1 A rabian The VOL. XLX NO. 06 SHRINERS INTERNATIONAL November 2014 2 Arabian Official Publication of ARABIA TEMPLE PO Box 420549 Houston Texas 77242 or 10510 Harwin Drive Houston Texas 77036 Telephone: 713-664-3437 Fax: 713-664-3439 www.shriners-houston.org Office Hours: 8:30 A.M. - 4:00 PM, M-F SHRINE CLUBS BAYTOWN Robert Parks 281-422-7112 BRAZOS VALLEY Howard DeHart 979-828-2231 BRENHAM Gene Cooper 979-830-8200 IMPERIAL DIVAN OFFICER Jerry Gantt, P. P. (Lisa)…………...Deputy Imperial Potentate ARABIA SHRINE CENTER DIVAN Don Slayton (Debra)......….……………........Potentate David Ashley (Melissa)………...………......Chief Rabban Tony Macias (Rosa)….…..….……....Assistant Rabban Laris Nolan (Linda).…...…..…..High Priest & Prophet David Janda (Donna).….......….…….......Oriental Guide Dennie Jackson (Elaine)……..………..…….Treasurer John Olivarri, P.P.(Grace)…….……...…........ Recorder COLORADO VALLEY Glenn Leist 361-594-3643 FORT BEND Charles Hand 281-935-2759 GULF COAST John Woolsey 979-245-4533 IMPERIAL REPRESENTATIVES ARABIAN KNIGHTS Ruben Robles 832-250-9735 BOARD OF TRUSTEES BOWLERS Juan Almanza 281-479-3629 A. B. Jimenez……………………..………………….2012-2014 Ruben Robles………………….……..………..…….2012-2014 CIRCUS Fred Lemieux…………………………………………2013-2015 ROUSTABOUTS Ed Hersh………………………………………………2013-2015 Dale Dickman Dale Dickman…………..……………………………2014-2016 936-581-3347 Rudy Staudt………………………………………….2014-2016 CLOWN JEWELS Paul W. Easley 832-331-4507 ARABIA CIRCUS OFFICE ARABIA BUSINESS OFFICE SOUTHEAST Bob Squires 281-332-5782 LAKE HOUSTON Michael Tims 281-361-6823 TOMBALL AREA Richard Ventrca 281-351-1290 MONTGOMERY CNTY. Joe Stevenson 936-856-0916 WALLER COUNTY John McGaughy 281-770-5499 NASA AREA Bob Short 713-925-4192 NEW CANEY Jim Clark 936-443-3561 SAM HOUSTON Mike Dowden 936-292-0306 WESTSIDE David Frishman 281-391-2589 WHARTON L. Robert Guerrero 979-543-4949 SAN JACINTO Michael Records 713-805-2664 UNIT HEADS Jerry Gantt, P. P. .………..……..…Deputy Imperial Potentate Don Slayton………….……..……..…...................... Potentate David Ashley.....…………….…................……..Chief Rabban Tony Macias.……...…………….................Assistant Rabban Laris Nolan....………………….….…… High Priest & Prophet Telephone 713.664.7210 Tony Macias.…………………………………Circus Chairman HOBBY Brian Dodson 281-437-1018 DIRECTOR’S STAFF Bill McKeown 281-998-7352 DRUM & BUGLE Telephone 713-664-3437 CORPS Linda Teinert……………………………..……Office Manager Craig Zlatnik Lteinert@shriners-houston.org 713-203-4441 To ensure your article is included, please submit your article FLYING FEZ to: 2014Arabianeditor.com,, no later than the 20th of the Richard Rennison month. Contributions of photographs and news items of 281-235-3060 interest to the nobility are solicited and will be returned upon request. GOLFERS Bob Sharpe, PP 281-440-0788 ORIENTAL BAND Ed White 281-534-3114 GREETERS Nichlas Rast 281-778-7323 PATROL Ken Cox, PP 281-347-1442 HOT RODS Ronnie Ellis 281-354-2076 PROVOST GUARD Bill Hawkins 713-319-5598 LEGION OF HONOR James H.Martin 281-471-7452 LUNCHEON CLUB Bill Prell 713-705-6724 MOTOR CORPS Thad Miner 713-721-7602 OASIS CLUB Fred Verhine 281-448-0160 SHENANIGANS Rusty “Krusty” Mayfield 832-305-5772 SPORTSMEN Chris Staudt 713-296-9154 YABAN Bob Armentrout 512-644-4245 3 Potentate’s Message Dear Nobles and Ladies, The month of October has been a whirlwind of activities. Your Divan has been on the road and attended four Official Visits during the month, accompanied by the Top Staff and other invited guests. We hope these Official Visits were informative for the Club members who invited us. We as a Divan have attended as many regular Unit and Shrine Club meetings as possible to keep you up to date. The schedule is set at the stated meetings for the month ahead. I hope it was also