Happy Holidays IS Dave Johnson and Lady Lynn Al Kader OASIS Published Monthly Al Kader, Shriners International 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9600 Phone 503-682-4420 Fax 503-685-5080 email oasis@alkadershriners.org http://alkadershriners.org Subscription Price $5.00/Year ELECTED DIVAN Potentate...Dave Johnson Chief Rabban...Tom Bland Asst. Rabban...John Nerski High Priest & Prophet...Ron Gamble Oriental Guide...Art Hermanson Treasurer...Robert Keller Recorder...Dick Duer APPOINTED DIVAN 1st Cer. Master...Ron Eggers 2nd Cer. Master...Todd Weedman Director...Carl Thompson Marshal...Albert Martinez Capt. of the Guard...Ray Glass Temple Outer Guard...Tomey Greer Chaplain…Carson Bailey Outer Guard...Richard Crist Outer Guard...Skip Weisgerber Outer Guard...Bill Quier Outer Guard...Fred Wendt Outer Guard...Carey Huckaba Outer Guard...Gary Dentinger Outer Guard...John Koch Outer Guard…Zack Balylack Outer Guard…Don Denton POTENTATE'S AIDES Executive Aide…Pete Ohlman Chief Aides…Fred Hardin and Mearl Kroker Aides…Hap Baldwin, Frank Brewington Bob Brown, Mel DeHut, Justin Jones, Keith Leamon, Bob Swan, Chris Woolcock TEMPLE UNIT STAFF Director of Units...Gib Thonstad Assistant – Rick Laird Staff – Phil Strother TEMPLE STAFF Temple Attorney...Richard Lee Temple Auditor...TBA Hosp. Transportation...Dick Duer OTHER APPOINTMENTS Ambassador at Large Skip Stanaway, Kenji Yaguchi Gary Scott...Ambassador EMERITUS Ken Jubb - Photographer Roy Armentrout...Recorder Robert Timm; Ken Jubb...Ambassadors Robert Keller...Treasurer Noel Keister...Chaplain OASIS Publisher...Dave Johnson, Potentate Acting Editor...Dave Johnson Photographer...Art Thompson Items must be received by the 10th of the month preceding date of issue. Advertising Rates On Request “Dave Says...” First, let me say that it has been a privilege to serve as your Potentate this year. It’s cliché to say how fast the year went…but it did. Next, I would like to thank all of you for your support of both me and Lady Lynn. I have had the feeling that we were all working together to make this a great year. I especially want to commend the Elected Divan. We have truly come together as a Board of Directors, and all of the major decisions that have been made were made as a Board acting with one mind. The successes we have had this year, and the open communication we have had with the Nobility are a direct result of the Board acting together. Please give Tom and Kathy the same support next year. Last month, as an extension of Central Oregon Dave Johnson Shrine Club’s Food Caravan donation, Lady Lynn and I brought around 2000 pounds of squash for the Hospital. The Potentate 2014 Hospital can’t possibly use 2000 pounds of squash before it goes bad. The same is true with many of the items that are delivered in the Food Caravan each year. The Hospital has been a partner of Birch Community Services, Inc. for several years, and I have been vaguely aware that they send excess food to Birch and receive needed supplies from Birch. However, I had no idea as to the extent of the Birch operation, and its primary mission of supporting the “working poor”. They are the embodiment of the old Maimonides adage, "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime." From their website at http://www.birchcommunityservices.org/: “At Birch Community Services we gave away 7.1 million pounds of food and clothing last year to working poor families who we also held accountable to achieve their self-stated goals. The goal of our adult education is to help people achieve their goals. We teach financial classes where participants learn about budgeting and saving. On average, families while on our program reduced their monthly debt by 26% and increased their emergency savings by 100%. We feel that accountability is a key component in the success we’ve experienced in addressing the root levels of poverty.” “BCS’ food-redistribution program serves about 930 families each year. Participant families come to the BCS warehouse in NE Portland to pick up food, clothing, and other essential items that have been determined surplus by over 110 local manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers, farms, dairies, bakeries and businesses.” Ray Keen, the BCS Director of Development gave me a tour of the facility, and I was impressed, and those of you who know me that is not easily done. Ray told me that he is available to speak to groups, so those Clubs that have outside speakers, his number is 971.235.2868, and his email is ray@birchcommunityservices.org. You can’t believe how proud I am that we, the Food Caravan and our Hospital are a part of this! Finally, we are scheduled for our PACE Program on December 9. Please fill out your questionaries and attend according to the schedule I distributed. I apologize for the scheduling, but those were the instructions from the Membership Department. Thanks for again giving us this experience! Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 2 Director’s Corner by Noble Gib Thonstad Nobles and Shrine Ladies, This is my final message for the year (2014). On behalf of IS Dave Johnson and myself, we want to thank all the Units for their hard work and all their participation this year. The parades are done and, wow, what a year it has been. I have asked each Unit to send me a “resume” of their activities so we can determine the “Unit of the Year”. It will be announced at the Installation of our 2015 Officers in January. silver award for improving still and this year we are well on the way to receiving a gold award, all through your valiant efforts at improving our membership. Thank you for listening to my repetitiveness over the years preaching about membership, but it is important as the life blood of our fraternity. What day is it? It’s Membership Day, every day of the year is membership day. Please remember that along with your elevator speeches and how important it is to the kids we serve. And please help Carl Thompson as he takes over as Membership Chairman for 2015. Although he seems to be doing very well himself it is not a single position, but one that is all our responsibility. Each unit has represented the Shrine Center and the Hospital by attending and participating in the many parades, events, and fundraisers. Many Units had their own fundraising events helping them operate during the year and to be able to monetarily contribute to our many causes. I can’t thank you enough for all your fine work. Unit Head Captain’s, I have