Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time - St. James Church, Red Bank, NJ

 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 1 MASS FOR THE WEEK
February 7 – February 15
SAT., 2/7
5:30 Patricia T. White, Living/Her Mother
SUN.,2/8 Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 Dorothy M. Smith/Francis R. Lewis
8:15 Hugh Tyndall, Jr./His Family
9:30 Joseph E. Lang/His Wife
10:45 Special Remembrances of the Week
12:00 John Kohlmann/The Kohlmann Family
5:30 The People of the Parish
6:25 Marilyn More/Her Family
8:00 Michael Bell/The East & Bell Family
TUES.,2/10 St. Scholastica/Virgin
6:25 Robert C. Mulcahy/Francis R. Lewis
8:00 Ann Kerrigan/Marlene Hotaling
WEDS.,2/11 Our Lady of Lourdes
(World Day of the Sick)
6:25 Michael Squillante/Mr. & Mrs. N.
8:00 Sr. Ellen Grace McBride, R.S.M./Ann Parkes
6:25 Martin Connolly, B’day./His Family
8:00 William Faistl/Susan & Don Faistl
6:25 Tom Connolly, B’day./His Family
8:00 Anthony Parkes/Ann Parkes
SAT., 2/14 Saints Cyril, Monk & Methodius,
6:25 Gerard Ryan/Tecla Martemucci
8:00 Daniel & Anna Callahan/Their Family
5:30 Rudolph Sama/The Sama Family
SUN., 2/15 Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time
7:00 George Jagich/William & Dorothy Walsh
8:15 Jane Schmitt/Her Family
9:30 Robert & Emma Harris/John & Emma Ducey
10:45 Special Remembrances of the Week
12:00 John & Yolanda Mania/Rich, Maureen
& Family
5:30 The People of the Parish
Mass Readings
Sun.,2/8 Jb 7:1-4, 6-7 Ps 147:1-6 1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23
Mk 1:29-39
Mon2/9.Gn 1:1-19 Ps 104:1-2a, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35c
Mk 6:53-56,
Tues., 2/10 Gn 1:20—2:4a Ps 8:4-9 Mk 7:1-13
Wed .,2/11 Gn 2:4b-9, 15-17 Ps 104:1-2a, 27-28,
29bc-30 Mk 7:14-23
Thurs., 2/12 Gn 2:18-25 Ps 128:1-5 Mk 7:24-30
Fri., 2/13 Gn 3:1-8 Ps 32:1-2, 5-7 Mk 7:31-37
Sat., 2/14 Gn 3:9-24 Ps 90:2-4c, 5-6, 12-13 Mk 8:1-10
Sun.,2/15 Lv 13:1-2, 44-46 Ps 32:1-2, 5, 11
1 Cor 10:31—11:1 Mk 1:40-45
Ad Marjorem Dei Gloriam
The Sanctuary Candle Is Offered In Loving
Memory of Katherine R. Harris by the
Callahan Family
MASS REMEMBRANCES. This Sunday at the
10:45 Mass, we remember our special intentions of
the week: Doris Nogueira (Living)/Rectory Staff;
Barbara Norton/Family; A Special Intention;
Nicola Palumbo/Phil Arnheiter; Grace
Geise/Nancy & Jim Langley; Helen Grady/Donna
& Mark Grewe; Edna Tarignan/Donna & Mark
Grewe; Margaret Meyer/Donna & Mark Grewe;
Philomena Singer/Phil Arnheiter; Joan
Ryerson/Phil & Robin Arnheiter; Joseph Pryor/
Rose; Carol McNeil/Bob & Marie Halloran; Edelen
Family/Rosemary Edelen;
Banns of Marriage: The following couples
are preparing to celebrate the sacrament of
Marriage as they answer God’s call to live in his
1st Time: Jonathan Mercer & Nicole Stivala
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 2 Please Pray for the Sick
Come to us, O risen Savior, faithful physician of
our bodies and souls, and grant relief to our sick
and aging who suffer: Florence Rogicki; Anna
Fitzpatrick; Kathy; Tom; Lawrence Clark, III; Paul;
Clair Byrne; Msgr. Lowery; Janet A. Mastal; Debbie
Fitzpatrick; Imre Friesz; Donna Halse; Angelo;
James Mueller; Adore Roa; Joe; LJ; Connie Petrone;
Gary Baggarly; Jennifer; Courtney Delaney; Bishop
David O’Connell; Dorothy Young;
Please Pray for the Recently Deceased
Deceased Parishioners, Family and Friends of St.
James Parish: Margaret Venti, William Lanagin &
Claire Scudiery.
Please pray for the men and women of our armed
forces, especially Capt. Conor Browne, 1LT. Cristin
Browne, (brother & sister);Capt. Steven Carbone,
Cpl. Matthew D’Alessandro, Steven James Gluth,
Owen Michael (Bergin) McCann USN, Jason
Palendrano, Staff Sgt. Matthew Roberts, Jonathan
Welch, Shane Martin Dalton, USMC., USMC.,
Capt. Nicholas Abbate & Capt. Justin Abbate
(brothers), Captains Brian C. Jones(Truex) &
Crystal Jones (Husband & Wife);Capt. Josh
Pershing; Brendan Gilroy; Lcpl. Brian Dilger, Jr.,
USMC, Maj. Robert Duchaine, Capt. Michael
Duchaine; Maj. Carlo Brancato, USMC; 2Lt Robert
Beery, 2Lt Thomas Beery; Capt. Sean Screen (Iraq);
SPFC Eric Trust; Sgt. James Conklin (Afghanistan);
1st Lt. Cooper Lewis, USMC; Pvt. Robert Bartos,
Army; Spec E4 Thomas F. Welch, V; Navy AOAA
Brian J. Truex; Lance Cpl. Kevin Andia, USMC;
FOCUS: Through the Church, Jesus’ healing
power is really present to the world.
LITURGY OF THE WORD: In today’s first
reading, Job laments his difficult life. In the second
reading, St. Paul tells us that he is simply doing
what he must, for it can be no other way for a
disciple of Christ. In the Gospel, Jesus shows us
both simple and profound acts of compassion as he
continues his healing and preaching ministry
throughout Galilee.
BSA (Broad Street Auditorium) HS(High School)
REP; Gr. K-7, 9:15-10:30AM, 8th Gr., 9-10:30AM
3PM, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Church
6:30-8PM, Youth Group Meeting, Student Center
7:30 PM, Folk Choir, Church
6 PM, Rosary Prayer Cenacle, the Convent
7 PM, St. James Choir, Church
7:30-9M, Peace of Christ Prayer Grp., HS Mtg. Rm.
6:30-8:30AM, That Man is You, Student Center
REP; Gr. K-7, 9:15-10:30AM, 8th Gr., 9-10:30AM
3PM, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Church
Bishop O’Connell has asked we pass along the
“My dear parishioners:
I have been overwhelmed by the
outpouring of love and concern I have received
from all over our Diocese, including your parish. I
have received over 10,000 cards, letters, emails,
video messages, gifts and countless prayers during
my hospitalization and ongoing recovery. I could
not begin to respond to each one personally, as
much as I wish I could. Your pastor has allowed
me to offer my heartfelt thanks in your parish
bulletin. I am most grateful to you for your loving
concern. The future looks good and I hope to be
back in public by Palm Sunday. My thankful
prayers are with you. God bless you.
Bishop O’Connell”
Msgr. Lowery
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM OUR PARISH
St. James Youth Group, “The God Squad,” is sending a big thank you to our parishioners for contributing to the annual “Souper Bowl” of Caring collection. Due to your outstanding generosity, $2000 will be distributed to St. Vincent DePaul, St. Anthony's Food Pantry, and the Barn for the Poorest of the Poor to assist them in their charitable work. May God bless you for your kindness!
Is God Calling You? Vocational
discernment groups meet to assist young men who
are discerning the possibility that God may be
calling them to a life of priestly ministry. These
groups are designed to explore a priestly vocation
with other like-minded men through prayer and
sharing vocation stories and experiences. The
group meetings aren’t meant to convince anyone
that the priesthood is their vocation. They are
designed to assist you in discovering if the
priesthood is your true vocation and build your
relationship with Christ along the way.
Divine Mercy Chaplet: Join us each Sunday at
3PM in the Church for the Divine Mercy Chaplet.
Let us give thanks to the Lord our is right
to give Him thanks and praise. Come to the Peace
of Christ Prayer Group for an opportunity to get
together with others who give thanks and praise to
our God and pray for each others needs. We meet
in the High School Meeting room on Thursday
evenings at 7:30 PM (except on days when school is
say the Whole Rosary, sing hymns to Our Lady
and read the meditation every Wednesday at 6PM
in the Convent.
say the Rosary every 2nd & 4th Monday, 2 to 3 PM at
the Meridian Rehab Center, Shrewsbury. Call Lucy
Rounds, 732/747-9044 for information.
