CHURCH OF SAINT THOMAS MORE A Community of Parish and University Ministry

A Community of Parish and
University Ministry
6 Madbury Road (P.O. Box 620)
Durham, New Hampshire
Parish Office: 868-2666/1043
Fax: 868-3765
Campus Ministry: 868-1043
Masses ext. 2
Phone ext:
Pastor & Catholic Chaplain:
Rev. Andrew W. Cryans
Pastoral Ministry:
Roberta MacBride
STM Bereavement Coordinator:
Ann Kimball
Campus Minister:
Cheryl Goldthwaite
Director of Faith Formation:
Karie Thompson
Middle School Youth Minister:
Ray Bilodeau
High School Youth Minister:
Felicia Sperry
Bindy Curtis
Maura Slavin
Dennis Russell
Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm
Sunday 9:00am & 11:15am
UNH Student Mass: 5:00pm
(when University is in session: Sept—May)
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday:
Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-4:30pm or by appt.
Baptism: Call office to register for class & date of celebration
Marriage: Call office to schedule appt. at least 6 mos. prior
Anointing of Sick: Call office anytime
Inquiries & Reception in Catholic Faith (RCIA): Call office
First Communion, First Reconciliation &
Youth Confirmation: Call Dir. of Faith Formation @ x117
November 9, 2014
The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica
STM MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic Community of Saint Thomas More, called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit ourselves to the mission of Jesus Christ which has been entrusted to us: to worship as one Body; to proclaim the Gospel in word and action; to build a just community without boundaries; and to stand with the poor in solidarity. CHURCH OF SAINT THOMAS MORE
A Community of Parish & University Ministry
Pastor & Catholic Chaplain: Rev. Andrew W. Cryans
Parish Phone: (603) 868-2666/1043
Campus Ministry: (603) 868-1043
Office Hours: Mon, Wed, Thurs: 9am - 3pm
Office closed Tuesday for Veterans Day
Masses: Mon & Wed 12:10pm
No Mass or Communion Service on Tuesday
Food Pantry open Thurs from 4-6pm.
Dedication of St. John Lateran
Today we celebrate the dedication of the Basilica
of St. John Lateran, the oldest church in Rome and the
church that counts the world within its parish
boundaries. It is the church of the Bishop of Rome,
Pope Francis.
In the first reading today, the Prophet Ezekiel
described the Temple as a source of life. The ancient
and venerable basilica of Saint John Lateran has stood
for centuries as living testimony to that. The basilica
reminds us of our long history filled with centuries of
significant Christian artifacts. Its high altar is believed to
have been erected over the place where Saint Peter
celebrated Eucharist with the early Christian
community of Rome.
A church is a place where we go to meet God.
We know God is everywhere, but in church we feel God’s
presence in a special way. We also know that the
Church is not just a sacred building. It is us, you and
I, as Saint Paul tells us in today’s second reading:
“You are the temple of God,
and the Spirit of God dwells in you.”
Blessing and peace,
Fr. Andrew
For the weekend of November 8th & 9th
Saturday, 5pm – Theresa Hunt
Sunday, 9am – Lorie Cryans Fields
Sunday, 11:15am – Russell Smick
For the weekend of November 15th& 16th
Saturday, 5pm – Barbara Lynch
Sunday, 9am – Jeffrey Howard Cryans
Sunday, 11:15am – Jim Foley
November 16th: 33rd Sunday in OT
Reading I: Proverbs 31: 10 – 13, 19 – 20, 20 – 31
Reading II: 1 Thessalonians 5: 1 – 6
Gospel: Matthew 25: 14 – 30
Offertory for Nov 2:
$ 5614.75
“Men should regard us as servants of Christ and stewards of the
mysteries of God… Moreover, it is required in stewards, that a
person be found faithful to his gifts.”
~ 1 Corinthians 4:1
Thank you for your generous contributions.
No Coffee & Donuts this weekend
(Veterans’ Day weekend).
Join us after the 9am Mass on Sunday, Nov 16!
Our parish family rejoices
as we welcome newly Baptized
Grades PreK-5 Faith Formation
(No class Nov 9 – Veterans’ Day weekend)
Faith Formation Classes:
Sunday, November 16
Sunday, November 23
(No class Nov 30 – Thanksgiving weekend)
Elizabeth & Harper Hogan,
Vincent Paul Niepokoyczycki
Nathan Martin Slozak
to our faith community.
