ASIYA SALAAM We are having a great start to the year! We will continue our renovation on our entry and dining area making it more appealing for others to rent. I would like to make our Shrine Center something that we are all proud of! Potentate Message 2 Special Announcement 3 Supreme Photo Contest Calendar of Events Elected/Appointed Divan We hope that you have enjoyed our January and February activities such as the Super Bowl Crab Feed, it was amazing! And the “Reception” held at Columbia-Brotherhood was a great event. A big thank you to all who helped put these events together! Hospital Board As you know, we have been trying to be more visible in the community and it is starting to pay off. Again this year we attended the San Mateo Chamber of Commerce evening event and we were well received. They know who we are and what we are all about. DUCS Mee=ng Announcement Also, we had representatives at the official visit of the Supreme Queen of The Daughters of the Nile in Burlingame. The Supreme Queen had a wonderful time at the Grosvenor Hotel in South San Francisco. 4 March Event No=ces 5 Arabian Director Message 6 Sultan’s of the Salaam Hospital Update 7 Around ASIYA Country 8 Tribute Bobby D. Holloway 10 WSA 2015 Las Vegas Legion of Honor Message 11 Additionally the Nileart breakfast was well attended and our Nobles, helped at the Nileart Pancake Breakfast, as we always do, to support them. The Nileart helps raise money for the Shriners Hospital. Patrol Special Message Then our very own “Patrol” had their Annual Roll Call. It was very well attended. Asiya Ceremonial 4 Star Visita=on 14 We have some great events coming up in March! Once again, everyone will have fun at the Wah Ying Club in San Francisco for the Chinese New Year's Parade viewing. This is the largest Chinese New Year's Parade outside of Asia. Then we have the St. Patrick’s Day Parade in San Francisco on March 14th, following the parade we will have a lite meal at the Temple. So everyone gear up to participate. I really hope to see all of you at these events! Black Camel 15 Roaring 2o’s Speakeasy night 12 Special Thank You Message 13 Temple Business Message Coming Events Remember “It’s Nobility Time”; it’s all about you! In the sunshine of the Shrine, John A. O’Bermudez Potentate, Asiya Shrine Note: All announcements for events listed in the Salaam are for the benefit of Asiya Shrine Center, Units and Clubs. Payments are not deduc=ble as charitable contribu=ons, unless otherwise stated. 2 Shrine Calendar of Events ts March M h 4 Monterey County SC SM 1 Monterey County Club 5 PM 7 Chinese New Year Parade 3 Good Friday 8 Daylight Savings Time 5 Easter 9 (Fall back- Spring Ahead) 8 South Bay Stated Mtg. 9 Legion of Honor SM Divan Mtg. Nobles All Please note the new Asiya Stated Mee=ng dinner =me will be, 6:15 PM. All other stated mee=ng evenings =mes will remain the same. The Asiya stated mee=ngs will start promptly at 7:30 PM, as always. Execu=ve Director R&G Stated Mtg. 5:30 PM 12 Greek Easter 10 Arabians SM 6 PM 13 Legion of Honor 12:30 PM 11 Rod & Gun Club SM 14 Divan MeeVng 6 PM South Bay SC SM 15 –19 SDA Savanna, GA 12 Asiya Temple SM 6PM Past Masters Shrine Club 14 St. Patrick’s Day Parade & Santa Cruz SC Lunch 11 AM St. Patrick’s Day BBQ 16 Patrol Stated Mtg. 15 South Bay Pancake Breakfast 17—19 Nomads Shrine Club Weekend 16 SecVon Crew SM 20 Crew Stated Mtg. 5:30 PM 17 Los Gatos Camel Herders SM 21 Los Gatos Camel Herders Mounted Patrol SM Mounted Patrol Stated Mtg. San Benito SC SM San Benito SC Stated Mtg. Twin Peaks SM Twin Peaks SC Stated Mtg. 18 Past Masters SC SM 19 Patrol SM PP Aprilil A 22 –26 WSA Las Vegas, NV Clowns Stated Mtg. 20-22 Nomads Weekend 23 Temple Greeters Stated Mtg. 21 2016 Calendar Mtg. 9 AM 28 Arabian Band PracVce 6 PM 23 Marshal’s Night 29 Tri-Shrine Yacht Club 24 Arabians Band PracVce 29—May 2 R&G Shasta Trip 25 Clowns SM Tri Shrine Yacht Club SM 26 Temple Greeters SM 28 SFBSRCLC RecogniVon Fundraiser 3 ASIYA SALAAM Elective Divan John Bermudez, Potentate …………… (650) 333-6823 Thomas Burkard, Jr., Chief Rabban …… (415) 850-4858 Michael Dwyer, Assistant Rabban ………(415) 271-2300 Ronan Erickson, High Priest & Prophet …(415) 740-9563 John Anson, Oriental Guide ……………. (831) 234-2310 Lawrence Leon, Treasurer ………………(650) 345-4300 Sam Yee, Recorder ………………………(650) 345-4300 Appointed Divan Howard Feinberg………….