Weekly Bulletin St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral

St. Mary Romanian Orthodox Cathedral
A parish of the Romanian Orthodox Episcopate of America
Weekly Bulletin
3256 Warren Road Cleveland, Ohio 44111
Phone: (216) 941-5550 Office - Fax: (216) 941-3068
E-mail: st.mary.cathedral@sbcglobal.net - www.smroc.org
Very Rev. Dr. Remus Grama, Parish Priest
Rev. Fr. Ionel Satnoianu, Assistant Priest
Rev. Fr. Florin Bica, Attached; Rev. Deacon Nick Neagoe
October 19, 2014
Bulletin Sponsors:
Monroe Family IMO Wally Monroe.
May God rest him in peace!
Liliana Gavrilescu cu ocazi zilei de
nastere a Juliei Gavrilescu. La multi ani!
NO. 42
SPIRITUAL CALENDAR: 20th Sunday after Pentecost (Resurrection of the son of the widow of Nain); Prophet Joel;
Martyrs Varos & Felix the priest; Ven. John of Rila
8:30 A.M. Matins (Utrenia); 9:30 A.M. Divine Liturgy (Sf. Liturghie); Tone 2, Mat. Gos. 8
Epistle: Galatians 1:11-19; Titus 3:8-15; Gospel: Luke 7:11-16
Ovidiu Vatamanu
Head Altar Boy
Brandon Davis
Concluding Our Triple Celebration
The elaborated observance of our Triple
Celebration is now history. Saturday night services
were attended by both, our Hierarchs: H.E.
Nathaniel and H.G.Irineu. Over 200 parishioners
attended the memorial service for the Founders.
After this, the new marble Romanian Coat-of-Arms
display was inaugurated in the Cultural Center.
Then, the evening culminated with a Festive
Reception and artistic program offered by clergy,
Theologians and cantors. His Grace Bishop Irineu
offered an homage to HE Archbishop Nathaniel and
Fr Remus Grama spoke about the Legacy of Faith
of the Prior Generations. With the efforts of the
Ladies of the parish the Reception was very rich
and the tables abounded with appetizers and
desserts. The Social hall was beautifully decorated
for the feast with background curtains offered by
the Saini family.
Early Sunday morning, again, the Hierarchs were
greeted with flowers by the children of the parish
and presided over the Divine Liturgy. The responses
were given by George Enescu Choir conducted by
George Lates and John Lazar. At the end of the
Liturgy, Fr. Ionel Satnoianu was blessed to be a
Confessor. After 25 years of service to Saint Mary,
Father Grama received a Gramata (Act of
Recognition) from the Holy Synod of the Orthodox
Church in America.
Altar Boys
John McLaughlin, Antoniu Ilias, Radu & Andrei Mocanu
Besides the Hierarchs, services on both days were
attended by the following clergy: V. Rev. Frs.:
Remus Grama, Parish Priest; Ionel Satnoianu,
Assisatant Priest; Romey Rosco of Dearborn Hts.,
Laurence Lazar of Southfield, MI., John Nemes of
Alliance, Ioan Gherman of Rocky River, Florin
Bica of Cleveland; Archdeacon David Oancea of
the Vatra, Ierodeacon Sebastian of the Vatra,
Deacon Wayne Wright of Akron. The Very Rev.
Mother Chrystophora and Mother Paula of Ellwood
City took part in festivities. Among the guests we
also had Richard Grabowski and Mark Chestnut of
the staff of the Episcopate; Mrs. Adela Price,
President of ARFORA; the former Presidents of our
Parish Council and the Sponsors of the Festivities.
Our Sunday Banquet was attended by over 300
faithful. The delicious food was prepared by Inoan
Catering. We had the chance to view the
documentary movie: “A Century of Romanian
Orthodoxy in Cleveland.”
The MC of the program were Mike Vasu and
Attorney Mirela Turc. On behalf of the Council,
Iosif Muresan offered a very special icon to His
Eminence on His 30th Anniversary.