Middle School Faith Formation
Many blessing upon
them and their parents
Jonathan & Annemarie,
Paul & Lisa, and
Dennis & Marie,
and their beautiful families.
At our last Middle School Faith Formation Program Mr. Tom
Dolan, from the STM Food Pantry, and Mrs. Debbie Jarvis,
representing the "End 68 Hours of Hunger" program, discussed
with the teens the issue of hunger facing many families in our
area. Not only physical but also spiritual hunger. We talked
about how we may not always see it in faces we meet. However,
both programs provide an important service to those who are in
Our next MSFF program will be on November 17th when we will
talk about the need for housing and how many families struggle
to obtain appropriate housing and shelter. We will be having a
representative from the Dover Housing Authority talking to our
Fellowship Activity Fri Nov 14 Bowling night
DTS Session
Sun Nov 16 5pm Mass; 6-8pm w/meal
Life Teen Session Sun Dec 7 6-8:30pm; no meal
Service Opportunities:
Sat Nov 22 Thanksgiving baskets & bread
Sat Dec 6 Christmas Fair; 9:00am-2:00pm
Many thanks to the Lambda Chi brothers for their
help with a recent food drive. Thank you!!
High school teens, if you are planning to be confirmed you need to
be a registered member of our High School Youth Ministry and need
to be an active participant during your freshman and sophomore year
prior to the Confirmation process. Confirmation is typically at the
end of your sophomore year but can take place during your junior or
senior year. For those who are juniors and seniors and are not
confirmed, you are welcome and encouraged to participate and be
part of the program. The HSYM is open to all high school students of
St Thomas More parish.
STM Christmas Fair Saturday Dec 6 9am – 2pm
Your Creative Crafts Are Needed!!!
Please help make this year's craft table even more festive with a
donation of your own craft. We are looking for sewn, knit, crocheted,
glued, painted, or carved pieces to add to our table. If you are
crafty and you know it, please donate to this great fundraiser. Please
help us by letting us know a "fair-value" selling price for your items.
Crafts are welcomed up to Friday, December 5th. If you have any
questions or comments please contact Danielle at or Mary Ann at or 868-2019. Thank you!!!!
A Prayer for Veterans
Jesus, you said, ‘There is no greater love than to lay
down one’s life for one’s friends.’ Today we pray for
those men and women who have, in their military
service, sacrificed their time, strength, ambition, health and
even their lives on this earth to benefit ‘friends,’ known and
CARING & SHARING STM Food Pantry’s most needed items at this time are: Instant Potatoes, Canned Peas, Stuffing, Pancake Mix, Syrup,
Meal Packages such as Hamburger Helper, Quick Bread & Brownie
Mixes, Ketchup/Mustard, Canned Pasta, Hot Chocolate, Coffee & Tea.
~ Your generosity is greatly appreciated! ~
Care for Creation… "How can we teach our children about creation and creator when there are only man‐made streets about? How about life and death and resurrection unless they see the seed fall into the ground and die and yet bring forth fruit." ‐‐Dorothy Day Ed Gerhard and Rebecca Rule, New Hampshire author, comedian
and storyteller, and a 50/50 raffle. Join us to support this young
organization and enjoy an evening of fun & music. Suggested
donation is $12, children 12 years and younger $6.
RAISING REBELS 3rd Annual St. Joseph Catholic Family Center
Family Conference on Sat, Nov 15. Keynote Speaker: Steve Ray.
Bishop Libasci will be the Principal Celebrant & Homilist for Mass.
LIFT Ministries with Jon Nive will lead Praise & Worship and Ministry
with Teens. The Running Sisters will oversee the children’s portion of
conference. Email:
Visit: (under “Calendar”).
HEART TO HEART NH invites you to join them for a fun-filled
afternoon as they continue to build a caring community of faith and
friendship with persons with disabilities, their families and friends
featuring singer/guitarist Brandan Bullard. All ages and abilities
welcome. Sun, Nov 16; 3–5pm at Ste Marie Church (Montminy
Hall), 378 Notre Dame Avenue in Manchester. Heart to Heart NH
preparing to establish family-like homes in NH for persons with
developmental disabilities. Questions:
empty? Get plugged in to the Holy Spirit! Before His Ascension
Jesus told his disciples to “Wait for the Promise of the Father, you
will be baptized in the Holy Spirit.” (Acts 1:4-5) Join us to explore
and experience this “Promise” at Our Lady of Guadalupe Conference
Center in Laconia Fri-Sun Nov 14-16 (Fri 6:30-9pm, Sat 9am-9pm,
Sun 9am-1pm). This is designed to increase our faith, deepen our
relationship with Jesus, and activate the power of our sacraments of
Baptism and Confirmation. The cost for the weekend is $25 and
covers all light meals and supplies. Full scholarships are available.