enjoyed working with you this year. It has been a privilege and a pleasure to serve you and the Center. Rick Laird will be your Director in 2015 and I know you will support him as you have me. The Units are a team and an integral part of the Shrine. Each Shriner is obligated to contribute to our goal of “helping children in need of our medical assistance.” Being a member of a Unit is one of the ways that you can contribute, make new friends and have fun. This is where men encourage each other’s well being and truly rejoice in each other’s prosperity. A highlight this year was our regional meeting at Newport and Tillamook. I want to personally thank IS Dave Johnson for funding both of these events. IS Dave also paid for our dinners at our Unit Head meetings. I would also like to thank the rest of the Divan for their support and wish you all the best for next year. The Divan has the most thankless jobs of serving the Nobility and I, for one, would not trade places with them. Cris and I wish everyone a Great Holiday Season with a more prosperous year in 2015. Remember always: TOGETHER “WE CAN” and “WE WILL” DO IT BETTER. Wear your Fez. PS: Don’t forget Unit Head training on Jan. 17th at the Shrine Center. Membership by Noble John Nerski - Asst. Rabban This will be my last article for the Oasis as Membership Chairman. I have been the Membership Chairman for the last three years which seems to have been a long time but short at the same time. Our journey has been an interesting one and fruitful as well. In 2011 we were at an approximate 5% loss in membership and no award, 2012 gave us a bronze award for improving our overall membership, 2013 a What’s Inside This Month Pote’s Message Christmas Honors Social Director’s Corner Membership Transportation Fund Donors 2014 Cobra Replica Wunner Chief Rabban Social Birthday Card OB Crab Feast Unit News History Display Club News/East-West Tech Tip Food Caravan installation Invitation Ladies News Proofreaders Fundraising Activities Stated Meeting Notice Live at the Shrine Black Camel New Year’s Eve Party Calendar Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 4 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 4 Page 5 Page 5 Page 6-7 Page 8 Page 8 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 11 Page 12-13 Page 14 Page 15 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 18 Page 19 Page 20 Transportation Fund Donations for 2014 2013 Mary's Peak Trek Donation Adamson, Dannie Al Kader Caravaners - 2014 Donation - E/W Game Breakfast Al Kader Concert Band Al Kader Greeters Thank You! Al Zahrah Court #58 Your generosity Antebi,Isaac & Fortuna Armentrout, Roy has been Bethel #17 Job's Daughters outstanding! Chase, Darrell & Lettissia Clark, Alvin & Norma Colligan Family for James R. Colligan Columbia Co. Shrine Club - Tips for Tots,Nov. 2013 to Feb. 2014 DeHut, Mel Divan Training - Donations for not having a pocket petition Duer, Dick - Donation from sale of See's Suckers Ebar, Rozanne Ellenson, Ron Eugene Lodge #11 AF&AM Donation Fager, Leland & Joan Friedland, Kenneth E. Grand Chapter of Oregon-Eastern Star Gresham Shrine Club Final Hanan,Jeanne C. Hardin, Fred Hermanson, Art & Lynne These are donations Hobson, Nellie received through Huckaba, Carey November 17, 2014. Johnson, Dave & Lynn Donations received Keller, Bob after this date will be Lanman, Thomas & Edith Lincoln Co. Shrine Club reported next year. Linn Co. Shrine Club Lowrie, Karen Magers, Dick McDonald, Russel & Jean Mid-Columbia Shrine Club Nelson, Dale & Kay Nerski, John - Donation for Shrine Coasters Oregon Grand Court of Amaranth Patterson, Pat & Millie Paulsen, Richard Riggs, Richard Total Donations Robley, Wade Ryan, Wayne $24, 301 Salem Shrine Club We have transported Sandness, Leonard & patients to the Portland, Chrissie Jeanne Sacramento, Salt Lake, Schrock, Loren Chicago, Spokane St. Schuler, Margaret Louis and Philadelphia. Schulz, Rose M. Transportation expenses Scott,Gary & Gail Scrivner,Bart & Donna to date are $31,222. Smith, John & Judy As you can see, donations Stanfill, Bernie & Shirley are lagging outlay, Star Electric Motor Svc. Inc. substantially It is not too Thompson, Carl Timm, Nora late to make a life-changToman, Albert ing donation this year, to Tri-Mountain Busy Bees continue this great work. Union Co. Shrine Club Please be generous! Walliker, Bob & Kathy Weedman, Todd Wennevold, Bettie Wilson, Gale & Marjorie Yaguchi, Kenji & Kazie 2014 Cobra Replica Winner Timothy Caves of Stayton, OR The winning number was 17344 Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 5 Chief Rabban Social The whole first floor was decorated for a beach party. Greeters dressed in gaudy swim clothes, a hammock at the entry, surf boards around Harrington Hall and tons of beach balls on the floor. I know that there were some tired lips, because I saw some of the beach balls being inflated. The specialty drinks were margaritas and creamsicle smoothies. The affair was conducted by next year’s crew, with Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 6 with Noble Todd Weedman acting ac MC. The Patrol successfully dodged the beach balls as they presented the colors. As you can see, the affair was well attended, and Noble Tom even had a DJ to entertain us and provide dance music. Beach food consisted of hot dogs and hamburgers (with or without cheese) and dessert featured chocolate sundaes. The drawing of the winning raffle ticket is the highlight of the evening. Lady Connie Doherty pulled the winner. Tom shared some ideas about next year, and introduced his and Kathy’s Potentate’s trip. Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 7 Al Kader Nobles Celebrating Birthdays in December Frank Marv Scott Roger Charles Vincent Stanley Bill Thomas Charles Jim Eldon Daniel John Maurice Richard Frederick Hozian Entis Sanetal Blecher McCloskey Richard Miller Quier Bland Johnson II Lamb Robinson Gray Dillard Herron Lee Bushong 12/1 12/1 12/1 12/1 12/2 12/3 12/4 12/4 12/5 12/5 12/5 12/5 12/5 12/5 12/6 12/7 12/7 Hugh Joseph David Keith Van Lee GJ Thomas Roy Leon Richard Jim Douglas Tharrell Douglas Johnnie Leigh Donald Wilfred Rocky Robert Charles Al Gerald IS Ken Patrick Robert Norm Stephen Morgan 12/7 James 12/7 Goetz 12/7 Rogers 12/7 Burroughs 12/8 Noah 12/8 Fullman 12/8 Winbigler 12/9 Redman Jr. 12/9 Stanfill 12/9 Beers 12/9 Lang 12/9 Nielsen 12/10 Tilgner 12/10 Chipman 12/10 Osbourn 12/11 Cahill 12/11 Meier 12/11 Daggett 12/11 Fennell 12/12 Larkman 12/12 Nelson 12/12 Toman 12/12 Treber 12/13 Loughrey 12/13 Pinkerton 12/13 Tannler 12/13 Rosenbloom 12/14 Dyrnes 12/14 Richard Stan Donavon Irv Scot Donald Stanley Bob Pete IS Warren Nathan Lowell Lou James Peter Robert Leslie John Richard Gary Gene James John Henry William Michael George Kerry Tony Martin Schmidt Davidge Emmons Duncil Beaton Hodes Swetland Frye Gray Potter Patton Gray Lane Bock Hurford Thompson McAllister Wilkinson Harrel Orwick Kessler Hatton Jaeger Evans Baggs Reid Livermore Becket 12/14 12/14 12/15 12/15 12/15 12/15 12/15 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/16 12/17 12/17 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/18 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/19 12/20 12/20 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/21 12/22 Jerry Mel Carl Raymond Marc John Don Kevin Frank Sky Cecil Ken Norm John Kenji Larry Ken Andrew Vernon Juan David James Vernon Alexi Lynn Don Melvin Marlin Herman Ashard De Hut Nelson Jones Jr. Bland Gedlich Stewart Gifford Harkenrider Olsen Tackett Jubb Jr. Angleen Mushlitz Jr. Yaguchi Vermillion McKenzie Martz Robinson Gonzalez Gonzalez Kunkel Lathrop Gudishuili Halliday Turner Lambert Lovelin Winter Jr. Don't Miss The Al Kader Oriental Band's Annual World's Greatest & Best Fresh Crab Feast! A Sit Down Affair At Al Kader Shrine Center Saturday – January 31, 2014 Cost Is $30.00 Per Person Doors open at 5:00 PM (Bring your own crackers & picks) (Breast of Chicken will be available as the alternative choice of entree.) Tables of eight or more may be reserved in one name - and full payment must accompany table reservation. Seating is limited to 400 and prepaid reservations are a must! No tickets will be sold at the door. This event ALWAYS sells out, so... get your reservations in early! Tickets are available from any Oriental Band member or by calling your credit card to the Shrine Center, 503-682-4420. There will be a Raffle and Gaming with many prizes! All net proceeds benefit the Oriental Band & Al Kader Shrine General Funds. Payments are not deductible as a charitable contribution. Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 8 12/22 12/23 12/23 12/23 12/24 12/24 12/25 12/25 12/25 12/26 12/27 12/27 12/27 12/27 12/27 12/28 12/28 12/28 12/28 12/29 12/29 12/29 12/30 12/30 12/30 12/31 12/31 12/31 12/31 CONCERT BAND by Noble Clem Norton October 18 marked the 60th anniversary of the Al Kader annual Eastern, Central and Southern Oregon Food Caravan, and the Concert Band was there to help with the festivities. As the weary travelers relaxed at the 5:30 PM Oasis, our Director, Jeff Hornick, led the Band in a one-hour concert which brought much enthusiastic applause from our audience. We then played for the March-In, the presentation of the Colors by the Patrol Color Guard, the singing of our National Anthem, and the retirement of the Color Guard. After the concert, we were the recipients of many compliments on our playing. Next up on our calendar is the Children's Christmas Party, a Christmas concert at Jennings/McCall, and the 2015 Installation of Shrine Officers. Fine for now. Cyclowns by Noble Patrick Sheehan The Cyclown Christmas Party is scheduled for December 1 at 6:00 PM at the Macadam Spaghetti Factory. Nobles may choose to participate in the open bar option for a flat fee of $735, but is limited to well vodka and unfinished wine left by other diners. The meeting was adjourned on the reminder that the Cyclowns will be at the next ceremonial. Noble Ward suggested we sponsor a 'clothing optional' area for the event, but was quickly and thankfully overruled. GREETERS by Noble Don Slezak See, I told you November would be busy. Now get ready for December. Our next meeting is December 1, 2014 at the Shrine Center. There is the potluck at 6 with the meeting at 7:00 PM. The Ladies are invited for the social hour and fine dining. Dues are due so if you haven’t already paid them it would be a great idea to come to the meeting and take care of this important detail. The November Cyclown meeting began as they all do, with an election to try and replace Don Hayhurst as President. Relatively new member David Tate took the bait and was elected by a narrow majority of 9-1, with the adverse voter later apologizing, confusing the ballot for something to do with an Armenian arms deal that was scheduled for new business later in the meeting. The ABATE toy run is December 6th at the Hospital at 10:00 AM. Come out and help hand out pins and welcome the bikers who come bearing gifts. In addition to Tate, the Cyclowns elected First Lieutenant Jeremy Ward and Second Lieutenant Patrick Sheehan. Ward congratulated Sheehan on finally winning an election. The Christmas Party and Honors Social is December 13th. Doors open at 5:30 PM and the Greeters are at the door to welcome everybody. This is formal with blazer, white shirt and tie etc. If you haven’t made your reservation do it now. Noble David Newgard was kind enough to bring Cyclown Bylaws to the table. However, they were in the form of a 5 1/4 inch floppy disk. As committee assignments were being discussed, once again an angry mob of Kader Clowns crashed the meeting. Recently un-elected president Don Hayhurst emerged from his Singapore Sling to try and smooth things over, citing at least they're better than those "Desert Rodents." Hayhurst was immediately and unanimously censured for his characterization of our esteemed brethren in the Desert Patrol. Hayhurst then declared that he will buy a drink for any Desert Patrol member who joins a Cyclown meeting, as well as free cheese and peanut butter. Staff from Chan's Steakery then interrupted the meeting demanding to know who made a mess of the restroom. The nervous Kader Clowns denied responsibility, explaining that per their bylaws they all do their business sitting down. The culprit was never found, and the Kader Clowns made a quick exit by way of their official transport, a pink Volkswagen Cabriolet emblazoned with Mary Kay stickers. A question of Quorum was brought and satisfied when David Tate - for an unknown reason - was found in a distant corner by himself. The stated meeting is on the 8th with the annual election of officers for 2015. Be sure to come and vote for your favorite candidate. The Shrine Center has a New Year’s Eve Party on the 31st of course. If you plan on going get your reservations in. The election of Officers for 2015 was as follows: President – Don Slezak, V. P. - Gary Scott, Secretary – Jim Dixon, Treasurer – Gary Scott, Chaplain – Earl Swenson, Quartermaster – Gary Scott/Don Slezak. Be sure to come to the meeting to meet this outstanding group. Wayne Dennis just turned 81 but he is not the elder statesman of the group. That honor goes to Earl Swenson. Apparently being Chaplain helps. KADER KLOWNS by Freddieee Goading a Clown Nose Off? The first article we let it slide, but upon further discussion with fellow Nobles while helping build the haunted house I was assured, "No Freddieee you were being alerted the Kader Klowns are in the Cy-Clowns sights." I said "Really". My thoughts they confused us with another group, as they ride in circles anyway. The November issue reassured Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 9 their intentions. What does Shirley Temples, lip stick, Shriner shiner, orange pants/hats and mascara have in common? The Cy-Clowns of course! The last two issues in the Oasis, the Kader Klowns were mentioned in their articles. Check um out! The Kader Klowns will enjoy a good Nose Off with them yet to be discussed.... at a later, mutually accepted challenge to be determined. The challenge may be but not limited to which unit attends the most parades with the loser riding a goat (For Goading) the last parade of the year and a donation to the Hospital/transportation fund. What do you think? Are you up to a challenge ? Of course next year's unit head leader would be the referee. I am sure you will see further dialogue between the groups in the Oasis issues to come. HEE HEE Al Kader History Display by Noble John Smith, Historian Have you seen them? These are part of over 100 antique photos we have. The year is not over yet, we have a birthday party to perform for a Past Potentate's mother, children's Christmas party, and the Abate Toy run at the hospital to round out the year. During the spring of 2015 we will perform at a special function for a Masonic Lodge in recognition of their widows, orphans and Ladies annual dinner . Which I am told it's a seven course meal with servers being in Tux. This will be a fun event along with fellowship continuing next year. Look for us as we will look for you, around our nose of course. A clown’s nose gets in the way. If you want to clown around with us give me a shout. Our meetings are at the Shrine Hospital 2nd floor starting at 6:30 in the cafeteria the second Tuesday of each month. We clown for an hour or so before each meeting on the third floor. See you over the nose 541.298.4163 freddieee01@gmail.com ORIENTAL BAND by Noble Shaun Weaver, President What a great year. A big Thank You to every member of the greatest Unit in all of Shrinedom, What other group meets every week and averages 40 people? And has a great time together? The Al Kader Shrine Oriental Band. Come on a Tuesday night and make some noise with us. 5:30 PM dinner, 6:30 PM we jam. Talent is not needed or expected. Just come and have fun. We will be dark for December so we will see you in January. It has been a great honor to serve as your President for this 2014 year so again, Thank You for making this one of our best years ever. We did it together as a Unit. Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 10 TUALATIN VALLEY SHRINE CLUB by Noble Herb Richardson In my November article I mentioned the Maureen and I would be away on our long awaited Amazon cruise. According to my schedule, if this is about December 1st, that is where we are. Yesterday (November 30) we were supposed to be in the city of Macapa, Brazil. One of the interesting sites in this town is that the Equator goes through the center of town. There is a park with an Equatorial Line Monument where you can stand with one foot in the Northern Hemisphere and the other foot in the Southern Hemisphere. The line cuts across the fifty-yard line of a high school football field where the kids really do play the North against the South. At the November meeting of the Tualatin Valley Shrine Club we were scheduled to hold second nominations for Club officers for the year 2015. As you may recall, if you were in attendance at the October meeting, Bob Strong announced that he desired to withdraw from the line. So the nominations were for President; Bill Blankenship, and First Vice President; Herb Richardson. There were no nominations for Second Vice President, Secretary or Treasurer. Hopefully those slots were filled at the November meeting. Final votes and elections will be this month with the installation of new officer at the meeting in January 2015. I have no idea what President Ralph has cooked up for the December Christmas Party but I am sure that it will be entertaining and will meet all of your expectations. Don't forget those wrapped presents for the gift exchange. The next business meeting, buffet dinner and Christmas Party will be at the Peppermill Restaurant, 17455 SW Farmington Road, (Intersection of Farmington and Kinnaman Road), Aloha on Wednesday, December 17, 2014 with a social time at 5:00 PM and dinner served at 6:00 PM. If anything changes between now and then somebody will let you know by, email or phone call. Have a very Merry Christmas and the very best for the New Year. E-W SHRINE GAME ASSOCIATION by Noble Terry Griffith, Secretary High School football season is winding down with either the playoffs completed or almost completed. Now is an excellent time to remind the coaches about the E-W All-star game. The letters were sent out last month and all the coaches should have them. Just a friendly reminder to them might be helpful, especially with everything they have going on. We are looking at having as many players nominated as possible. The more widespread the nominations, the more people hear about the Shriners! At our last committee meeting in October, elections were held, which resulted in Rodger Hood as chairman, IS Greg Jenkins, 1st Vice Chair, Bryan Braun, 2nd Vice Chair, Terry Griffith, Secretary, Randy Guyer, Treasurer and members at large- Gib Thonstad and Lloyd Thurman. Please check the E-W website for the entire minutes of the meeting. Remember our next E/W Committee meeting will be on January 24th in Prineville. This will be our player selection and an exciting time. The Central Oregon Shrine Club will host an Oasis at the Prineville Best Western Hotel (this is a change from past years), with a dinner offering at the Prineville Elks. A breakfast will be served at the Prineville Masonic Lodge prior to the 9:00 AM meeting on Saturday. Tech-Tips by Randy Shepherd, Veara Few things will disable a computer system faster