The icon was a special order realized by
iconographer Nick Enachi of Toronto. The Parish
Council offered Father a gift and will plant a tree in
honor of their Priest. Father Grama spoke on behalf
of the parish, pointing to the three events and
special appreciation to our Hierarch.
(Continued on page 4)
SUN., Oct. 19th: 8:30 am Matins;
9:30 am Hierarchal Divine Liturgy;
Charity Collection
Mon., Oct. 20: 10:30 am Cleveland Clergy Mtg.
(Sts. Constantin & Helen)
Tue., Oct. 21st : Ven. Confessors Visarion,
Sofronie & Martyr Oprea; Priest-Confessor Ion &
Moise; 9 am Akathist
7 pm – 8:30 pm Spiritual Dialogues (English)
Sat., Oct. 25th: 4 pm – 11 pm Grape Festival
5 pm Vespers & Confessions
Radu Petrescu
Ann Paler
Maria Isvanca IM sotului meu Ioan.
Tatiana Sandor IMO Talpa Nichifor, Nastasia, Pavel, Mihai, Vasile.
May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească!
Mihaela, Lord of Sabbaoth, please guide me & enlighten me; Thank you Lord!
Theodora Buzatu for the good health of family, especially Razvan & Teofana.
Marinela L. Turc Convery for Mirela-help in life & work.
Pentru sanatate, Maria bolnava.
Anca & Tavi Defta pt.sanatate Anca & Tavi; grabnica vindecare Anca,
Cornelia Bicescu in memory of Ovidius Bicescu.
Ana Popa IM sotului meu Traian Popa.
SUN., Oct. 26th: 8:30 am Matins;
9:30 am Hierarchal Divine Liturgy;
Great-martyr Demetrios the myrrh-streaming;
Parastas: Neagu, Spanu; Children Fall Festival
Mon., Oct. 26: Ven. Dimitrie the New (Basarabov)
9 am Divine Liturgy
Tue., Oct. 27st : 5:30 pm – 7 pm Spiritual
Dialogues (Romanian)
Sat., Nov. 1st: Memorial Saturday (Sambata
mortilor); 10 am General Parastas; 3:30 pm
Baptism Filip; 5 pm Vespers & Confessions
Betty Galbincea
Irene Chirila
Maria Frangopolos
Saveta Rosu in memoria sotului meu Dimitrie Rosu.
Nursing Home
Manor Care
Wellington Place
Riverview Pointe Care Center
(Olmsted Falls)
Greenbrier Health Center, Parma
Senior Care of Western Inn, TX
Rozalia Buta IM sotului meu drag, Toma, si a neuitatilor parinti Toma, Eva,
Iosif, Maria. Dumnezeu sa-i ierte!
Afrodita, Irina, Magdalena & Sophia IM parintilor Victor şi Paula
Cristina Hemsoth & family IMO parents & grandparents “Grigore & Greta
Simona IM tatalui Ioan Cismasiu. Primeste-l Doamne in Imparatia Ta!
Angela Popa IM varului Toma Gheorghe (Tomita) (7 ani de la trecerea la cele
Viorica Pandrea IMO husband George & daughter Roxana.
Nick & Maria Muntean IMO dear parents Aurica & Ioan Muntean; Silvia &
Gheorghe Sarsama & all our deceased from our families.
Dumitru & Paraschiva Vasu IMO mother & grandmother Paraschiva Sarbu on
her name day. Always in our hearts.
May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească!
Marcel & Eleonora Alexandru, pentru sanatatea noastra, a copiilor si a
nepotilor Stefania & Denis.
Irina Oster pt. sanatatea familiei si prietenilor.
Angela Voiculescu: please God look over my daughter Sonia, protect and bless
her; for the good health of my sister-in-law, Sonia.(2)
Assisted Living
Helene Sillia
East Park
Betty Ghidiu
Lutheran Home
Sylvia Cantor
Harbor Court
John & Virginia Gib
Emeritus at Brookside Estates
Cornelia Sumpter
Arden Courts (Chagrin Falls)
John W. & Victoria A. Morin
Sandhill Gardens ALF, FL
Florin & Paula pt.cele de trebuinta.