informative this year. Morris Engineering, Fugro & Miller Survey have been retained to complete our structural survey on your Shrine Center damages. When their reports are finished, we will continue work to restore your Shrine Center to its past glory. I know these arrangements have slowed and caused distress among many of you who tirelessly work for funding our hospitals. Our rental income has come to a grinding standstill also, but I ask you to bear with these inconveniences that have been put upon us and remember: WE SHALL PREVAIL Our temple meetings: November 17th, remains in the Prairie and Braeswood Rooms; Food @ 6:00 p.m. and meeting @ 7:00 p.m. Our December 8th meeting & elections will be @ 7:00 p.m. Food and refreshments afterwards. There are two major changes for January, 2015. The memorial service has been moved ahead to January 11th, 2015. Starting time will be at 2:30 p.m. Our stated meeting & installation of officers will be on January 12th, 2015. The meal will be served @ 6:00 p.m. in the Braeswood Room, with the meeting to follow @ 7:00 p.m. in the Prairie Room. This has been a very hard year on our membership. We have had to cancel and modify many of our planned events. I hope all of you understand and know your elected Divan and I have moved as fast as we have been allowed by our attorneys and the holdups by our Insurance Companies. In closing, I would like to remind all of you: We need new members, and we need to retain this membership. Please help us and our fraternity to move upward in a positive fashion. Thank you. Sincerely and Fraternally, Don Slayton NOTICE OF STATED MEETING Notice is hereby given that the next regularly scheduled meeting of Arabia Temple is scheduled for Monday, November 17, 2014. The meal will be served at 6:00 PM, followed by the meeting at 7:00 PM. Wear your fez - 2014 dues card required. John Olivarri, PP Recorder Don Slayton Potentate 4 From the Chief Rabban 2015 Texas Shrine Association – Corpus Christi – June 3-6, 2015 Nobles, It is time to start planning for your unit participation in the 2015 Texas Shrine Association Competitions in Corpus Christi being held June 4-6, 2015. The host Shrine Center, Al Amin, has blocked rooms at 3 hotels in Corpus Christi. The main headquarter hotel is the Omni Corpus Christi Hotel Bayfront ($142 per night). Located only 1 block from the headquarters is the Holiday Inn Corpus Christi Downtown Marina ($122 per night). The Emerald Beach Hotel ($122 per night) is approximately 5 minutes from the Omni. Your unit is free to choose any hotel in the Corpus area but please notify the 2015 Housing Chairman, John Barron, so that we will know where everyone is staying. Competition Locations: Pistol & Shotgun – Corpus Christi Pistol & Rifle Club – 2832 FM 763, Corpus Christi, TX 78415 – (361)852-1212 Mini Cars – Whataburger Field Parking Lot – 734 E Port Ave, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Bands – Holiday Inn – 707 North Shoreline Boulevard, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Mounted Patrol – Richard Borchard Regional Fairgrounds – 1213 Terry Shamsie Blvd, Robstown Golf – Oso Beach Municipal Golf Course – 5601 S Alameda St, Corpus Christi, TX 78412 Directors Staff – Al Amin Shrine Center – 2001 Suntide Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78409 Clowns – Al Amin Shrine Center – 2001 Suntide Rd, Corpus Christi, TX 78409 Patrol – American Bank Center – 1901 N Shoreline Blvd, Corpus Christi, TX 78401 Please plan on participating in the 2015 Texas Shrine Association Ceremonial. Thank you, David Ashley EDITORS NOTE! We will publish and print the December edition of the Arabian. Due to the Thanksgiving holidays, the deadline for submission of articles will be Thursday, November 20, 2014. This will be the final edition of the year, and will be mailed to all Nobles. We will mail out on November 26th, so you have time to promote your Christmas activites. 