BASILICA AND NATIONAL SHRINE OF OUR LADY OF LEBANON 2759 North Lipkey Rd., North Jackson, Ohio 44451 Phone: 330-538-3351 Fax: 330-538-0455 E-Mail: Website: LITURGY SCHEDULE: November 2014 Saturday Sunday 5:00 pm 10:00 am 5:00 pm Monday 5:30 pm Tuesday 5:30 pm Wednesday 5:30 pm Thursday No Liturgy Friday (except First Friday) 5:30 pm First Friday (only) 12 Noon Benediction of the Cross (Lent) Friday 6pm WELCOME VISITORS On behalf of our Holy Mother, Our Lady of Lebanon, welcome and may your visit to this very special place of peace and blessings be satisfying, fulfilling and rewarding in every way. Please know that our Blessed and Holy Mother welcomes every one here. Please be informed of these few but important points about our Shrine. DEVOTION SCHEDULE: ROSARY SCHEDULE: Prior to Liturgy-Sunday Our Shrine is open year round to all visitors. All groups wishing to make a special day of prayer, conference, retreat or day of recollection may contact the office for all details. Please know that your visit here is a very important one. May I please assure you of our prayers for all your intentions and needs and those of your loved ones. May we also ask you for your prayers. When you pray, please remember in a special way the intentions of this Shrine. EUCHARISTIC ADORATION & BENEDICTION Every Sunday CONFESSION: 3:30pm-4:30pm 1/2 hour before Liturgy or request FIRST FRIDAY: HAIL HOLY QUEEN Adoration of Blessed Sacrament Confession First Friday Liturgy Lunch 11:00am 11:15am 12 Noon 12:30pm Catholic Extension Matching Grant Donation Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon MINI RETREAT will be offered at the Shrine on Sunday, November 2. Guest speaker, Eric Mahl will join us and offer two inspiring talks. Please see the enclosed flyer for more details. The cost of the retreat is just $7.00. Tickets are now available in the gift shop. FEAST OF ALL SAINTS & ALL SOULS Liturgy will be celebrated for All Saints Day, Saturday, Nov. 1 @ 9:00 a.m. This is a Holy Day of Obligation for the Maronites. For All Souls Day, Monday, Nov. 3 there will be a Tridentine Missa Cantata @ 7:00 p.m.-There will not be a 5:30 p.m. on November 3 THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT Name(s)______________________________________________________________ Address_______________________________________________________________ City/State/Zip__________________________________________________________ Phone________________________________________________________________ PUMPKIN CHERRY NUT BREAD will be baked by the Shrine Kitchen in time for Thanksgiving. Price is $10 for a 1 1/2 lb loaf. Only 100 loaves will be baked. Please place order in the gift shop or call 330.538.3351. 40 DAY MASS FOR FR ANDREW KOLITSOS will take place Sunday, November 23 @ 10 a.m. A CATHOLIC EXTENSION SOCIETY GRANT to the Basilica & National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon has been received. As was announced at the Anniversary Banquet, this is a matching grant which means that by April of 2015, The Shrine must raise and additional $25,000 in order to keep the full grant. If anyone would like to make a contribution to the matching grant, please use the form in the bulletin, or you may stop in the office during regular business hours. Email_________________________________________________________________ Gift by Check or of Cash My check (made payable to “National Shrine of Our Lady of Lebanon”) or cash is enclosed for the following amount: o Archangel $10,000 o Angel $5,000 o Patron $1,000 o Benefactor $500 o Donor $100 o Sponsor $50 Credit Card Please charge my credit card: o Visa Your help is very much appreciated, and we are also grateful to the Catholic Extension Society. DVD OF BASILICA CONSECRATION LITURGY will soon be available. Please let the office know if you would like to order one. In