St. Joseph Parish — Otis Orchards MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, November 8 5:30 pm †Pierrie Dimico Sunday, November 9 8:00 am †Jessica Sund 10:30 am People of the Parish Tuesday, November 11 8:30 am †Robert Ogren Wednesday, November 12 8:30 am †Glen Davis Thursday, November 13 8:30 am †Richard Lloyd Friday, November 14 8:30 am †Jaleleh Razouq Saturday, November 15 5:30 pm †Ed Inge Sunday, November 16 8:00 am People of the Parish 10:30 am †Jim Curry Scriptures for November 16, 2014 Proverbs 31:10-13, 19-20, 30-31 Psalm 128:1-2, 3, 4-5 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6 Matthew 25:14-30 “...stop making my Father’s house a marketplace” John 2 Veteran’s Day—Tuesday, Nov. 11 A day to remember those who served to preserve our freedom. The Parish office will be closed but there will be daily Mass. WEEK AHEAD November 10-16 Scouts 7pm Parish office will be closed for Veteran’s Day Eucharistic Adoration 12:30-2:30pm RCIA 7pm Wednesday Eucharistic Adoration 7-8am Mom’s Group 9:30am Seniors on the Go 12 noon 1st Reconciliation Class 7pm Eucharistic Adoration 7-10pm Thursday Adult Faith Study 9:15am Sunday RE: PK—7th grade, with parents 9:15am Hour of Faith 9:20-10:10am Children’s Liturgy of the Word 10:30 Mass “Care for Caregivers” Workshop 12:30pm Youth Night 6-8pm WEEKLY COLLECTION 11/2/2014 Envelopes Plate TOTAL $ 5,961.00 $ 924.44 $ 6,885.44 Total for November to date: $ 6,885.44 Needed Monthly $ 31,200.00 ****************************************** Building Fund Total for November $ 265.00 Our Parish Our Future Campaign $ 343,634.00 Next weekend is the Spokane Valley Partners Food & Clothing Collection. Along with the usual non-perishable food they are in desperate need of diapers in all sizes! Please put your donations in the barrels by the doors. THANK YOU KNIGHTS! The Halloween carnival was a great success again thanks to our wonderful Knights. Fun was had by all. Monday Tuesday We remember those of our parish who passed away since last November. Please pray for their families: Donald Andrews Eldon Barr Jacquelyn Bride Pierrie Dimico Geri Kwiatkowski Jo Lloyd Beverly Lutkie Arthur Rocco Gary Schimmels Toni Turner Thanksgiving Mass will be at 7:15 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26th. Please plan on attending to give thanks for God’s many gifts. Put your stewardship into action! Ministers needed! Training Provided We are in need of more ministers to bring the Eucharist to the homebound on a regular basis and to be on call as well. If you have questions please call Sharon Elliot at 924-0336 or the Parish office at 926-7133. We have a new parish member from the Congo, who speaks French but is learning English. She would really like to have someone that she can converse with in French and maybe interpret some. In the winter months she will also need someone to give her a ride to Mass since the current person heads south for the winter. If you can help in any way please call Barbara Garner at 927-4558 or (253) 223-9003. We have a lovely 108 year old lady parishioner who needs someone to sit with her once a week for 3 hours from 2-5 pm, day of the week negotiable. Please call the parish office. LITURGY SCHEDULE FOR November 15th & 16th Mass GREETER 5:30pm M Andriolo & C Hoagburg 8:00am S Hutchinson & B Franken 10:30am C Pederson LECTOR C Hoagburg EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS D Andriolo, S Manfred, H Shogren J Hauser P Irwin, J Irwin, M Schimmels M Lunneborg, P Soderquist P Kienbaum, G Kienbaum, K Dondero C Holley, J Cannon, S Cannon, B Conley J Kienbaum USHERS J Rosa M Edwards B Pearson SERVERS L Manfred O Manfred I Santiago M Boik L McCauley S McCauley ***IF YOU CAN NOT SERVE, PLEASE FIND A REPLACEMENT. THANK YOU*** First Reconciliation Preparation The next session is this Wednesday, November 12th from 7:00-8:00 pm in the Parish Hall. Students and parents need to attend together. Please call Teresa in the parish office at 926-7133 for more information. Religious Education for 4 year olds—7th grade We want to help children grow up spiritually rich as Catholics! Classes have begun, but you may register students at anytime. The great teachers, the space at Otis Elementary, the wonderful curriculum and resources are all waiting for you!! RE classes are Sundays, Nov 9, 16 & 23, Dec 7, 14 & 21. 