Next Week Altar Boys (Oct. 26th): Vladimir & Daniel Petre,
Andrew Ciula, Daniel Contiu
Ron & Faith Studeny for the good health of granddaughter Alina & grandsons
Andrew & Theodore & Anton. (4)
Liliana Gavrilescu “La multi ani!” fiicei mele Julia M. Gavrilescu.
Milan & Draga Trifu binecuvanteaza Doamne pe copilul nostru Stefan cu
familia Etheniel, Elisabeta, Cristian si mama Violeta cu mult har si indurare si
nu-i parasi niciodata.
Al & Gloria Haak in honor of our wedding anniversary & thanking God for
our many blessings. (Oct. 12) and in memory of father Johanna Haak for his
birthday (Oct.12)
Elena & Petre pt. sanatatea noastra si a copiilor nostri Diana-Bogdan; IonutGianina; Iulia –Mike; London- Logan; Ionut sa aiba o frumoasa calatorie.
Simona IM tatalui Ioan Cismasiu. Primeste-l Doamne in Imparatia Ta!
Eugenia Fogoros si copiii in onoarea sotului meu George cu ocazia zilei de
nastere (67 ani) 10-18-2014
Nick & Maria Muntean IMO dear parents Aurica & Ioan Muntean & Silvia &
Gheorghe Sarsama & all the deceased from our families.
Alexandru pt. cele de trebuinta.
May God rest them in peace! Dumnezeu sa-i odihnească!
Lavinia Cozmin for the good health of brother Horia Dascalescu.
Mihaela, Lord of Sabbaoth, please guide me & enlighten me; Thank you Lord!
Paraschiva & Dumitru Popa pt. pace, sanatate, intelepciune si spor in casa.
Fall Reverse Raffle Canceled
Due to the large number of events in October &
November the Fall Reverse Raffle has been
A parishioner asked the above question. We
answer: Project 110 will accept donations until
the end of the year. In fact, to help the church
repay our loan, donations are welcome any time.
Thank you for asking and especially for acting on
your question!
The Project 110 Committee, led by Mrs. Pauline
Trutza, is in the final stage to begin work in the
Social Hall. Estimates are being gathered for the
painting and re-carpeting. The renovation of the
hall will begin soon after the Anniversary.
This way, we hope that by the end of the 110 th year
of existence of our parish we will have
accomplished the most significant tasks we have
assumed to do when we began our project.
Convorbiri duhovnicESti:
Împreuna pe calea mântuirii
Marți, 21 octombrie, 7 pm – 8:30 pm
Discuțiile vor fi conduse de Pr. Ionel
Satnoianu în
limba engleză.
Marți, 28 octombrie, 5:30 pm – 7 pm
Discuțiile vor fi conduse de P-sa Roxana
Satnoianu în limba română.
Resurrection of the son of the widow of Nain
Spiritual Dialogues:
Together on the Road to Salvation
Tuesday, October 21st, 7 pm – 8:30 pm
The discussion will be moderated by
Fr. Ionel Satnoianu in English.
Tuesday, October 28th, 5:30 pm – 7 pm
The discussion will be moderated by
P-sa Roxana Satnoianu in Romanian
The Pan-Orthodox Young Adult Fellowship Choir
is looking for singers aged 18-40s to join us at
the annual Inter-Orthodox Nativity Concert on
December 7. Sopranos, altos, tenors and basses
are welcome. Our rehearsal schedule will be
finalized soon. For more information please
contact Gerald Largent at 440-376-7799 or
Concluding Our Triple Celebration
(Continued from page 1)
To honor him, he read two letters from
Metropolitan SERAFIM of Central Europe and
Bishop MACARIE of Sweden. Metropolitan
Serafim appreciated the mission work of our
Episcopate and the efforts of our Hierarch toward
American Orthodox Unity. Our Archbishop
Nathaniel was the key note speaker. He saluted the
parish on the 110th anniversary and urged us to
project ourselves more to the outside world. Then,
he expressed words of appreciation to Father and
Preoteasa Elena Grama for their faithful service.
