Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 1 MASS FOR THE WEEK November 9 – November 16 SAT.,11/8 5:30 For our Veterans, Living & Dec’d. & Their Families/A Friend SUN.,11/9 Dedication of the Lateran Basilica 7:00 Margaret A. Mulcahy/Francis R. Lewis 8:15 Louis A. Contey/Rosemary Edelen 9:30 Jenny Barragan/Her Family 10:45 Special Remembrances of the Week 12:00 Joseph Canary/His Family 5:30 The People of the Parish MON.,11/10 St. Leo the Great, Pope & Doctor of the Church 6:25 Family Members/Sally Wichmann 8:00 Mary Burke/Dorothy Young & Family TUES.,11/11 St. Martin of Tours, Bishop 6:25 Charles Naccari/His Wife 8:00 Ned Robinson/The Robinson Family WEDS., 11/12 St. Josaphat, Bishop & Martyr 6:25 Gladys Zelenick & John Callanan/Family 8:00 Rudolph Sama/His Family THURS.,11/13 St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, Virgin 6:25 Rose Riso/Barbara & Bill Hill 8:00 Thomas B. Schweers/His Wife & Family FRI.,11/14 6:25 Helen McInerney/Her Family 8:00 Robert Rose/Domenic & Rose DiPiero SAT., 11/15 St. Albert the Great, Bishop & Doctor of the Church 6:25 David Torres/Patrick & Mary Guba 8:00 Daniel & Anna Marie Callahan/Their Family 5:30 Dorothy Koenig/Geraldine Morris SUN.,11/16 33rd Sunday In Ordinary Time 7:00 Cleotilde Bqzua DeLeyva/Harold & Randee Cassidy 8:15 Edward McCrossin/Harold&Randee Cassidy 9:30 Linda Kazalski/Peter & Mary Clabby 10:45 Special Remembrances of the Week 12:00 Margaret Allen/Her Family 5:30 The People of the Parish Mass Readings Sun.,11/9 Ez 47:1-2, 8-9, 12 Ps 46:2-3, 5-6, 8-9 1 Cor 3:9c-11, 16-17 Jn 2:13-22 Mon.,11/10 Ti 1:1-9 Ps 24:1b-4b, 5-6 Lk 17:1-6 Tues., 11/11 Ti 2:1-8, 11-14 Ps 37:3-4, 18, 23, 27, 29 Lk 17:7-10 Wed .,11/12 Ti 3:1-7 Ps 23:1b-6 Lk 17:11-19 Eph 4:1-7 Ps 23:1b-6 Lk 17:11-19 Thurs., 11/13 Phlm 7-20 Ps 146:7-10 Lk 17:20-25 Fri., 11/14 2 Jn 4-9 Ps 119:1-2, 10-11, 17-18 Lk 17:26-37 Sat., 11/15 3 Jn 5-8 Ps 112:1-6 Lk 18:1-8 Sun.,11/16 Prv 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Ps 128:1-5 1 Thes 5:1-6 Mt 25:14-30 Memorials Ad Marjorem Dei Gloriam Our Lady’s Candle Is Offered In Loving Memory of Anna Conti-Lippitt by Linda Bykovets & Family St. Joseph’s Candle Is Offered In Loving Memory of John Ducey by His Wife & Family MASS REMEMBRANCES. This Sunday at the 10:45 Mass, we remember our special intentions of the week: Doris Nogueira (Living)/Rectory Staff; Barbara Norton/Family; A Special Intention, Bill & Kate Plegeman & Family, Living; Annette Dubato/Her sister, Gloria & Family; Frank Calandrino/Wife & Family; John Attridge/John & Marlene Kuhn; Martha Rogers/John & Marlene Kuhn; Naos Campbell/Sean & Mary McMenamin; Antoinette “Toni” Gelso/John & Marlene Kuhn; Joseph Herman/Gerald & Pamela Murphy; Jeffrey Lumbra/The Hitts, The Jacobs & The Montulets; Kevin Fenton/Carolyn & Mickey Ford; Banns of Marriage: The following couples are preparing to celebrate the sacrament of Marriage as they answer God’s call to live in his love: 3rd Time: Andrew Boury & Caitrin O’Sullivan Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 2 Please Pray for the Sick Come to us, O risen Savior, faithful physician of our bodies and souls, and grant relief to our sick and aging who suffer: Florence Rogicki; Anna Fitzpatrick; Kathy; Doug Cavanaugh; Tom; Lawrence Clark, III; Philip P. Munning, Sr.; Paul; Clair Byrne; Msgr. Lowery; Janet A. Mastal; Debbie Fitzpatrick; Imre Friesz; Donna Halse; Angelo; Florence Ivan; James Mueller; Adore Roa; Joe; LJ; Connie Petrone; Gary Baggarly; Jennifer; Please pray for the men and women of our armed forces, especially