this way, we will have an idea of how many to order from the video studio. We do not know the price yet, but will let you know as soon as we are informed. o MasterCard o AMEX Card number____________________________________________________________ Expiration________________________Sec. code ( 3 or 4 digits on back)____________ Signature_______________________________________________________________ IRA Gift, Gifr of Stock, or Bequest I am interested in: o A gift from my IRA o A gift of stock o A bequest or estate planning gift Anonymous Option o Please check here if you wish your gift to remain anonymous November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 All Saints Day (Holy Day of Obligation) Liturgy Intentions +Rev. Thomas C. O’Connell By Anna Girata +Adeline Clarchick By Amy George 2 Consecration of the Church All Souls Day 10am Poor Souls In Purgatory By Abeth & George 5pm+Harvey Kelly by Carla & Paul Wilkinson 9 Renewal of the Church 10am Elisabeth Streiff by Pascarella Family 5pm David Pascarella By Pascarella Family 16 Announcement to Zechariah 3 +Adeline Clarchick By Amy George +Joan Lonsway By Family & Friends 4 +Kelly Benchwich By Lori & Shawn George +Sr. Susan H. Wallace, FSP By D. Creaturo 5 6 St. Michael the Archangel +Bro. Robert B. Santoro By D. Creaturo +Rosemary Hillier By Olga Moses No Liturgy 12 13 14 15 Jose Parangalan By D. Creaturo Marilyn McNamara By D. Creaturo Margaret Lori 10 St. Moura, Confessor 11 +Pauline Synder By Bob & Lorraine +Virginia George By Gerry Gennetti Larry & Mary Werner By Marianne, Kenny, & Gina Morgano Intentions of Shrine Benefactors No Liturgy 17 18 St. Romanos 19 20 By M/M Mark Luchansky 21 Presentation of the Virgin Mary in the Temple Gianna Streiff By Pascarella Fam Int of Richard Hendershot By Fr. D. Misbrener Intentions of Shrine Benefactors No Liturgy 23 Announcement to 24 25 26 +Dina Berick By George Berick +Dina Berick By George Berick Intentions of Shrine Benefactors 27 Thanksgiving Day Liturgy time TBA Knights of Columbus District 56 By M. Heffron the Virgin Mary to Elizabeth 10 am +Adeline Clarchick 5pm +Eli Maximilian Raya By Matthew & Arika Heffron +Joan Lonsway by Friends 8 Intentions of Shrine Benefactors Mark Streiff by Pascarella Familly Steve Viduman By Helen Toth & Fam. 30 Visitation of the Virgin First Friday 12 Noon Liturgy 10am Mary Gooding By D. Creaturo 5pm+Gerald Popson By George & Abeth 10am +Fr. Andrew Kolitsos 5pm Souls in Purgatory by Pascarella Family 7 +John a. Zuraw by Deacon Jim & Kathy Lassacci 22 +John B. Easterday By Annie Norton +Joan Lonsway By Family & Friends 28 29 +Dina Berick By George Berick +Evelyn Joseph By Ed & Sandra Joseph Dear Friends of Our Lady’s Shrine and Basilica, The month of November allows us a great opportunity to remember the souls of the Faithful Departed who have left this earthly life. We pray for an eternal life before the Throne of God with the Angels and Saints. November Nov. 1– All Saints Liturgy @ 9 a.m. Nov. 2– Mini-Retreat with guest speaker, Eric Mahl Nov. 3-Tridentine Missa Cantata @ 7 p.m. Nov. 7– First Friday Adoration, Liturgy, & Luncheon Nov. 22 & 23-Pumpkin Cherry Nut Bread pick-up Nov. 23-Forty Day Memorial Liturgy for Fr. Andrew Nov. 27-Thanksgiving Day, Shrine closed Liturgy time to be announced Please remember the forgotten souls in Purgatory this month and every day; as well as, our recently departed friend Father Andrew Kolitsos. We miss him , we remember him and we pray for his soul. May the souls of the Faithful Departed have memory eternal. Sincerely in the Lord, Msgr. Anthony SHRINE GIFT SHOP HOURS Monday-Saturday 9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Sunday 11:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. *************************************** E-mail us at:
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