…...1st Ceremonial Master Michael Castelan ………….…..2nd Ceremonial Master George Terry …..……………....Marshal Richard Modolo …………….…Executive Director (USPS 270-420) ISSN 1084-9726 Vol. 47 No. 3 Published Monthly except during July and August, as official news bulle=n by Asiya Shriners, 1925 Elkhorn Court, San Mateo, CA 94403, (650) 345-4300. Outside local area call (800) 953-4300. Annual Subscrip=on es=mated at $20.00 (included in dues). Issac Mejia……………….…….Outer Guard Periodicals Postage Paid at San Mateo, California Postmaster: Send changes to: Salaam, 1925 Elkhorn Court, San Mateo, CA 94403-1308 John Conlan ……………….…..Outer Guard Editor: Adolph Gus Lopez, Noble Floyd Sargent ……………….…Captain of the Guard Paul Ladd ……………………...Outer Guard Bill Fisher..………………….…Outer Guard Roberto Bradford………….…...Outer Guard Paul Salamy …………………...Outer Guard James Toy…… ………………..Chaplain Ron Sickler …...……………….Orator Kenneth N. Haukaas …………...Jr. Past Potentate Hospital Board Members from Asiya Shrine Center Gordon W. Markley, Chairman Human Resources The name “SALAAM” is registered and no use of this name can be reproduced unless permission is granted from Asiya Shriners. SALAAM DEADLINE SCHEDULE: News items and photographs must be received by the 5th of the month prior to each preceding new month’s issue. All materials should be addressed to: Asiya Shriners Adn: Salaam Editor 1925 Elkhorn Court San Mateo, CA 94403-1308 Editor Edi tor ee--mai mail: l: g glop lopez@ lop ez@net ez@ netwiz net wiz .nett .ne Howard Feinberg Frank Kastl, PP John “Jack” Kempf, Jr. Richard “Dick” Stenstrom Chairman of Building & Equipment Ronan Erickson, Associate Member S89:;<9= H>=?:@AB C>9 C8:BD9<; N>9@8<9; CAB:C>9;:A 2425 Stockton Blvd. Sacramento, CA 95817 Tele: (916) 453-2000 4 Chinese New Year’s Dinner And Parade Watching to is Club. March 21, 2015 Calendar Meeting if it big )lat at For to Wah Ying 727 Clay St., San Francisco 4:30 pm Embalming begins 7:00 pm: Buffet Dinner Only $5.00 per person Deadline for reserva8ons: Tuesday, March 3 Go to: for reserva=ons or call the Asiya office. Asiya Shriners, 1925 Elkhorn Court, San Mateo, CA 94403 (650-345-4300) 2016 8:30 AM Donuts 9:00 AM Meeting If you have programs you want included in 2016 this is the time to bring them up. St Patrick k’ Day Parade k’s de Saturday, March 14 4 San Francisco o A meal to follow at the Asiya Center er Choice of two Meeting Places es 1. Meet at the Asiya Center and ride up to San Francisco in the Various Parade Vehicles. es. The vehicles cles w will leave Asiya no later than 9am. Be there before 8:30 am and help get everything ready to go. o. 2. Meet in San Francisco on 2nd Street between Folsom & Harrison. Be there before 10 am Note: There is no reserved reserv rved ed oor street parking at the assembly area. Either ride Muni, Bart or Car Pool & Park in a ppublic in a lot. ot. Uniforms Uniform mss m If in a specified Parade Unit, then wear the parade uniform specified by your Director. Wear your Fez. For Nobles Nob obles oble less no not in a parade Unit, then wea wear ea your Unit colors or casual. Wear your Fez. Divan wear is Divan n “A “A” Uniform & wear your Fez. z. There will be hot dogs & Hamburgers at the Asiya Shrine Center following the parade for all! Your Lady may ride on the Asiya Trolley ley 5 ASIYA SALAAM Arabian Director Message What happened to Winter? The socks have come off and my roses have new flowers. As I write this I can only think of golf on a sunny day, walking my dog in a polo shirt, and playing the tambourine with a bunch of fantas=c musicians who play well as the World Champions Oriental Band. and we will confirm the permission with all appropriate Presidents of Clubs and Directors of Units. I will take care of the communica=on with the assistance of George Masson, who is the Director of Units and Clubs. Keep your instrument in your trunk of your