SUNDAY, OCTOBER 26, 2014 Parish News is a weekly feature to help enhance our parish communications. The deadline to get material submitted is Thursday at 10:00 a.m. Call the office at 515-996-2572 or e-mail your information to Today is Blanket Sunday Your gift provides blankets to the homeless and economically disadvantaged both in the United States and abroad. $10 will buy a single blanket, but you don’t have to stop there: the Blankets+ program provides disaster survivors with blankets, food, shelter, and safe water, followed by long-term assistance to help them create a better future. SERMON INFORMATION NEXT SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2ND COMMUNION SUNDAY ALL SAINTS SUNDAY SERMON: “THE POWER BEHIND THE DOOR” SCRIPTURE: REVELATION 7:9-17 All Saints Celebration (VM/BV) Next Sunday, November 2nd, we will celebrate All Saints Sunday. This is a day to honor and remember the lives of church members who have passed away in the prior year. We encourage family and friends to join our commemoration. Fall Back! Daylight Savings Time ends at 2 AM next Sunday morning. Remember to set your clocks back an hour Saturday night. You can sleep in for an hour! Trunk or Treat Thursday (VM) Van Meter UMC’s annual Trunk or Treat is almost here! This Thursday, October 30th, from 6-8 PM, we will be serving up donuts and hot cider, while providing familyfriendly trick-or-treating from the trunks of our cars. The entire Van Meter community is invited, so bring your family and tell your neighbors. Sign-up sheets for volunteers and food donations are on the credenza. Prayer Shawl Change The prayer shawl group will be meeting on a different day next month: the second Thursday, November 13th. We will still meet at 7:00 PM, this time at the home of Marva DeBoer. October 26: Mark 11-13 October 27: Mark 14-16 October 28: Luke 1-3 October 29: Luke 4-6 October 30: Luke 7-9 October 31: Luke 10-13 November 1: Luke 14-17 Ingathering Kits Due Today Please place your completed kits in the blue tub just inside the main doors at Van Meter UMC. Christy Jungman can answer your questions. Next Sunday Worship Helpers for November 2nd Exercise Your Faith (VM) Thanksgiving and Christmas temptations are just ahead. Don’t wait for the New Year. Do your heart and body some good now: Come tomorrow to the Exercise Your Faith group’s weekly meeting for some exercise and encouragement in a relaxed atmosphere. We meet in the overflow room Monday afternoons at 2 PM. Everyone is welcome. ■ ■ Jed & Elizabeth Alexander ■ Communion: (VM) Roger & Barb Carlson Heidi Myers ■ CIA Youth Schedule (VM) Every Wednesday 6-7:30 PM: Youth Group meeting Please sign up to bring or help with the dinner meal. Fri., Oct. 31—Sat., Nov. 1: Ingathering Lock-In ■ Grades 7-12 ■ 6 PM Friday 10/31 depart for Greenfield ■ $10 per youth + goodies to share Nov 16, 2 PM: Ignition. Bring $3 and a snack to share. Acolytes: (VM) Alexander family Ushers/Greeters: (VM) Mike & Gayle O’Brien Liturgist: (BV) Jill Martens (VM) Pat Consolver ■ Power Point: (VM) Kasey O’Brien ■ Nursery: (VM) JoAnne Keltner Rebecca Comer If you are unable to fulfill your worship duty, you are responsible for finding a replacement. Please notify the church office of the change. Please Pray for… (BV / VM) Kathleen Gunzenhauser, Patty Lenius, Ryan Carlson, Chuck Keltner, Linda Aldrich, Carolyn Myers (BV), Mary Snow, Dolores Johnson, Donna Stark, Carol Jimmerson, Kim Dunbar, Hazel Clark (BV), Dorthy Hubbard, Anne Markham Please contact the church office with updates and requests. Our condolences to Jamie Champion and her family, for the loss of her father, Jim Weld. Letter From David Hobbs, LDM for Camps and Christian Formation David Hobbs, who visited Van Meter recently and spoke at our worship service, sent us a nice letter. In it, he thanked our churches for our support of the Iowa UMC Conference Camps and Retreats Centers. “[We] feel very fortunate to be able to work with the youth of your church and community, and we always feel that we receive as much as they do, as they come to share in Christian Fellowship. … “We want you to know how thankful we are for your efforts in working with these youth and encouraging them to come to camp; whether through one on one contacts, praying for your youth, or gathering resources to make it possible to go to camp.” He discusses other aspects of youth ministry and how his team might assist us in our local efforts, and mentions adult camp and retreat opportunities now being explored. The letter is posted on the bulletin board in the hallway. Worship Times: BV 9:00 AM VM 10:45 AM Sunday School : BV 10:00 AM VM 9:30 AM Calendar This Week Sun., Oct. 26 Blanket Sunday / Blessing of Ingathering Kits Adult Discussion Group / Parent Discussion Group (VM) 9:30 AM Sunday School (VM) / Sunday School (BV) 9:30 AM /10:00 AM Mon., Oct. 27 Exercise Your Faith 2:00 PM Wed., Oct. 29 C.I.A. Youth Group Chancel Choir (VM) Cantata rehearsal (VM) 6:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM Thurs., Oct. 30 Trunk or Treat (VM) Sat., Nov 1 Ingathering 6-8 PM Next Week Sun., Nov. 2 All-Saints Sunday / Communion Sunday Daylight Savings Time Ends Adult Discussion Group / Parent Discussion Group (VM) 9:30 AM Sunday School (VM) / Sunday School (BV) 9:30 AM /10:00 AM Mon., Nov. 3 Exercise Your Faith 2:00 PM Tues., Nov 4 Election Day (Van Meter church will host) BV Ad Board 7:00 PM Wed., Nov. 5 C.I.A. Youth Group Chancel Choir (VM) Cantata rehearsal (VM) 6:00 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM Thurs., Nov. 6 SAM luncheon Joint meeting SPRCs, Ad Boards with Weesner NO Prayer Shawl (postponed until next week) 11:30 AM 6:00 PM
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