5 A Living Memorial Lives On Lest we forget our Hospital Benefit Programs are year round by virtue of their continuing needs. “A LIVING MEMORIAL” can add meaning to your remembrance for a friend or loved one and will help a physically challenged child to walk or a burned child to live. “A LIVING MEMORIAL” will answer parents’ prayers. More and more of our members are taking advantage of the postage paid memorial envelopes for such tributes. I respectfully ask and urge you to support this portion of our Hospital Benefit Program. Laris Nolan, High Priest & Prophet 2014 Benefit Chairman “LIVING MEMORIAL” envelopes can be obtained through the Temple Office. The following is a list of DONORS: Arabia Clown Jewels Louise & E. Jay Burke Lawrence Cullen Henry & Cecilia Gohlke Arabia Directors Staff Cheryle Cullen James D. Deshazo Sonja Gullbrand Clare Hauser Lake Houston Shrine Club DeWitt & Harriett Morrow Texas Haas Beens John & Patsy Hermann Linda Mabis Ted Mosshart Vana Road Boring Services Jerry & Becky Berry Gilda Cullen Carl Ellis Suzanne & Lonnie Hamrick Huff & Mitchell, Inc. Terry A. Moody Martin & Dona Page Hugh & Nadine Warner IN MEMORY Andrew H. Bass Merle L. Browning Lee E. Cook William C. Faust, Sr. Kenneth D. Kirkpatrick Donnie L. Martin McLeodAlbert T. Miles James W. Skinner Raymond W. Watson Jan K. Bogard Edwin B. Burk Curtis R. Davis Thomas L. Jordan Oscar T. Koon Wallace J. McKenzie Lloyd R. Parrent Ray A. Traylor Everett M. Williams John C. Botkin Frank M. Caldwell Howard L. Eitel Lonnie L. Kelley Eugene H. Lovering Scott P. Karl H. Reiter James P. Walker 6 NEW CANDIDATES Candidate Lady Top Signer October 11, 2014 David R. Bush Dawn Ruben Robles Dwayne Scott Carleton Carla John Arnold Steven Aaron McCauley Brooke Rodney Deloss October 13, 2014 Robert Glenard Herren Pepper Mabray Emil Khalilou Michael Hatley Coin Joe Polacek Erin Michael Hatley John Zebedeo Sadi Michael Hatley October 20, 2014 Ralph Jason Bales Terri Joe Stevenson Calvin Jones Erin Michael Hatley Keith Troy Killgore Barbara Bryan Corey Rene Calma Manuguid Minda Emeterio Abanilla Arabia Golfers By Robert Sharpe, 2014 President The Arabia Shrine Golfers held their 31th Annual Golf Tournament at Augusta Pines Golf Club on October 7th, with an early shotgun start. We had a field of 80 players, thanks to our President Bob Sharpe and his crew. Everyone commented on the condition of the course, and they were greeted with an excellent meal at the end of the round. Several nice auction items were placed on the table, including, a package at Paragon Golf resort & Casino in Louisiana. When all the dust settles, the golfers’ efforts for this year’s fundraiser should be pretty good. This is one event where everyone that participated came out a winner, and in the long run, the children of our two hospitals also win. Arabia Shrine Golfers will start planning for the 32th Annual tournament. 7 By Norm Bates, Secretary It’s November – Thanksgiving is here – Christmas cannot be far behind. Better get after the “shopping”!!!! Looking back for just a moment - The First Lady's Luncheon honoring Arabia First Lady Debra was held on the 25th of October at The Junior League. It was well attended by the Patrol Ladies, and the great food and entertainment made for a very pleasant day. The November Arabia Shrine stated meeting will be held on November 17th. Come out, participate and be a part of “what’s happening”. This is your Arabia Shrine – come and make your wishes known. The first Circus Report meeting will be held on Wednesday evening the 19th of November in the Braeswood (Gold) Room of the Shrine Center. Let’s get this year’s Circus started in high style!!!!! BE THERE! There are plenty of jobs to go around, and your assistance is needed to make a success of OUR circus!!!!! The Tomball Christmas Parade will be held on Saturday November 22nd in “downtown Tomball, Texas”. This is an “Official Parade”, and all units should make an attempt to participate. Always a good parade – could be “chilly”! Remember that the Ladies just love to go to Tomball for Christmas and antique shopping. The Patrol Drill Team has commenced early practice with a couple of “tune up” sessions. These sessions will be continued until we begin regular practices prior to TSA competition. Patrol members take note – Our November Stated Meeting will be held on Monday evening the 24th of November, with our annual election of officers. Come help elect our officers for the upcoming year and learn their ideas for 2015. See Ya!! Tomball Area Shrine Club Richard Ventrca, President Tomball Area Shrine Club Tomball Area Shrine Club will be hosting the Annual Official Visit with the Thanksgiving Parade for Tomball Texas. Like other small, tightknit communities everyone comes out to support the town’s events. Tomball is no different, and they like a parade and enjoy the SHRINERS. We welcome Clowns, The Hot Rods, Red Racers, Arabian Knights Horse Patrol, Patol and any other unit that would like to participate. After the parade, we all head over to a local BBQ establishment for a little food and more fellowship. 8 Membership by Michael Hatley, Membership Chairman We all know our challenges with membership: A technology age filled with distractions, shifting urban demographics, in which many of our members are further from our Shrine Center, cultural changes and the black camel. The list is daunting, there are achievable paths over the mountain; methods by which we may change the game in a real way and bring both honor to Arabia Shrine at 2015 Imperial Session and provide inspiration to Shriners all over the world. All of these paths require many hands. For every Noble we bring in, we lose another to lack of dues payment. Sometimes the reasons are beyond our control, but often it is because of simple things: lack of human contact, lack of activities that genuinely interest them. These are things we can tackle. The contact part is where I need all of your help. I need Nobles and their Ladies to make phone calls to Nobles who are not active. It will make a measurable difference. Beyond the goal to bring in Nobles to Arabia Shrine and to retain them, I also am dedicated to creating a critical mass of younger Shriners in one place, and cultivating the leaders of the future. Not the distant future, but for next year, the year after and so on. To that end I want to put as many of our Nobles and their Ladies who are under 45 and/or have been Shriners 5 years or less into one room as often as possible over the next year. We can create a critical mass of new and younger folks in one single place, rather than spread out all over the Shrine. There will be a new group within the Shrine created for this purpose and to generate, welcome, support, and integrate Shriners coming through our doors. I envision not just activities, which our new and younger members will enjoy, but to make it a point to focus on education about both our history, as well the nuts and bolts of Arabia Shrine. I believe that younger and newer members "buy in" to an organization when they truly understand the business end and when they can influence it in a real way. It is this understanding and influence I will work to provide and foster as well as a sense of community amongst younger and newer Nobles and their Ladies. Over the next several months, my team will make a number of calls and visits asking for help. I hope many will not wait for that call, but will contact me at michael@hatley.org to learn of some of the initiatives in which you might enjoy lending a hand. You can make a real difference. 