ALI GHAN SHRINERS Cumberland, MD 21501 PO Box 1416 Ali Ghan Shriners Roast Beef, Gravy, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Cole Slaw, Roll, Butter, Coffee or Tea, and Dessert March 24, April 28, May 19, June 23, July 28, Aug. 25, Sept. 22, Oct. 25, Nov. 24 11/27/14 2014 Spaghetti Dinner Opened to ALL Shriners and Sponsored Guests $7.50 All dinners start 5:00pm Dinner, dessert, tea or coffee March 3, April 7, May 5, June 2, July 7, August 4, September 8, October 6, November 3 November 2014 THANKSGIVING DAY BUFFETT $8.00 Every Fourth Monday, 5:00-7:00pm 2014 Desert Legion Beef Dinners The Red fez FROM 12PM TILL 4PM BUFFET MENU ROASTED TURKEY, HONEY GLAZED HAM, HOME MADE MASHED POTATOES AND TURKEY GRAVY, GREEN BEANS WITH BACON & ONION, SWEET CORN, CRANBERRY SAUCE, SALAD BAR WITH ALL THE FIXINGS, PICKLED EGGS, ROLLS & BUTTER, COFFEE & TEA PUMPKIN PIE & OTHER ASSORTED DESSERTS $25 PER PERSON $12.50 CHILDREN 7—12 CHILDREN 6 AND UNDER ARE FREE CALL FOR RESERVATIONS 301-722-7220 OR 301-722-5970 PLEASE RSVP BY 11/21/14 PRICE INCLUDES TAX AND GRATUITY Pote Notes November 2014 Well, here it is, November already, time for the holidays and turkey meals, parties and all sorts of fun. But before we get to all that, let me reflect on where we are at this point in time. We have oil in the tank, the budget is balanced and we are close to having paid off the bills from last year. That being said, we still have some work to do to end this year on a positive note. So please come out and support your club operation on Wednesday and Friday nights, for these events helped us pay the bills and will help us finish the year strong. Remember, it is your Shrine Center and it is only as strong as each of you help to make it. I would like all of you to thank the Director’s Staff, Railroad Unit, Motor Corps and the Harige Unit for their support in paying down the oil bill. They all donated money to the operations this year or to the oil bill. A GREAT BIG THANK YOU from the Potentate, Divan and most importantly the Nobles and their Ladies. Thank you, Thank You, Thank You!!!!!!!!! I am very proud of the turnout for Autumn Glory in Oakland this year. It was down right fantastic and we had a lot of fun. It is wonderful that it does not rain on a Shrine Parade. To all the units, Noble, Ladies that came out it the rain to support this, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!!!! Here are some things to think about for November . . . there will be a Halloween party at the Temple on Saturday, November 1st. This is a costume event so dress accordingly. We have Ladies Night at the Temple on November 8th and I hope that you Ladies can get your husbands to bring you to what the committee says will be a great event. Yes, it does conflict with another event and for that I am sorry, but there are only so many days and this is what we had to work with. RED FEZ BOOSTERS George & Ginny Smith Gene Mason in memory of Alda Wade Grace Mason Ronald & Helen Middleton William Umstot in memory of Wilbert Glen J. Michael Willard Kitzmiller “Bus” Mowen John H. Clark January 2015 James McDonald Rosie Skidmore in memRobert & Betty Bosley ory of Randy Skidmore May 2015 Cyrus Lecron in memory of Claudine Lecron James A. Poland Joan Evans in memory of Donald F. Evans Phil & Lois Hadley Don & Carolyn Thorn Joan Evans in memory of Raymond & Anne MacDonald Donald Shives, Jr. Charles Ridgeway April 2015 Richard Shaffer Dean Hancox in memory of Donna Hancox Floyd A Wertz, Jr. Gene Mason Janet Stutzman in memory of Marlin “Bud” Stutzman Neil C. Yommer Everett A. Spiker Bill & Patty Hays Don Blair Norma & Donald Shaffer, PP Ken Susie Winters Ronald Brubaker Harold Anderson Martha Schelble in memory of Charles F. Schelble William Skinner Joseph Graham Charles Bujac Leroy Dziuk Harry Kesecker Ernest Messick March 2015 BG Jearald D. Allen Eileen Poland in memory of Charles B. Poland Keith Thomas in memory of Robert R. Golden Art Isom in memory of James Kreiling