
To perpetuate our commitment to
our Shriners Hospitals for Children; by
promoting community awareness of this
great Philanthropy, which is really the
“Heart and Soul” of the Shrine.
To help our Hospital Corp. Find
qualified patients for the screening and
outreach Clinics and to assist the
Doctors and Patients receiving medical
To be forever thankful for the
tireless dedication and joy “Our Ladies”
bring to Al Bedoo as they work beside
To perpetuate the Masonic
principles of truth, brotherly love,
trust and laughter and to share these
principles with Non-Shriners throughout
our communities; and thereby provide
an opportunity for Non-Shriners to join
Al Bedoo and carry our Masonic
Fraternity and our Hospitals for
Children, our fellowship and
camaraderie year after year.
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
To make the “Red Fez” of Al Bedoo
we so proudly wear, an emblem of
distinction in our community for service
and a symbol of our responsibility to
our charity and our fraternity.
Al Bedoo Divan
Potentates Aides:
Darren DeHass
Chief Rabban:
Jerry Granning
Assistant Rabban:
Fred Thompson
High Priest and Prophet: Wally Hall
Oriental Guide:
Maurice Rademaker
Frank Glasgow
Larry Tipton PP
1st Ceremonial Master: Dave Schantz
2nd Ceremonial Master: Mark Burgad
Bart Hensley
Steve Russell
Captain of the Guard: Jason Smith
Outer Guard:
Del Aman
PC Moran
Buck O’Neil
Greg Moritz
Darren Donaldson
Al Bedoo Shrine
Recorders Notes
1125 Broadwater Avenue
By: Larry Tipton, PP
Billings, MT. 59102
Which Are You?
Are you an active member, the kind that would be missed?
Or are you just contented that your name is on a list?
Do you attend meetings and mingle with the flock?
Or stay at home to criticize and about others you can
Do you take an active part to help the work along;
Or are you just satisfied to be the kind that “just belong”?
Do you listen to others that probably bear a grudge?
And forget that we are taught to not be too quick to judge.
Do you ever go visit a member that is sick?
Or leave the work to others and talk about the clique?
Sit and drink your some coffee and complain on how
things are run?
Or do you come to coffee and talk about Shrine and fun?
So come to meetings often and help with hand and heart;
Don’t be just a member, take an active part.
Think this over, Nobles, you know right from wrong;
Are you an active member, to do you just belong?
Author Anonymous
Terri Widdicombe Ext. 1
Larry Tipton PP Ext. 2
Frank Glasgow Ext. 5
Fax 406-259-2316
Attention Shriners:
The deadline for anything
published in the Al Bedooings is
the 15th of the month preceding
publication. Please send
articles, artwork, photos etc. by
email to
Longer articles will be edited.
Photos must include who is in
the photo and what the event
Thank You
2014 AL Bedoo Calendar of Events
10/02/2014 UU Meeting 5:30pm
10/04/2014 Harvest Fest TBA
10/14/2014 Divan Meeting 6:30pm
10/16/2014 Shrine Family Social 5:30pm
10/18/2014 Ceremonial
10/31/2014 Halloween Party TBA
11/01/2014 Chief Rabban Night 7:30pm
Help Out Our Children And Have Some Fun!!!!
Scottish Rite Pumpkin Banquet
Saturday October 18, 2014 5:00pm
Big Horn Resort
Scottish Rite Office (406) 259-6683
Bill Lewis (406) 698-6479
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
Al Bedoo Hosptial
Transportation Fund
Robert Riley
The Brockel Family
James Dumond
Dumond Family
Billy Revel Sr.
Irene Baker
William Lewis, PP
“Bess” Hovey
Melvin & Kay Johnson
Al Bedoo Shrine
Oasis at 5:30 pm
Dinner at 6:30 pm
Social Meeting 7:30 pm
Tim Baker
Ed Lenhardt
Bill Beck
Bob Krauth
Please RSVP for seating to 259-4384
Before 10/14/2014
John Lockie
Lewis Hammermeister
Verne and Eileen Cooper
Dick Haworth
Cleve Reitz
Al Bedoo Brass
Blondie Seibert
Jan Hauer
Piggy Bank Fund
Julie Gauthier
Dennis Prewett
Official Call of the
Potentate To
The Nobility of Al Bedoo Shrine
Your attendance is desired and
Welcomed by your Divan
Cash King Pawn
Gladys Clark
Dennis Prewett
George Antone Farias
Dennis Prewett
Florence Stevens
Bob and Dorothy Lou Repac
Wear your Fez
Spokane Hospital
Bill Funk
Roy Nelson
Ernest Reichenbach
Don King
Art Larson
Darren DeHass
Larry Tipton PP
2015 Dues Notice’s will be sent out soon.
Make sure you have your 2014 dues paid.