car. Plan to come to rehearsal night at the Temple and enjoy the food, fellowship and music. I am totally awed and privileged to be member of the Arabians and to represent you for this year and forever. I am going to the San Mateo Chamber of Commerce Awards Night Dinner on the 12th of February at the Marriod in San Mateo. $100.00 per pop. Maybe we can wiggle in to play at the Dinner; probably not this year; I am sure they already have their agenda, but I was duly impressed with the talent demonstrated maybe next year. I will talk to them. at our rehearsal night where our horn/reed players were given the new compe==on song for WASOB, Lastly, Asiya will probably be a host for the ChamLuau, and without any hesita=on, under the direc- bers weekly mixer and we can plan to play at the =on of George Masson, played the song through as if event. they had played it many =mes beforehand. I was truly impressed. The tambourine players kept beat Thanks for your con=nual support. and radle with the bass drum. Director We are hos=ng WASOB, which most of you know is listed on the Calendar in July. We may change this (a.k.a.: Humble Tambourine Player) =me; we will adjust the Calendar accordingly. We “Good Night, Bobby Holloway; you will be missed.” should know within a week or so. , It is our plan for the year to play at any event we can You can become a “Sultan of the Salaam” and have your name listed in each 2015 issue of the Salaam for a small dona=on of $25. Dona=ons will be used to improve the Salaam. Send your check to “ASIYA Shrine” nota=on SALAAM Supporter. Mail to ASIYA Center or call (650) 345-4300 with Credit Card info. Sultan’s of the Salaam Charles Dobbs Gus Lopez Alvin & Bedy Lai Wong Patrick Judge 6 Shiners Hospitals’ float, =tled ‘A Million Stories of Hope and Healing,’ embodies the 2015 Rose Parade theme – “Inspiring Stories.” The float focuses on story books represen=ng Shriners Hospitals for Children’s pa=ent success stories, made possible by the encouragement and strength they found at Shriners Hospitals for Children. for Children mascot and honorary member of the Shriners fraternity is present in the design as a symbol of comfort, closeness and joyfulness. Each page represents the dreams of a child who found encouragement and strength at Shriners Hospitals to follow their dreams and be who they want to be. It is the story of the more than one million children Shriners Hospitals has cared Fezzy, the Shriners Hospitals for since 1922. 22. You will be hearing about a new development for the Shriners Hospital— The twin Ci=es Shriners Hospital in Minneapolis will pay to be a part of the Mayo Clinic Care Network, though addi=onal costs will not be passed on to our pa=ents. This will help the twin Ci=es hospital., as they are currently struggling. Dr. department for 2014 has Dr Pleasure’s research search d wriden more than 70 papers—we don’t give our research department enough credit for the great work they do with new ideas that help our kids. The Memorial//Honorarium dona=ons for 2014 were $946,721 and straight dona=ons were $1,498,380 for This new agreement means improved care for our a total of $2,455,101 in dona=ons to the Sacramento pa=ents and a beder future for our hospital. The hospital alone-what a great year! Mayo Clinic doctors have been doing work with the The 2014 orthopedic pa=ent ac=vity for year-end Shriners Hospitals and their pa=ents for over 30 analysis is as follows; Out pa=ent visits were 16,674; years. new referrals approved were 3,374 kids; volunteer We will remain an independent organiza=on and our hours totaled 49,124; casts for the kids were 3,307; pa=ents will stay at their home hospital. Everyone clinical laboratory was 20,502; new burn pa=ent ac=vknows about the Mayo Clinic—maybe this will help ity referrals were 823 with a total out pa=ent visits of get the word out about Shriners Hospitals even 4,342—that is a lot of pa=ents! Unfortunately there beder. are too many kids that had problems last year, but we are doing really well for the kids in being able to care Now about our Sacramento hospital—This year the of them! opera=ng