For more info or to register, call Jude at 524-9609 or Jackie at 3323576.
at the College of Saint Mary Magdalen on Fri, Nov 14 from 5–7pm,
511 Kearsarge Mountain Road, Warner. $10 per adult; $5 per child
6-12; 5 and under; Free. Call 456.2656 for more information.
MASS is on Sun, Nov 16 at 11am (NOT 9am) at St. Mary Church in
Dover. We love to visit with you, listen to your stories about SMA's
rich history and share what is happening currently at our special
school. There will be refreshments following Mass in the church hall.
Alumni registration is active online. Register
at under Alumni. Or call Stephanie
Bolduc or Beth Evans at 742-3299 to register and receive information
about all upcoming events and reunions.
READY RIDES ROADSHOW! Ready Rides is hosting a fundraiser
at the Durham Community Church on Sat, Nov 15 at 7pm. Ready
Rides is a volunteer organization providing free transportation to
medical and dental appointments for the elderly and handicapped in
local communities. The evening will be MC’d by Denise Gordon,
comedian. The program will present Bob Chadbourn, pianist; guitarist
HOLY MASS OF HEALING AND HOPE: Please join us on Tues.
Nov. 18 at Our Lady of the Holy Rosary Church, Rochester for our
next healing service. Rosary begins at 6:30pm followed by Holy
Mass at 7:00 pm. Fr. Paul Gousse is our celebrant and he will lay
hands to pray on all who come forward. Trained prayer teams are
also available for those who would like more extended prayer. For
more information or directions call Jackie at 332-3576. "Behold the
Bridegroom is coming; come out to meet Christ the Lord." CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL Corpus Christi Parish invites you to its
annual Christmas Festival at St. James Church in Portsmouth on Fri,
Nov 21 3-8pm and Sat, Nov 22 8am-2pm
TRIP TO LASALETTE SHRINE Members of Corpus Christi Parish
of Portsmouth are organizing a trip to LaSalette Shrine in Attleboro,
MA. The trip includes a viewing of the Festival of Lights, Fr. Pat’s
Christmas Concert, an opportunity for Reconciliation & Mass. Cost:
$59 pp, including transportation by motor coach. Dinner available at
additional cost. Leaves from 508 Post Rd, Greenland (Egizia’s
house) at 11am on Sun, Nov 30 and returns by 9pm. For more
information, contact Egizia Brown at 436-6381 or
CONTEMPLATIVE WEEKENDS at Our Lady of Hope House of
Prayer in New Ipswich, NH on Dec 19-21, 2014; Jan 2-4, 2015; and
Feb 6-8, 2015. Come away for a while and BE STILL! A precious
time of silence to be alone with Your God. Cost: $130 (includes
$30 registration). Please contact Sisters Rita Pay or Suzanne
Rivard, p.m. for further information or for reservations at 603-8782346 or
living in Dover needs a ride to a doctor’s appointment in Hanover
once a month. Please call Sr. Helene at 332-7701 if you can help.
NATURAL FAMILY PLANNING There is a healthy, life-giving,
alternative to contraception and artificial reproductive technologies.
The Creighton Model FertilityCare System and NaProTechnology,
effective to achieve and avoid pregnancy, offers couples who are
experiencing infertility the hope of achieving pregnancy while
following the teachings of their Church. For more information contact:
Marguerite d’Youville FertilityCare Services at 603-232-3141 or
Upcoming Events: 11/9: 5pm Student Mass followed by 6pm Student Supper (free to all and available at the Catholic Student Center next door to the Church after mass) 11/10: Cook for CrossRoads 2‐4pm, Catholic Student Center (next door to the Church) 11/10: Catholicism 101 “Places in the Catholic Church” 8pm at the Catholic Student Center Campus Ministry
The stones of the temple of the church
are bound together by a love that we
live not just inwardly, but also inDecember the
outward forms – church buildings,
institutions, ecclesial offices – that
make visible our bonds of unity. It is
this unity that we are called to
celebrate this day.
11/11: Veteran’s Day 11/11: 4‐7pm CrossRoads (Serve Dinner to 75 homeless individuals) Transportation is provided. 11/13: Catholic Student Organization (CSO) Guest speakers on Prayer and Service