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
Brass Band
Sunday August 3rd,
By: Dave Rahn
> A Challenge to All Units <
*** SEE BELOW ***
2014 Dear Shriners,
We began regular rehearsals again on Tuesday evening
I just wanted to say thank you for the wonderful meal you brought today.
I am overwhelmed and full of joy seeing the blessings of provision you all
gave us at the Womens Shelter.
I am a former Rainbow Girl and United Nations Pilgrimage for Youth
Scholarship Recipient, and I am staying at the Shelter due to circumstances
beyond my control. Family member displacement due to a house burning
down, and loss of housing for safety reasons. I am recovering from heart
surgery on May1st, 2014 at Billings Clinic Hospital. So may blessings have
been bestowed on me and others!
September 16th. Although a few of us had met to bend elbows,
most present were well rested and rusty. We had a nice turnout
and hope all will continue to attend and bring their friends.
The Band will use the upcoming Annual Chief Rabban
Saturday, November 1st as a Ladies’ Night and will
"host" all Brass Band members, guest players, and their ladies
who wish to attend. It’s an “OLD WEST CASINO NIGHT”. Get
your reservations in to the Shrine office @ 259-4384 and take
advantage of the Band hosting you and your date to this gala
Your generosity and kindness extended to all of us at the Rescue
Shelter moved my heart to
write and say……
We hereby challenge all Units to beat The Brass Band's
attendance at this Annual Chief Rabban
Notable Upcoming Dates are:
Thank You!!!
Oct 2nd
U.U. Dinner
Oct 12th
Big Band Dance
Stated Meeting
CR Fund Raiser
U.U. Election
& of course
Every Tuesday Rehearsal 7:30 pm
See YOU there!
I am blessed to receive the generous meal. The watermelon , chicken and
dessert was truly wonderful. Most of all my heartfelt joy that others
considered us and brought such a heartfelt blessing.
Thank you,
From a fellow “Daughter” and a former friend of Hardin Shriner Bob
Ceremonial 10/18/2014
David Green
Leonard Dunbar Larry Brewington John Craig
Edwin Wismeyer David Schantz
Charles Lindberg
Jeffrey Scherr
John Murphy
Jack Deibel
RE Thompson
George Hall
Glen Meier
Ken Richardson Robert Orednick William Brindley
Robert Schessler
Billy Revel Jr.
Matthew Larson Jeffrey Neumann
Lawtence Restad Melvin Summers
Daryl Ayers
Lester Clutter
James Guslander
Earl Bricker
Dennis Rehberg 10/11
Donald Shearer
Donald Neese
Randall Harvey Wendell Wardell Clinton Frank
Walter Popp
Kenneth Hageman
Paul Lechner
John Macdonald
Jered Scherer
EC Yegen
Roland Olijnyk
Roger Layton
Donald Shaules Dave Hellod
Harrison Fagg
Arthur Larson
William Swanson Brice Ligget
Wayne Hannah
Joseph Roy
John Liggett
Elwin Manicke
Fredrick Pilakowski
Paul Fischer
William Webster
William Brinkel
Raymond Kimball
Andrew Rahn
Nicholas Campbell
“Getting old
ain’t for
-Bette Davis
Al Bedoo Birthdays
Step Up Night
Turkey Bingo
Hosted by the
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
It is natural to associate the fez with Shriners Hospitals for Children. Because of this, meticulous attention must be given to
all fundraising activities, including circuses, to make certain that such activities comply with the law of the land and that a
contributor is not led to believe that his money will be used for the Hospitals when all or a portion thereof will be used
otherwise. The integrity of our charity and of our fraternity must remain above reproach.
Your specific attention is called to the following fraternal and charitable bylaws:
§335.3 USE OF NAME “SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN.” The use of the name “Shriners Hospitals for
Children” or reference to the Hospitals in connection with any fundraising activity by a temple or Noble without the written
consent of the Imperial Potentate and the chairman of the board of trustees of the Hospitals is prohibited.
§503.11 COMMERCIAL USE OF NAME. The use of the name “Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the
hospitals in connection with any commercial product or business enter31 prise is prohibited unless the written consent of the
boards of directors and trustees has been first obtained.
Now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED:
1. Fundraising for Fraternal Purposes:
(a) No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit, organization of Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations, shall
engage in any fundraising activity without the express written consent of the potentate of the temple having jurisdiction
(b) There can be no representation, express or implied, that the proceeds will be for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for
(c) The temple potentate shall carefully examine all phases of the advertising, promotion and solicitation to determine that it
complies with §335.3 and §503.11 of the fraternal and charitable bylaws and that there is no representation, expressed or
implied, that would lead a reasonably prudent person to believe that the proceeds will be for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals
for Children. If the potentate is in doubt, he must receive the opinion of the Imperial Potentate who, after consultation with
the Director of Temple Accounting, shall make the final determination.
(d) The temple potentate must approve the terms and provisions of any contract for a fundraising activity after receiving the
advice of the temple attorney, and, additionally, as may be required by the temple bylaws.
(e) A copy of the temple potentate’s written consent shall be mailed to the Executive Vice President, Shriners International.
Further, such written material pertaining to the fundraising activity, as requested by the Executive Vice President, Shriners
International, shall be promptly mailed to him.
2. Fundraising for Charitable Purposes:
(a) No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit, organization of Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations shall
engage in any charitable fundraising activity other than for Shriners Hospitals for Children. Permission therefor must be first
obtained in writing from the temple potentate. The temple potentate must then obtain written permission from the chairmen
of the boards of directors and trustees. This request for written permission shall be sent to the Executive Vice President,
Shriners International, P.O. Box 31356, Tampa, FL 33631-3356. No charitable fundraising activity shall be held in the
jurisdiction of another temple without the written permission of the potentate of that temple.
(1) A joint charitable fundraising activity with another 501(c)(3) charity may be authorized, provided that a minimum of 50%
of the net proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children, and the chairmen of the boards of directors and
trustees determine, on a case by case basis, that it is in the best interest of Shriners Hospitals for Children and they grant their
written permission for the activity.
(2) A charitable fundraising activity conducted by a temple located outside of the U.S.A. may be authorized for other
charities, provided that the chairmen of the boards of directors and trustees determine, on a case by case basis, that it is in the
best interest of Shriners Hospitals for Children and they grant their written permission for the activity.
(b) 100% of net proceeds (as defined in the Charitable Fundraising—Approval And Reporting provisions of this General
Order) from charitable fundraising must be given to Shriners Hospitals for Children except for such portion thereof as may
be permitted to be retained for the temple Shrine Hospital Patient Transportation Fund, pursuant to the Special Purpose Funds
provisions of any General Order. Provided, however, if the chairmen of the boards of directors and trustees determine for
good cause shown, that the law of the land requires that a portion of the net proceeds must be distributed locally, then they
may, if they determine it to be in the best interest of Shriners Hospitals for Children, grant their written permission for such
(c) The temple shall report the result of each charitable fundraising activity within sixty days of the activity, pursuant to the
Charitable Fundraising—Approval And Reporting provisions of any General Order.
(d) This section shall not apply to activities exempt under §335.4(b) of the bylaws of Shriners International.
(e) Each independent corporation or entity that receives the permission of the chairmen of the boards of directors and trustees
to raise moneys for Shriners Hospitals for Children, and which does not have its financial statements reviewed pursuant to
§§334.6 & 337.8 of the bylaws of Shriners International, shall have its financial statements audited by a certified, chartered
or licensed public accountant and shall submit such audit report to Shriners International within 120 days of the activity.
3. Statement of Purpose and Disclosure:
(a) Every fundraising activity must contain factual information on its solicitation material, tickets, programs and documents,
including all electronically transmitted material, regarding the use of the proceeds.
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
Al Bedoo Clowns
Our next meeting is Oct 6th @ 7pm. If you are a member of the Unit, your
presence is requested. If you are not a member and are interested in
learning the fine art of Clowning, please feel free to come. We will help
you learn the do’s and don’ts of Clowning. Our Oct 20th meeting, will be a
typical Pot Luck meeting and these start @ 6pm. Then our next meeting
will then be Nov 3rd @ 7pm. We have worked many events so far this year
and there are more to come. Nothing is more rewarding than putting a
smile on a little kids face.
May All Your Days be Circus Days.
Mark Burgad, Secretary
By: John Baber, Director
The Al Bedoo Shrine Chanters are gearing up for another
Holiday concert. Our practices are 7 PM on Tuesday
evenings, at the Shrine in the UU room downstairs All
male singers are welcome. If you love music and have
wanted to sing on the Alberta Bair Stage, now is your
chance. Our concert is Sunday, December 14th at 3 PM.
The Billings Pops Orchestra and the Ladies AKZENTS will
also join us. The Chanters will be working on ads for the
program too. During the holiday season we will be
entertaining at several retirement homes as well.
Red Fez Catering
“In the Shrine Auditorium”
1125 Broadwater Avenue Billings, Mt.
Full Service Food and Beverage,
Weddings, Trade Shows and Seminars
Groups of 50-500
Bob Snow, Chef
Black Horse Patrol
Hello from the Black Horse Patrol,
There is really not much going on this time of the year at the Patrol. As noted in the last Al Bedooings the Black Horse Patrol is
celebrating its 70th year. I can remember as a very young kid watching the Black Horse Patrol participate in area parades. I hope
that today’s Black Horse Patrol are as impressive to young kids as the brothers were back in the day. Mother nature took control
of our Horse and Course poker run / golf tournament a couple of weeks ago, and rained us out. We did have a couple of hardy
young folks go out and play 9 holes in the rain just for the heck of it. It looked like they did have a great time regardless of the
rain and mud. Rumors have it that beer may have been involved.
At this point we have not rescheduled the event but will keep everyone in the loop should we try again.
We will be riding in the Nile cattle drive parade in downtown Billings on October 11th and then giving horse rides for Nile’s Cowboy’s and Kids on the 18th at the
Still no solid date for our annual Calcutta, we are hoping to hold it as normal on the Monday prior to Superbowl, same great meal, fun and festivities as in the past.
Hope to see you all on the trail.
Yours in the Brotherhood
Dennis Sheridan
Al Bedoo Black Horse Patrol
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
Provost Guard
The Provost Guard Is
alive and well and living in
Billings Montana ! (and
With so many adventures ahead, it all boils down
in October , to our 5 Band 5
Hour $5 Dance Fundraiser.
These dances twice a year
give us the opportunity to
visit with a lot, and I do mean
a lot, of friends, neighbors
and fellow Shriners, all of
whom are there to listen to
the varied and great sounds
of the different country
bands and find the courage to
shake a leg with the numerous gals on the dance floor.
On Wednesday, October
1��, from 5pm to 10pm, at
the Shrine auditorium, the
floor should be a covered
By: Scott Mullen
with the folks from out of
town and the locals as well.
Each of the 5 bands plays
three songs; then the next
one does the same, etc. This
gives everyone an opportunity to dance and listen non
stop to the sounds of these
5 great bands : Crowd Thinners , Crow Country ,
Smoke Creek , Jim & Sue
and Drivin Sideways.
Food plates are available from the master chef,
Bob Snow, and a no host
bar keeps the whistle wet.
In addition, The Provost
supplies free snacks and
popcorn throughout the
More to talk about for
the Provost Guard and the
exciting look at the coming
year, but we’ll have to wait
until November. Like to see
whats behind that sea of
yellow shirts ? We meet on
the 3rd Wednesday of the
month at the Shrine. Our
unit is growing, would you
like to be a part of
something fun and active?
Give us a call.
Musselshell Valley Equipment Co., INC.
Sales and Service
Paul and Bill
418 Main Street
Roundup, Mt.
(406) 323-2605
(406) 823-4443
Summer is gone and it is
time to get back into the
swing of things. We will
Start with the visit of our
Supreme Queen Marsha
Sowers on Thursday
October 30, 2014 at 7:30
p.m. at the Masonic Center.
There will be a banquet at
6:00 p.m. The menu is as
follows: Chicken Cordon
Bleu with Roasted Potatoes,
Vegetable, fresh bread,
Tossed green salad and
Chocolate Mousse for
dessert. Drinks will be ice
tea, lemonade and coffee.
The price of the meal will
be $15.00 per person. You
may call June Pierce at 2457989 or Helen Korber at
656-3085 or if you cannot
contact them please call me
Pat Williams at 698-8929
for reservations. I would
like all reservations in by
October 20, 2014. Please
come out and support our
Queen Robin and meet the
New Supreme Queen
It is time again to be
thinking about selling our
Christmas wreaths.
Princess Badoura Heidi has
all the order forms out to
the Presidents of the units.
The price this year is
$17.00. All orders have to
be into Princess Badoura by
October 30, 2014. If
anyone would like to
purchase a Christmas
wreath, please contact any
member of a unit or you
may call Princess BadouraHeidi at 671-0911.
Let’s have a wonderful year
and let’s have fun.
Cash King Pawn
1441 15 th Street West
Billings, Mt. 59102
Great Selection of
New and Used Guns
Come see us today!
Princess Tirzah
Pat Williams
Daughters of the Nile - Judy Tipton, Jr. Past Queen
Larry and I were fortunate to be
able to attend North West Daze
in Helena on August 21st through
23rd. Sapphira Temple No. 79 of
the Daughters of the Nile, in
conjunction with Algeria Shrine
Temple, did an awesome job. It
was truly a weekend full of
ceremonials for both Nile and
Shrine, fellowship, fun, food and
a parade!
There were several tours
available if you were so inclined;
a very nice Market venue for
shopping (Judy was able to come
home with a beautiful red
sequined formal!!) and there
always seemed to be people
gathered for fellowship. Friday
morning Sapphira held a
beautiful ceremonial and initiated
two new ladies. A combined
Shrine and Nile ladies luncheon
was held immediately after the
ceremonial, and we were
introduced to Shrine patient Joey
King and his family. Joey’s
father talked to us about Joey’s
treatment and
the local newspaper promoting this first ever
parade. Mother Nature was not really
accommodating, but even the rain
thanks for
didn’t dampen our spirts – the parade
all the help able to come came off as scheduled – just with a lot
the entire
home with a of umbrellas present! After the
family has
Saturday night, we were
beautiful red banquet
entertained by seven different Units
from various Temples, two of which
with the
came all the way from Edmonton and
Calgary. This concluded the events of
care given
the weekend. There were four Past
Joey in the Shreveport
Supreme Queens and three visiting Queens
and Spokane Shriners
present, along with one Appointed Supreme
Hospitals for Children®. Officer and many Supreme Appointees from
This really brought our
19 Temples. There were representatives from
reason for being
Florida, Massachusetts, New Mexico,
Daughters of the Nile to California, Washington, Idaho, Wyoming and
the forefront.
Alberta Canada. Texas and Florida have
been very successful in having such event,
On Saturday, the first
and we in the North West are hoping to be
ever Shrine/Daughters
able to make this an annual event put on by a
of the Nile Parade with
different temple each year.
Algeria Shrine and
Sapphira Temple was
Respectfully submitted –
held in downtown
Helena. There were
Judy Tipton
posters in the local
Jr. Past Queen
shops and articles in
Bath Zabbia Temple No. 21
Al Bedoo Classic Car Club
We will be holding our
next meeting on Oct 15th
at 7 PM. If you have a car,
please come and join us for some fun. If you don’t have a
car but would like to meet with some car people and have a
good time, please feel free to come and join us. If you just
enjoy cars, please come and join us. If you just want to get
together with other Shriners, please com and join us.
Everyone is welcome. We are new and planning this year
& next so if you want to be a part of this, please come and
join us. All ideas are welcome.
If you are interested in becoming a member of a Unit that is
doing things a little different, then please come to a meeting
and become a part of some “Wheelie Fun Times”.
Mark Burgad, President
Add us to your social networks:
Make Your Plans Now For PNSA 2015
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
Rev 9/2014
Petition for Initiation and
Date: ______________________________
Shriners International
To the Potentate, Officers and Nobles of ______________________________Shriners, Situated in the City of
_______________________,State of ______________________________________________:
I, the undersigned, hereby declare that I am a Master Mason in good standing in
_________________________Lodge No.________, Located at ______________________________ Which is
a lodge recognized by or in amity with the Conference of Grand Masters of North America. Furthermore, I have
resided at my current address for not less than 6 months, as required by the By-Laws of Shriners International.
I hereby make application to become a Noble of the Order, and a member of your temple. If granted
membership, I promise to conform to the articles of incorporation and By-Laws of Shriners International and the
By-Laws and and ceremonies of your temple.