Calvin & Heather Nazelrod G. Clifton Loar in memory Don True of Louise Loar D. Craig Radcliffe James G. Jones Joseph W. Kyle George DeHaven Betty Thomas in memory of Charles E Thomas Thomas Skidmore Walter & Thelma Puffinburger RED FEZ BOOSTERS October 2027 Pete Fiorita Ruth Baker Roy Pepper August 2016 November 2023 Bill & Virginia McKenzie Mary Murrell in memory of Jack A. Murrell Walter & Irene Growden in memory of Sgt. Vernon Growden killed in WWII July 2016 September 2020 In memory of Mary Jane Kershner September 2019 Bill & Darcy Duvall August 2019 Charles & Margaret Pennington April 2019 Edward Robinette June 2018 Mildred Lindsay in memory of Edward K. Lindsay April 2018 Bob & Marion Alkire January 2018 Margaret Seaber in memory of Francis R. Hummelwright Mary Murrell in memory of Doris and Harold Hartman Ali Ghan Clowns June 2016 Barbara Rice in memory of Ronald Rice, PP Ernie & Helen Combs August 2015 May 2016 Ruth Chapman in memory of Ron Chapman Jean Hite in memory of Harold Hite April 2016 Tom & Lovella Bryant March 2016 Jane Heavner in memory of Roger Heavner Shirley McGregor in memory of George McGregor Phyllis Hovatter in memory of Gordon Hovatter WL and Thelma Puffinburger in memory of Orvil Puffinburger Butch & Corky Elliott in memory of daughter Roxie Ralph Buser Joan Ralston Richard & Janet Pyles July 2015 Fred M. Novak Margie Seaber in memory of Frank Himmelwright January 2016 Hilda M. Canfield in memory of John Canfield Marie, Tom and Teri Bowers in memory of Charles October 2017 E. Bowers Shirley Brinkman in memory of Leslie Brinkman Jackson Lawson Sue Haines-Lederman Rita Hout in memory of Bill Hout January 2017 December 2015 John T. Staub Lollie Fridinger in memory of Jack Fridinger June 2015 Carla Cunningham in memory of Robert Cunningham, PP Polly Eyler in memory of Walter S. Eyler Thomas A. Downs Ray Andrews September 2016 October 2015 In memory of Donald R. Wade Catherin Garvin in memory of Harry C. Garvin In memory of Susie Mowen, PQ In memory of Paul Scott, PP Norma Lea Bosley in memory of Harry S. Bosley We are looking at doing a combined Christmas party for the Temple on November 29th for any and hopefully all Units that wish to attend. Ladies, talk this up with your Nobles and Units Heads, talk to your Units and let’s see if we can make it happen . . . it is never too late. Well, in closing let me say that it has been a good year for Ali Ghan Shrine in many ways, thanks to everyone’s help. The club committee, along with Rodger Uphold’s day to day watch, have done a fantastic job of bringing the club back to black ink. We are well underway with the ramp to the Sultan Bar and other things we have planned for down there. The name will remain SULTAN BAR and will not change regardless of any rumors you may have heard. The look will change, but the name stays the same. We have also had the Ford van fitted with a wheel chair lift which will save the backs of our drivers and be much safer to load and unload patients. So “Keep the Drive Alive” just as long as we can and keep supporting your Club now and well into the future for your Club’s wellbeing. Thanks to Everyone!!! Tom Kimble Potentate 2014 Ali Ghan Shrine P.S. - I am waving petition fees until November 19th for all new members that sign up now and have their petitions into the office by that date. To date, this has netted us 15 new member for the November Birthday dinner. Desert Legion Our meeting was held Monday Oct. 13th at our club house. Not many as usual attended. Guess what, we had steamed SHIMP, maybe you should had been there! At our meeting we voted to buy a small Jeep like Joe Graham’s in hopes that we can get more young people to join our Desert Legion and drive these fun little cars! Of course we have regular Jeeps also. These will be much easier to get to parade and lots more fun to drive! At our next meeting we will appoint a nominating committee for our election in December. Our last Beef dinner will be November 24th for the