than a nasty virus hitting an under-protected system. Today it is essential that you have installed on your systems good spam and virus protection software – and ensure that it is updated and running all the time. Also it is Malware recommended that you run a malware • Viruses scan frequently to protect against or • Trojans eliminate possible threats. These treats can come from a variety of • Rootkits sources, chief among them is; email, • Worms software downloads and malicious • Spyware websites. In many cases you may not • Crimeware even know your system is being • Adware infected. Some software viruses do not destroy or disrupt your system – they simply are there to use your system when needed – for sending mail or other malicious activities. Most of us have some form of spam and virus protection already installed. Some of it paid for and others are basic version downloaded at no charge. If your current approach is working then just insure it is up-to-date and perhaps perform a Malwarebytes scan occasionally to catch other malware lurking in the recesses of your hard drive. For those acquiring new systems or searching for a protection solution, beware of the purveyors of protection software that use the FUD (fear, uncertainty and doubt) approach to sell you – well known among these are Norton and Best Buy. While it is important that software authors are paid for their hard work – today there is good protection software available from reputable firms. Go to the Al Kader Shriners website using the following link for a list of links to PC, Mac and mobile security software available to you for no charge (premium versions with more features are available for an added price). http://alkadershriners.org/technology Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 11 Food Caravan The usually 5-hour trip from Ontario takes about 9.5 hours with all of the stops. The one shown here was at the Wildhorse Resort outside Pendleton. We also stopped for lunch where we picked up 2 semis (one with a double trailer) graciously provided by Walmart and UPS. Both were filled with food. At about 9:00 AM, the Central Oregon Shrine Club set out for the trip over Santiam, and a little later, a group from Hillah (for the first time) set out from Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 12 Medford. The Motor Escort picked up the Central caravan in Mill City and Hillah in Albany, escorted them to Wilsonville and dashed over to meet the main group at Multnomah Falls. We were met by the Oriental Band, and the DeMolay, Jobies and Rainbows unloaded the trucks and cars. Inside, the Concert Band played, we ate, and the Clubs recounted their donations. A new donor was Central Oregon’s Run for a Child, with both a check and a quilt for the Hospital. After all of the Clubs reported, Noble Treasurer Bob announced a record $166,534.27. Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 13 Al Kader Shrine Cordially invites you to the 2015 Installation of Officers Al Kader Shrine Center Wilsonville, OR Saturday January 3, 2015 5:30pm Oasis 6:30pm Entry of 2014 Officers followed by Dinner 8:00pm Installation of 2015 Divan By IS Bob Waliker & IS Ard Pratt 8:30pm Entertainment and dancing by DJ Danny Dinner is $25.00 per person Appetizers Choice of: Tri tip Steak Garlic Mashed Potatoes with gravy Assorted vegetables Dinner Roll Dessert Or Chicken Marsala Rice Pilaf Assorted Vegetables Dinner Roll Dessert Interlude Music by Al Kader Concert Band Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 14 Nydia Temple No. 4 Daughters of the Nile by Queen Judy Smith Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are certain to miss the future. John F. Kennedy What an amazing couple of months I have seen. I have visited 13 out of 21 Nile Clubs so far, and had two delightful social meetings called unofficial visits with Ladies that live in Eastern and Central Oregon. To date, I have turned over to the Temple $3070 for the Daughters of the Nile Foundation (this money and or the interest from the money goes to the Shriners Hospitals for Children) and $500 for the General Fund from these hard working Nile Clubs. In addition, I have received around 150 quilts, many shorts, and hundreds of dollars’ worth of school supplies and money for the snack cart and toys for the Birthday Parties. Such generosity is to be commended and then on top of that I have received wonderful personal gifts and donations to help keep my gas tank full. But I cannot forget the Stepping Stones to Happiness…this represents a donation to the Daughters of the Nile foundation endowment fund and that certainly touches my heart. Supreme Queen Marsha Sowers was an exciting success. We wowed her with our class of 17 new members and with the beautiful ceremonial that the Ladies presented. She was very impressed and appreciated the enthusiasm and dedication to Daughters of the Nile. 112 attended our banquet that evening and the entertainment was our own very talented units. It was obvious that all three worked very hard to represent Nydia Temple well The next day Supreme Queen Marsha had her Official Visit to the Portland Shriners Hospital. She commented that it was the best tour of a Shriners Hospital she had experienced to date. We were all impressed with the EOS machine and the new CADCAM system. So, Nydia Temple is changing every day. Change is good and represents what our founders wanted for this group of women…to be forward thinking. We now have 18 new members who can bring new ideas and enthusiasm to our temple. Our generosity is growing every day and will change the lives of those sweet children entrusted to the care of Shriners Hospitals for Children. Bless you all for working with this Queen who wants us to change in a positive way and grow so that we can continue to focus on our mission. Al Zahrah Court #58 Ladies Oriental Shrine by Lady Nora Timm, PHP Al Zahrah Court is gearing up to do gift wrapping at both Johnson Creek Fred Meyer beginning Dec. 8th and the Clackamas Town Center Barnes & Noble beginning just prior to Thanksgiving. If you shop at B&N, gift wrapping can be done while you enjoy a Starbucks or just sit and rest a few minutes. Our concession at Fred Meyer (located by Home Electronics on the East side of the store) will wrap gifts you purchase anywhere - up until 5:00 PM on Christmas Eve. Drop by, say hi and let us wrap your gifts while you shop. Several of our members have been in the hospital this last couple of months and we hope they are all