9 Arabia Oriental Band by Clarence Wittwer Wow! Can you believe it's November already! The 2014 summer definitely flew by. Where to start? Well, I'm proud to say that the Sunday Fun Day baseball benefit with the Sugar Land Skeeters was a big hit, and the Oriental Band was very well represented. Rain couldn't stop the Love of Shriners as we showed up in force for our hospitals. If you missed the stated meeting in September, you missed an amazing South West Baked potato meal. You also missed a VERY important discussion on the future of the Oriental Band. From that discussion, I'm excited to announce the formation of a new group within the Oriental Band tentatively named the "BallyWho?". A Ballyhoo is a contest held by many Oriental Bands that is about having FUN! ,No costumes, no makeup; just fun and goofy music is all it's about. If you can make noise on a Kazoo, play a washboard, play some spoons, a cowbell or make noise blowing in soda bottles, then we've got a spot for you! We will be finalizing things soon, but come to a meeting or call one of the officers in the Directory. We’ll be glad to talk to you! One final exciting announcement folks! The members of the Oriental Band voted at the September meeting to suspend ALL DUES AND FEES for anyone wishing to join between now and December 31st, 2015! That's right, 15 months of NO BAND DUES! How awesome is that? Come check us out, bring a kazoo, a cowbell or any other silly instrument and let's have FUN! Shenanigans by Chris Cantin I recently received this from someone who had spent several days in the hospital with her young son. “Chris and Anissa, I have to tell you both how much I appreciate what you guys do. I never understood the importance of having clowns in hospitals until this week. It never bothered me or anything, but I didn't really think about it being important either. The amount of joy that people like you guys bring to the kids stuck in a hospital and to their visiting siblings is immeasurable. Thank you guys for being tough enough to do that job and make kids forget, if even for a brief moment, that they are sick!” There are no words to describe how much it means to receive such a nice note, but we don’t do this to get notes or any other accolades. We do this because we love clowning for the kids. There are many types of clowns. Some compete to see who looks better in makeup, some march in parades; some clowns don’t clown at all. To this clown the most important thing we do is visit the kids (and adults) at the hospitals. I won’t say it isn’t hard sometimes. As a father and grandfather seeing kids hurting is not easy, but I also see what a difference we make for the kids, their grandparents, and even the hospital staff. If you are considering becoming a clown, Arabia Shrine has two groups you can consider. I invite you to consider Arabia Shenanigans where we all have fun. We believe in clowning & entertaining the kids and in having fun. Our Ladies clown and participate in everything we do. Many Nobles tell me they are interested, but have no idea how to begin or what they would need. We love to help new clowns learn the art of clowning. Want to know more? Call me (Tin Can) 281-685-6949 or email me at TinCanShrineClown@yahoo.com 10 Arabia Motor Corps The Motor Corps continues to be busy, like a wrangler trying to herd a bunch of cats down the trail. Somehow, we manage to get thru all the chaos. · A few of our members were able to attend the Highlands Jubilee the first weekend of October; it