year of 2014. We will have our October Dinner on the 27th as usual. Thank you for your support and fellowship! We received a thank you letter from Shrine Hospitals for our $500.00 donation, which Frank Montana our secretary read. We talked about our Unit members and workers only steak feed October 9th at clubhouse time 5 pm. Unit Head Rep. Ronald J. Straw HAVE YOU PAID YOUR 2014 DUES? RED FEZ SUBSCRIBER @ $20 per year RED FEZ BOOSTER @ $20 per year Name_______________________________________ ___________________________________________ Mail to : Ali Ghan Shriners PO Box 1416 Cumberland, MD 21501 All Veterans’ first year membership free into the Legion of Honor. Contact Fern Messer for application. . . Railroad Unit Greetings from the Railroad Unit: Fall has arrived and we are moving toward the big W (winter). Sick and recovery: Richard Pyles, Ted and Betty Beckman, Dick Shipway, Bob Young, Glendon Micheal and Harry Hartman. Our thoughts and prayers are with everyone. Congratulations to our new member “John Meanyham”. Our last spaghetti dinner for this year is November 3rd starting at 5:00 pm. Our regular meeting is November 6th. The menu is “breakfast”. Autumn Glory parade was a knock out. I think every able bodied person and many disabled persons came out of the woodwork and hollers to attend this parade. As far as I'm concerned, Ali Ghan took top performance as far as the Clowns, Motor Corp, Railroad Unit, Sayara Unit, Band, Desert Legion and Divan. If I missed anyone, sorry. All units excelled and were very much enjoyed by all spectators according to the applause and comments. Bill Bratt and Don True are genuine whistle blowers. The Railroad Unit is now a dual membership unit. Anyone interested, see a member for application or drop by to one of our meetings, on the 1st Thursday of each month. Thanks Joe Kennedy for your interest. Thanks to Harry Owens from Rite Aid for his interest in giving flu shots at the Railroad Unit and at the Temple. Respectfully submitted, Tom Valentine Just A Reminder. . . . Friday Nights on the Veranda are back! Come out and enjoy our beautiful view while enjoying a fine dinner. Opens at 5:30pm. Come out and enjoy the most beautiful veranda in town! Come out and enjoy your "Hump Day" at the Shrine Club. . every Wednesday join in the fun of our Ace of Clubs with friends and family. Great food, happy hour prices and paper gaming. 5pm-8pm Sayara Unit is selling tickets for their Operation Fund. . . .if interested in purchasing tickets, see any Sayara Unit member or contact Michael Barnes, 301-730-7885 November 2014 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Halloween Party 2 Brunch 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Brunch 10 11 12 13 14 15 Annual 16 Brunch 17 18 19 20 21Birthday 22 23 Brunch 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Brunch Ace of Clubs Ace of Clubs Ace of Clubs Ace of Clubs Thanksgiving Buffett Ladies’ Night Communica tion and Installation Grand Lodge Dinner / Temple Mtg Temple Christmas Party December 2014 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Brunch 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Brunch 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 Brunch 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Brunch 29 30 31 Children’s Christmas Party Ace of Clubs Ace of Clubs Ace of Clubs New Year’s Eve Party Temple Eggnog Party ALI GHAN SHRINE SHOE DRIVE FUNDRAISER ADVERTISING IS ESSENTIAL IN BEING SUCCESSFUL! Ali Ghan would like to offer the Nobility an opportunity to advertise their business. We are collecting gently worn shoes to help underdeveloped nations by supporting Micro Enterprise, while raising funds for the Divan Ladies and future events at For a nominal fee per month, your business card will appear in the Red Fez. Please email with your interest and/or questions. Your family helping us with this one SMALL task, can make a HUGE difference to people who are in need. Donate any style shoes during our