The conclusion of the Triple Celebration was the
crowning of many efforts. All participants received
a memorable album, produced by Father Grama and
titled “A Triple Celebration.” We would like to
thank the chair of the event, Miss Judy Khoury and
her Committee for a job “Well Done;” to our
SPONSORS who sent generous donations and made
the event possible; to the Saini Family for the
decors; to ALL the ladies of the parish who
responded to the calls of Preoteasa Elena Grama
and prepared outstanding, delicious goodies for the
Reception; to Gheorghe Fogoros, who assisted us
with the cleaning of the premises. Special thanks to
our photographers: Dumitru Popa and Gregory
Sotak. Finally, last, but not least, we wish to thank
ALL our members and friends who participated or
sent donations to help us! With your generosity we
were enabled to finalize our celebration and raise
the needed funds to redecorate the Social Hall. This
way, even though the fire works for the 110th
Anniversary ended, the works of Project 110 will
continue until the end of this year. Joy, Blessings
and Peace to all those who love the Lord and His
chapter about Our Parish - History to date; and a
chapter dedicated to Our Priest. The Album has a
colored cover, many photos and the List of Project
110 Supporters as well as the list of the SPONSORS
of the event.
Thank you notes
We would like to thank all our parishioners who
attended or supported the 110th anniversary
Doamna preoteasa Elena Grama sends her
special thanks to our ladies who generously
donated and prepared appetizers and desserts
for the reception on Saturday night.
Thank you to everyone on the Anniversary
Dinner committee and all of my brothers and
sisters who helped make this event an affair to
remember...especially Mrs Dobrea, who help
my hand and taught me so much.
It was a beautiful weekend of fellowship and
Thank you again, for your love, and support.
Judy Khoury, Chairman
Church School/Parents Club
Fr. Remus Grama
Sunday, October 26
Following Divine Liturgy
Those who did not have the chance to participate in
our Anniversary festivities may purchase the special
Album titled: “A Triple Celebration” from our
office at the price of $5. If mailed, please, add cost
of postage. The Album contains a chapter dedicated
to Our Hierarch, Archbishop Nathaniel; a bi-lingual
Children’s fall activities in the
Romanian Cultural Hall
SUNDAY, October 12, 2014
The Clergy of the Greater
Cleveland Council of
Orthodox Churches
Invites you to join them as they
celebrate the Sacrament of HOLY
On November 14th at 6:30 PM at
Bunavestire Romanian Cathedral
3300 Wooster Rd., Rocky River, OH 44116
All we usher in the Holy Season of the
Christmas Fast, join us to pray for all those in
attendance that might find healing of body
and soul
Acolo unde te afli, prin străinătăţi...
Fiul meu duhovnicesc întru Hristos,
Acolo unde te afli, departe de părinţi, rude, patrie,
trebuie să ştii că nu eşti departe de Dumnezeu, Tatăl
ceresc, care este pretutindeni prezent. Şi când Îl iubeşti,
Îl cinsteşti, Îl slăveşti, şi Acela te va iubi, cinsti şi slăvi.
Când nu păzeşti poruncile Lui, nu-L iubeşti.
Aşadar, acolo unde te afli, să crezi că Dumnezeu nu este
departe de tine, ci te vede, te urmăreşte. Fii cu luareaminte să nu-L întristezi, căci atunci când călcăm
poruncile Lui se întristează, îşi întoarce faţa de la noi şi
ne pedepseşte pentru a ne instrui. Creştinul, oriunde s-ar
afla, chiar şi la capătul lumii, este dator să se roage, să
postească în zilele rânduite şi dacă nu are biserică, în
ceasul în care se face Sfânta Liturghie, Vecernia, să se
Despre tatăl tău care înjură, ai dreptate să te
necăjeşti, dar nu eşti responsabil pentru asta, de vreme ce
i-ai spus de două-trei ori şi nu încetează cu blasfemia.
Lasă-l în pace şi să te rogi ca Dumnezeu să-L lumineze
să nu mai hulească. Dar trebuie ca şi el să se strunească
pe sine; căci dacă nu vrea să se strunească, nu va înceta
niciodată şi, din păcate, va merge în focul cel veşnic. Iar
tu, dacă faci binele în viaţă, vei merge în rai.
Harul Domnului să ne lumineze pe toţi, şi pe tatăl tău, să
ne pocăim şi să săvârşim fapte bune (aşa cum vrea
Dumnezeu), ca să mergem toţi în Împărăţia Cerurilor.
Pentru a te păzi de primejdiile străinătăţii, fiule, ca un
tată blând, îţi voi da câteva sfaturi părinteşti pe care,
dacă le asculţi şi le împlineşti, îţi vei izbăvi sufletul, care
valorează mai mult decât lumea întreagă; „Pentru că ce-i
va folosi omului dacă va câştiga lumea întreagă, iar
sufletul său îl va pierde? Sau ce va da omul în schimb
pentru sufletul său?" (Matei 16,26).
Primul sfat şi totodată poruncă: Să-L iubeşti pe
Dumnezeu din tot sufletul, din toată inima, din toate
puterile şi cugetul tău; să-L ai mereu în minte şi să fii
atent să păzeşti toate poruncile Lui.
Al doilea sfat: Să-i iubeşti pe toţi oamenii, chiar şi pe cei
care te duşmănesc şi te urăsc; iar celor care-ţi fac rău, tu
să le faci bine, ca să devii fiu al lui Dumnezeu.
Al treilea sfat: Să mergi regulat la biserica ortodoxă, cu
multă râvnă, şi să asculţi cu evlavie Sfânta Liturghie,
fragmentele care se citesc, imnurile sfinte şi psalmii
rostiţi de preoţi şi psalţi. Să-ţi aduni mintea şi s-o ţii
aproape de Dumnezeu, de cuvintele şi cântările sfinte, şi
să te gândeşti că te afli chiar în ceruri. Să cauţi un
duhovnic virtuos şi bun la care să te spovedeşti, şi să te
împărtăşeşti cu Preacuratele Taine cu frică, credinţă şi
Al patrulea sfat: Să citeşti des Sfintele Scripturi,
Evanghelia, vieţile Sfinţilor şi alte cărţi de folos pentru
suflet. Să eviţi tovărăşiile rele cu oameni necredincioşi,
necuvioşi şi îngâmfaţi. Să nu te duci la teatre,
cinematografe, centre de distracţie, discoteci, cazinouri
etc. Să fii mereu cu luare-aminte şi să posteşti în zilele
rânduite de Biserică, cu discernământ.
Să-ţi aduci aminte de moarte şi de judecata de apoi, să te
fereşti de tot răul şi să săvârşeşti ceea ce este bun şi
virtuos înaintea Domnului.
Acestea să le scrii şi să le laşi copiilor tăi.
Aceste sfaturi ale mele şi orice alt lucru bun să le
păzeşti, pentru a te învrednici să mergi în Împărăţia
(Ne vorbește părintele Filothei Zervakos, Editura Egumenița, 2007,
p. 29)
November 9, 2014
Masa de Ziua
înainte de începutul postului
9 noiembrie, 2014
Celebrating your wedding
Contact us immediately
All families celebrating wedding anniversaries this year
in increments of 5 years (5, 10, 15, 20, 25, etc), are
asked to call us or e-mail us their name, address and
phone number. Based on the information received, a
personalized invitation will be sent to all honored
guests, for the dinner to be held on Sunday, November
9, 2014. This applies to people married at our church, in
Romania or at other Orthodox Churches in the U.S.:
Sarbatoriti aniversarea casatoriei
anul acesta?
Va rugam sa ne contactati imediat
Familiile care sarbatoresc anul acesta implinirea a 5,
10, 15, 20, etc, ani de la casatorie sunt rugate sa ne
scrie (e-mail) sau sa ne sune si sa ne furnizeze
urmatoarele informatii: nume, adresa, numar de
telefon. Pe baza informatiilor furnizate, vor primi o
invitatie speciala, pentru a fi onorate la masa, care va
avea loc pe data de 9 noiembrie 2014. Va rugam sa
ne contactati chiar daca v-ati casatorit la biserica
noastra sau in Romania sau la alte biserici ortodoxe:
sau la telefon: (216) 941-5550