is always a pleasure to assist this community with their parade. · This is the 8th year that Arabia Motor Corps has been asked to represent the Shriners at the 78th Crowley International Rice Festival. Several Motorcycles and ONE Red Racer traveled thru the whole parade without a breakdown. Habibi Temple from Lake Charles is always a great host and always show their appreciation. · Our Ladies attended the 1st Lady’s Luncheon at the end of October with the rest of Arabia Temple; it is my understanding that this is one event that all the ladies and their guest look forward to each year. · Tomball Shrine Club will be hosting their annual Thanksgiving Parade and Official visit, and this is a great opportunity to get the FEZ out in the Public eye. · 2015 Circus kick-off was very well attended, and we all need to get behind our Chief Rabban and Circus Chairman on this event and as we always do. Let’s work hard at making this a big success, and we can also work hard at having fun. · ARABIA SHRINE TEMPLE has had a black cloud hanging over our home and has been struggling to keep things together, but being the caliber of person that SHRINERS are, there is NOTHING that we cannot overcome by putting our shoulders together and practicing a lot of patience. We are being put to the test, and I know we can come thru with flying colors. Keep all of ailing brothers, sisters and their families in your prayers. We may forget from time to time, but there is always someone who is not as blessed as we have been. Roustabouts: Welcomed seven new members (Larry Fuchs, Clarence Wittwer, Ruben Robles, Martin Reyes, Todd Smith, Michael Hatley, and Bob Duncan) for 2014. We have already begun preparing for Circus 2015, having just completed a very successful "Roustabout Work Day" on 25th of October, with a total of 35 members helping to clean, inventory, and re-pack equipment and materials. Anyone interested in becoming a "Circus Roustabout" can contact either Otto Akers or Dale Dickman, and even if you don't desire a set of Red Coveralls - come out to Circus and help to make it another GREAT year! Director's Staff: We are getting ready for another year and the election of new officers. The Directors staff also welcomes Clarence Wittwer, Michael Hatley, and Ron Guillory to our ranks. Our focus for the coming year is on preparing for and supporting the conduct of "Ceremonials", and repairing our Temple. If any of this sounds like something that you might be interested in, please come join us on the 1st Monday of the month (6 PM) for our meeting, or contact Bill Mckeown. 11 Located in the heart of Galveston, Texas, Shriners Hospitals for Children® — Galveston provides care for children with burns, congenital deformities, reconstructive plastic surgery needs, and other soft tissue conditions. Our inpatient and outpatient units are designed to allow children to recover in a safe, fun and friendly environment where family comes first. Our world-class physicians and researchers are committed to continuously advancing burn care and treatment to children from all over the world. To date, this world-renowned pediatric burn care center has treated children from 43 different states within the U.S. as well as 49 different foreign countries. The cutting-edge research in Galveston has contributed to the increased survival rate and quality of life for children who sustain severe burn injuries. Hundreds of current medical professionals from around the world have received medical education and training at the Galveston hospital. Children up to age 18 are eligible for care at Shriners Hospitals for Children if, after examination, there is a reasonable possibility they can benefit from the specialized services available. Acceptance as a patient is