on the way to a full recovery. If you are a member, or know of a member who might need our help, a card or call of encouragement, please let our High Priestess or any member know so that we can help out. Our Princess and First Ceremonial Ladies are planning a Membership Tea to be held on February 7th at the Odd Fellows Lodge in Milwaukie. If you have an interest in finding out more about our group and the fun we have, the philanthropic projects that we participate in to benefit Shriners patients we'd love to have you attend. More information next month. The Forget Me Nots By Lady Jan Ferlisi We are starting into the holiday season and I hope that you are all ready for the rush. I’m so sorry that we had to cancel our October, 2014 outing because of the conflict of events going on, but why don’t we schedule our outing to Gustav’s in Tigard for our January outing. I told the powers to be at Gustav’s since we had to cancel in October, we would look forward to coming in January, 2015... Now I would like to thank all the Ladies that called and sent card while I was down. I’m getting back to somewhat normal health, not up to my busy goings, but up One again I want to wish you all a very “HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON” and also a very safe one. Proofreaders’ Contest Lady Jan Sundeen and Nobles Clem Norton, Herb Richardson and Shaun Weaver were the proofreadeers, in November. In the blind , Noble Clem Norton was the winner of Proofreader of the Year. He and his Lady will be our guests at a social of their choice next year. To win, you must enter! Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 15 AN EXCERPT FROM GENERAL ORDER NO. 1: FUNDRAISING ACTIVITIES It is natural to associate the fez with Shriners Hospitals for Children. Because of this, meticulous attention must be given to all fundraising activities, including circuses, to make certain that such activities comply with the law of the land and that a contributor is not led to believe that his money will be used for the Hospitals when all or a portion thereof will be used otherwise. The integrity of our charity and of our fraternity must remain above reproach. Your specific attention is called to the following fraternal and charitable bylaws: §335.3 USE OF NAME “SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN.” The use of the name “Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the Hospitals in connection with any fundraising activity by a temple or Noble without the written consent of the Imperial Potentate and the Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the Hospitals is prohibited. §503.11 COMMERCIAL USE OF NAME The use of the name “Shriners Hospitals for Children” or reference to the Hospitals in connection with any commercial product or business enterprise is prohibited unless the written consent of the Board of Directors and Trustees has been first obtained. Now, therefore, IT IS HEREBY ORDERED: 1. Fundraising for Fraternal Purposes: (a) No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit, organization of Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations shall engage in any fundraising activity without the express written consent of the potentate of the temple having jurisdiction thereof. (b) There can be no representation, express or implied, that the proceeds will be for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children. (c) The temple potentate shall carefully examine all phases of the advertising, promotion and solicitation to determine that it complies with §335.3 and §503.11 of the fraternal and charitable bylaws and that there is no representation, expressed or implied, that would lead a reasonably prudent person to believe that the proceeds will be for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children. If the potentate is in doubt, he must receive the opinion of the Imperial Potentate who, after consultation with the Director of Temple Accounting, shall make the final determination. (d) The temple potentate must approve the terms and provisions of any contract for a fundraising activity after receiving the advice of the temple attorney, and additionally, as may be required by the temple bylaws. (e) A copy of the temple potentate’s written consent shall be mailed to the Executive Vice President, Shriners International. Further, such written material pertaining to the fundraising activity, as requested by the Executive Vice President, Shriners International shall be promptly mailed to him. 2. Fundraising for Charitable Purposes: (a) No Noble (in his capacity as a Shriner), club, unit, organization of Nobles or affiliated or appendant corporations shall engage in any charitable fundraising activity other than for Shriners Hospitals for Children. Permission therefore must be first obtained in writing from the temple potentate. The temple potentate must then obtain written permission from the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and Trustees. This request for written permission shall be sent to the Executive Vice President, Shriners International, P.O. Box 31356, Tampa, FL 33631-3356. No charitable fundraising activity shall be held in the jurisdiction of another temple without the written permission of the Potentate of that temple. (1) A joint charitable fundraising activity with another 501(c)(3) charity may be authorized provided that a minimum of 50% of the net proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children, and the Chairmen of the Boards of Directors and Trustees determine, on a case by case basis, that it is in the best interest of Shriners Hospitals for Children and they grant their written permission for the activity. (2) A charitable fundraising activity conducted by a temple located outside of the U.S.A may be authorized for other charities, provided that the chairmen of the board of directors and trustees determine, on a case by case basis, that it is in the best interest of Shriners Hospitals for Children and they grant their written permission for the activity. (b) 100% of net proceeds (as defined in the Charitable Fundraising-Approval And 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Reporting provisions of the current General Order) from charitable fundraising must be given to Shriners Hospitals for Children except for such portion thereof as may be permitted to be retained for the temple Shrine Hospital Patient Transportation Fund, pursuant to the Special Purpose Funds provisions of the current General