January 2015 - Al Kader Shriners

Al Kader Elects Tom Bland Potentate
Tom was born in Gary, Indiana in 1949. The family stayed in Indiana until he was twelve;
when in 1961, the family moved to California. Tom attended junior high school in Southern California and graduated from Leuzinger High School in 1968. Tom later attended Mt.
San Jacinto College and Riverside City College.
In the fall of 1968, Tom joined the Navy and was trained in San Diego as a hospital
corpsman, specializing in eye, ear, nose and throat surgery. In 1970, Tom received orders
to Camp Leujuene, NC to train as a field medical corpsman. He managed to stay in the
States and later was sent to optical school in Williamsburg, VA, where he became a
licensed optician. After graduating from optical school, he received orders to 29 Palms,
CA where served the last 5 years of his 10-year enlistment. During ten years in the Navy,
he spent eight years stationed with the Marine Corps as part of the Fleet Marine Force.
Tom spent 20 years as an executive for several optical companies; acting as a troubleshooter, IS Tom Bland
a trainer, and Regional Manager. He wrote the training manual for the ABO (American Board of Potentate 2015
Optics) licensing certification that is still used by many companies to date. He was also presdent
of two companies prior to working for Spirit Mountain Casino as Manager and CEO of Playworld. Tom retired in 2012 and
has been active full time with Al Kader since his retirement.
Tom was raised to Master Mason in 1976 at Oasis of Mara Lodge #732 F&AM in 29 Palms, California. He became a
member of Sheridan Masonic Lodge #64 in 1997. Since then, he has served as Senior Deacon, Secretary, Treasurer, and
Master of the Lodge three (3) times. He has served two (2) years as District Deputy, as well as serving on the Public
Education and the Grievance & Appeals committee’s for the Grand Lodge of Oregon. Tom has been a Shrine Mason since
2006. Tom has served as Captain of Motor Escort, is a member of Yamhill County Shrine Club, Polk County Shrine Club and
Shurtah. Tom was a member of the director staff prior to being appointed by IS Ard Pratt as both the Executive Aide and the
Director on the Divan in 2009.
Tom served two years as chairman of the children’s Christmas party, chaired the raffle car committee for two years and was
responsible for upgrading the raffle car to the AC Cobra. He was instrumental in getting the Oktoberfest fund raiser off the
ground and served as chairman of this committee for two years; as well as negotiating the purchase of the Oktoberfest
trailer. Tom has worked with a great team of Nobles and Divan members to bring the Haunted House to Al Kader. While
working on fund raising, Tom chaired the Long Range Planning Committee for three years
Tom and his wonderful wife, Lady Kathy, have been friends since 1968 and married in 1971. They met working on a
homecoming float after he graduated from high school. While being close friends in the beginning, they began dating after
Kathy graduated in 1969. After dating for two years, they were actually married twice in 1971. The first time was in a chapel
in Balboa Park near the Balboa Naval Hospital in San Diego, in a quiet ceremony on March 22,
1971. The chapel was so small there was only room for the two of them and God, which was
perfect. The second wedding was in Gardena, California on May 7, 1971 with family and friends.
They have one son, Marc, who is also a Master Mason and Shriner, and one daughter, Heather.
They have four granddaughters and two grandsons.
Tom’s company moved him and his family to Keizer, Oregon in 1992. After their children married
and had homes of their own, Tom and Kathy moved from Keizer to be closer to work at Spirit
Mountain Casino and settled down in Willamina, Oregon in 1997, where they now call home.
continued on page 16
Al Kader OASIS
Published Monthly
Al Kader, Shriners International
25100 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, Oregon 97070-9600
Phone 503-682-4420
Fax 503-685-5080
email oasis@alkadershriners.org
Subscription Price $5.00/Year
Potentate...Tom Bland
Chief Rabban...John Nerski
Asst. Rabban...Ron Gamble
High Priest & Prophet...Art Hermanson
Oriental Guide...Todd Weedman
Treasurer...Robert Keller
Recorder...Dick Duer
1st Cer. Master...Carl Thompson
2nd Cer. Master...Jeremy Ward
Director...Albert Martinez
Marshal...David Tate
Capt. of the Guard...Orin Sundeen
Temple Outer Guard...Don Denton
Chaplain…Carson Bailey
Outer Guard...Richard Crist
Outer Guard...Skip Weisgerber
Outer Guard...Bill Quier
Outer Guard...Fred Wendt
Outer Guard...Carey Huckaba
Outer Guard...Gary Dentinger
Outer Guard...Dave Simpson
Outer Guard…Zack Balylack
Outer Guard…Mel De Hut
Outer Guard…Dick Magers
Executive Aide…IS Ard Pratt '09
Executive Aide…J.B. Dick
Honorary Exec. Aide…Tommy Badley
Chief Aide…Pete Ohlman
Aides…Hap Baldwin, Frank Brewington,
Bob Brown, Fred Hardin, Ed Judd,
Keith Leamon, Nathaniel Pratt,
Chris Woolcock
Director of Units...Rick Laird
Assistant – Dennis Harris
Staff – Tom Killion
Temple Attorney...TBA
Temple Auditor...TBA
Hosp. Transportation...Dick Duer
Ambassador at Large
Skip Stanaway, Kenji Yaguchi
Ken Jubb - Photographer
Roy Armentrout...Recorder
Robert Timm; Ken Jubb...Ambassadors
Robert Keller...Treasurer
Noel Keister...Chaplain
Publisher...Tom Bland, Potentate
Acting Editor...Dave Johnson
Photographer...Art Thompson
Items must be received by the 10th
of the month preceding date of issue.
Advertising Rates On Request
Pote’s Notes
First and foremost, I would like to take this time to thank the Nobility for trusting me to be
your Potentate for the ensuing year. It is a great honor
and responsibility; and I will do my best to live up to
your expectations.