based solely on a child’s medical needs, and care is provided regardless of the families’ability to pay. Acute Burn Injuries Inhalation Injuries Complicated Wounds • Pressure Ulcers • Infected Wounds • Delayed Wound Healing • Exposed vessels, nerves, tendons Secondary Reconstruction • Burn Contracture Release • Facial Burn Deformities • Revision of Hypertrophic Scars • Hand and Foot Reconstruction • Dermabrasion • Microdermabrasion • Laser Surgery • Breast Reconstruction Congenital Malformations • Microtia Deformities • Craniofacial Deformities • Hemangiomas • Port Wine Stains • Hairy Nevus Soft Tissue Conditions • Soft Tissue Infections • Toxic Epidermal Necrolysis • Stevens-Johnson Syndrome • Epidermolysis Bullosa • Necrotizing Fasciitis 815 Market Street • Galveston, Texas 77550 www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/galveston .com/GalvestonSHC f .com/Galveston Patient Referral Lines: 888.215.3109 409.770.6773 (Emergency) Texas Medical Center Houston, Texas World Class Pediatric Specialty Care Located in the world renowned Texas Medical Center, Shriners Hospital for Children – Houston specializes in delivering the highest quality care to children with a variety of orthopaedic and neuromusculoskeletal disorders and diseases as well as cleft lip and palate abnormalities. Children up to age 18 receive all treatment and services regardless of their families’ ability to pay. Our hospital provides a multidisciplinary approach to ensure patients receive the best comprehensive care for their conditions. The family-centered care fosters partnerships among staff, patients, and their families. This approach supports children during treatment and empowers them to reach their maximum potential to achieve their dreams. Orthopaedic Conditions Treated Lower Extremity Conditions: • Arthrogryposis and other congenital contracture syndromes • Clubfoot & other developmental/acquired foot deformities • Developmental & acquired hip conditions • Ambulatory cerebral palsy & other neuromuscular diseases • Slipped capital femoral epiphysis (SCFE) & Legg-Calvé-Perthes • Blount’s disease problems of the lower limbs • Post-fracture complications • Genetically related orthopaedic conditions • Rachitic/metabolic bone-related diseases • Osteogenesis imperfecta (brittle bone disease) • Orthotics & prosthetics for limb positioning & acquired/congential amputations • Chest wall deformities (pectus carinatum & excavatum) • Scoliosis and other spine conditions • Skeletal dysplasia & short stature Upper Extremity Conditions: • Congenital hand anomalies • Cerebral Palsy • Upper limb deformities of the forearm, elbow, arm, and shoulder Cleft Lip and Palate Abnormalities Sub-Acute Care and Inpatient Rehabilitation Shriners Hospitals for Children – Houston 6977 Main St. Houston, TX 77030 Main: 713-797-1616 Patient Referral line: 713-793-3765 or 1-800-853www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/houston Built in 1966, SHC– Houston is a 40-bed facility with two surgical suites and outpatient program area. TM 13 November 2014 Monthly Planner Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Oct 2014 S 2 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA M T Thursday W T F S 1 2 3 4 S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 13 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 27 28 29 30 31 28 29 30 31 3 4 6:30 PM FTB 7:00 PM SAM Saturday 1 Dec 2014 12 6:30 PM DTS Braeswood RM Friday 5 7:00 PM SPO Braeswood RM 6 7 6:30 PM GRE Prairie RM 8 9:00 AM CALENDAR MEETING/BRAES RM 6:30 PM MGC 6:30 PM SOE 7:00 PM AHR Braeswood Rm 7:00 PM WAL 9 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 10 6:00 PM PRO Braeswood Rm 11 6:30 PM ARK Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM GOL Prairie Rm 12 10:00 AM WIDOW S/GRN ROOM 13 14 6:30 PM MOC Braeswood Rm 15 9:00 AM OUTREACH CLINIC 6:30 PM SAJ 10:00 AM ORB Braeswood RM 11:30 AM WHC GOL/PLAY DAY 16 17 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 6:00 PM FOOD/7:00 PM TEMPLE STATED PRAIRE / BRAESWO OD RSVP 18 6:30 PM GUL 6:30 PM MGC 7:30 PM CLJ Braeswood Rm 19 6:30 PM -7:30 PM 1ST CIRCUS REPORT MEETING/BRAES 20 6:30 PM LAH 6:30 PM NAS 7:30 PM HOB 21 22 10:00 AM PAT/DEC. XMA S TREE/PRAIRIE RM 9:00 AM TOMBAL PARADE/ OV/RSVP 28 29 6:30 PM NCS 23 3:30 PM BOW/STD. MTG. 