CHURCH OF SAINT THOMAS MORE A Community of Parish and University Ministry 6 Madbury Road (P.O. Box 620) Durham, New Hampshire 03824-0620 Parish Office: 868-2666/1043 Fax: 868-3765 Campus Ministry: 868-1043 Masses ext. 2 Email: Website: PASTORAL TEAM Phone ext: e-mail: Pastor & Catholic Chaplain: Rev. Andrew W. Cryans 112 Pastoral Ministry: Roberta MacBride 115 STM Bereavement Coordinator: Ann Kimball Campus Minister: Cheryl Goldthwaite 113 Director of Faith Formation: Karie Thompson 117 Middle School Youth Minister: Ray Bilodeau High School Youth Minister: Felicia Sperry Finance: Bindy Curtis Administration: Maura Slavin 110 Maintenance: Dennis Russell 110 SUNDAY LITURGIES: Saturday Vigil: 5:00pm Sunday 9:00am & 11:15am UNH Student Mass: 5:00pm (when University is in session: Sept—May) WEEKDAY LITURGIES: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday: 12:10pm SACRAMENTS: Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00-4:30pm or by appt. Baptism: Call office to register for class & date of celebration Marriage: Call office to schedule appt. at least 6 mos. prior Anointing of Sick: Call office anytime Inquiries & Reception in Catholic Faith (RCIA): Call office First Communion, First Reconciliation & Youth Confirmation: Call Dir. of Faith Formation @ x117 December 28, 2014 . The Holy Family . STM MISSION STATEMENT We, the Catholic Community of Saint Thomas More, called by God and empowered by the Holy Spirit, commit ourselves to the mission of Jesus Christ which has been entrusted to us: to worship as one Body; to proclaim the Gospel in word and action; to build a just community without boundaries; and to stand with the poor in solidarity. CHURCH OF SAINT THOMAS MORE A Community of Parish & University Ministry Pastor & Catholic Chaplain: Rev. Andrew W. Cryans Parish Phone: (603) 868-2666/1043 Campus Ministry: (603) 868-1043 e-mail: website: Office Closed this week: 12/29-1/2 The liturgy tries, during the twelve days of Christmas, to celebrate the incomprehensible fact of God-with-us. During this wonderful season, we celebrate the presence of God in our world. He has come and made himself known to us. He is indeed Emmanuel, with us, and our world is now the temple where he dwells. With Christ’s Incarnation, the fullness of divine life is communicated to us by material creation. Saint Gregory of Nyssa says in The Great Catechism, “…it is the property of the Godhead to pervade all things, and to extend itself through the length and breadth of the substance of existence in every part.” In that spirit we pray, O Lord, be in our thoughts, in our words, in our deeds, in our tears, and in our laughter. Let your Christmas presence live in me this new year. Happy New Year Fr. Andrew Weekday Masses: Mon, Tues: 12:10pm Solemnity of Mary: Mass Jan 1 at 9am Food Pantry closed 1/1/2015 For the weekend of December 27th& 28th Saturday, 5pm – Drew David Plotke Sunday, 9am – Margaret Mihm Sunday, 11:15am – Ralph Owens For the weekend of January 3rd & 4th Saturday, 5pm – Jeffrey Howard Cryans Sunday, 9am – Edwin Rahilly Sunday, 11:15am – Rose Covkin STM Chrismas Closings Food pantry closed Jan 1 Office closed Mon – Fri; 12/29 – 1/2 SCRIPTURE READINGS January 4: The Epiphany of the Lord Reading I: Isaiah 60: 1 – 6 Reading II: Ephesians 3: 2 – 3a, 5 – 6 Gospel: Matthew 2: 1 – 12 STEWARDSHIP UPDATE: Offertory for Dec 21: See Jan. 4 bulletin “Give and it shall be given to you.” - Luke 6:38 Thank you for your generous contributions. Important Parking Notice Please do not park in the upper lot of the Post Office through Jan 4, including Christmas Masses and Sunday. Cars parked in the upper lot will be towed. Grades PreK-5 Faith Formation Session 10: Sunday, January 4 We wish you all and all your loved ones a Happy Christmas Season! Middle School Faith Formation Our next MSFF program will be held on Jan 12. We will continue our discussion of the Corporal Works of Mercy & focus on visiting the sick. Happy New Year! HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH MINISTRY SCHEDULE: Life Teen: Jan 4 6-8:30pm (no Mass or meal) Confirmation: Interviews – see sign-up genius Jan 10 First Confirmation session 9am-noon We wish you all