drive to benefit Ali Ghan as well as Micro-Enterprise around the world! WE NEED YOUR HELP by signing up for the BAG CHALLENGE! Take a 3033 gallon trash bag from home and fill it with 25 pairs of gently worn shoes (any age or style works!) You can ask friends, family, neighbors, co-workers, etc. for their help to get the 25 pairs collected. Please bring your bag of shoes to the Shrine Club before December 1st and place in the box in the main entrance. Please email any and all announcements to be published in the Red Fez to this new email address Ali Ghan Shrine Club Engraved Brick Project The Engraved Brick project is well underway. You can show your pride as a Shriner or leave a legacy for a loved one. These personalized engraved bricks make a unique gift for weddings, anniversaries, birthdays or other milestones in life. It’s a great way to leave a message that will not only last a lifetime but will support Ali Ghan Shrine Club. Sample bricks are available for viewing in the Recorder’s Office. Prices include a laser-etched message and placement of your brick in the walkway surrounding the gazebo island. NOTICE OF TEMPLE MEETING The regular stated session of Ali Ghan Shriners will be held on Friday, November 21, 2014 at 8pm in the main Ballroom of the Shrine Club. The Imperial Code requires that to gain admission to the meeting a Noble must be in good standing and present his 2013 dues card at the door. Potentate Recorder Birthday Dinner November 21, 2014 6:00pm If you’re a noble and your birthday is in the months of October, November or December. . . . . . your meal is free! Re Temple #118 Daughters of the Nile Re Temple No. 118 Daughters of the Nile held their October stated session recently where Founders Day was observed with a reading about the beginning of Daughters of the Nile in 1913 in Seattle, Washington. Reports were given on the Fall Fest bake sale, Fall Basket raffle, Cozy Sheet sale and welcome tote project. Members were thanked for the requested items ($10.00 gift cards) they brought in for the Philadelphia Shriners Hospital. They were reminded that their “Cozy Sheet” orders will be ready to pick up at the November stated session and the Tea and Style will be held on Sunday, November 9th, tickets are $12.00 and can be obtained from Pr. Rebecca Viands or Tea Committee members. The next stated session will be on November 20, 2014,at 7:30 p.m. Members are reminded they can still bring $10.00 gift cards to Game Spot, I Tunes, McDonalds, Wal -Mart, Rite Aid, and Target for the Philadelphia Shriners Hospital at the November stated session as well as their donation for the CRA Holiday Giving program and welcome tote items. Judith A. Hall, P.Q Pr. Recorder Robert Burns Supper RE TEMPLE #118 DAUGHTERS OF THE NILE TEA AND STYLE SHOW Join the Knights of St. Andrew of the Cumberland Valley as we celebrate the birth of Scotland’s Favourite Son to benefit The Children’s League “Focused on Special Needs since 1934” Featuring Cumberland’s Own Cumberland Scottish Country Dancers and vocalist Sally Bittinger “An International Tea Journey” Sunday, Nov. 9, 2014 2:00pm Ali Ghan Shrine Center Fashions by Christopher & Banks, Gigi’s Shoppe and Tonya’s Style Shop Saturday, February 7, 2015 4:30pm Ali Ghan Shrine, Cumberland, MD OPEN TO THE PUBLIC For inquiries and tickets, call Rebecca Viands 703-899-5752 Dress: Kilts or Semi-Formal Menu: Cash Bar, Haggis , Spring Salad in Raspberry Vinaigrette, Prime Rib OR Crab Stuffed Tilapia; Vegetable Medley, Parsley Potatoes, Rolls, Coffee or Tea, Robert Burns cake. Price: $30/individual; $60/couple Contact: Jerry Robinette : 301-729-6778 For Seating Arrangements for Tables of 8 Only: Contact Chip Zimmer at 301/733-7277. Seats are limited so call EARLY! ATTENTION ALL UNITS! WE WOULD LIKE ALL NEWS LETTERS AND ARTICLES TO BE PUBLISHED IN THE RED FEZ EMAILED TO NO LATER THAN THE 15th OF THE MONTH TO ENSURE THE FEZ WILL BE PUBLISHED ON TIME.
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