SUGAR GROVE UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 176 Main Street, Sugar Grove, IL 60554 (630)466-4501 VOLUME 1, ISSUE 10 THE HOLY HERALD Inside this issue: Prayers & Celebrations 2 Mission of the Month 3 Children, Youth & Family Ministries 4&5 Church Updates 6 Hospitality Update 7 Shut-In’s & Community New 8&9 Calendar 10 Our Church Staff Pastor: Rev. Cheoneui Oh Administrative Assistant: Marguerite Ledone Minister of Children & Youth : Rev. Sharon Rice Choir Director: Kim Nelson Organist/Accompanist: Sheldon Burkhart Treasurer: Michael Mayer Custodian: Rod Feece After moving into Sugar Grove on June 25th, 2014, there has always been something to buy, because I moved into a new home, my parents in law visited us, and my pastor friends visited us. Since then I have spent more money than I could afford. For the first money, I thought that’s okay, because it was first month and I could save during next month. No, it has not been true. I found myself living beyond my means. According to the poll, conducted in August 2004 by Widmeyer Communications, it was revealed that Americans were concerned about the consequences of excessive consumerism. Ninety percent of Americans thought that excessive consumerism led them to live beyond their means and seventy eight percent of them experienced increased stress in their daily lives. Considering that it was reported ten years ago, in 2014 it will be a totally different story. While we are driven by consumerism, and the economy of the U.S does not seem bright. We have heard a lot of news about the housing crash, the highest unemployment rate, the drop of stock prices, increasing consumer debt, declines in savings, and lower income growth. Despite national and personal economical crisis, we live in a society that tells us “you deserve it,” pursuing bigger cars, bigger homes, and more brand new appliances. I am sure that many of us are struggling with an economical crisis in our daily lives in some extent. So on the 2nd and 3rd Sundays of November, I encourage you to join with me in the wisdoms of the Bible about how to cope with this economical crisis: the 2nd Sunday “More is not better” and the 3rd Sunday “Giving freely”. I hope you will join these series of sermons. Pastor Oh Page 2 Prayers & Celebrations Pepi (Friend of Zoryana Galavay), Jon Ripsky. Pat Horn, Kritan Thoke, Carmella Welty, Michaela Rubo, Joe Wolf, Kate Malert Abbie (lifted up by Joy Rubo), Zachery Robert Rubo (grandson of Joy Rubo) Katie Lawless (granddaughter of the Cunninghams) 4 Bryan & Cassidy Adams 14 years 12 Steve & Bonnie Johnson 27 years 12 Jack & Ina Watson 65 years 23 Dave & Judy Seraphin 46 years 3 JillBlankinship CarolOlsen EthanOh 5 MarkWojak BeaDunteman 7 KristinHeckert 10 DylanHawkins 11 SandraDamonFlickinger 13 RobinRichards TomLloyd 14 Brianclaesson 15 JennyBragg LaVonMcCannon 18 AmyBrouch 21 MelissaChavez KateSt.John 22 BenKovalick WillieKing,Sr. 25 GavinSmith 27 MeadowSabelko 29 ErinMathews CassidyAdams Page 3 Did you know November MISSION The Good Samaritan Fund is money reserved for those in need of emergency funds. When individuals find themselves in financial distress, they often look to the church for assistance. During any given year, parishioners from our own congregation as well as non-members and travelers might request assistance for the purchase of necessities such as a warm meal, a tank of gas, diapers, or a needed prescription. This fund can also be used to help with an unexpected emergency bill for individuals who are unemployed or underemployed. Currently, we do not have allowance for this covered in our budget. Our church has always chosen to help provide for those in need, and the money in this fund has been used at our pastor's discretion. Checks from those wishing to contribute can be made out to the SGUM, earmarked "Samaritan" or "missions" throughout the month of November. September Mission Update: Our September Mission of the month was a huge success, THANKS to YOU. We asked for urgently needed school supplies—you went shopping and filled the bin. Also, $235 was donated and with an extended need list Laura