You elected me to be your leader in 2015 and it has
been my philosophy that I am here to “serve the
Nobility”. Service is the most important commitment we
make; and it is service that is the building block on
which our fraternity was founded. It is my goal to inspire
the membership to serve Al Kader with greater energy
and enthusiasm this year. Service is also an important
part of leadership and I plan to serve Al Kader to the
best of my ability for this year. I learned early in my
Masonic and Shrine journey that with membership
comes responsibility. Responsibility to help others, to
Tom Bland
assist in projects and to lend our talents to the running of the Potentate 2015
Temple. There is an old saying that if you want something
done, find the busiest person you know and he will get it done; however, it seems like the
same people get used over and over again, sometimes burning them out. Look around
you and at yourself. If you are not this person, we need your time and talents. If you look
hard, you can always find some time to give of yourself. I am asking each and every one
of you to make this a year of service to Al Kader. Service is about making choices. Which
choice are you going to make?
We belong to a great fraternity and support the greatest philanthropy in the world,
Shriners Hospitals for Children. To continue supporting our philanthropy, we need to
commit our energies to all of the fundraising activities, the parades, Units & Clubs and
especially membership. It is incumbent on all of us to help with membership by replacing
ourselves each year with at least one new member. I have appointed a new membership
chairman for 2015, Noble Carl Thompson. He, along with the rest of Al Kader, will
aggressively pursue our membership goals this year. We will make many pilgrimages to
the Masonic Lodges this year and I ask each of you to speak in your Lodge about the
great things we do as Shriners.
I am also instituting an incentive contest for membership this year. One Noble and his
Lady will win a trip to the national East/West All Star Football Game in St. Petersburg,
Florida; as well as other incentives. All details of the contest will be made available in
Training is another area we will working on in January. Al Kader is holding a training
class on January 16th and 17th for ALL Club Presidents, Unit Heads, Divan members
and their Ladies. We will have a get-together on Friday night at 6:30 and training on
Saturday beginning promptly at 8:00 AM and ending around 4:00 PM. The Ladies are not
only invited, but are highly encouraged to attend. Nobles & Ladies, who live outside of
the Portland area, will be offered a complimentary night’s stay at La Quinta Inn. This will
be an informative training session, and we plan on having a little fun too.
Kathy and I plan on hosting one social a month through June. Some will be formal and
some will be just for a fun time. We plan on hosting one social
for the entire family. That’s right, the kids will be invited. Our
desire is to bring responsible fun and good fellowship for our
members, families and friends in 2015.
Shriners, Masons, concordant bodies and our youth groups
are comprised of many generations. For 2015, let’s continue
“Bridging Generations, Helping Children”.
We want everyone to have a good time!
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 2
Chatty Kathy
by Lady Kathy Bland
Wow! Everyone warned us how fast the journey through the line
would go, but nothing can prepare you for that treadmill between
Chief Rabban Night and Installation. Thankfully we have learned
a lot, listened a lot, and planned a lot all along the way as our
supporters and mentors have taught us. We can’t possibly thank
you all enough and we are just getting started.
Since this is my first article and we are just newly installed, I will
be brief and offer a summary of our upcoming year as it relates to
the ladies.
We have a training session coming up that has traditionally
concentrated on the men’s side of Shrinedom. Well ladies, I am
proud to say that our Divan sees the need for our ladies to have a
better understanding of the organization and their role in their
husband’s success as leaders. For that reason, we have developed a special “lady’s training” breakout for the wives of the club
and unit leaders. We will provide each woman with a book and
hands on training with a strong request and recommendation that
they pass this vital information on to their individual members.
Please encourage your captain or president’s wife to share this
training with your group.
Tom and I have chosen to bring back some of the traditions that
have been lost along the way, but we will be adding our own twist.
We have planned a social each month through June, skipping
July, and finish the rest of the year with a social each month
again. These will vary from costumes or casual dress to the very
formal. We also have planned various forms of entertainment in
the hopes of pleasing most of you with one type or another. Our
Potentate’s Ball is scheduled for March 21 and will be total glitz
and glamour. We have a social earmarked for May that is for the
entire family. That’s right! Grandparents, parents, and children
with something for every age group. There will also be a surprise
and incentive to attend as many socials and events as you can
possibly manage.
I am planning a program, game night, or a night of sharing our
individual skills and talents at each of the stated meetings. This is
in the hopes of increasing the ladies attendance. I will be sure to
post the upcoming event prior to each meeting. I am also requesting that if you have a special talent (hobby, skill, craft, etc) or
know someone that does, please let me know. I would love to
highlight our own ladies within Al Kader. Likewise, please let me
know if there is something special that you think the ladies would
Well as the title implies, I can get chatty. Especially, when I’m
excited about something; and I am certainly excited about the
coming year. I only hope that my enthusiasm will be contagious
and we will enjoy the fellowship and closeness that our unique
opportunities can and will provide. Thank you for your trust in us.
Blessing to all of you and your families, Kathy
The Hauntsters
by Rob Gamble, Haunt Master
What a GREAT year this last Haunted House
Performance was for 2014! First, I want to
thank everyone who played a critical role in
last year’s Haunt. Without you, we wouldn’t
have been as successful as we were. My goal
for last year was to stay under budget for
expenses, and at least double our Net Profit. Well, we did both
and even tripled our Net Profit.
A few people that I specifically want to thank because they made
a HUGE difference to our success, in no particular order, are:
PGM Rich Martin, Warren Cole, Ed Jubb, Ron & Kathy Eggers,
Tom Bland, John Nerski, Art Hermanson, Fred Wendt, Durwood
Jaeger, Brian Williams, and I apologize if I forgot anyone. I’d also
like to thank our Divan Liaison and Executive Producer Ron
Gamble, Jennifer Klementis, Hair Make-up & Wardrobe Director;
Jeff Crowder, Casting Director; the Shurtah, Safety & Security;
Daughters of the Nile, Concessions; the Divan Members and their
Ladies, Front of House, and our Masonic Youth, Actors.
Here are a few highlights… We added over 1,200 square feet of
Haunt by using the breeze-way which put us over 5,000 square
feet of Haunt experience; the linear path went from about 275 feet
to just over 700 feet; the tricycle clowns showed up but were too
scared to go inside, and I’m told one of them even wet his pants
(won’t mention any names, but his initials are Patrick Sheehan);
we added six new gags and thought of two new ones for this year;
our last night performance had 106 guests, our largest single
performance ever; and finally, “The Hauntsters” had the only
interactive multi-media display at the last ceremonial.