9:15-10:15 am. Register at Otis. Please call or email Teresa in the Parish office with any questions or concerns at 926-7133 or Family Advent Bingo! Prizes! Sunday, November 16th at 9:15 am at Otis Elementary. All families are welcome! Supporting the Faith and Spirituality of Teens 8th—12th Grades This year’s Youth Ministry at St. Joe’s is held on Sunday nights, 6-8 pm in the parish hall. Awesome Teens, You all passed the test of diapering a baby! Great job! We were able to get enough games and snacks to make a nice basket. (Thanks especially to the Ukrainetz family and the Bailey family!) Thank you to all for attending our first visit to the Union Gospel Mission. Since this was such a fulfilling experience, all voted to go back again in April. (Thank you, Laura Alvarez, for making this possible!) For those of you that haven't come for awhile, we've missed you! Please come next week for our Ultimate, Top Secret "Game of the Year"! We are going to attend Winter Jam (a Christian concert) on Friday, November 14th. We will be meeting at the church at 5:45pm. For more information, go to "Closer to the Eucharist through prayer, praise and preparation" Join us for Hour Faith Sundays, 9:20-10:10 am. We gather to prepare pray and praise. You are welcome for all or part, as you are available. Focus will be on Sunday's Gospel. The schedule for the school year: Nov 9, 16, 23, Dec 7, Dec 14, Jan 4, 11, 25, Feb 1, 8, 22, March 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, April 12, 19, 26. Morning Faith Study Group Morning Adult Faith Study Group meets on Thursdays at 9:15 a.m. The subject of study is the 10 Commandments following the US Catholic Catechism for Adults. St. Joseph’s Baptism Schedule 2014-2015 Class: Feb. 1 & 8, 2015 Baptism: Feb. 15, 2015 March 22 & 29 April 5, Easter Please call the parish office to register or if you have any questions, 926-7133 Seniors on the Go Seniors on the go will meet Wednesday, November 12th at 12 noon in the parish hall for a pot luck lunch. Howard Ball will be entertaining us with his Native American Flute. Please join us for this entertaining program. “Care for the Caregiver” This workshop/retreat afternoon will be offered on Sunday, November 16th, 12:30-3:30 p.m. in our Parish Hall. Dr. Catherine Armstead and Sr. Pat Millen from St. Joseph Family Center will facilitate. The focus of the afternoon will be to provide support for those who care for others: adult children caring for parents, health professionals, parents, spouses, social workers, nonprofit employees or volunteers, etc. The afternoon will include tools for self-care, prayer, reflection, and resource lists. Lunch will be provided. Suggested donation: $25 for speakers and the lunch. Everyone is welcome, regardless of ability to donate! LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO ATTEND! INVITE OTHERS YOU KNOW WHO NEED THIS WORKSHOP! SIGN-UP IN THE FOYER, EMAIL ( OR CALL THE PARISH OFFICE at 926-7133. (Sponsored by St. Joseph Charity and Justice Committee.) THE ADVENT SEASON is approaching! Would you like to connect your faith with the faith of others during this Advent/Christmas Season? Small groups are forming here at St. Joe’s for 5 weekly gatherings. Groups will reflect on the Sunday Gospels of this Holy Season using a simple guided process, including faith sharing and prayer. We hope to put together a men’s group, an evening women’s group, groups in homes or at the parish, etc. A variety of days and times will be set up to accommodate those who want to participate. Some small groups already meet regularly and are invited to follow this Advent reflection. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED, PLEASE SIGN UP IN THE FOYER. Indicate if you are willing to lead a group and/or host a group in your home. Call Teresa in the parish office for more information. St. Gabriel’s Group (Mom’s Group) Learning how to incorporate the rich traditions of our faith into practical home routines/events can seem a bit daunting. When children are little, spouses are of different faiths, or time just never seems to be on your side, the integration of much of our Catholic Culture gets lost or viewed as an after- thought. St. Gabriel's Group, the mother's group at St. Joe's has just begun a discussion on the book "The Catholic Home", by Meredith Gould. Using the liturgical calendar, The Catholic Home provides familiar and new ways to celebrate each season and its special days. Gould reviews major holy days, select saints’ days, familiar prayers, and suggests meaningful ways to prepare as a family for such sacraments as Baptism, Confirmation, First Eucharist, and Matrimony. St. Gabriel's Group meets each Wed from 9:30-11:30am. Childcare is provided. Please contact Jessica Morgan at 509-638-8225 or for more information. We are looking for volunteers for each Mass to help with fire drills. Please contact Joe Frett at 509-255-6276 for questions and if you would like to volunteer. World Youth Day 2016 Krakow Poland with Pope Francis. A 10 day trip of a lifetime for anyone 16 or older as of July, 2016. Adults