Capt. Conor Browne, 1LT. Cristin Browne, (brother & sister);Capt. Steven Carbone, Cpl. Matthew D’Alessandro, Steven James Gluth, Owen Michael (Bergin) McCann USN, Jason Palendrano, Staff Sgt. Matthew Roberts, Jonathan Welch, Shane Martin Dalton, USMC., USMC., Capt. Nicholas Abbate & Capt. Justin Abbate (brothers), Captains Brian C. Jones(Truex) & Crystal Jones (Husband & Wife);Capt. Josh Pershing; Brendan Gilroy; Lcpl. Brian Dilger, Jr., USMC, Maj. Robert Duchaine, Capt. Michael Duchaine; Maj. Carlo Brancato, USMC; 2Lt Robert Beery, 2Lt Thomas Beery; 1st Lt. Sean Screen; SPFC Eric Trust; Sgt. James Conklin (Afghanistan); 1st Lt. Cooper Lewis, USMC; Pvt. Robert Bartos, Army; Spec E4 Thomas F. Welch, V; Navy AOAA Brian J. Truex; Lance Cpl. Kevin Andia, USMC; Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica FOCUS: The Church of Jesus Christ is ever ancient, ever new. LITURGY OF THE WORD: The angel brings Ezekiel to the heavenly temple. Saint Paul, today, reminds us that we are temples of the Holy Spirit. In the Gospel today, the money changers desecrate the temple and Jesus confronts them. He turns the tables on them, saying he will rebuild the “temple” in three days alluding to his death and resurrection. THIS WEEK AT ST. JAMES BSA (Broad Street Auditorium) HS(High School) SUNDAY,11/9 REP; Gr. K-7, 9:15-10:30AM, 8th Gr., 9-10:30AM 3PM, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Church 6:30-8pm, Youth Group Meeting, Eck Center MONDAY,11/10 TUESDAY,11/11 7:30 PM, Folk Choir, Church WEDNESDAY,11/12 6 PM, Rosary Prayer Cenacle, the Convent THURSDAY,11/13 7 PM, St. James Choir, Church 7:30-9M, Peace of Christ Prayer Grp., HS Mtg. Rm. FRIDAY,11/14 SATURDAY,11/15 6:30-8:30AM, That Man is You, Student Center SUNDAY,11/16 REP; Gr. K-7, 9:15-10:30AM, 8th Gr., 9-10:30AM 3PM, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Church ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM OUR PARISH Divine Mercy Chaplet: Join us each Sunday at 3PM in the Church for the Divine Mercy Chaplet. Let us give thanks to the Lord our God...it is right to give Him thanks and praise. Come to the Peace of Christ Prayer Group for an opportunity to get together with others who give thanks and praise to our God and pray for each other=s needs. We meet in the High School Meeting room on Thursday evenings at 7:30 PM (except on days when school is closed). St. James Youth Group: Can You Hear the Angels Sing? Join us for a parish CHRISTMAS CAROL FESTIVAL on Sunday, Nov. 30th from 6:30-8PM in the Broad St. Auditorium. SJYG (“The God Squad”) is asking parishioners to invite family, friends, and those who have been away from the Church to come for an evening of Christian fellowship. Join us as we sing Christmas carols, share some refreshments, and reconnect with our St. James parish community! All ages are welcome. Invitation flyers are available in the Church. Come, Holy Spirit! Questions? Email us at sjym@verizon.net Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 3 ROSARY PRAYER CENACLE invites you to say the Whole Rosary, sing hymns to Our Lady and read the meditation every Wednesday at 6PM in the Convent. RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Families must be registered in St. James Parish in order to enroll children in this program and submit a copy of the Baptism certificate for new students who were not baptized here. Call 732 747-6006 for information and forms. Classes meet on Sunday mornings from September through April. Children are expected to continue religious education studies after reception of their sacraments in order to be fully prepared for the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation in 8th grade. THE DIOCESE OF TRENTON Pray for Vocations: Did you know that in our country, compared to 50 years ago, there are 20,000 fewer priests and 129,000 fewer religious sisters? At the same time, the Catholic population has continued to grow steadily. Many factors have contributed to the decline: growing secularism, a lengthened period of adolescence, attitudes about celibacy, etc. At this time, please pray that young people in today’s society will hear and respond to God’s call. And do your part to encourage them to consider the priesthood and religious life. Diocesan Pilgrimage: Join Bishop David O’Connell in the Footsteps of Saint John Paul II for the Diocese of Trenton Pilgrimage, April 23rd – May 3, 2015. Please see the flyers placed throughout the Church for details. FROM OUR SCHOOLS Red Bank Catholic HS 1st Annual RBC Caseys 5K “Turkey Trot”. Nov. 16th, Thompson Park. Dedicated to RBC Coach Jack Rafter; proceeds to benefit our student athletics. See flyers placed through the Church for more details. The RBC Choir will be performing “The Heart of Christmas & other Christmas Songs” and Carols at Carnegie Hall in NYC with the American Festival Choir. Monday, Nov. 24th, 8PM, Stern Auditorium/Perelman Stage. Tickets, $45 or purchase a package deal: 1 ticket, plus coach bus leaving RBC at 6PM, includes boxed dinner from Aleo Catering: $85. Call (732) 747-1774 ext. 150 for more information or to purchase tickets. Proceeds benefit the RBC Catholic Performing Arts Program. Saint James School Open House for Prospective Families OPEN HOUSE for Prospective Families on Sunday, November 9, 2014 Time: 1:00 – 2:00 PM. Come and Join us! Campus tours for the entire family • Preschool 3year olds to 5 year olds, new Transitional Kindergarten program & Kindergarten to Grade 8. Discover a great Catholic school with a challenging curriculum and a nurturing environment. Come visit Saint James on Sunday, November 9th to learn more about our available educational programs, including full 3 or 5 day pre-school, our new Transitional Kindergarten, and Kindergarten programs, as well as our exciting and challenging elementary school curriculum. Meet and greet with teachers and staff, while taking a tour of the campus with student ambassadors! See how academic excellence, exemplary accreditation, on-campus extended day program, and a balanced curriculum set Saint James apart from the rest. We invite you and your children to join us in the pursuit of a quality Catholic education. If you are unable to join us for our open house, personal tours are available by appointment. If you have questions, need additional information, or would like to visit Saint James, please contact us at 732 741-3363 or explore our web site www.mysaintjames.com. Can you help us in Fundraising? Join us in our A+ Programs for Education. Boxtops For Education - Save boxtops coupons from hundreds of General Mills products. Campbell’s Labels for Education –We may redeem labels for products for use in our school such as gym equipment, computer equipment, etc. Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November 9, 2014 4 Tyson Labels – Please send in your Tyson labels. You will see on the package a section that says A+ for schools. This is the section to send in. Stop & Shop –is offering their A+ Program. From October 3rd thru March 19, 2015. All you need to do is log on to www.stopandshop.com/aplus or call 1-877-366-2668 , select OPTION #2. Register your card to benefit Saint James using ID #07784. Shop Rite – Is proud to help schools with their ShopRite For My School program. Register your Price Plus® club card at ShopRiteForMySchool.com and select the school you wish to support with ShopRite For My School. Acme - Acme has teamed up with Labels for Education to make it easier for us to earn LFE points. All you have to do is the following: Visit www.eLabelsAddUp to register. Enter your Shopper Card number and select Saint James. Cell Phones and Toner Cartridges A container marked ‘A+ Programs for Education’ is in the vestibule of the church for you to drop off labels, receipts, boxtops, cell phones and cartridges. If donating larger toner cartridges please drop off at Saint James School Business Office or call office to make arrangements @732 741-3363. Thank you very much for your continued help and support of our school. COMMUNITY NEWS Catholic Women of Zion is a ministry, inspired by the Holy Spirit, to meet the needs of today’s women. It is a ministry of healing of mind, body, and spirit and meets bi-monthly for a morning to share music, network, lunch, talks by guest speakers and a prayer service. Next meeting is November 15th at St. William the Abbot, 2740 Lakewood Allenwood Rd., Howell, 9AM to 1PM, Mass at 9, celebrated by Fr. Tom Maher. $20 admission includes lunch. Topic: “Martha & Mary; an Image of Women in Prayer”, Part II. Fr. Tom is the speaker. Come & Bring A Friend! Go to www.cwoz.org to register or for more information. Upper Room Spiritual Center: “Centering Prayer”. Join Fr. Keating as he invites us into greater depth and transformation in Christ. The day includes presentation, discussion and Centering Prayer. Tues., 11/18, 10AM-2PM, Upper Room Spiritual Center, Neptune. Call 732/9220550 or go to www.theupper-room.org Fee $35-$45 (a light lunch & materials included). “Faith, Hope & Love at Life’s End”: A Catholic Perspective on End-of-Life. Thurs., 11/20, 9AM2:30PM, St. Robert Bellarmine Parish, 61 Georgia Rd., Freehold. Presenters and topics include: Rev. Mr. James Grogan on “When I Become the Matriarch or Patriarch of My Family”; Rev. Michael Manning on “Catholic Doctrine & End-of-Life Medical Decisions”; Rev. Anthony Siranni on “Prayerfully Considering End-of-Life Medical Decisions”; and Rev. Msgr. Sam Siranni on “Funeral Rites and My Faith”. $10 and includes a light breakfast and lunch. Register online at www.dioceseoftrenton.org/FaithHopeLove or call 609/403‐7192. Co‐sponsored by the Diocese of Trenton Office of Worship & Dept. of Pastoral Care. The Irish Federation is having a dance on Nov. 15th from 2 PM to 7 PM. Music by Around The House band. Hot buffet. $15.00 prepay and $20.00 at door. BYOB. The place, St. Catherines hall Bray Ave. North Middletown. RSVP Pat Fitzgerald (732) 2642773 Parkinson Support Group: Meets the 2nd Tuesday of the month from September to June, 2PM – 3:30PM. Location: Meridan Fitness & Wellness at Hazlet, 1420 Highway 36, Hazlet. NOTE NEW LOCATION. No fees, no pre-registration. The St. James Senior Citizens Club meets the 1st & 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Red Bank Senior Center at 1 PM. Call Sr. Ethel for more information, 732/741-0724. INTENTIONS OF HIS HOLINESS, POPE FRANCIS I FOR NOVEMBER Universal: That all who suffer loneliness may experience the closeness of God and the support of others. For Evangelization: That young seminarians and religious may have wise and well-formed mentors.
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