Upcoming Events 12:15 PM 1:15 PM 2:00 PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26 Newcomers Lunch Postponed due to lack of sign-ups Detention Home Service Nursing Home Service Quiz Practice Children’s Choir Practice Dr. Steve & Ruth Porter Ministry Update Linger Longer at Charrons’ 6:30 PM 7:00 PM MONDAY, OCTOBER 27 Ladies’ Bible Study (N-104) Orchestra Practice 9:30 AM 7:00 PM TUESDAY, OCTOBER 28 Ladies’ Bible Study (N-104) Resurrection on Trial Auditions (N-203) 5:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:45 PM 8:15 PM WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 29 Youth Choir Practice (Jonathan’s office) Word of Life, Jr. & Sr. High Youth Adult Bible Study & Prayer Meeting (N-106) Adult Choir Practice (N-203) 7:00 PM 7:00 PM THURSDAY, OCTOBER 30 Quiz Practice Resurrection on Trial Auditions (N-203) Jenison Bible Church October 26, 2014 Morning Services Prayer Requests A complete list of prayer requests from Wednesday night can be downloaded from the website, or picked up in the narthex. Attendance 8:30 Service 258 Beyond Polarization — James 4:13-17 Dr. Stephen LeBar 11:00 Service: 235 Morning Total: 493 Sunday School We have classes for all ages. Options for adults listed inside. Sunday School: 291 6:00 PM FRIDAY, OCTOBER 31 Fall Outreach—CandyLand 9:00 AM SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 1 Resurrection on Trial Auditions (N-203) 2:30 PM 4:00 PM 4:15 PM 5:30 PM SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2 Nursing Home Service Quiz Practice Children’s Choir Practice Baptism during evening service 5:30 Service: 253 Evening Service Jenison Bible Church 6360 14th Avenue Hudsonville, MI 49426 Phone: 457-3770 Prayer Line: 752-8050 Office@JenisonBible.org www.JenisonBible.org Sunday Services Wednesday Night Activities Morning Worship — 8:30 & 11:00 Sunday School — 9:50 am Evening Praise — 5:30 pm Word of Life —6:30 pm (Sept.-April) Junior & Senior High — 6:30 pm Adult Study & Prayer — 6:45 pm Senior Pastor — Dr. Stephen LeBar Admin. Pastor — Rev. Todd Witters Visitation Pastor— Rev. Lee Buer Worship Pastor — Jonathan DeCou Youth Pastor—Charlie Grimaldi Bookkeeper — Nancy Skoglund Pastor Emeritus — Rev. Leon Buck Pastor Emeritus — Rev. Joe Smith Financial Sec. — Tom Olson Janitor— Diane Blok Office Manager — Trinka Jeffery Janitor— Linda Bouma Our missionaries, Dr. Steve & Ruth Porter Children’s Church (during 11:00 service only ) 2 & 3-Year-olds N-103 4-Year-olds-K W-104 1st-2nd Grade W-103 We have a fully-staffed nursery available during all services. It is located in the southeast corner of the main floor. Once the service has started, our ushers will be glad to help you find a seat during the congregational singing. The last 3 rows of the sanctuary’s southwest side are reserved for parents with small children who must bring them to service. 10 minutes after the start of the service, these rows will be used to seat late-comers. Adult Sunday School Options ENCOURAGERS — with Ron Boomsma, studying When Life Leaves you Confused—Habakkuk. Meeting in N-202. FAITHFUL SERVANTS — with Pastor Buer, studying 2 Thessalonians. Meeting in N-205. FAMILY FOUNDATION BUILDERS — with Mike VanderBand and Brad Irving. Studying Respectable Sins: Confronting the Sins we Tolerate — by Jerry Bridges. Meeting in W-106. GROWING TOGETHER — with Todd & Carla Witters and Doug & Valerie Dewey. This class, studying The Life of Christ, is targeted towards college-aged and young adults, both married & single, who have a desire for discipleship & growth. Meeting in N-104. MARRIAGE FELLOWSHIP — with Tom Mouw and Mike Anderson, studying You and Me Forever by Francis Chan. Meeting in W-202 (Tower Room). SOJOURNERS—with Joe Smith, studying Daniel. In N-106. The last Sunday of each month, our Sunday school offering goes to one of our missionary families. Today’s offering will be for Ted & Priscilla Clark, serving with CMML in Mexico. For help finding class locations, please see an usher, or visit the welcome center. Announcements OCT. 31, 6:00-9:00 — CANDYLAND ——sign-ups are nearly full, but we need more candy donations! OCTOBER IS PASTOR APPRECIATION MONTH – We appreciate all they do in ministry and service to the body here at JBC. NEXT SUNDAY, NOV. 2, 5:30 PM — BAPTISM — if you are interested in being baptized, please let us know via the communication slip, or contact pastor. DUE NOV. 2 — SUPPLIES TO STOCK HARBOR HOME