In all fairness though, the Clowns also had an interactive display
at the Ceremonial… but stickers aren’t considered multi-media. It
reminded me of giving blood at the Red Cross in the late 70’s.
Now we start planning for our 2015 Haunted House when we plan
to build more, grow scarier, and be even bigger! The Hauntsters
will start meeting on the Second Wednesday of the month at the
Al Kader Shriners Center to start planning for next year’s Haunt.
Our first meeting will be January 14th. Oasis will start at 6:00 PM
with real adult beverages, cob webs, and hors' d’oeuvres, and
then our meeting at 6:30 PM. As a back-up, there will also be ‘Roy
Rogers’, ‘Shrink Wrap’, and ‘Depends’ available just in case we
have any unexpected visitors who are welcomed to attend.
Our first priority will be our Marketing plan for 2015 and we really
need to find the right person who will take that task and make it
huge. We are also looking for Carpenters, Electricians, folks who
like to do Audio, Visual, and/or Special Effects. Like to garden?
We need a Greenskeeper. Like to Act? We got a spot for you.
Just want to make people feel welcomed? You could do that too.
In other words, no other Club or Unit offers the amount of diversity
of talent that it takes to put on this performance… so come out on
the 14th and see what you might like to help with this year.
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 3
Director’s Corner
a Club vehicle(s), we will make sure they have a vehicle in which
to ride.
Nobles and Ladies:
Because of the Unit/Club Training, there will be no Unit Head
Meeting in January. The next Unit Head Meeting will be Thursday,
February 26, with Oasis at 5:30 PM.
by Noble Rick Laird
It is an honor to have been asked by IS Tom
Bland to serve as your Director of Units for
2015. I will try to merit his trust and confidence,
and I ask for your assistance in the coming year.
I think 2015, and the years following, are going to be great for Al
Kader Shriners, and for the Portland Shrine Hospital. There are
some fantastic plans in the works for Al Kader, but, as usual, it will
take dedication and cooperation from the Units, the Clubs, and
the Nobility in general, to bring these plans to fruition.
The Holidays are almost over (if you are reading the advance
copy of the Oasis on line it isn’t quite New Year’s yet) but, as
usual, plans and activities for the new Shrine year are already
upon us.
However, before proceeding, I must thank Noble Gib Thonstad for
the knowledge I have gained in the past year, as his Assistant
Director of Units. Working with Gib and Phil Strother has given me
some experience working with the Units. Gib’s explanations of the
logistics of organizing a parade or event, while scaring me half to
death, have helped me to understand a little more of what this
position entails. Thank you, Gib.
January begins in December with our New Year’s Eve Party,
which should be a fun evening/early morning. If you want to really
celebrate, and don’t have a Designated Driver, please take
advantage of the Hotel Special arranged by Al Kader. The cost of
the Hotel Special is far less than the cost of a DUII ticket, or
The 2015 Al Kader Installation of Officers and Social is on
Saturday, January 3rd, with Oasis at 5:30 PM, Dinner about 6:45
PM, and Installation at 8:00 PM. Please come out and support
your newly elected Potentate, Tom Bland, and his Lady Kathy,
and the newly elected and appointed Divan.
Our first Stated Meeting of the year is on Monday, January 12th,
with Oasis at 5:30 PM. Once again, this is an opportunity to both
support your leadership, and let your voice be heard on issues of
concern to you.
Okay, now to the Unit and Club information for January:
On Friday evening, January 16th, at 6:30 PM, there will be a
Unit/Club/Divan networking session, in preparation for the
Unit/Club/Divan training on Saturday morning, the 17th, which
begins at 8:00 AM sharp!
The Unit/Club Training is very important, as it will explain, in
detail, the rules and procedures we will follow with regard to our
participation in parades and events throughout the year. We very
much would like the Clubs to attend the training as we want them
to be a part of our parades, especially in their local area. If there
are Clubs whose members would prefer not to walk, or don’t have
by Noble Carl Thompson
Hello All!
The very first thing I would like to do as your
Membership Chairman is to thank Noble John
Nerski for his hard work and dedication to our
Temple. He has truly set the pace and momentum
for continued success. His question of “What day is it?” it will be
asked over and over and over again in the coming year. EVERY
There are a few things I’d like to convey at the start of 2015. Have
you ever heard the term “Parrot Mason?” Mackey’s Encyclopedia
of Freemasonry says a Parrot Mason is; “One who commits to
memory the questions and answers of catechetical lectures, and
the formulas of the ritual, but pays no attention to the history and
philosophy of the institution, is commonly called a Parrot Mason,
because he is supposed to repeat what he has learned without
any conception of its true meaning. In former times, such superficial Freemasons were held by many in high repute, because of
the facility with which they passed through the ceremonies of a
continued on page 16
What’s Inside This Month
Pote’s Message
Chatty Kathy
Director’s Corner
Mardi Gras
Winter Wonderland
Unit News
Club News
Job’s Daughters Leadership Camp
IS F. Douglas Day
ABATE 2014
Ladies News
Aides Corner
Tech Tip
Stated Meeting Notice
Black Camel
Birthday Card
Legacy Program
2015 Petition
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 4
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Mardi Gras
So Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler
Join us for an evening of music , fun and Cajun food
Music by: Accidental Rhino, a ukulele-driven
band playing old jazz, hokum,
novelty tunes, and original
music in those styles.
February 14, 2015
Oasis 5:30 pm
Dinner 6:30 pm
Dress: Costume or Casual
Dinner Menu
Dinner Cost
Per Person
Creole Jambalaya
Chicken & Sausage Gumbo
Red Beans & Rice
Cajun Coleslaw/ shrimp
Cheese Grits, Hush puppies
Collard Greens/w Ham hocks
Cream Cheese filled Kings Cakes
Child Care available
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 5
Winter Wonderland
The 1st Annual Santa’s Winter Wonderland coordinated by Wilsonville Area Chamber of Commerce held
on Saturday November 29, 2014 was a great success. The planning by the Chamber of Commerce took the
better part of the year with marketing and promotions and Al Kader was pleased to provide our Shrine
Center for the event. We had 800 guests visit the event that day with about 100 volunteers. The event was
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 6
presented by Fred Meyer, Major event Sponsors were Al Kader Shriners, Columbia Bank and Republic Services. It was also made possible
in part by a grant from the City of Wilsonville general fund. Photos with Santa were sponsored by Green Group Real Estate with the support
of Al Kader Shriners and photos by Rob Gamble Photography. Family Fun Photo Booth was sponsored by American Family Insurance and
OnPoint Credit Union and photos by Kristi Crawford Photography. Cookies, Hot Chocolate and Coffee served by (continued on page 16)
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 7
by 1st Lt Noble Lou Westwick
Al Kader Patrol was asked again to help with this year’s ABATE
Toy run for the Portland Shriners Hospital. Five Nobles and some
Shrine Ladies helped hand out coffee, hot drinks and cookies to
the riders who made to the Hospital with toys.