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 24 6:00 PM BAT 6:30 PM BRE 25 26 27 HEB THANKSGIVING PARADE 6:30 PM PAT THANKSGIVING/OFFICE CLOSED 30 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA Printed by Calendar Creator for W indows on 9/9/2014 14 December 2014 Monthly Planner Sunday Monday 1 6:30 PM DTS Braeswood RM Tuesday 2 6:30 PM FTB Wednesday Thursday 3 10:00 AM DON 7:00 PM 7:00 Friday 4 6 5 6:30 PM SOE 10:00 AM PAT/DECO/PRAIR IE RM BAT CHRISTMAS PARADE OFFICIAL 7:00 PM WAL 7:00 PM SPO PM SAM Saturday CHRISTMAS LIGHTING/HOSP. MOC/TOYRUN TO HOSP. SAM/HUNTSVILLE PARADE 7 2:30 PM CLJ/XMAS PARTY 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 5:00 PM PAT/COLONEL'S PARTY/PRAIRIE RM 14 8 7:00 PM STATED MEETING AND ELECTIONS/ BLRM/PARTY AND FOOD AFTER ELECTION/BRAES & PRAIRIE 15 2:30 PM BOW/ARMADILLA 1 9 6:30 PM ARK Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM GOL Prairie Rm 6:30 PM LOH 12 6:30 PM STAFF XMAS PARTY/BRAES & PRAIRIE RM 6:30 PM SAJ 13 ARK/XMAS PARTY/BLRM BAT/INSTLN./XMAS PARTY 6:30 PM SAJ GOL/PLAY DAY COV/INSTL/OV 16 6:30 PM FEZ 6:30 PM GUL 6:30 PM MGC 5:30 PM BOW/XMAS PARTY/MI 11 10:00 AM ORB/BRAES RM 10 11:00 AM WIDOW S' XMAS LUNCHEON/BRAES RM 17 5:00 PM LOH/XMAS PARTY 6:30 PM NCS 7:30 PM CLJ Braeswood Rm 19 18 20 6:30 PM LAH 6:00 PM DRC 11:30 AM WHC 6:30 PM NAS 6:30 PM LOH XMAS PARTY/BRAES RM MOC/XMAS PARTY/PRAIRIE RM 6:30 PM TOM 7:30 PM HOB ORB/HOLIDAY PARTY/AWA Y HANUKKAH 21 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 22 23 6:00 PM BAT 24 6:30 PM NMC 26 25 27 CHRISTMAS/OFFICE CLOSED DIVAN XMAS/AWAY 28 3:30 PM BOW/STD. MTG. 29 30 31 BAT/NEW YEAR'S EVE PARTY Nov 2014 S M T W Jan 2015 T F S S M T W 1 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 2345678 4 5 6 7 T F 1 2 S 3 8 9 10 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 11 12 13 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 10/31/2014 15 16 17 15 January 2015 Monthly Planner Sunday Monday Tuesday M T W T F S S M T W T F S 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 28 29 30 31 4 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA Thursday Friday Saturday 1 2 3 8 9 10 Feb 2015 Dec 2014 S Wednesday 5 6 10:00 AM DON 6:30 PM FTB 6:30 PM DTS Braeswood RM 7:00 PM SAM 7 10:00 AM DON 7:00 PM SPO 10:00 AM ORB/BRAES RM 6:30 PM MOC Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM SAJ 11 2:30 PM MEMORIAL SERVICE/BLRM 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 18 12 STATED MEETING AND INSTALLATION OF OFFICERS MEAL AT 6:00PM, /BRAES & PRAIRIE RMS/MEETING AT 7:00PM/BLRM 19 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 25 3:30 PM BOW/STD. MTG. 5:00 PM BOW/ARMIDILLA 26 6:00 PM BAT 13 6:30 PM ARK Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM GOL Prairie Rm 14 6:30 PM 2ND CIRCUS REPORT MEETING/BRAES RM 15 6:30 PM LAH 16 6:00 PM DRC 6:30 PM LOH 7:30 PM HOB EAST-WES T SHRINE GAME/TAMPA 6:30 PM LOH 20 21 22 6:30 PM FEZ 6:00 PM WES 6:30 PM GUL 6:30 PM MGC 7:30 PM CLJ Braeswood Rm 6:30 PM TOM 27 6:30 PM MGC 28 29 6:30 PM BRA 6:30 PM BRE 6:30 PM NCS 6:30 PM PAT 6:30 PM NMC 17 11:30 AM WHC Printed by Calendar Creator for Windows on 10/31/2014 23 24 30 31
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