are welcome. Krakow will be a rich location to hold the festivities; it is the city of John Paul the Great, the founder of World Youth Day. The people of Poland are thrilled to welcome World Youth Day back to his country. His presence is palpable throughout the city of Krakow and close to the heart of the people. Millions of joyful Catholic Youth descending upon Krakow will enjoy the intercession of St. John Paul II as they come to encounter Christ! For questions please contact Gene or Meta Boik at 928-6182. GUILTY UNTIL PROVEN INNOCENT. The Exonerated, the compelling death penalty drama, is a dramatic reading of the actual words of six wrongfully condemned persons who emerged from death row to reclaim their lives. Directed by local theatre luminaries Bryan Harnetiaux and Jack Delehanty. When: Friday, Nov 21 and Saturday, Nov 22 at 7:30 pm Where: Magnuson Theatre—Gonzaga U., 502 E Boone, Spokane. General admission and student tickets available for $10 and $5 at Why: To increase public awareness and respectful debate on the issue of the death penalty. Contact Shar at 838-7870 or 218-5386. Catholic Active Singles over 35 is hosting a Christmas Potluck 12/06/14 at St. Aloysius, O’Malley Hall. Cover charge is $5.00. Doors open at 6:30 with dinner at 7:00. A $10.00 white elephant Christmas gift exchange optional. Please come and enjoy the evening with us and spread the word to other Catholic singles over 35. RSVP is welcome but not needed. Kelan - 509-995-4267, or e-mail Join Jeff Cavins and other great Bible scholars at this web site for inspiring videos and articles, free 10 minute studies, monthly round-ups of the best blog posts, sneak previews of upcoming studies, and more. HOW TO RAISE KIDS WITH FAITH: Google ‘year of the family Loyola Press’ for some simple and seasonal ideas to share the Catholic Faith in your households. Catholic TV Network The Catholic TV Network, America’s Catholic Television Network®, is now available to cable and satellite providers in our area. Please help provide this upbeat, youthful and exciting Catholic network and a powerful resource to the people of our area and the entire nation. To help, simply visit as an easy way to petition your cable or satellite provider. If you are unable to access the internet please follow up with a postcard or letter to your provider. Remember the address: AROUND THE DIOCESE Veterans Day, November 11th, 2014 The Cathedral of Our Lady of Lourdes will be holding a special Veterans Day Mass on 11/11/14 at 12 Noon. All are welcome to attend. Please contact the parish office (358-4290) with any past or present service members names that you would like to see in the program OR submit your name(s) on our website, Submissions are due by 12 Noon on 11/7/14! CHORETEUR You are invited to a special Veteran’s Day choral concert in honor of our Wounded Warriors, Tues, Nov. 11 at 7 p.m. It will be held at St. Joseph Church, 1503 W Dean, Spokane. A free-will offering will be given to the Wounded Warrior Project. For further information please call Janet Gorman at 509-276-2605 Not enough Bingo? Here’s more for you. TURKEY BINGO, SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 2014 St Mary’s Catholic Church (Hall) 304 S. Adams Rd, Spokane, WA From 2:00 to 5:00 PM (end time approximate) 6 cards for $5.00, or $1.00 each Hot Dogs, popcorn, baked goods, & soft drinks for sale Proceeds to benefit St. Joseph Parish (on Dean), Spokane St Peter Parish is planning to host an evening November 19, 2014 at O’Doherty’s to raise awareness of the growing problem of Human Trafficking. Mark Kadel, Director of World Relief Spokane has agreed to lead an informative discussion regarding this topic. RSVP to or 509.413.2987 O’Doherty’s Restaurant, 525 W Spokane Falls Blvd 6:00-7:00 pm – Food Service 7:00-8:00 pm – Mike Kadel will speak and answer questions NEW THIS YEAR! Are you a "new" Mom who would like to share experiences with other young Moms? Are you an "experienced" Mom who needs a night out? Are you a "crafty" Mom who would like to make easy blankets for CAPA? Please join us Wed, Nov 12 at 7:00 PM in St John Vianney school library. Bring scissors and a measuring device. The meeting lasts a little over an hour and each attendee finishes one blanket. Please come and help little ones keep warm this winter while making new friends. If there are any questions, please contact Sandy Colquhoun 928-2515. This event is sponsored by Catholic Daughters. Candlelight Vigil: Monday, Nov. 17, 5:30 pm House of Charity, 32 W Pacific Ave, Spokane A Candlelight vigil to promote an awareness of poverty and its many effects. This also marks the launch of the annual Christmas Collection which supports all the programs of Catholic