I said made it to the hospital because the riders where limited to
only 150 motorcycles this year. In the past years there could be
anywhere up to 800 or more bikers. This year because of the
Police, ODOT, PDOT and the Portland Special Events Office the
riders to Hospital were limited.
For more info on this year’s run go to:
The event was officiated by IS Dave Johnson, who kicked-off the
event with an impressive 18-minute a cappella rendition of the
Star Spangle Banner to the delight of all the holiday diners at the
Old Spaghetti Factory. Carl Thompson tried to steal his thunder
by following it up with an instrumental version of “One Night in
Bangkok” played on a two-octave Casio keyboard stolen from the
toys-for-tots bin in front of the restaurant, but was quickly booed
into silence.
The Captain Fez was presented to David Tate by Past Captain
Don Hayhurst. Hayhurst spent the afternoon at “barbers for the
blind” who provided him the stylish haircut he was sporting at the
party, paid for with one of his coveted Entertainment Book
Past Cyclown
Captains Don
Hayhurst and Steve
Newgard share an
intimate moment at
the Spaghetti
Because of the cold weather in 2013 the Hospital is running out of
toys for the children. If you can donate a toy to the Hospital, it
would be greatly appreciated. I have been a part of the Toy Run
for 4 years now and every year has been fun. Merry Christmas
and Happy New Year from the Patrol Nobles and their Shrine
by Noble Clem Norton
Sleigh Bells jangled! Silver Bells rang! Jingle Bells Rocked! Santa
Claus Came To Town! Mommy Kissed Santa Claus! And Rudolph
led the way, as the Concert Band, decked out in red Santa Claus
hats, provided a two-hour concert of holiday music at the November 29th Children's Christmas Party. This year, Al Kader teamed
up with the Wilsonville Chamber Of Commerce to present the 1st
Annual Santa's Winter Wonderland, and it was an outstanding
success! The room was filled with cookie-munching children
getting their faces painted, receiving balloons, and talking to a
certain bearded gentleman in a red suit. We in the Band had a
great time, and we are looking forward to do it all again next year.
A scheduling problem arose for our Christmas concert at the
Jennings/ McCall Center. We have had to move our performance
date forward to the spring. This will be reported upon when the
concert occurs.
Next up on our calendar is the Christmas Party and Honors Social
on December 13th and the installation of Shrine Officers on
January 3rd.
As my jazz-playing friends are fond of saying, "Hey man, like
have a Cool Yule and a Frantic First." Fine for now.
by Noble Patrick Sheehan
December marked the annual Cyclown party which was well
attended by at least two dozen members and Ladies. New
Cyclown officers were installed to the surprise of those who hadn’t
realized they had been elected.
Rumors circulated that the Kader Clowns intended to crash the
holiday extravaganza to deliver retribution to our humble corps
with seltzer water. It would not be the first time the Kader Clowns
showed up to a party bringing only mixers. However, the evening
came and went without sight of our grease-painted brethren, and
it was later learned they were unable to make it to the restaurant
since Tri-Met shut down “fairless square” and demanded they pay
$1.55 each - which none of them had.
The next meeting with be at Chan’s in Milwaukie Monday,
January 5th at 5:30 PM. We would like to remind anyone who is
considering joining the Cyclowns that we’re probably not interested in bringing on anyone who would want to associate with the
likes of us.
by Frank Brewington, Captain
The Desert Patrol met on December 1st at the Saylor's old
Country Kitchen. We all had a good time.
Our officers were installed into their new offices by Tom Bland,
Chief Rabban. We have two more to be installed at our next
meeting January 5th at the Shrine Center, it will be Pot Luck.
The Christmas Gift Wrap at the Fred Meyers on Johnson Creek
and 82nd Ave is starting up, so if anyone needs their Christmas
presents wrapped, we will be happy to wrap them for you.
Wow!! I see that the Cyclowns are picking on the Desert Patrol.
We just wanted to let you know that we will match your offer of
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 8
a free drink, come on over.
Our Potentate’s Representative, Todd Weedman, encourages us
to visit the Cyclowns for some playful banter and demand our
cheese. Todd would prefer dark chocolate and a fine Syrah, but
doesn’t want to bust the Cyclowns bank.
Thank you for allowing me to serve as Captain of the Desert
Patrol for the coming year. I look forward to working with all of
by Noble Don Slezak
We start out the year with the installation of officers for 2015 on
Monday, January 5th. This is always exciting and you don’t want
to miss it. The potluck and social hour with the Ladies is at 6 and
with the meeting at 7.
Our first official duty for the New Year is to be on the door to greet
everybody and to provide escort service for the Al Kader
Installation on January 3, 2015. We need to be there by 5:00 PM
or 1700 hours in our formal uniform.
The first stated meeting of the year is on January 12th. Be sure to
attend and find out all the activities planned for 2015.
We always have room for more members so if you are interested
in joining us please give Don Slezak (503 254-4693) or Gary
Scott (503 694-5015) or Jim Dixon (503 254-0119) a call at your
earliest convenience.
Dues are due for 2015 so if you haven’t already paid them come
to the meeting and take care of that minor detail.
by Noble Dennis DeSanno, Captain
Happy holidays from the Motor Escort Unit
Greetings fellow Nobles it’s December again, time for Christmas,
New Years and festive occasions. I want to wish each and every
one of you and your families a very Merry Christmas and a Happy
New Year
We had the ABATE run December 06, 2014, and it was a very
good run. The numbers were down a little, but since the city of
Portland was going to reduce the number of rider to 250, 2500
riders showed up and were very generous with their giving for the
On December 14, there is going to be a ride from the VFW post
#1 at 122nd to the Shrine Hospital to bring more toys to the
I want to take this time to congratulate the newly elected
Potentate and Divan. I’m looking forward to great leadership for
the next year. There are some great fund raisers coming up this
next year and I’m personally looking forward to the fellowship and
raising monies for the Temple.