and Joy went shopping. Supplies bought included an adult size backpacks for the older children, USB keys, colored pencils, twistable crayons, large pointed scissors, 2 pocket folders, desk storage boxes, glue sticks, gallon and quart size Ziploc bags, wide tip markers, 3 ring binders, dry erase markers and 3X5 and 4X6 lined index cars. Your Mission Team, West Town Services and Carol Alfrey extend a heartfelt thank you to each of you on behalf of the children you helped. t Churc s i d o h t e United M e v o r G r Suga Children, Youth & TRUNK-OR-TREAT! THANK YOU FOR ALL YOUR HELP! Thanks to everyone who helped promote our event, who invited neighbors and friends, and who participated, be it in the donation of supplies, or decorating your car and bringing your kids! We had a lot of fun (and the weather was BEAUTIFUL!), so again, THANK YOU! CLUB 45 IS HERE! Club 45’s FIRST MEETING! Sunday, November 9, 4-5:30pm ATTENTION 4th & 5th graders! Club 45 is designed FOR YOU, and will meet once a month (typically the second or third Sunday)—please come and bring a smiling face and positive attitude for games, crafts, mission, and devotion! PARENTS! Want to help out with future meetings as chaperones? Please contact Deacon Sharon: ch & Family Ministries UMYF (United Methodist Youth Fellowship) We had fun last month with our lock-in and other events; the year is moving quickly and here’s what to expect for the rest of November! SUNDAY, Nov. 16—“Gym Night” Wear some comfy clothes, put on your gym shoes, and bring a basketball from home if you wish; we’ll have time for both open-gym *as well* as a few organized games for everyone to play! CONFIRMATION SCHEDULE for 2014 Fall Quarter Confirmation resumed on Sunday, Sept. 21 at 4pm. Our current Confirmation program is a two-year program, so students who started last fall will continue now, going into their second year. Our confirmation schedule will be meeting three times during the Fall Quarter: Sunday, Sept. 21 Sunday, Oct. 19 Sunday, Nov. 16 MENTORS! Please, plan on attending all three meetings if possible. COMING SOON… Annual Children’s Sunday School Christmas Pageant Sunday, Dec. 7 The children’s Sunday school classes will be performing a special pageant in worship on Sunday, Dec. 7. THERE WILL ONLY BE *ONE* WORSHIP SERVICE ON THIS DAY (10:30am). Children will gather as per usual for Sunday school (9:15am) for final rehearsal. The high school class will be making a special breakfast during this time, so while the kids rehearse and have Sunday school, parents and family members are invited to partake in the breakfast in Fellowship Hall! Every Sunday (Nov. 9 – Nov. 30) the children will be rehearsing for the pageant from 9:15-9:30am. PARENTS, please, if possible, try to get your children here on time. THANK YOU! Christmas Baskets for the Shut-ins. We will be distributing them on Sunday, December 14, 2014. We need drivers to deliver the 12-15 baskets that will be put together by the 2nd and 3rd grade Sunday School. We also need donations of fruits and goodies –apples, oranges, pears, nuts, Chocolates, maybe some cute Christmas decorations, like ornaments or something small. Donations can be brought in on 12/7 at any service and also 12/14 before 9AM. If you know someone who is ill or for whatever reason cannot get out much to please call the church office and let you know their name and address so that we can put them on the list for a basket. Pastor Oh and Ron Wheeler where presented with a check for $800.00 for the Corn Husking our church did at the 2014 Corn Boil. Thank you to the following volunteers for all your hard work husking: Mike Withey, Dee Withey, Morgan Withey, Jim Dunteman, Joe Kiefer, Brad Sauer, Mark Wadsworth, Bill Ogle, Stephanie Ogle, Daniel Ogle, Rhonda Sleezer, Lyle Sleezer, Jim Carroll, Joan Perrin, Karen Griffin, Lil Adams, Pat Patterson, Helen Jorgensen, Sandy Young, Stan Anderson, Pastor Oh, Tracey Feece, Rod Feece, Jim, Feece, Alex Martinez, Juan Aviles, Evelyn Soto Aviles, Dave Davis, Judy Swanson, Paula Erickson, Avery Erickson, Sue Wojak, Drew Keppy, Meadow Sabelko, Scott Ikemire, Joe Wolf, Ed Dunteman, Bea Dunteman, Joan Wheeler, Jane Miller, Dustin Hawkins, Kristin Hawkins, Jacob Hawkins, Dylan Hawkins, Laura Keigley, Christen Roberson, Brad Fiegel, Lindsay Fiegel, Ben Fiegel, Greg Miller, Leslie Wheeler. A BIG THANK YOU to Ron Wheeler for coordinating our volunteers. Are you willing to share hospitality by hosting the Fellowship Hour? We are still in need of some help in Nov. please check sign up sheets in Fellowship Room. Not sure what to do when you sign up? Not a problem Sandy Young will help walk you through it. Please contact her at: 630/466630/466-5240 Page 8 If you know someone going away to college and you would like us to send them letters from home, please send their name, address and college and we will put their name in our next newsletter. Spencer Good B303 Academic Village Fort Collins, CO 80521 Shut-In Members & Friends of SGUMC Wouldn’t it be nice to get mail from a friend from church? Just a short “HELLO” can make someone's day. If you know a College Student or a shut in who would like a The Tillers 4390 Illinois Rt. 71 letter or care package , please send their name and address to Marguerite and she will get it in our next issue. Oswego, IL 60543 Cedarlake Village 14804 S. Van Dyke Road Plainfield, IL 60544 Deb Mateja—Apt. 2143 Spring Meadows 504 N. River Road Willow Crest Nursing Pavilion Naperville, IL 60567 Jack & Ina Watson #B106 Colonial House 1600 N. 14th Street DeKalb, IL 60115 Doris Pinne-Apt. 238 515 N. Main Street Sandwich, IL 60548 Prairie Crossing Center 630-859-8119 409 W. Commanche Ave. Julie Bragg Shabbona, IL 60550 Kate Malert Josh Olsen 25436 Medinah Lanes Shorewood, IL 60404 Breakfast with Santa Reservations now being taken. Visit our new website: Holiday in the Grove is looking for adults who would like to help with the children's craft area, and decorating cookies with Mrs, Claus, and photos with Santa on December 6th. This is just a one day commitment, December 6th. Time for photos is 7:30--11:30 a.m. Children's crafts time is 8:30 a.m. Until 3:30 p.m. Decorating cookies with Mrs. Claus is 12:30 until 3:00p.m. Please contact Marguerite Ledone Volunteer Coordinator at 630-334-8570 or you can talk to her at the church. Beverly’s Battle with Brain Cancer, One of our own, Beverly Holmes Hughes, Sugar Grove Citizen of the year in 2010 lifetime Chamber of Commerce member and our much loved former Library director needs our help! Beverly is the main support for her husband Chuck, her sister Janet, and Janet’s four adopted special-needs kids. It is an ongoing struggle for her to work enough hours to make ends meet and pay medical bills. If you can donate an amount to help you can drop off at Castle Bank c/o Beverly Holmes Hughs Fund. Other ways: Gas cards, paper towels, liquid soap, Lysol wipes, hand sanitizer, or grocery cards. You can drop them off at Castle Bank or in the church office and I will get them to Beverly. If you have any community news you would like to see in our Holy Herald please forward it by the 25th of the month to see in the current Holy Herald. Thank you. Page 10 November 2014 Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 7pm Trustees Meeting Communion Sunday 2 7pm A.A. 5 8am-12pm Fall Cleanup 3 4 8pm A.A. 6 7 8 10 11 8pm A.A. 12 13 14 15 19 20 21 22 27 28 29 7pm A.A. 9 7pm Ad Council 8pm A.A. 16 17 18 7pm A.A. 8pm A.A. 7pm A.A. 23/30 24 25 Happy 26 Thanksgiving Schedule of Events • Nov. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30—8:00 am & 10:30am Worship • Nov. 2, 9. 16, 23, 30—9:15 am Sunday School • Nov. 2 UMYF (Youth Group) Grades 6-12—6-7:30pm Trick or Treating for Can foods • Nov. 5—Trustee’s Meeting 7pm • Nov. 8—Fall Clean up at church—8am-12pm • Nov. 10—Finance Committee Meeting—6pm • Nov. 16—Missions Meeting - 11:30am (Kitchen) • Nov. 16—Confirmation Class with Mentor’s 4pm-5:45pm • Nov. 16—UMYF (Youth Group) Grades 6-12—6-7:30pm • Nov. 21—Quilters—9am-12pm & 6:30pm • Nov. 26—Coffee Connection—Rescheduled til Dec. 3, 2014 10am. • Nov. 27—Thanksgiving Eve Worship at 7pm—Kaneland United Methodist Church, Kaneville, IL 60144
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