budget was approved for $49,493,524 which includes the Cerebral Palsy Expansion Program; Pediatric Surgery Programs; POPS program (pediatric, orthopedics and prosthe=cs services LLC); and the 2013 Potentate hospital opera=ng budget. Emeritus and Past Chairman Dennis E. Griffin 7 ASIYA SALAAM 8 9 ASIYA SALAAM A Tribute to Bobby D. Holloway From one Veteran to another, nobody knows the difficul=es you went through as a prisoner of war. We have read your book and can only imagine the challenges that you faced. We thank you for your service. I can only thank you from the bodom of my heart for all the =me you spent at the Shrine Center and as Emeritus status – this only shows the =me, energy and support you rendered over the years. Your last wish to me was keep the Shriners Hospitals strong and your love for the Children’s Hospital not be lost – We will make sure the Shriners Hospitals are there for the children – this wish will not be kept a secret! You are a great Shriner and Patriot – we will miss you. Rest in Peace Brother. 2013 Potentate Wishing to aaend see Mike Dwyer, Assistant Rabban Via, Via Las Vegas! April 22—April 26, 2015 Westgate Las Vegas Hotel & Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada Room Reserva=ons: hdps:// Or 1-800-635-7711 Conven=on Code: WSA2015 Schedule of Events and Registra=on coming soon at: 10 The Legion of Honor February stated mee=ng and lunch at Luce=s in San Mateo was wonderful. We welcomed back Everede Clark, Al Nadler and Paul (the new Chaplain) Ladd. Paul also handed out US Veteran Challenge coins to all present. We are very close to ordering our new uniforms, and we are all looking forward to this change in uniforms. (No more yellow jackets.) As always we are looking for a few good Nobles, who are veterans of the Armed Forces, to become Legion of Honor No- bles. Last but not least the "In Honor" Flag pins (triangular) will now be part of our uniform. It will be worn centered and just above the name tag on all uniforms. If you are interested in finding our more about the Legion of Honor, please contact Gary Shweid ( or 650 302-4639). Un=l we meet again, Carry on ! Gary Shweid, Commander jackets. A hearpelt thanks to all the Patrolmen x" March 14th Saturday is the Saint Patwho adended the rick’s Parade. More info in March Mass Installa=on. General Orders. You made our Temple and me very x" March 19th Patrol Stated Mee=ng proud. Our Patrol tailor has suffered a loss to her It was good to see a place of business due to a fire. One of our Past Captain of the Patrol as our Illustrious own was also displaced from his place of Potentate. We are in good hands with the work in the same fire and we wish him well. I will try to find another source to Illustrious Bermudez PC at the helm. have jackets, etc. made. Meanwhile if you February 19th is our Annual Roll call and is are a Patrolman who is without a uniform coming up fast. Hors d’oeuvres start at please wear Khakis pants, black shoes and 6PM. Please get you check into our Adju- a white short sleeve dress shirt with a bolo tant Patrolman Manneh ASAP. This even- =e to our events or parades. ing will not disappoint. We have hired a fine chef and will be serving Prime Rib with Sincerely and Fraternally, all the fixings. Patrol Captain x" March 12th the Patrol will be bringing in the Flag for the Shrine Stated mee=ng. Uniform will be our white 11 ASIYA SALAAM 12 I was Queen of Islam Temple No. 25, Daughters of the Nile in 1993. Since then, I have seen the Daughters of the Nile and the Shriners in San Francisco/ San Mateo become very close, recognizing that working together for the Children, we do make a difference! When our Hospital moved to Sacramento, our Sewing Group lost our meeting place; you have provided a place for us to do our work, along with storage space for our supplies; I personally thank you for this! We have used your facility for so many occasions and were not charged a fee; I personally thank you for this as the free rent allowed for a higher profit for our donations to our greatest philanthropyTHE SHRINERS HOSPITALS FOR CHILDREN! members of my Temple. Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the honor bestowed upon me and the members of my Temple. look forward to working together with you and sharing the pleasure with my Temple-all “Shriners are not made they are Created” Petitions for the Ceremonial are in the office or online Shrine Ceremonial is $225.00* Includes meals for both candidate and significant other, Fez, Dues Card and fellowship. There will be a special event for the ladies. 13 ASIYA SALAAM The Th e La Ladi Ladies’ dies di es Oriental Shrine Shri Sh rine ri ne o off No North America (LOSNA) (LOS (L OSNA OS NA)) wa NA was founded in Wheeling, West Virginia in 1903, when the Ladies of Osiris Shriners were invited to attend the social events and festivities of a Spring Ceremonial. The Shriners departed for their Initiation Ceremony, the Ladies were having so much fun, they didn't’ want to stop. They surveyed the McClure Hotel and in a joyous mood, began to parade through the halls. They eventually arrived at one of the hotel’s conference rooms. The doors were closed, a guard was set, and within that room, with dignity and sincerity, and the first session of the Ladies’ Oriental Shrine of North America was held and Isis Court No. 1. The LOSNA is not an auxiliary of the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine. They are a separate and distinct Order. Today, the LOSNA has over 16,000 members in 76 Courts across North America. Islam Temple No. 25 Daughters of the Nile le Daughters of the Nile is an international fraternal organization that has prospered as a social and charitable organization since 1913. Our members: x" Contribute more than 1.7 million dollars annually to the Shriners Hospitals for Children® x" Volunteer and sew garments, quilts, and other necessary items Support over 139 Daughters of the Nile Organizations in the United States and Canada 14 BLACK CAMEL EL In Memoriam Lawrence V. Brown Edwin D. Jolley John J. Lee Bobby D. Holloway R.V. Jack Ervin John Kienitz Vancouver, WA Fremont, CA Boring, OR San Rafael, CA Pacifica, CA Rohnert Park, CA 44 yrs. 35 yrs. 33 yrs. 29 yrs. 56 yrs. 40 yrs. For membership calll : (408) 832 322-1233 33 at ww www. w. It’s easy, fast and we want you to try iit. Lastly, we would like to begin cultivating a new culture at our Sh Shrine, the culture of participation, and you will hear more aabout it throughout a year. However, one thing we already know for sure, we have a lot of work to do to make Dear Ladies, Nobility and Friends, Asiya Shriners the best Temple in the realm, and we need 2015 has been treating us pretty good thus far. We already volunteers to make this dream come true! If you happened enjoyed quite a few good movies together at our weekly to have free time and if you are interested please email us Thursday Nights. If you haven’t joined us yet, please be at: our guest. We usually meet on Thursdays at 6:00PM at the Club Room, and a lot of us bring a snack or dessert to Have a wonderful month! share during the flick. Please make sure to check your Sincerely, email, our Facebook page or Asiya app for the schedule of upcoming movies. We also hope that by this time you are fully taking advantage of being able to pay for our Temple events online - Business Administrator “Comingg Events ts” s” March h 28– 28 8– SF 8– SFBCLC S FBCLC LC C Recognition Reeco o ition Fundraiser ogni iserr & Banquet et April Apri Ap priil il 22 222— 2—26 6W WSA Las Vegas Vegaas April Apri il 29 il 229– 99–– M May Ma ay 3 R& ay R&G R &G G Sha Shasta asta Trip T Tri riip ip May Ma ay 2233 --“ “R Roaring g 20 20” 0”ss Night 0 Nigh N ht” ht tt” May 24 4 - Ca Carnival C a niva arn nival al P al Para Parade, Parade arade, e, S SF F May Ma ayy 225 5 —M Memorial Da Day ay Junee 6—Spring Ceremonial al 15 Asiya Shriners rs InternaVonal No. 15 1925 Elkhorn Court ourt Periodicals Postage gge Postage Paid id San Mateo, CA San Mateo, CA 94403 4033-1308 08 Postmaster er Send Address changes to: Asiya Shriners, Recorder er 1925 Elkhorn Court ourt rt San Mateo, CA 94403 403 3-1308 08 ASIYA SHRINERS 16
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