PARISH OF CHRIST CHURCH WOODFORD - email: Vicar: Rev David Russell (439 2286) Churchwardens: David Copner ( 01625 251455) David Jones ( 0161 4400556) Readers: Richard Cussons: Malcolm Evans: Jo Rodman Pastoral Worker: Pam Willis -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------CHRISTMAS at CAPESTHORNE New giving leaflet available now. We have provisionally booked a coach to visit Capesthorne Hall on Saturday 29 November to enjoy the Hall decorated for the festive season. The coach will leave church at 1pm prompt and return from the Hall at 4pm. This gives time to enjoy the decorations, the craft fair and maybe afternoon tea. The cost of the coach and entry to Hall is £15.50p. Do join us, cheques payable Christ Church Woodford. In the first 9 months of 2014 our expenditure has increased, but I`m delighted to say our Giving has increased at a higher rate giving us a reduced shortfall. Thank you all for your valuable support of Christ Church Woodford. Many thanks Brenda & Arnold CHURCH MAGAZINE The deadline for the Dec/Jan issue of the parish magazine is Sunday 2nd November. Please pass any information or articles or details of events taking place in December and January to Jean Copner or Jo Rodman on or before the deadline. Thanks Jo Paul Rodman Parish Giving Officer ----------------------------------------REVISED WEEKLY BUDGET: Income: £1683 (+ £298) Expenditure: £1880 (+ £230) In the red by: £197 (-£68) Average weekly attendance 100 Please use this email: for all articles or information to go in the weekly sheet. Please ensure we have your article by Thursday Evening. Thank you CHURCH LUNCH Join us for our next lunch on Wednesday 19th November in the church hall at 12noon. Brenda and Arnold CHRIST CHURCH WOODFORD Trinity 19 26 October 2014 We are a worshipping community united in the love of Jesus, seeking to know him better and to make him known Vicar: Rev David Russell We warmly welcome you to our worship service today. If you are a visitor or newcomer to our church, please introduce yourself and join us for coffee after the 10.15am service. Today’s Services 9.00am Holy Communion Acts 10: v1-23 Matthew 22: v34-end 10.15am p125 NT p24 NT Morning Worship Acts 10: v1-23 p125 NT Matthew 22: v34-end p24 NT Sunday School & Crèche available at this service 6.30pm Evensong Acts 10: v1-23 Matthew 22: v34-end p125 NT p24 NT Prayer for Today O God, for as much as without you we are not able to please you; mercifully grant that your Holy Spirit may in all things direct and rule our hearts; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen "the heavens opened and something like a large sheet came down”, Acts 10, v11 PLEASE REMEMBER IN YOUR PRAYERS † † † † for David & the preaching, ministry and pastoral teams for Melissa who was baptised last Sunday for Andhra Pradesh and Orissa States, India, Badly damaged by floods. for George Bury, Roy West, Sarah Bibby, Tim Shaw, Mary Sadler, Jeremy Cussons and Jean Lingwood † for the work of MAF, safety for pilots and those working in difficult areas † for the family & friends of Dorothy Corware and David Ashley whose funerals took place recently. † for the family and friends of Mary Mayes whose ashes were interred yesterday ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WEEKLY ACTIVITIES MAF day of prayer Memorial Service PCC Meeting Pastoral Group Meeting Remembrance Sunday Bible Study Parish Weekend Away Prayer Breakfast Sunday 26th Oct, day of prayer and appeal Sunday 26th Oct, 3pm in the church Tuesday 4th Nov, in the church hall Thursday 6th Nov, 3pm at the vicarage Sunday 9th Nov, 10.30am in the church Monday 10th Nov, in the church hall at 2pm Friday 14th - Sunday 16th Nov Saturday 15th Nov at Bramhall Baptist church 8.30am ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ MEMORIAL SERVICE This afternoon at 3pm, everyone welcome. If you would like your loved ones mentioned in the service please speak to Pam. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CHRISTMAS SHOEBOX APPEAL 2 more Sundays left !! Leaflets available in church. Ready-made boxes are available at 35p each or 3 for £1. Also we have colouring sheets for children to put into boxes, available in the church porch. Please remember to include the £3 transport costs in each box. Deadline for boxes to be in is Sunday 2nd of November. Total number of boxes in so far is:- 54 BOXES Into the Light: October 2014 - thanks for praying 'The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of deep darkness a light has dawned.' - Isaiah 9:2 We're so thankful for the thousands of people who pray for MAF and the people we serve. Thank you all so much! We hoped you like our theme of 'Into the Light', which gives us the opportunity to tell you more about the ministry side of MAF’s work. We continue to thank God for the privilege of being able to take His Word to the ends of the earth and your prayers play a crucial role in enabling us to do that. MAF TEAM Today is MAF Day of Prayer and envelopes are available in the pews for today only. Please use one if you like to make a donation to their work. On behalf of MAF – “THANK YOU” ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CAMEO Our next Cameo meeting will be the 11th Nov and the speaker will be Arnold Medcalfe. The December meeting will be a ‘bring and share’ Christmas supper on the 9 th of December. Can anyone organise a Cameo evening for January – April? Please speak to:David Jones. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Reader Licensing Service Thank you to everyone who came to Chester cathedral last Saturday to support me at the Reader Licensing service. Thank you also for the many cards, gifts, messages and good wishes that I have received. I am very grateful for your support both throughout my training and on the occasion of my licensing. Best wishes Jo Rodman
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