Charities Spokane. For questions contact Judy Lee at 358-4254 or Candlelight Vigil: Monday, Nov. 17, 5:30 pm House of Charity, 32 W Pacific Ave, Spokane A Candlelight vigil to promote an awareness of poverty and its many effects. This also marks the launch of the annual Christmas Collection which supports all the programs of Catholic Charities Spokane. For questions contact Judy Lee at 358-4254 or We Need You! Catholic Charities Volunteer Information Session Make volunteering a part of your fall activities! Please join us for a Volunteer Information Session and learn about the many volunteer opportunities available and how to help others in need. The session will be held Tuesday, November 18th from 10:00 a.m.-11:15 a.m. at the Catholic Charities Family Services Center, 12 East 5th. Tours of our facility will also be available. Please RSVP for the session to Brigid Krause at 358-4270 or 2014 Christmas Bureau: Dec 10-19 (excluding Sunday), 10:00am—2:30 pm. Spokane County Fair & Expo Center, 404 N Havana. Provides books and toys for children and grocery store vouchers for individuals and families. To volunteer contact Brigid Krause at 358-4270 or email to Harmony for the Holidays: Sun., Dec 20 at 8:00 pm At the Bing Theater. A musical benefit in support of the Catholic Charities Foundation. Contact Dennis Hake at 3584255 or for more information. Monastery of St Gertrude Spirit Center 465 Keuterville Rd, Cottonwood, ID 83522 Legacy of the Heart, Tues, Nov 18, 7:30 p.m. - Thurs, Nov 20, 1:30 p.m. The greatest gift we can leave behind is an expression of who we are in this lifetime. Reveal your values, life lessons and blessings in a legacy letter that will illuminate your life's meaning and link generations. Suggested donation: $190 single / $140 each shared. Facilitator: Joanne Station. For more information email or call 208-962-2000. Silence the Christmas Noise: Advent Retreat Set aside a few days of calm, quiet Advent preparation this year. YOU are worth this gift of time away from the Christmas rush. Prepare yourself for the true meaning of Christmas. Choose the retreat days that fit your schedule. $85/night (includes meals). To schedule an individual retreat, call 208962-2000 or email Once you confirm your dates, we invite you to complete your registration with our online form. Catholic Funeral and Cemetery Services of Spokane (Holy Cross, Queen of Peace and St. Joseph Cemeteries) offers both funeral and cemetery services, observant of the newly issued Funeral Policies of the Diocese of Spokane. Families can take care of all their needs in a single visit, with CFCS coordinating the arrangements with parish, pastor and family. For information call 467-5496. Immaculate Heart Retreat Center For more information or to register in advance: (509) 448-1224 or visit Coffee and Contemplation: 9-11am. Cost of $10 includes roll & hot beverage. Come enjoy spirited discussion and prayer time over a roll and a hot beverage. Please register in advance. Nov 19 “Following the Spirit Within: Dealing with the Major Issues of Life”, Fr Joachim Hien Dec 17 “The Gift of ‘Wait Time’”, Carolyn Terry Day of Prayer: 9am-3pm. Please register in advance. Cost of $35 includes lunch ($45 with the use of a private room for the day). The Day of Prayer begins with a Rosary, includes two conferences, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, a Mass and ends with Adoration. Dec 3 Advent Day of Prayer, “Journey to Christmas” Fr David Kuttner Upcoming Weekend Retreats Cost is $185/person, $280/couple, $100/commuter Nov 14-15 Grief Retreat “Life After Loss” Lori DeRoche, RN Dec 5-7 Serenity Retreat “The Pool of Serenity: Immersion in the Serenity Prayer”, Sr Julie Wokasch, OSB Dec 19-21 Advent Retreat “Walking with Mary through the Advent Season”, Fr Armand Nigro, SJ & Sr Sharon Bongiorno, FSPA St. Joseph Family Center 1016 N. Superior St., Spokane, WA 99202 For info or to register call 483-6495 Thomas Merton’s “Bridges to Contemplative Living” with Sr. Patricia Novak, OSF. 6–7:30 p.m. Series 7: Adjusting Your Life’s Vision, Nov. 18, 25, Dec. 2 & 9, Suggested donation $40 includes the book. Advent—A Time of Waiting Sat, Dec 6, 10 am – 3 pm, with Sr. Patricia Novak, OSF Join others for this retreat day which will include Advent thoughts, guided reflection through time and prayer, personal quiet and sharing with others. Suggested Donation $25, bring a sack lunch. Coffee, tea and dessert provided . Twilight Retreat for Women Poor Clare Monastery, 4419 N. Hawthorne, Spokane Friday, Dec. 5, 6:30-11:00 pm. Single, Women ages 18-35, No cost, supper included. RSVP by Dec. 2. Sr. Karen Hawkins, SP (206) 661-5925 or KNOW, LOVE & SERVE – The diocese’s pastoral planning process, