January 18th, 2015 The 2nd Sunday in Ordinary Time Welcome to St. Benedict’s Parish! 8110 Jewel Lake Road Anchorage, AK 99502 Sunday Mass Parish Office Phone: 243-2195 • Fax: 243-0088 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday 10:00am-3:00pm People Mover: Bus Route 7J Web: www.stbenedictsak.com E-mail: info@stbenedictsak.com Saturday 5:00pm; Sunday 8:00am, 10:30am, 12:15pm Weekday Mass Tuesday-Friday 9:15am Adoration and Benediction Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00pm Lumen Christi Jr/Sr High School Lumen Christi Phone: 245-9231 • Fax: 245-9232 Web: www.lumenchristiak.com E-mail: info@lumenchristiak.com Sacrament of Reconciliation Wednesdays, during Adoration Sat. 3:45-4:45pm or by appointment Parish Calendar of Events Sunday 1/18 Pastor Rev. Leo A. Walsh, S.T.D. lwalsh@stbenedictsak.com 243-2195 Parochial Vicar Rev. Jacob Stronach, O.S.B. jstronach@stbenedictsak.com 243-2195 Mass Times: • 8am • 10:30am • 12:15pm 1:30pm • CCD Monday 1/19 4:45pm • HS Faith Formation Administrative Assistant Denice Yonker parishsecretary@stbenedictsak.com 243-2195 Business Manager Danna Hoellering dhoellering@stbenedictsak.com 273-1553 Pastoral Assistant Marcy Adkins madkins@stbenedictsak.com 273-1554 9:15am • Mass 3:45pm • Confession 5:30pm • Legion of Mary 10am • Kid Play 6pm • Adoration and Confessions 11am • Why Catholic 10am • Junior Legion of Mary 5pm • Vigil Mass 5:45pm • Zumba 6:30pm • RCIA Ken Miller stbenmusic@gmail.com 273-1540 (message) Office of Evangelization & Catechesis Director Robert McMorrow II rmcmorrow@stbenedictsak.com 273-1552 Youth Minister Oriele Jones ojones@stbenedictsak.com 273-1541 Adult Education Dr. Bob Schihl bschihl@stbenedictsak.com 273-1541 Monday 1/26 Tuesday 1/27 • Kid Play 7pm • Theology Class • Choir Practice • Why Catholic Wednesday 1/28 Thursday 1/29 Friday 1/30 Saturday 1/31 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 9:15am • Mass 3:45pm • Confession 5:30pm • Legion of Mary 10am • Kid Play 6pm • Adoration and Confessions 11am • Why Catholic 10am • Junior Legion of Mary 5pm • Vigil Mass 5:45pm • Zumba 6:30pm • RCIA 8pm • YM Meeting 7pm • Bible Study 5pm 8:00am 10:30am 12:15pm 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 9:15am 5pm 8:00am 10:30am 7pm • Youth Night • Why Catholic • Knights of Columbus Mtg 5:45p • Zumba 7pm • Theology Class 6pm • Father Daughter Dance • Choir Practice • PACEM Mtg Mass Intentions (*) 1/20 1/21 1/22 1/23 1/24 1/25 • Youth Night 5:45p • Zumba 9:15am • Mass 4:45pm • HS Faith Formation 1/17 1/18 7pm • Knights of Columbus 2nd Degree Ceremony OFFICE CLOSED • Adult Ed Director of Music Saturday 1/24 9:15am • Mass Sunday 1/25 1:30pm • CCD Friday 1/23 9:15am • Mass 7pm • Bible Study Mass Times: • 8am • 10:30am • 12:15pm Thursday 1/22 9:15am • Mass Deacons Deacon Ted Greene tgreene@caa-ak.org 273-1597 (message) Deacon Dez Martinez deacondez@alaskan.com 273-1599 (message) Wednesday 1/21 OFFICE CLOSED 6pm • Patriotic Rosary • Adult Ed Tuesday 1/20 Carmen Viloria (ROS) People of the Parish Sandie Yonker (SI) Concepcion Pascual (ROS) March of Life Police & Firefighters People of the Parish Departed Members of the Knights of Columbus 12:15pm Bernice Kinney (ROS) *see mass intentions key on back page Sunday 1/18 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19 1 Corinthians 6:13c15a, 17-20 John 1:35-42 Sunday 1/25 Sacramental Information Contact the Parish Office at 243-2195 for more information on: •Baptism of Infants is celebrated either during Mass, after the 12:15 Mass or at any other time approved by the pastor. Parents and Godparents are required to attend a Baptismal Preparation Class prior to the baptism of the child. •Marriages are scheduled by meeting with the pastor at least six months prior to the wedding date. Jonah 3:1-5, 10 1 Corinthians 7:29 -31 Mark 1:14-20 •Funerals contact the parish office immediately after the death. •Anointing of the Sick, Communion to the Homebound, Call the parish office to request a visit. ~Pastors Corner~ Called to Serve; Sharing the Journey This week we have two different stories about people being called by God to a life of service. Each of these can tell us something about how God calls each of us to serve Him. In the first reading we see the beautiful story of the call of Samuel. Three times the Lord calls Samuel and he just doesn’t seem to be getting it. Thank goodness for the presence of Eli who finally helps him make sense of it all. A similar thing happens in the call of Simon Peter. In John’s gospel, it is not Jesus who calls Simon Peter directly. Rather, it is his brother Andrew who gives the invitation. So, one of the first things that seems to be important in a vocation is the presence of a spiritual guide or mentor, someone who can walk with us for a time along the journey of faith and help us make sense of what God is trying to say to us or to help us see and understand what seems to elude us. Think about it. In your journey of faith there has probably been at least one such person, maybe more, who have helped you to take that next step in deepening your faith. It could have been a parent, a friend, a priest or deacon or brother or sister. In the same way, the presence of a spiritual mentor is absolutely essential for anyone who is discerning a vocation to the priesthood, diaconate or religious life. We all need that extra set of spiritual eyes to help us out. We are all called to serve. Throughout our lives and at various stages, God will send us people to help us make that next step. They help us make sense of how God is working in our lives and trying to get our attention. As a spiritual exercise this week, take a moment to pause and think about those who have been your spiritual mentors in the past. Is there anyone whom YOU have helped along their journey. Thank God for the gift that they have been to you and ask for the grace to be open to whomever He might send to you in the future. ***Deadlines loom! Sign up for the Pilgrimage to Rome today! There are a fair number of spots still available for the parish pilgrimage to Rome, May 19-31. Since we are flying over the pole with Condor, deadlines for airline reservations are a bit earlier than normal. Do not delay. Reserve your spot today! Listen to Fr. Leo's recorded homily podcasts: www.stbenedictsak.com/podcasts.htm Please Pray for: Bessie Paraoan, Jackie & Greg Kern, Oneita Johnson, Arlene Osborn, Cheryl Edgren, Valie Visaya, Diana Bennett, Paul Larson, Mary Dubois, Caryle Keefe, Paulo Iloilo, Kevin Pfeiffer, Glenn Allen, Virginia Aberle, Harold Adams, Joan Alles, Martina Almeida, Rafael Apostol, Clifford Baker, Jane Barnham, Elizabeth Bastiani, Maria Elisa Bente, Solita Balones, Belarde Family, Mark Blumenthal, Deneen B. Bozeman, Mike Bygott, Chasse Family, Doris Claussen, Jim Curro, Kate Daniel, Riza Daniel, Christine Driskell, Monica Estil, Basilia Flores, Bobby Garcia, Jose Garcia, Pierro Garcia, Victoria Garcia, Christina Garcia, Lillian Gibson, Louise Goetsch, Brittany Groenke, Mary Heinz, Angelica Hess, Patricia Hoerling, Kim Hole, Anne Jaskier, Betty Johnson, Stacey Koenig, Paul Lacey, Debra Larson, Keith Lauwers, Chuck Lastufka, Corazon Legarda, Patrick Maitland, Audrey Mather, Mark Mather, Greg Maturo, Natividad Mendoza, Roldan Milallos, Thomas Milton, Leoncia Morante, Modesta Munoz, Hien Pham, Maddie Rey, Jeanne Rosauer, Alfred Russell, Heriberto Saiz, Orlando Sargento, Mark Schoendaller, Joe Shaw, Stanley Smith, Lucia Soriano, Betty Stokes, Rosalie Tadda, Steven Taylor, David Thompson, Helen Thompson, Peg Bernert, Patricia Vollendor, Beatrice Walsh, John Logan, Marijes Apostol, Tuyen Pham, Jane Branham, Nicole Johnson. (To add or remove please call 243-2195). Andy & Ginny Hepola Gary & Nedra Oeder Douglas & Ellen Boyce Patrick & Mabel Danielson John & Mary Marakkamveettil Mark & Kalee Sabata Richard & Lauran Mitchell Todd & Dawn Sidoti 01/26/1974 01/03/1988 01/25/1991 01/12/1993 01/27/2007 01/03/2009 01/04/2014 01/03/2015 Many thanks and grateful prayers for your steadfast witness to the gospel in the vocation of married life. May Christ richly bless you in the coming year! If you want to be sure that your anniversary is acknowledged, contact the parish office at 243-2195. Parish community Events Ministry (formerly the Spiritual & Social Events Committee) Will be meeting Tuesday, January 27th, at 7pm in the Parish Hall Play Group Fridays! We have secured the following Friday’s for our Kid Play dates at the Lumen Christ Gym from 10a to noon! • January 23 • February 27 • March 6, 13, 27 • April 17 STEWARDSHIP OF TREASURE: The Offertory Collection for Sunday, January 11th: Weekly offering was $10,744.96 online giving added $2,205.00 the Building Fund was $434.00 online giving added $110.00 for a total of $13,493.96 for the weekend. Our weekly average is $17,524.98. Thank you for your continued and generous support! Faith Sharing Groups Did you know that "Why Catholic", Renew, and faith-sharing groups are all the same thing? Whatever you call it, this experience is an opportunity to gather with other parishioners to prayerfully reflect on and share the Word of God allowing us to live our faith more concretely in family, work, and community life. Join the Wednesday group at Lumen from 78:30 pm or Thursday mornings 11-12:30 in the church. Books are provided. Also if several parishioners have another time they would like to meet, we can accommodate them. St. Benedict's annual Father/Daughter dance Saturday, January 31, from 6:30-8:30 P.M. in the upper room of the Lumen Christi gym. Tickets are available at the door for $5 and all ages are welcome. Please bring a snack to share. Photographs will be available for a donation to St. Benedict's. For more information or to reserve tickets, please contact Rebecca at 344-1719. Archangel Attic Last week's Donation Sunday once again gave us wonderful items for our customers. Thank you for making sure your things are ready for a new owner. You gave us a Keurig single cup coffee maker, new beer and wine glasses, new women's shoes size 9, and an Ellen Tracy down coat to name just a fee. Many of our clothing are name brands and nearly new. Stop by to find a great gift, an ideal items, and/or special sportswear. Starting March 1, our clothing bags will be $15.00. Re-ORGAN-ize We are over 95% of our goal and it is not too late to send in your donation today towards our new organ! You may donate using the envelopes in the vestibule or go online to our website at www.stbenedictsak.com and click the online giving icon at the top left hand corner of our home page. Parish Calendar Now Available on the Web! Go to www.stbenedictsak.com and click Calendar on the left side of the page. You can choose calendars from the liturgy, Lumen Christi, Spiritual and Social Events and more! ~Knights Table~ www.facebook.com/kofc12290 Thank You to all who came to the Chili Feed and supported the Knights of Columbus! In place of the social on Wednesday, January, 21st there will be a 2nd degree ceremony. All Knights are encourage to attend! If you are a 1st degree Knight you are asked to consider joining the ranks of the 2nd degree. SEE YOU THERE! **BISON TICKETS ON SALE NOW** Buy your ticket today from any Knight! If you have any questions see Mike Moore. The Knights of Columbus will be holding our next blood drive on Sunday, January 25th, 8:30 A.M. – 12:15 P.M. at St. Benedicts Church back parking lot. Appointments will have priority over walk-ins and that new donors may take up to 60 minutes. Walk-ins will be worked in as soon as possible, if it can be done safely. If you are able to donate, please contact Bob McMorrow, Sr. at 243-7992. Thank you!! ♦ Our Patriotic Rosary is prayed twice each month. The first, is with the 4th Degree Knights, held at 6pm on the first Monday of each month at church. ♦ The second, is our regular time, held at 7pm on the third Monday of each month at church. EVERYONE IS WELCOME TO PRAY WITH US AT BOTH OF THESE TIMES. The Office of EVANGELIZATION CATECHESIS Bob McMORROW, Director Oriele JONES, Youth Ministry 273-15572 rmcmorrow@stbenedictsak.com 273-1541 ojones@stbenedictsak.com EVANGELIZATION Having a knowing and loving relationship with Jesus from His Word - the Bible “ . . . And the Word was God.” (John 1:1) READING THE BIBLE Where Evangelization Begins Dr. Bob SCHIHL, Adult Ministry 273-1541 bschihl@stbenedictsak.com CATECHESIS Catechesis echoes the Word of God from the Bible in the teachings of the Church. “He who hears you, hears Me.” (Luke 10:16) CONFRATERNITY OF CHRISTIAN DOCTRINE (CCD) Choices of a Catholic translation of the Bible The New American Bible Revised The Scripture at Mass is from this translation; easy to read, easy to listen to. Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition A very good study Bible. Jerusalem Bible A good translation from the French original. Easy to read. Douay-Rheims Bible. The oldest Catholic English translation (1582/1610) Check-off list for a one year reading schedule for the Bible: catholicbibleinayear.org BIBLE STUDY FAMILY FAITH CATECHESIS Who: Kindergarten thru eighth grade and their parents. What: Family catechesis from 1:30-2PM fol lowed by CCD for the children and optional adult education classes for the parents. When: Sundays from 1:30-3PM. Why: Faith is fun, exciting and life changing! Where: We will begin in the gym. And: Come early for family fun time - Gym and youth center will be open from noon to 1:30PM for optional family fun: coffee, juice, and cookies will be provided. Door prizes every week for all families who have parents in attendance! PRAYER OF THE MONTH: Hail Holy Queen We are now studying The Gospel according to St. John Tuesday evenings at 7 PM, room 109, LCHS; Coffee and dessert will be available. No experience necessary. Just come. Next: The Books of Maccabees Dr. Bob is teaching. All are welcome. “The saints have always been the source and origin of renewal in the most difficult moments in the Church’s history.” Pope St. John Paul II ADULT CATECHESIS ON SUPER SUNDAYS Starting at 2 PM Dr. Bob Schihl “Popular Topics of Faith” January 18th: “End Times Prophecies” January 25th: The Incorruptibles and Eucharistic Miracles” LCHS Room 109 Fr. Jacob Stronach, O.S.B. Growing in holiness January 18th: “Virtue and Vice” January 25th: Stages of Perfection: The Purgative Way LCHS Room 121 Fr. Leo Walsh “How to Be a Good Catholic: The Precepts of the Church” January 18th: “Precept #2 “You Shall Confess Your Sins at Least Once a Year.” Next week:Precept #4 “You shall observe the days of fasting and abstinence established by the Church. LCHS Room 107 ADULT CATECHESIS THEOLOGY THURSDAYS A Personal Faith Formation Program for Every Parishioner Encounter your Catholic faith - not just on Sunday but throughout the week, on your own time, at your own pace, as much as you want top spend at a time. SYMBOLON is an on-line 20-episode video series that presents the “big picture” of our Catholic faith. These episodes are filmed on-location in Rome, in the Holy Land, in Calcutta, and at the Augustine Institute Studios in Denver. You create a login that permits you to access Symbolon on your own, on your computer, your smart phone, or your tablet. Begin by registering at http:// symboloncatholic.org/register Then enter our St. Benedict Code: 2a81e2 Symbolon Group Study An adult group will meet during the high school faith formation classes (Sundays, 4 - 5:45 PM) to look at the new Symbolon video series. The group meets in room 109 LCHS. Thursdays, 7PM, Room 109, LCHS “In the Footsteps of Jesus” January 22nd: Part III St. Matthew January 29th: Part IV: St. Luke February 5th: Part V: St. John February 12th: Part VI: Post Resurrection Church February 19th: Part VII: St. Paul February 26th: Part VIII: Corinthians and Romans ANNUAL PILGRIMAGE The destination of our 2015 pilgrimage is to the sites of Ancient Rome, the Vatican and Assisi, the home of St. Francis. Our dates are May 19th30th. Registration forms are in the back of the church! “Winning the Culture War” by Dr. Peter Kreeft. This CD is available on the Lighthouse rack in the front of the front of the church. To win any war, three things are necessary: know that you are at war, know who your enemy is, know what strategies can defeat him. MEDITATION OF THE WEEK “Without charity, purity is fruitless and its sterile waters turn the soul into a swamp, a stagnant marsh, from which rises the stench of pride.” St. Josemaria Escriva (1902-1975) YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Tea Tuesday Join young adults (18-30) from around Anchorage for an evening of great conversation and fellowship. We meet from 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm at Yak and Yeti Himalayan Cafe Located at 1360 West Northern Lights Questions? Contact Oriele Jones at 907-2731541. Find us on Facebook “Tea Tuesdays” Krakow WYD is geared for young people aged 16-35. The pilgrimage will be in July, 2016. There will be an optional pre-trip to Ireland. Registration forms are now available in the youth center. Or email Bob McMorrow if you want more information. NEXT ITALIAN DINNER The next seven course Italian dinner to benefit World Youth Day is February 28th at 6 PM in the church hall. Mark your calendars! Catechists Needed People who love Jesus, His Church, and have a desire to share the faith with others! Call 273-1552. We are looking for catechists and other volunteers to help with our new SUPER SUNDAY family faith formation program. Classes meet from 1:30-3:00 PM on Sunday afternoons. If you are interested, call or email Bob McMorrow. Our team will walk with you, and prepare you in both teaching skills and Catholic content. Super Sunday Team We need help setting up each Sunday, taking attendance, running the technology, and manning the prize tables. If you are able to help, email or call Bob McMorrow. St. Andrew Bobola, S.J. Patron of our E/C Team Pray for us. ~Our Community~ Pick, Click & Give Please Support Catholic Social Services through PFD. Fr. Fred Bugarin’s 40th Anniversary Celebration Please join the Faith Community of St. Anthony’s Parish as we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Ordination of our beloved Fr. Fred Bugarin. Celebration begins at 5:30pm Mass on January 24th, followed by a potluck and a program with entertainment by parish choirs. Please RSVP and/or send memoires of your history with Fr. Bugarin to Elaine Cordova, cordovaak@gmail.com or Phone: 907-240-6621. The St. Francis House Food Pantry provides approximately 115 families with emergency food supplies daily. Food donations are needed now to meet this demand. Donations may be dropped off at St. Francis House, 3710 E. 20th or at the Archdiocese of Anchorage office at 225 Cordova St. If you are unable to shop please consider making a Catholic Schools Week – National Catholic donation to our on-line virtual food drive at Schools Week is the annual celebration of Cathowww.cssalaska.org. Thank you! lic education in the United States. It starts the last Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska is looking for Sunday in January and runs all week, which in volunteers for their sight based program and their 2015 is January 25 - 31. The theme for the Nacommunity based program. The sight based pro- tional Catholic Schools Week 2015 is “Catholic gram volunteers come to the school for one hour a Schools: Communities of Faith, Knowledge and week and spend time with the student. The Com- Service.” Schools typically observe the annual celebration week with Masses, open houses and munity program volunteers meet with the kids other activities for students, families, parishioners outside school, at the park or library etc., for at least two hours a month. They ask for a one year and community members. Through these events, commitment for both programs. The next orienta- schools focus on the value Catholic education tion will be January 21st at 6:00pm. The contact provides to young people and its contributions to number for Big Brothers Big Sisters of Alaska is our church, our communities and our nation. 433-4600. A Lifeline for Marriage – RETROUVAILLE January 24 |Prayer Service to honor our Abort- (pronounced retro-vii) Are you or someone you know considering Divorce? Do you feel helpless ed Babies – The 4th Degree Archbishop Ryan Assembly 1592 will be holding an Interdenomi- dealing with your troubled relationship with your national Prayer Service to honor our Aborted Ba- spouse? Retrouvaille helps spouses re-awaken the love, trust and commitment that originally bies and to pray for the end of Abortion world brought them together. The program is very sucover at the 9th Street Cemetery cessful in helping troubled marriages, even bring2:00pm. All are welcome and ing reconciliation to couples that have separated it should last approximately 40 or divorced. That joyful relationship you and your minutes and refreshments will be spouse enjoyed early in your marriage is waiting served afterwards. For more information please email: lptrnak@outlook.com for you to come and reclaim it. For information or to register for the next program beginning with a Silent Retreat lead by Fr. Mark Francis Manzano, weekend on Feb. 13, 14 &15, 2015. call 800-4702230, or log on to www.HelpOurMarriage.com. OP, on Jan 30-Feb 1, 2015, at Holy Spirit Center. Cost is $235 single / $215 double. Call Liz for more info or reservations at 947-8335. Following in His Footsteps Thrift Store: Open Monday-Friday 10am-3pm, and Saturday 10am-4pm; contact the Store at 245-0017 or for other questions or to volunteer call Colleen: 354-4372 or Mary: 868-3453 Catechesis: Choir: Clare House: Hospitality: Pancake Breakfast: Knights of Columbus: Legion of Mary: Samoan Mass: Filipino Mass: Outreach: Prayer Chain: R.C.I.A.: Mass Intentions: Bob McMorrow: 273-1552, Dr. Bob Schihl and Oriele Jones: 273-1541 See Ken Miller after Mass or email stbenmusic@gmail.com Food for Clare House: 4th Tuesday each month; contact Linda Fleener: 243-5688 Coffee and donuts, following 8:00am and 10:30 am Masses, except on Pancake Breakfast Served 8:00am to 12:00pm on the 2nd Sunday of the month from October to April Meets every 1st Wednesday (Business) and 3rd Wednesday Social & Potluck (all welcome) Meets every Monday at 5:30pm in the Parish Hall; contact Phyllis Wilson: 344-8947 At 12:15 Mass, the 1st Sunday of the Month At 12:15 Mass, the 3rd Sunday of the Month Emergency food for those in need call 273-1596 For information call Ann Curro: 349-3772 or email Peg Walsh Bernert: peg500@aol.com Meets Tuesday 6:30-8:00 pm; contact Marcy Adkins: 273-1554 SI=Special Intentions, RTH=Return to Health, ROS=Repose of the Soul St. Benedict's Youth Activities Dear Young People, “Let us look to God as the God of life, let us look to His law, to the Gospel message, as the way to freedom and life” -Pope Francis Youth nights We meet every Wednesday evening from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm in the upper room above the gym. Please keep our retreatants in your prayers as they return home today. World Youth Day 2016 in Krakow We will have registration forms available this summer. The pilgrimage will be in July of 2016. There will be an optional Pre-trip to Ireland. This Week: We will have a special guest: come meet Sister Rose! Food Friends Faith Regular meetings YODA– 3:00 in the Upper Room Youth Ministry Team– 8:00 pm on Jan. 25th And… for the Junior high Junior High Night– Jan. 23rd The youth group had a great time skating on New Years Day.
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