DeMolay Crab Feed
by IS Tom Bland
Join us for the 3rd Annual Oregon DeMolay Endowment Foundation Crab Feed and Auction on Friday, February 20th, 2015, at the
Al Kader Shrine Center (25100 SW Parkway Avenue, Wilsonville,
OR 97070) where the doors will open at 5:00 PM with games,
entertainment, and raffles, followed by a great spread of
all-you-can-eat, fresh, local crab dinner (or roast chicken alternative) with the trimmings, and then an action packed auction full of
wonderful items! Tell your family and friends, bring your family
and friends, or even a stranger or two, and have a great night out
filled with fun and fund-raising!! Buy your tickets for only $30/person!!! Go online to www.oregondemolay.org for:
Crab Feed Registration ($30). Your name will be on our
list, and you will get your ticket at the door.
Not Able To Attend, But I Would Still Like To Donate
(Designate Amount). Donate items for the raffles/auction
by emailing: crabfeeddonations@ordemolay.org
Purchase Business Card Size Ad On Placemats ($25).
Send artwork to: crabfeeddonations@ordemolay.org
Purchase Corporate Table ($350). Includes registration
for 8 people, 2 bottles of wine (1 white and 1 red), 8 drink
tickets, 16 raffle tickets, and placemat ad.
Child Registration ($10 Suggested Donation).Includes
food, games, and childcare in the upstairs area.
This is the major fund-raising event for the DeMolay Endowment
of Oregon a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization which supports the
Oregon DeMolay youth scholarship and leadership program. We
appreciated all of the support from last year, but this year we hope
to have even more Masonic attendance and even more raffle/auction items.
Help promote the event and just tell people to buy tickets
online—www.oregondemolay.org–don’t forget to buy your tickets
as well. Raffle donations are tax deductible so make arrangements for pick-up of items by emailing crabfeeddonations@ordemolay.org or contact either of the Joint Committee Chairs—Nabeel Shaaban (816-423-0294) or Rich Martin (971-212-2356).
We hope to see you eating all the crab that you can and having all
the fun that you can (included in ticket purchase).
The Car raffle is off to a great start the tickets this year are $25.00
each, but we are only selling 3500 ticket, so the chances a very
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 9
COSC installed its 2015 Officers on Tuesday, December 16.
Installing officers were IS Dave Johnson and Outer Guard Bill
Quier (not shown).Noble Dale Claypool was installed as President
along with Vice President Ande Stearns and Secretary/Treasurer
Bob Helton.
Linn County Shrine Club held their Donkey Basketball Game on
Dec 6, 2014. For the third year in a row we had the Albany Police
Dept. and The Linn County Sheriff Dept. play each other and for
the third year in a row the Albany Police won. I hope that Linn
County doesn't get discourged. We had about 19 players and a
very good turnout to watch. The weather was a lot warmer this
year compared to last year. I feel everybody had a good time. I
want to thank all the Nobles and Ladies that helped this event on.
This year we had 6 Nobles and 5 Ladies help.
Linn County meets the 4th Wednesday of the month at the VFW
in Albany. Oasis at 6 and dinner at 6:30 PM.
by IS Dave Johnson
by Noble Randy Smith, President
Installation Officer- Mel Lambert, President Randy Smith, First
Vice President Jim Leitch, Second VP Mike Clements, Secretary
Treasurer Greg Gorham, Chaplain Kenneth Elliott, Club Officer
Clayton Orr
Missed some Nobles at dinner. Looking forward to another great
year in the Club and doing great work for kids. Noble Mel Lambert
has joined our Merry Band of Shriners! I am so pleased to have
him in our extended family. With Fraternal Devotion and Brotherly
Nobles Jim Leitch and Reese
Burkenbine present a young boy
from Stanfield with a three wheeled bike.
Desert Shrine provided the bike so the
student could ride with his friends.
By Noble Ron Henderson, President
Mid Columbia Shrine Club
by Noble Fred Wendt, Outer Guard
Mid Columbia had a very successful year involving its members.
Activities included parade participation, fund raisers and
attendance in their Blue Lodges.
Their local parade and fund raisers are always well supported by
the community. Led by Bob Wagenblast, local merchants were
encouraged to donate to the advertisement in the East-West
Shrine Game book. Many times, Bob was among the top solicitors
for this Shrine Game fund raiser. His love for the Shrine and
dedication to fund raising, will be missed with his passing. A local
restaurant (Windseeker) has opened their doors to help with their
main fund raiser of oysters and clam dinners in April which brings
in a couple thousand dollars.
The Club has donated most of its money each year to the
transportation fund and shrine hospital with this last year
dedicating some of funds to the volunteer areas at the hospital
along with food to the kitchen and steer auction at the East-West
Shrine Game.
The average attendance for meetings (Tuesday breakfast) this
year were 10 -18 with most being Nobles from Washington and
Oregon. Each noble is called by the Secretary (Wally Wolf) as a
reminder of the meeting two days in advance. Next year's officers
will be installed in January.
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 10
by Noble Carey Huckaba
Tillamook County Shrine Club’s 2015 officers were installed on
Saturday, December 13th at their annual Christmas party at the
Rendezvous Restaurant in Tillamook. Installed were: President:
Larry Evey, 1st Vice President: Robert Creech, 2nd Vice
President: Frank Jordan, Treasurer: Jesse Exton, Secretary:
Carey Huckaba.
Job’s Daughters Leadership Camp
by Noble Carey Huckaba
On one beautiful Saturday morning in late October, I had the good
fortune to have been invited to the Job’s Daughters Leadership
Camp located in the Bull Run area west of Sandy, Oregon.
Just getting to the camp, surrounded by some of Oregon’s most
rustic beauty, was an awesome experience and the fall colors
adorning the countryside made it an unforgettable journey.