Families must be registered in St. James Parish in
order to enroll children in this program and submit
a copy of the Baptism certificate for new students
who were not baptized here. Call 732 747-6006 for
information and forms. Classes meet on Sunday
mornings from September through April.
Community service opportunities for teens: We
invite RBC students and all parish teens to help in
the Sunday morning REP program that runs from
September into April from 9:15-10:30AM. Letters
to attest to community service hours will be gladly
If you are a faithful, single, Roman Catholic
man, between the ages of 18 & 40, and are asking
yourself whether God is calling you to be a priest,
you are cordially invited to attend this month’s
discernment meeting on February 22nd, 4PM to
6PM at St. James Parish, 115 E. Delaware Ave.,
Pennington. Join Rev. Msgr. Michael J. Walsh, as
she shares his experiences of the priesthood,
followed by prayer and conclude with conversation
and a meal.
Please register with Diocese of Trenton
Vocation Office at
or call 609/406-7449. Join us at this exciting time as
you discover and respond to His invitation!
The 2015 Annual Catholic Appeal, “Act of Faith,
Works of Love” will kick off next weekend,
February 14th & 15th.
Saint James School
Searching for a Great Preschool?
Come ‘Discover and Explore’ Saint James
It’s already time to start thinking about preschool
for the fall of 2015! Discover and Explore is a free
hour long program designed to introduce you and
your child to Saint James Preschool’s wonderful
learning environment and to explore the exciting
programs that we have to offer. It provides an hour
of fun activities, creative craft, and story time for
Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February 8, 2015 4 the kids and for the parent we would like to show
you our school and all it has to offer your family.
So come and see our classrooms, learn more about
our programs, meet our dedicated teachers,
socialize with other families, and have fun! We
would love to get to meet you and answer further
questions. Reservation required, space is limited.
Dates Available: February 24, and March 19, or
April 29 Time 10 - 11AM.
Please call the business office 732 741-3363 to
Open House Date for Prospective Families
Wednesday, February 25 for Pre School through
8th Grade 9:00 - 11:00 AM
Saint James School offers a wonderful and
nurturing full day kindergarten and preschool
program for 3 year olds, 4 year olds, as well as a
NEW Transitional Kindergarten program. To
accommodate working parents' schedules, we now
offer both before and after school care - staffed by
our own teachers in a safe and loving environment.
We encourage families to visit Saint James School.
Private tours are scheduled throughout the school
year, allowing families to tour our facilities and
learn about Saint James curriculum and
philosophy, activities and all aspects of school life.
Let us show you our beautiful school, outstanding
staff, and happy children. Please call the Business
Office@ 732 741-3363 to arrange an appointment for
a private tour or to schedule a school day visit for
prospective students and please visit our website at
Know a child who will be ready for Kindergarten
in 2015/2016? Interested in making a schoolswitch for a student in another grade? Visit us!
Bring a friend!
Catholic Men for Jesus Christ will host their 18th
Annual Men’s Conference on Saturday, Feb. 28th at
St. Gregory the Great Parish in Hamilton (4620
Nottingham Way) from 9AM-3PM, 8AM for bagels
& coffee. Talks by Jose Romero, Catholic author,
radio host & evangelist; Mike Piazza, former Major
League Basball All-Star catcher; and a blockbuster.
A youth breakout session will also be offered for
young men from 8th grade to college age. The
theme of this year’s Conference is “Dare to be a
Disciple”. Flyers throughout the Church
Parkinson Support Group: Meets the 2nd Tuesday
of the month from September to June, 2PM –
3:30PM. Location: Meridian Fitness & Wellness at
Hazlet, 1420 Highway 36, Hazlet. No fees, no preregistration.
St. Joseph Church in Keyport announces its PreLenten Mission to be held Monday, Feb. 16th
through Ash Wednesday, Feb. 18th. This year’s
Mission is designed to help us understand Christ as
our “True Anchor”. Please join us as we dig deep
in Christ’s life, his passion and his resurrection. All
sessions start at 7:30PM.
The St. James Senior Citizens Club meets the 1st
& 3rd Wednesday of each month at the Red Bank
Senior Center at 1 PM. Call Sr. Ethel for more
information, 732/741-0724.
Catholics United For Life invite you to join the
Rosary Vigil For Life every Saturday, 9AM to
10AM rain or shine, at the planned parenthood
abortion facility, 69 East Newman Springs Road,
Universal: That prisoners, especially the young,
may be able to rebuild their lives with dignity
For Evangelization: That married people who are
separated may find welcome and support in the
Christian community.