Order. Provided, however, if the chairmen of the boards of directors and trustees determine for good cause shown, that the law of the land requires that a portion of the net proceeds must be distributed locally, then they may, if they determine it to be in the best interest of Shriners Hospitals for Children, grant their written permission for such distribution. (c) The temple shall report the result of each charitable fundraising activity within sixty days of the activity, pursuant to the Charitable Fundraising– Approval And Reporting provision of the current General Order. (d) This section shall not apply to activities exempt under §335.4(b) of the bylaws of Shriners International. (e) Each independent corporation or entity that receives the permission of the chairmen of the boards of directors and trustees to raise moneys for Shriners Hospitals for Children, and which does not have its financial statements reviewed pursuant to §334.6 & §337.8 of the bylaws of Shriners International, shall have its financial statements audited by a certified, chartered or licensed public accountant and shall submit such audit report to Shriners International within 120 days of the activity. Statement of Purpose and Disclosure: (a) Every fundraising activity must contain factual information on its solicitation material, tickets, programs and documents, including all electronically transmitted materials, regarding the use of the proceeds. Examples: “Proceeds are for the benefit of ( Shriners) ( Shrine Club) activities.” “Proceeds are for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children.” (b) Every fundraising activity which is not entirely for the benefit of Shriners Hospitals for Children shall prominently state on the solicitation material, tickets, programs, documents and electronically transmitted material that “payments are not deductible as charitable contributions.” (c) There must be compliance with the Revenue Act of 1987 provision of any existing general order by U.S. temples. Compliance with Applicable Laws: It is the responsibility of the temple potentate, after receiving the advice of the temple attorney, to determine that there is compliance with all applicable laws in its jurisdiction for the temple’s fundraising activities. Financial Records: (a) The temple shall maintain detailed financial records pertaining to all fundraising activities involving Nobles, clubs, units, organizations of Nobles and affiliated and appendant corporations. Details of all revenues and expenditures shall be maintained in such financial records. (b) The temple must retain such detailed financial records for a period of seven (7) years. (c) There must be compliance with Financial Reporting on Charitable Funds and Activities provision of the current general order. Notification to Nobility: A copy of the Fundraising Activities provisions of the current general order shall be printed in the temple publication at least once every calendar year. If there is no temple publication, then a copy shall be mailed to each Noble in the temple not later than the last day in March of each calendar year. Discipline: Any officer, Noble or temple which violates a provision of Fundraising Activities is subject to discipline pursuant to the bylaws of Shriners International. OSDEC13AEFG Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page16 NOTICE OF STATED MEETING MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2014 Al Kader Shrine - Shriners International Shrine Center - Wilsonville, Oregon 2014 DUES CARD REQUIRED Doors open at 5:30 PM Oasis available - Dinner at 6:00 PM - Menu available when you call. Cost available when you call. Reservations required. You will pay at the door. Those with reservations will be served first. Those without reservations will be served as food is available. Please call your reservations into the Center Office 503-682-4420 by 4:00 PM, Friday, December 5, 2014 Meeting Opens at 7:00 PM - Voting on 2015 Divan will start no later than 8:00 PM Old Business - New Business - Necrology ELECTION OF OFFICERS FOR 2015 and any other business that comes before the membership (Your Attention Is Called To The Information Below) By Order of: IS Dave Johnson, Potentate • Attest: Dick Duer, Recorder IMPORTANT NOTICE! Potentate's Appointments Terminate When The Illustrious Sir's Term Ends! When a Potentate's term of office expires, all appointments made by him during his administration terminate. Such appointments include Potentate's Aides, Ambassadors, Unit Heads, Committee Chairmen, Appointed Divan members and any other appointed officers. No appointment is permanent. Under Imperial Shrine law, each Potentate, when he is installed as Chief Executive Officer of the Shrine Center, must make his own appointments, including (in AI Kader's instance) seven officers of the Divan - First and Second Ceremonial Masters, Director, Marshal, Captain of the Guard, Temple Outer Guard and Chaplain. Other specific Divan appointments, such as an Assistant Recorder, Orator, etc., may be made at the discretion of the Potentate. The Potentate has the power and the authority to replace every appointee - or he may, if he believes it to be in the best interest of the Center, retain all appointees. Traditionally, for the sake of efficiency, many Nobles of demonstrated ability are continued in office by re-appointment. But this is at the will and pleasure of the incoming Potentate. Courtesy requires that a Noble holding an appointive office, position or assignment, tender his resignation to the incoming Potentate. If the incoming Potentate desires a Noble to continue in his office by re-appointment, he will be notified by the Potentate to that effect. In addition to appointed Divan Officers, this applies to Ambassadors, Aides, Committee Chairmen, Unit Heads. It does not apply to Shrine Club Officers. They are generally elected and installed by their membership before the incoming Potentate takes office. Al Kader Election Procedures The first seven officers of the Center are the Potentate, Chief Rabban, Asst. Rabban, High Priest & Prophet, Oriental Guide, Treasurer and Recorder. 325.2(a) - The first seven officers shall be elected annually by ballot and constitute the Official Divan. 325.4 Each Center must elect its Officers and Representative (to Imperial Council) at its annual meeting in January unless its bylaws allow the election to occur at the Center’s December stated meeting. (AI Kader's bylaws so permit and - we also elect member(s) of the Finance Committee at the same meeting). 