which will soon be occupied by the Stephen & Ginger Jordan family, our missionaries serving in the Philippines. Help us stock their cupboards by signing up in the foyer to bring items. Announcements NOV. 2 — MISSIONARY CHRISTMAS CARDS DUE – Pick up a missionary list in the foyer (or see the back of any prayer sheet). Write out your cards for the missionaries. Put their name on the front of the envelope, and bring them to the box in the foyer. The missions committee will mail them in bulk to each missionary. They love receiving such a special package from the church family. SLAVIC GOSPEL ASSOCIATION (NOV. 10-19) — Pastor LeBar will conduct leadership development training with pastors in Voronezh, Russia in association with the Slavic Gospel Association. Your prayers are appreciated. To contribute please mark your gift - "LeBar - Russia". Cost of trip:$3,000 NOV. 14-16 — CAMP AO-WA-KIYA VOLUNTEERS NEEDED — 8 adults needed to help with cooking, dishes, prep, & cleaning. We need your commitment by Nov. 1. Info. & sign-up sheet is on foyer table. NOV. 16, 5:30 PM — HUNTLEY BROWN will be featured in our KEYBOARD FESTIVAL — ten pianos and twenty pianists! NOV. 16 — OPERATION CHRISTMAS CHILD BOXES DUE — See the narthex table for more information. DEC. 2, 5:00 PM — JOY WIDOWS & SINGLE SENIORS’ CHRISTMAS DINNER — For JBC widows, widowers and singles 50 and over!. Come enjoy food and fellowship. No charge, just come! RSVP by Nov. 21 using the bulletin communication slip, or to office@jenisonbible.org or 457-3770. Questions? Please contact Julie Rycenga at adr11@juno.com or 895-4904. DEC. 4, 6:00 PM — LADIES’ CHRISTMAS TEA — Ladies, this year we will celebrate Christmas Thursday evening, Dec. 4. Punch bowl at 6:00 and a light dinner at 6:30 PM, followed by a wonderful program. Tickets will be $4 and will be on sale Sundays, Nov. 9, 16 & 23 before and after the worship services. P.S., please bring your own tea-cup or mug. TRANSPORTATION NEEDED FOR ONE OF OUR WIDOWS to and from the 11 o’clock service. She lives at Sunset Manor in Jenison. You can volunteer via the communication slip in the bulletin, sign up in the narthex or contact Kim Downing at 662-2648 or dkdowning@sbcglobal.net. VOTERS GUIDES are available in the narthex. Announcements MARCH 5-7 — THE RESURRECTION ON TRIAL — We will put on this courtroom drama presenting first-century witnesses who bring testimony to the truthfulness and trustworthiness of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. This will be at the Jenison Performing Arts Center. AUDITIONS will be at JBC this Tues., Oct. 28, 7:00-9:00 pm; Thurs., Oct. 30, 7:00-9:00 pm; & Sat., Nov. 1, 9:00 am - Noon. Interested actors can contact the director, Pastor Jonathan DeCou, for an audition time and requirements. Those auditioning should prepare a three-minute monologue and will be asked to do a cold reading from the actual script. The cast includes the following characters: Judge Noteworthy, Baliff, Simon Peter, Caiaphas, Mary of Bethany, Pontius Pilate, Joseph of Arimathea, Centurion Longinus, Thomas, Centurion Petronius, Attorney Stockman, Attorney Smith, TV Reporter Peter Hayes. PARENTING SUPPORT GROUPS will begin soon, meeting monthly, with flexible times, and childcare can be provided. Indicate interest on the communication slip, or contact Wendy Schultz (457-8822 or schultzdeererun@yahoo.com) or EB Irving (3014744 or ebirving@gmail.com). NURSERY WORKERS NEEDED — Can you help once/month or more? If so, there is a new sign-up sheet on the nursery counter. Please consider signing up to work once/month or once every other month. Notes of Thanks Dear JBC Missions Committee — Thanks! Thanks … Thanks. What a wonderful weekend we just had with you. Thanks for asking us to be part of it. Loved the challenges the speaker gave. (Practical and manageable … ex: praying at a stoplight.) I want to thank you for continuing to support those who have given their lives to be light and salt to the unreached. Don’t grow weary in well-doing. God is building His church and you’re a big part of this, even if you don’t always see it. Again, we love you and thank you for all you’ve done for us. — From us both, Dave Percy Thank you JBC Family for all your prayers, cards, phone calls and Pastor Buer for praying with me before surgery. Everything went well. Praise God, He is so good. — Thanks again, Helen Bluhm
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