St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America Weekly Bulletin 3256 Warren Road Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Phone: (216) 941-5550 Office - Fax: (216) 941-3068 E-mail: - Very Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest Rev. Fr. Ionel Satnoianu, Assistant Priest Rev. Fr. Florin Bica, Attached; Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe Bulletin Sponsors: Denis Ghindia in loving memory of my father, John G. Ghindia, Jr. Judy Khoury in memory of my mother Mary, reposed 2 years ago – 10/25 “Allah Yud huma!” October 26th, 2014 VOLUME 55 NO. 43 SPIRITUAL CALENDAR: 23rd Sunday after Pentecost (Cure of the demoniac of Gadara); Great-martyr Demetrios the myrrh-streaming 8:30 A.M. Matins (Utrenia); 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy (Sf. Liturghie); Tone 3, Mat. Gos. 9 Epistle: Ephesians 2:4-10; Titus 3:8-15; Gospel: Luke 8:26-39 Crasnic Ovidiu Vatamanu Head Altar Boy Brandon Davis Altar Boys Vladimir & Daniel Petre, Andrew Ciula, Daniel Contiu Church School/Parents Club FALL FESTIVAL Sunday, October 26 Following Divine Liturgy Children’s fall activities in the Romanian Cultural Hall ALL CHILDREN ARE INVITED Mon., Oct. 27: Ven. Dimitrie the New (Basarabov); 9 am Divine Liturgy Sunday, November 2nd, 2 A.M. Daylight Saving Time ends. Change clocks back 1 hour! Mark your calendar: Inter-Orthodox Nativity Concert Sunday, December 7, 2014 5:00 p.m. For tickets please see P-sa Roxana Satnoianu. By participating to this event you Host Parish: St. Demetrios Greek Orthodox Church 22909 Center Ridge Road, Rocky River help the Orthodox mission of St. Herman House to feed the poor. Let us capitalize this opportunity to exercise mercy to our neighbor. THIS WEEK ALTAR CANDLES – SANCTUARY SUN., Oct. 26th: 8:30 am Matins; 9:30 am Divine Liturgy; Great-martyr Demetrios the myrrh-streaming; Parastas: Neagu, Spanu; Children Fall Festival Mon., Oct. 27: Ven. Dimitrie the New (Basarabov) 9 am Divine Liturgy Tue., Oct. 28th: 5:30 pm – 7 pm Spiritual Dialogues (Romanian) Sat., Nov. 1st: Memorial Saturday (Sambata mortilor); 10 am General Parastas; 3:30 pm Baptism Filip; 5 pm Vespers & Confessions Saveta Rosu in memoria sotului meu Dimitrie Rosu. Jonel & Ana Rosu IM parintilor John & Florica Nyerghes. May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească! Mihaela, Lord of Sabbaoth, please guide me & enlighten me; Thank you Lord! Theodora Buzatu for the good health of family & friends and especially for Roger & Teofana. Marinela L. Turc Convery for God’s blessing for Mirela in life & work; for God’s blessing for Dan in work & life. (2) George & Ana Mohan – Bunul Dumnezeu sa le dea multa sanatate bucurie, si veselie copiilor nostri George si Lori de ziua aniversarii. “La multi ani!” Felicia Miba pentru sanatate. 7 DAY VIGIL LIGHTS – NARTHEX Cornelia Bicescu in memory of Ovidius Bicescu. Ana Popa IM sotului meu Traian Popa. NEXT WEEK SUN., Nov. 2nd: 8:30 am Matins; 9:30 am Divine Liturgy; 12 pm Baptism Alexandru Cotrau; Daylight Saving Time ends Sat., Nov. 8th: Synaxis of the Archangels Michael & Gabriel; 9 am Divine Liturgy; 11 am Parastas: Oprea, Vasu; 12 pm Baptism Obada; 1:30 pm Baptism Alkhalil; 5 pm Vespers & Confessions Rozalia Buta IM sotului meu drag, Toma, si a neuitatilor parinti Toma, Eva, Iosif, Maria. Dumnezeu sa-i ierte! Afrodita, Irina, Magdalena & Sophia IM parintilor Victor şi Paula Constantinidis. Cristina Hemsoth & family IMO parents & grandparents “Grigore & Greta Butoi”. Simona IM tatalui Ioan Cismasiu. Primeste-l Doamne in Imparatia Ta! Victor & Elena Muntean IM tuturor celor decedati din familie. (2) Filoftia Minzat IM sotului Vasile. Betty Galbincea Irene Chirila Maria Frangopolos Nursing Home Manor Care Wellington Place Riverview Pointe Care Center (Olmsted Falls) Greenbrier Health Center, Parma Senior Care of Western Inn, TX Radu Petrescu Ann Paler Assisted Living Helene Sillia East Park Betty Ghidiu Lutheran Home Sylvia Cantor Harbor Court John & Virginia Gib Emeritus at Brookside Estates Cornelia Sumpter Arden Courts (Chagrin Falls) John W. & Victoria A. Morin Sandhill Gardens ALF, FL Next Week Altar Boys (Nov. 2nd): Christopher Oancea, Nicholas-Jason Oita, Nicholas Andrei, William Dragomir Maria Tent- primeste-i Doamne intru imparatia Ta pe sotul meu drag Virgil, pe parintii nostri si pe sora mea si bunul meu cumnat Ioan si asaza-i cu dreptii. May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească! Marcel & Eleonora Alexandru, pentru sanatatea noastra, a copiilor si a nepotilor Stefania & Denis. Florin – ajutor de la Dumnezeu pt.cele de trebuinta. Paula – ajutor de la Dumnezeu pt.cele de trebuinta. Elena & Petre pt. sanatatea noastra si a copiilor nostri Diana-Bogdan; IonutGianina; Iulia –Mike; London- Logan. Alexandru Fam. For the good health of George Sarsama & Fam. George Alexandru for the good health of Cismasiu Fam. & in honor of Vasile Meterna on his birthday. Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu – fam. for the good health of our family & God’s blessings. Lucica Fogoros pt. sanatatea noastra si a fam. din Romania. Victoria Serban for the good health of Vasile & Victoria. Ileana Muntean for the good health of the family. Mama Maria Tent – binecuvanteaza-i Doamne pe copiii mei dragi Virgil si Marius impreuna cu familiile lor cu mult har si indurare. ALTAR BREAD – PRESCURA Simona IM tatalui Ioan Cismasiu. Primeste-l Doamne in Imparatia Ta! Filoftia Minzat IM sotului Vasile. Jonel & Ana Rosu IM mamei Florica Nyerghes. Zorita IM Augustin. Victor & Elena Muntean IM tuturor celor decedati din familie. (2) May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească! Lavinia Cozmin for the good health of brother Horia Dascalescu. Mihaela, Lord of Sabbaoth, please guide me & enlighten me; Thank you Lord! Fam. Inoan pt. sanatate, reusite si multumire lui Dumnezeu. Lidia Ciobanu pt. Gabriel cu ocazia zilei de nastere. Oct 29th. Convorbiri duhovnicESti: Împreuna pe calea mântuirii Marți, 28 octombrie, 5:30 pm – 7 pm Discuțiile vor fi conduse de P-sa Roxana Satnoianu în limba română. Aceasta va fi ultima seara a convorbirilor duhovnicesti. Le mulțumim celor care au participat. This is the last evening for the “Spiritual Dialogues”. We would like to thank to all that participated. The Clergy of the Greater Cleveland Council of Orthodox Churches Invites you to join them as they celebrate the Sacrament of HOLY UNCTION POYAF The Pan-Orthodox Young Adult Fellowship Choir is looking for singers aged 18-40s to join us at the annual Inter-Orthodox Nativity Concert on December 7. Sopranos, altos, tenors and basses are welcome. Our rehearsal schedule will be finalized soon. For more information please contact Gerald Largent at 440-376-7799 Congratulations, Newly Baptized! Eliott David Nixon, son of Christopher & Ramona Nixon was Baptized and Chrismated last Saturday in our church. Nasi: David Grovu & Christine Grovu; La multi ani! Sofia Serban, daughter of Dragos & Georgeta Serban was Baptized and Chrismated last Saturday in our church. Nasi: Alexandra & Adrian Stoisor; La multi ani! ALBUM FOR SALE: Those who did not have the chance to participate in our Anniversary festivities may purchase the special Album titled: “A Triple Celebration” from our office at the price of $5. If mailed, please, add cost of postage. The Album contains a chapter dedicated to Our Hierarch, Archbishop Nathaniel; a bi-lingual chapter about Our Parish - History to date; and a chapter dedicated to Our Priest. The Album has a colored cover, many photos and the List of Project 110 Supporters as well as the list of the SPONSORS of the event. On November 14th at 6:30 PM at Bunavestire Romanian Cathedral 3300 Wooster Rd., Rocky River, OH 44116 All we usher in the Holy Season of the Christmas Fast, join us to pray for all those in attendance that might find healing of body and soul ST. MARY ROMANIAN ORTHODOX CATHEDRAL CORDIALLY INVITES ALL PARISHIONERS AND FRIENDS TO A Pre-Thanksgiving Dinner SUNDAY, November 9, 2014 AFTER DIVINE LITURGY VĂ INVITĂ CORDIAL PE TOŢI ENORIAȘII ŞI PRIETENII LA Masa de Ziua Recunoștinței înainte de începutul postului DUMINICĂ, 9 noiembrie, 2014 DUPĂ SFÂNTA LITURGHIE BRING YOUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS VĂ RUGĂM SĂ INVITAŢI FAMILIA ŞI PRIETENII DUMNEAVOASTRĂ! FREE WILL DONATIONS DONAȚII BENEVOLE Celebrating your wedding anniversary? Sarbatoriti aniversarea casatoriei anul acesta? Va rugam sa ne contactati imediat Contact us immediately All families celebrating wedding anniversaries this year in increments of 5 years (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc), are asked to call us or e-mail us their name, address and phone number. Based on the information received, a personalized invitation will be sent to all honored guests, for the dinner to be held on Sunday, November 9, 2014. This applies to people married at our church, in Romania or at other Orthodox Churches in the U.S.: Familiile care sarbatoresc anul acesta implinirea a 5, 10, 15, 20, etc, ani de la casatorie sunt rugate sa ne scrie (e-mail) sau sa ne sune si sa ne furnizeze urmatoarele informatii: nume, adresa, numar de telefon. Pe baza informatiilor furnizate, vor primi o invitatie speciala, pentru a fi onorate la masa, care va avea loc pe data de 9 noiembrie 2014. Va rugam sa ne contactati chiar daca v-ati casatorit la biserica noastra sau in Romania sau la alte biserici ortodoxe: sau la telefon: (216) 941-5550
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