IS Floyd Douglas Day ‘93
Mar. 08, 1933 - Nov. 22, 2014
F. Douglas Day's life was dedicated to
service: to the community, to his patients
and to his family. A beloved husband,
father, grandfather and great-grandfather, he leaves a legacy of care,
compassion and sharing of his expertise
to aid those in need. Doug Day grew up
in Northwest Portland. He attended
Ainsworth Elementary School and
Lincoln High School, graduating in 1951 as a three sport all-star
athlete. After graduating from Lewis & Clark College, he attended
the University of Oregon Medical School, graduating in 1959. Dr.
Day was president of the Oregon Academy of Family Physicians.
He was active in the Al Kader Shrine, where he served as
potentate, and the Sunnyside Masonic Lodge. From 1963 to
1972, Dr. Day served in the Oregon Army National Guard and the
U.S. Army Reserves. A lifelong vocalist and music lover, Dr. Day
served as soloist at First Baptist Church. During medical school,
he sang lead in The Forcep Four, which won first place in the
1957 Northwest Barbershop Quartet Contest. Dr. Day is survived
by his wife, Sherrie; children, Valerie Day (John), Vance D. Day
(Mattie) and Shannon Day (Duncan); stepchildren, Kip Christenson and Cassy Christenson; eight grandchildren; and two
great-grandchildren. For information about remembrances, please
go to his memorial website at:
Once at the camp, as I gazed about an august group of Jobies
and Guardians, I was reminded of the absolute truth in Job 24:15,
which goes something like, “And in all the land were no women
found so fair as the daughters of Job and their father gave them
inheritance among their brethren.”
I can’t say how much the Jobies learned about Masonry and
Shrinedom from me, but I sure learned a lot about Job’s Daughters from them.
The international Order of Job’s Daughters was formed in 1920 by
Mrs. Ethel Mick in memory of her mother, with the blessings of the
Most Worshipful Grand Master of Masons in Nebraska and the
Grand Matron of the Order of the Eastern Star of Nebraska.
Job’s Daughters is open to young ladies ages 10 to 20 who have
a Masonic heritage. Its objectives are to bring together these
young ladies for the purpose of character building through moral
and spiritual development and to teach loyalty to the flag and the
country for which it stands, as well as respect for parents.
I left their leadership camp reassured that our future will be in
good hands with the quality of future leaders I found at Job’s
Daughters leadership camp.
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 11
ABATE 2014
IS Ard Pratt ’09 drove, and I got photos of the ABATE run. Toys were collected at the assembly area and delivered to
the Hospital. Our patient ambassadors, Nicholas & Caleb were on hand to draw the winning ticket for the Harley raffle
that funds the ABATE equipment donation to Shriners. With this year’s addition, the total is over $560,000. Imp. Sir Bill
Bailey is shown with Noble Tom Bland and a group of Rainbows and again with me and Mike Friend, ABATE Chaplain.
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 12
The winter Ceremonial brought in 17 new Nobles. Under the direction of Noble Stan Schmidt, the Al Kader Ritualists
performed both the Arch Degree and the Ritual Ceremony. They were assisted by the Nydia Temple Daughters of the
Nile Dancers. IS Dave was pleased to present Noble Wade Robley’s 50-year jewel. Noble Dave Simpson eulogized IS
Bill Doherty ’05 to whom the ceremonial was dedicated. Following the Ceremonial, our Units recruited in the Sun
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 13
The Shriner of the Month Award
To the unsung hero
To the one you can always depend on
To the one who does the work because the work needs to be done - not for any kind of recognition
This award is for you
After initiating the Shriner of the Month
Award program at the beginning of this
year, we have opened the nomination
process to all of our temples and
hospitals. We want to honor the everyday, hardworking,
always-there-for-whatever-you-need-him-for Shriner in
your temple or hospital. You know who we mean; and we
want to hear about him.
The Shriner of the Month Award was designed to
honor members who demonstrate a deep commitment to
both the fraternity and philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for
Children®. Personal displays of leadership, especially by
example, consistent participation in temple
activities and efforts, and/or contributions to the health
care system, all add to one’s consideration for the
award. In short, we want to honor the “unsung hero” of
Shriners International.
Each month, one outstanding noble will be chosen as the
Shriner of the Month. To make it easier on our nomination
board, we will be taking nominations quarterly. This
round, your nominations will be considered for the
months of February, March and April 2015. To recognize
these individuals and their extraordinary contributions,
each monthly winner’s personal profile will be highlighted
on Shriners Village, the Shriners International website and
more. In addition, the winner will receive a signed plaque
from the Imperial Potentate and a commemorative pin.
To submit a nomination for the upcoming quarter,
participating temples and hospitals must submit the
required information, along with a photo of the noble
(wearing a fez) and a signed photo consent form, via
e-mail to shrinepr@shrinenet.org, before Monday,
January 12, in order to be considered. Please note that
nobles selected as Shriner of the Month may not be a
member of their temple’s elected Divan and must be
actively involved in promoting membership. Also note that
each temple/hospital may nominate up to three nobles to
be considered for the award, per nomination quarter. The
Shriner of the Month will be announced at the beginning
of each award month.
PLEASE INCLUDE your name and title and the following
information with your nomination:
• Who are you nominating? (Name and Temple)
• Why? Please explain.
Things to Consider:
{ How is this noble active within your temple and/
or hospital? (i.e., attends events, assists with
fundraisers, involves lady and family, engages in
increasing community awareness of fraternity,
volunteer work, specific examples of going above
and beyond)
{ Which facet(s) of the Shriners International mission
statement does this noble exemplify most?
Being the premier fraternal organization for men
of good character
ii. Providing attractive, quality programs and
services for its members, their families and
their friends in a spirit of fun, fellowship and
social camaraderie
iii. Fostering self-improvement through leadership,
education, the perpetuation of moral values and
community involvement
iv. Serving mankind through the resources of its
philanthropy, Shriners Hospitals for Children
{ Describe how this noble is a strong advocate of the
philanthropy (i.e., gives speeches to community,
supports national programs such as Burn Awareness,
participates in fundraising efforts, educates
community on outreach clinics, etc.)
{ Temples: Please describe how this noble has been
effective in strengthening temple membership
and Freemasonry.
Questions? Please contact the corporate public
relations department at 813-281-8162 or shrinepr@
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 14
Nydia Temple No. 4
Daughters of the Nile
by Queen Judy Smith
Becoming a member of Daughters of the Nile is by invitation. A
Lady is proposed for membership by a current member and then
when she has been elected to membership she receives notice
and the invitation to the ceremonial initiation. All too often a Lady
responds with “I am just too busy to join” or “I work during the day
and cannot come to meetings” or “I do not sew”. Possibly these
responses are not valid in this case. Here are some good reasons
to accept your invitation to join:
Holding a membership in a Daughters of the Nile Temple keeps
the order alive and then makes sure that the order can maintain
serving the Children at Shriners Hospitals for Children (our only
philanthropy). So, just paying your yearly dues is helpful.
We would like members to attend our stated (business meetings)
sessions but it is not necessary to be an active member. We have
about 600 members but only around 50-60 regularly attend
meetings. Many members attend day or night club meetings. We
have 21 clubs in Nydia Temple reaching areas from La Grande to
Bend to Newport. Many do not attend any organized group within
the temple but serve in other ways.
Many of our projects for the hospitals involve sewing but our
efforts are not that limited. Some members just regularly contribute time or money. Some are active in their communities and
have projects like collecting gift cards for the hospital parties and
sewing projects at the Hawaii Shriners Hospital.
Many Ladies think about the kind of time they spend with other
orders like OES or Amaranth and fear being thrown into commitments immediately. That does not happen in Nydia temple. It is an
honor to be asked to be an officer and rarely is an officer committed to more than one year at a time.
We have several socials and social fundraisers during the year.
Some Ladies only attend these functions as they often happen at
a more convenient time for their lifestyle. Again, your attendance
at these dinners, luncheons, etc. greatly assists keeping the
temple strong.
If you should receive an invitation to join Daughters of the Nile,
please know that you were chosen to be invited because the
Ladies of the Temple believe you to be someone who can assist
us in the mission, helping Shriners with the children entrusted to
the care of the Shriners Hospitals for Children.
Questions - please call Queen Judy at 503-550-5882.
The Forget Me Nots
By Lady Janis Ferlisi
The Holiday Season is now over and I hope you all had a
wonderful Christmas and New Year’s. We can all relax for a few
months and then spring will be here and off we go again.
Our meeting for this month will be at “Gustav’s” in Tigard since we
didn’t make it there in October, the location is 10350 S. W.
Greenburg Rd. – 503-639-4544 and we will meet at 11:30 AM.
We have some business to discuss so please bring your thinking
caps, we need to plan for our outings for the year “2015”, I’ll
come with a list of places and also the ones that a few people
sent me and you can all vote and I’ll publish the list in February .
I look forward to seeing as many of you as possible and the
phone committee will call the Ladies that do not have computers.
It is very important that you give me a count so I can give the
restaurant the number of people attending. See you.
From the Aides Corner
by Pete Ohlmann, Fred Hardin & Mearl Kroker
We would like to take this time to extend thank you to our aides of
2014 for the hard and dedicated work and support they have
shown through out some strange and exciting events that we
have had this year. Beginning with the Installation in January,
through a very interesting Baker City, the Food Caravan in
October, though Ceremonials, you have all been there when we
needed your help. Many times on short notice. Please accept
our sincerest thank you.
Tech-Tips -
by Randy Shepherd - Veara
Get Mobile - A resolution for the New Year – acquire tools
which bring information and communication to your finger-tips.
One might be inclined to dismiss more technology in their life.
Consider for a moment the gains in your ability to be up-to-date
and communicate rapidly rather than the loss of any personal
touch which might occur. Your sheer ability to be more informed
and to touch others quicker will further impress those around you.
Whether it be an updated mobile phone or a move from a
desktop, laptop to an iPad, Surface or Note – get a device you
can carry with you. Keep it charged and equipped with whatever
software (app) that you use. Most mobile devices come equipped
with calendar, texting, email and other productivity tools; further
there is an app store with millions of other applications – some
free and others for a fee.
Short story – for years my Aunt would not update her flip phone.
Then a chance article she read showed the features of the new
smart phones. Last week the latest LG Android equipped smart
phone arrived FedEx. At her figure tips is email, texting, weather
reports, calendar and more, not to mention the latest calling ability
– and she is 84!
Fulfilling this resolution will not only give you gains in your
productivity, it will show those around you that when it comes to
technology, you are "with it"!
Please tell us if Technology Today is informative, email your
comments and suggestions to – randys@veara.com
More information at: http://www.alkadershriners.org/technology
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 15
Pote’s Bio - continued from page 1
Because of Tom’s time in the service and his corporate positions,
the Bland’s moved 22 times over the last 42 years and have lived
on both coasts. Tom and Kathy have enjoyed many adventures
together over the years, but none have compared to the current
journey of moving up the Divan or the humbling honor of becoming the 2015 Potentate at Al Kader.
Membership - continued from page 4
reception, and they were generally designated as Bright Masons.
But the progress of Freemasonry as a science now requires
something more than a mere knowledge of the lectures to
constitute a Masonic scholar.” By Cantus Shutupicus
I am certainly not calling anyone out on this by name, and I think
we need to be aware that most all Masons are Masons because
they want to be better men. We all want to walk a better walk. We
all want to participate in a common good. That’s why we are
Masons. Nobles, this is where the rubber meets the road. Now is
the time to make our Temple grow, now is the time to go to blue
lodge. Now is the time to get involved. Ask a brother to come to a
function. In my short time being active with you, I have heard two
main “excuses” on why men aren’t yet Shriners. The first is “I
don’t have the money” well, that’s fine, let’s use some of your
time! Invite these men to parades, events and get them involved.
We could use hands and feet and minds of all Masons. Don’t let
that be an obstacle. The second excuse is and it’s my Favorite
one! It’s “I don’t have the time” Well than, give us some money!
Usually I have found this excuse being used my men who clearly
have the means to participate and support our temple but at this
point in their lives are dedicated elsewhere. If there are other
excuses I don’t buy them. Sometimes the answers are in the
questions we ask. Why wouldn’t you want to be a Shriner? Why
wouldn’t you want to have fun? Why wouldn’t you want to help
“Shrine Kids”? I certainly wouldn’t guilt a man to join our ranks but
I think it’s very important to call them out on the wonderful facts of
our philanthropy. We have a Temple to be proud of, a community
of good hard working Nobles and Ladies, and one of the Crown
Jewels of our fraternity in our backyard, the Hospital.