Have you previously applied for admission to any temple of the Order?__________________________ If yes ,
what temple?______________________________________________________________________
Birthplace_________________________________Date of Birth______________________________
Profession or occupation_____________________________________________________________
Business Address___________________________________________________________________
Mail Address________________________________________________________________________
Telephone: Res: (_____) - _____- _____ Bus: (_____) - _____- _____ Cell: (_____) - _____-_____
Email Address________________________________Lady’s Name____________________________
Name in Full, initials not sufficient
Fez Size:_________
Print Full Name Here_________________________________________________________________
Recommended By:
___________________________________________________________Shrine Number___________
____________________________________________________________Shrine Number___________
Initiation Fee: $100.00 Cash_________Check________Credit Card________no.___________________
Exp.____CVV Code____Signature_______________________
4 Aces Lounge
“Where Best Friends Meet”
Please Remember to have your
articles, pictures etc. into the
office by the 15th of the month.
If you are past the deadline, it
will go into the next month’s
10 3rd Street West
Hardin, Mt.
Mon-Fri 10am - 2am
Sat-Sun 11am - 2am
Best Chicken Around!!
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
Al Bedoo Shrine
2014/2015 Season of
"Shall We Dance"
Ballroom Dancing
4:00 to 7:00 pm. at the
Shrine Auditorium
January 11, 2015
October 12, 2014
February 8, 2015
November 9, 2014
March 8, 2015
December 14, 2014
April 12, 2015
May 10, 2015
Proceeds benefit the Shrine Auditorium and are not tax deductible
We are trying to update our
membership program. We need
everyone to contact the office,
either by e-mail or a phone call,
snail mail or fax, and le us know
your current address, phone
number and email address. We are
wanting to utilize a mass e-mail
company to send our notices,
we can make the move to use this
invitations and other
communications to our members.
Thank You!!!
We started going thru the current
e-mail addresses and a large
amount were sent back. Please get
Al Bedoo Office
your current information to us so
Al Bedooings October 2014 Issue
By: Scott Mullen
With the Hospital Corps staying involved,
we seem to have been quite busy this Summer
leading into the Fall. Any activity we can
participate in involving the Community give us
that much more opportunity to offer our Hospital
services to those who need them the most, the
On September 4th we were delighted to be a
part of the Phillips 66 Refinery Meet In The Park
“Youth and Science Education” event. With our
Hospital float and our tent we were able to visit
with numerous people and children during the
three hour presentation. What a great way for the
Refinery to show its appreciation to the people of
Billings and especially the South Side residents
for their prescence in this location. Fudruckers
provided the food, Wilcoxins the ice cream and
everyone had a wonderful time, including our
Mayor, Tom Hanel, who helped us rehook up the
float afterwards. Best of all , the Shriners were
there !
A week later, Our Potentate Darren DeHass, and
Laris Roberts were at center court in Rimrock
mall, representing the Shrine Hospitals and
handing out brochures to all the folks there for the
8th annual Safe Kids of Yellowstone County Day
affair. Another successful event with our Shrine
being quite visible and helpful as they spoke of our
mission and the work we do in our Hospital
More to come in the following months, These Clinics allow us to have Doctors
as our schedule grows and we gain momentum evaluate children to see if they need to visit
with our members and the public for our goals our Hospitals for treatment. If you know a
of Helping Children to a Quality life.
child or someone that has a child in need of
help, please call 259-4384 to schedule an
Please note :
appointment for these Clinics.
As a Shriner you are invited to attend
There are 2 Screening Clinics
of these Clinics to visit with the
scheduled for Saturday October
patients and families, help out, or merely
observe the Hospital Corps efforts first
In Billings at RiverStone Health Remember, as a Shriner, we are all a part
of the Hospital Corps mission!
from 9am to Noon.
In Lewistown at Central D
Montana Community Health
Center from 9am to Noon.
Do you know a child we can help ?
Photo sent from Rimrock Mall in Billings,
MT. Potentate Darren DeHass and
Past Potentate Laris Roberts
Shriners Hospitals for
Children Open
The 2014 tournament will
take place Oct. 13-19 at TPC
Summerlin. The final rounds
will be televised live on The
Golf Channel. For more information or to become a
sponsor this event, visit
Follow tournament updates
on Twitter and become a fan
on Facebook