325.5 Election of officers shall be by separate written ballot and by a majority of those present and voting. A blanket ballot is prohibited. 325.6 Balloting must commence no later than 8:00 PM and when that hour arrives all other business must cease and none may be transacted until the election is concluded. 325.8 Candidates for Officers and Representatives must be placed in nomination from the floor. Nominating Committees are prohibited. 325.9(a) - When a Center elects more than one Representative, all candidates must be balloted for on one ballot. 325.9(b) - Each member voting must vote only for the total number of Representatives to be elected, otherwise his ballot will not be counted as a vote. 325. 9(c) - A majority vote of those present and voting is necessary to elect each Representative. 325.9(d) - Only those candidates who receive a majority of the vote shall be declared elected. 325.9(e) - Successive written ballots must be taken in the same manner on other candidates until all Representatives are elected. 325.9(t) - Blank ballots are not votes. 325.10(a) - Electioneering. A candidate for an elected office in a Shrine temple may print, publish and circulate during the year he is seeking the elected office, a résumé consisting of his educational background, his vocational history, and his Masonic and Shrine record. Except as provided in the prior sentence, the printing, publication, circulating or distribution of resolutions, letters, telegrams, tickets, email or other devices, by a Unit, Club, Noble, or group of Nobles, suggesting, recommending, opposing, or containing the names of proposed candidates for office in the temple is prohibited. 325.10(b) - For violation of (a), the Imperial Potentate may suspend any offending Noble and he may declare the election of officers void and order a new election. 325.10(c) - At least one week prior to the annual meeting or any election, the Center Recorder shall mail to each member a notice thereof containing this section. This notice in the OASIS is recognized as an official notice by the Imperial Council Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 17 Adult Living You Design! T Now offering Memory Care. he Jennings McCall management has more than 80 years of experience in caring for the needs of aging adults. Jennings McCall — amenities, choices and individual services suited to your needs. Assisted Living supports your choices, enhances your dignity, and ensures your privacy and individuality. Retirement Living provides a life of independence, confidence and freedom. Contact Tina Purdy at 503-357-4133, or by email at tpurdy@jenningsmccall.com. Where Good Friends Gather to Dance! Marilyn Keller Vocalist Supreme Will Join The John Bennett Dance Band "The Best Damn Dance Band in the Pacific Northwest" a dancer's quote Sunday, December 28 Down Beat 4:00 PM Great Location, 2300 Masonic Way Forest Grove, Oregon 97116 www.jenningsmccall.com Beautiful Ballroom and Plenty of Free Parking. $10 per person Recommended More If You Wish, This Is A Fun(d) Raiser You Know! No Host (Adult Beverage) Bar & New Salad Bar Net $proceeds$ go to the Shriners Oriental Band Live @ the Shrine Dance Center Information??? Call: Earline @ 503-789-5608 Richard Hawley 09/30/2014 Portland Thomas Fogle 9/18/2013 Albany Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 18 Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 19 CHANGE of ADDRESS Name _____________________________ Old Address ________________________ City ______________State ___ Zip ______ NEW Address ______________________ City ______________State ___ Zip ______ Al Kader Shrine Shriners International NON PROFIT ORGANIZATION U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT NO. 497 PORTLAND, OR 25100 SW Parkway Ave Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 Dated Material Please Rush Please add Telephone # ( ) __________ SEND THIS COUPON TO: Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center 25100 SW Parkway Ave. Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600 (503) 230-0500 www.lifetimewindows.net Your Home Window and Door Specialists Locally Owned and operated NO Subcontractors Need New Windows? Call US, your local window guys, estimates are FREE We are locally owned and operated sales & installation specialists. We provide quality vinyl, fiberglass, wood and aluminium products from a variety of manufacturers. We are now offering Roofing, Siding, Window and Door replacement Take advantage of our FREE in-home consultations and no-obligation, zero-hassle estimates. We accept all major credit cards, and offer financing to qualified buyers. We use our own staff of experienced installers - no subcontractors. 14710 SE Lee Avenue, Portland, OR 97267 (Corner of Oak Grove Blvd and Lee) CALENDAR OF COMING EVENTS Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice December 2014 Saturday, December 6 ABATE Toy Run - 10:00 AM Parade of Lights Independence - 5:00 PM Monday, December 8 Stated Meeting Elections! - 5:30 PM Saturday, December 13 Christmas Party and Honors Social - 5:30 PM Monday, December 15 Board Meeting- 6:30 PM Sunday, December 21 Divan Appreciation Dinner - 5:00 PM Stockpot Restaurant Wednesday, December 31 New Year’s Eve Party Think, Act and Live Shrinedom January 2015 Friday, January 2 Divan Fellowship 6:00-8:00 PM Saturday, January 3 Rehearsal Installation of Officers 5:00 PM Saturday, January 4 Caravaners Breakfast - 11:30 AM Saturday, January 10 Hillah Installation of Officers 5:00 PM Monday, January 12 Stated meeting 5:30 PM Friday,January 16 Club/Unit/ Divan Networking 6:30 PM Saturday, January 17 Club/Unit/Divan Training 8:00 AM Monday, January 19 Board Meeting 6:00 PM Saturday, January 24 East/West Football Committee Meeting Prineville- 8:00AM Monday, January 26 Divan Meeting 6:00 PM Thursday, January 29 Unit Head Meeting 6:00 PM Saturday, January 31 Oriental Band Crab Feed 5:00 PM Nile Shrine Center Potentate’s Ball 6:00 PM Al Kader OASIS - December 2014 - Page 20 February 2015 Sunday, February 1 Big Game Day Party 2:00 PM Saturday, February 14 Mardi Gras Social 5:00 PM Monday, February 16 Board Meeting 6:30 PM February 19-22 Winter PNSA Seattle Monday, February 23 Divan Meeting Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm Thursday, February 26 Unit Head Meeting Dinner 6pm Meeting 7pm Saturday, February 28 DeMolay Grand Master Reception 12:00 PM
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