a Blessed Christmas Season! "I am the Resurrection and the Life" We extend our deepest sympathy and continued prayers for the family, friends and loved ones of: Martha Cox wife of Paul Cox Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord, and may perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen. CARING & SHARING STM Food Pantry’s most needed items at this time are: Instant Potatoes, Canned Peas, Stuffing, Pancake Mix, Syrup, Meal Packages such as Hamburger Helper, Quick Bread & Brownie Mixes, Ketchup/Mustard, Canned Pasta, Hot Chocolate, Coffee & Tea. ~ Your generosity is greatly appreciated! ~ Coffee & Donuts Next Coffee & Donuts January 4 following the 9am Mass. Hope you can join us! Donations are still being accepted during the Christmas Season for flower memorials. Donation envelopes are on the window sills in the church. Christmas Memorials HONOR living friends and family and/or REMEMBER deceased loved ones with a donation to support our STM Church Advent/Christmas environment. All Honorariums and Memorials will be listed in the Bulletin. Donation Envelopes are on the window sills in the Church. Memorials for Deceased loved ones Donation by: The Boyland Family In Memory of: William, Regina & Sean Boyland Jean Croke Regis Croke Barry LaCasse Family Lynn Holmes The Deceased Holmes & Ambrose Family Members Jim & Beth Rowe The Rowe & Sammartino Families Barbara & Stan Szabunka Our loved ones Katherine Boucher Rebecca M. Boucher Bill & Roberta MacBride Deceased loved ones of Russell & MacBride families Jud & Barbara Porter Carolyn Porter & family Regina Smick-Attisano Russell “Murphy” Smick Monica & Fran McNally Deceased members vf McNally & McGuiness Families Pauline & Frank McGinn Helen & Fran McGinn, Mary & Gus Wislocki The Wholey Family John & Mary Wholey The Mandeville Family Alois, Rosa & Emil Katzer Stephen & Joanne Young Joseph & Jensine Moran and the Young Family Mary Sakowski John and Michael Sakowski Mary Ellen Webb Bob & Shirley Webb George & DeniseThomas Loved Ones from Thomas-Dubuc Families Emeritus Community Deceased loved ones of Emeritus Community Rosemary Thomson Deborah Thomson The Wholey Family Robert Dumont Richard & Melanie Dupuis Rita Smith The George Family Edward L. Raymond, Sr Jeannette Lassonde & family Richard M. Lassonde Eileen Clifford Marina Slavin and Val & Joan Clifford Mike & Maura Slavin Marina & deceased members of the Slavin & Clifford families David & Mary Stumhofer Hannahoe & Stumhofer Family The Gitschier Family Herman & Catherine Gitschier, Robert Brown The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist Word Made Flesh, True Bread of Heaven Adult Faith Formation Evening, 7pm, Tuesday, January 6, 2015 Have you ever thought about a New Year’s Resolution to have a better understanding of your Catholic Faith? We invite you to celebrate the New Year by joining us for a presentation on “CATHOLICISM,” an acclaimed DVD series presented by Fr. Robert Barron. Fr. Barron will explain essential Church teachings: what Catholics believe and ‘why?’ We will also join his travels which delight our senses with sounds and displays in breathtaking, visual detail on the richness of the Church’s global culture and the depth of our beliefs and practices. Come and See ~ Tuesday, January 6th, in the Church Hall at 7pm, "The Mystery of the Liturgy and the Eucharist" Come explore the notion that "all value is summed up in the liturgy, the supreme act by which we commune with God." The video (1 hour) will begin at 7pm, followed by refreshments and faith sharing on the video. There is no charge. Please register with Roberta at 868-2666 X115 or or Lynn Holmes at so that we have adequate set up and materials. This event is hosted by the STM Women’s Group. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Bereavement Support Group Hosted by Catholic Charities and St. Thomas More Parish Sundays after the 11:15 Mass (~ 12:30pm to 2pm) January 18 to February 22, 2014 in the church hall at St. Thomas More Church Please pre-register by calling Sr. Helene at Catholic Charities NH 332-7701. There is no fee for participating in this group.
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