I look forward to getting to know you all better and helping make
our Temple even more successful. Stay tuned for some friendly
competitions and new ideas for getting and engaging our new
nobles. I will look to each one of you for support and words of
wisdom. I might not always do things the way they were done in
the past but hopefully the outcome will outweigh the discomfort of
a bit of change. If you have questions, concerns, advice or you
know how to overcome a challenge with a good idea please feel
free to contact me. Let’s have a Fun and fruitful 2015!
503-515-3806 or carl@lifetimwindows.net
Winter Wonderland- continued from page 7
Wilsonville Community Sharing. Upstairs Santa’s Workshop was
sponsored by Tiffany Home Design, Family Fun Center, West
Chiropractic and Therapeutic Associates Physical Therapy.
Holiday Story time was sponsored by Dolly Parton Imagination
Library, Zerox and Kiwanis
A special thanks to the Motor Escort for their wonderful help
decorating the Santa Stage. Santa’s Dan Moyer and Gib Thornstad and Patti Baldwin as Mrs. Claus were a great success.
Wonderful music was provided by our Concert Band and the
Kader Klowns entertained with balloons. Washington Lodge
provided The Child ID program with 85 signing up for the
program. Ron and Kathy Eggers provided the Hospital display
and Carl Thompson with the assistance of Jeremy Ward presented the “Be a Shriner Now” program.
Plans are underway for the 2nd Annual Santa’s Winter Wonderland for 2015.
Submitted by Assistant Rabban-elect Ron Gamble.
Monday, January 12, 2015
5:30 PM
Al Kader Shrine - Shriners International
Shrine Center - Wilsonville, Oregon
2015 Dues Card Required
Doors open at 5:30 PM
This is Al Kader‛s Annual Meeting
as required by Section 324.1
of Imperial By-laws.
By Order of: Tom Bland, Potentate
Attest: Dick Duer, Recorder
W. Dale Burkett
IS Floyd Doug Day
Wayne J Felder
Clarence W Hoffman Jr
Richland, WA
Lynn C Andrews
Franklin, TN
John M Billups
Earl S Burdick Jr
John L Burk Jr
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 16
John L Selnes
Emanuel E Wassum
Al Kader
J. Mearl
IS Cecil
Bennett Jr 6-Jan
Ridenour 6-Jan
Stapleton 7-Jan
Hammer 8-Jan
Plummer III 8-Jan
Hardin Sr 9-Jan
Blankinship 10-Jan
Mcmillan 11-Jan
Schlee Jr 12-Jan
Van Dyke 12-Jan
Richardson Jr
Mcmurrick Jr
Dr Roy
Burness III
Saturday, January 3rd
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 17
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 18
(Rev 2013-50/50)
– Wilsonville,Oregon
– Wilsonville,
Golf Club
in full,
be paid
by Visa,
or American
50/50 fee
The first
in full,
be paid
by Visa
or MasterCard.
special 50/50
fee isThe
of is
first year’s
will be prorated based on date of initiation. The $20 Imperial Per Capita tax must also be paid - $5 Hospital Assessment which is included, is tax-deductible.
*Cost of Fez not included (Felt - $123.75, Velour - $153.75, Fez case+accs - $)
Ceremonials will be held on
May 15
8 th and November 14th 201
Anyone desiring to schedule additional
Cold Sands initiations, please contact
the Recorder or Potentate.
Total 50/50 Fees for Initiation - Shrine Year 2015...$50.00*
Enclosed is payment in the amount of $ __________________ Check No. _______
Please charge my Visa/MasterCard No. __________________________ Exp. Date ______
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 19
Name _____________________________
Old Address ________________________
City ______________State ___ Zip ______
NEW Address ______________________
City ______________State ___ Zip ______
Al Kader Shrine
Shriners International
25100 SW Parkway Ave
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600
Please add Telephone # (
) __________
Recorder, Al Kader Shrine Center
25100 SW Parkway Ave.
Wilsonville, OR 97070-9600
Dated Material
Please Rush
(503) 230-0500
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Please note that all dates and events shown here are subject to change without notice
January 2015
Friday, January 2
Divan Fellowship 6:00-8:00 PM
Saturday, January 3
Installation of Officers 5:00 PM
Sunday, January 4
Caravaners Breakfast - 11:30 AM
Saturday, January 10
Hillah Installation of Officers 5:00 PM
Monday, January 12
Stated meeting 5:30 PM
Friday,January 16
Club/Unit/ Divan Networking 6:30 PM
Saturday, January 17
Club/Unit/Divan Training 8:00 AM
Monday, January 19
Board Meeting 6:00 PM
Saturday, January 24
East/West Football Committee Meeting
Prineville- 8:00AM
Monday, January 26
Divan Meeting 6:00 PM
Thursday, January 29
Unit Head Meeting 6:00 PM
Saturday, January 31
Oriental Band Crab Feed 5:00 PM
Nile Shrine Center Potentate’s Ball 6:00 PM
February 2015
Sunday, February 1
Big Game Day Party 2:00 PM
Saturday, February 14
Mardi Gras Social 5:00 PM
Monday, February 16
Board Meeting 6:30 PM
February 19-22
Winter PNSA
Monday, February 23
Divan Meeting
Dinner 6:00 PM
Meeting 7:00 PM
Thursday, February 26
Unit Head Meeting
Dinner 6:00 PM
Meeting 7:00 PM
Saturday, February 28
DeMolay Grand Master
Reception 12:00 PM
Sing Out For
New Members!
Al Kader OASIS - January 2015 - Page 20
March 2015
Sunday, March 8
DON Installation-9:00 AM
Monday, March 9
Stated Meeting
Doors open 5:30 PM
Monday, March 16
Board Meeting-6:30 PM
Saturday, March 21
Potentates Ball
Oasis-5:00 PM
Monday, March 23
Divan Meeting
Dinner 6:00 PM
Thursday, March 26
Unit Head Meeting 6:00 PM
Saturday, March 28
Al Kader Kids Easter Egg Hunt
11:00 AM - 2:00 PM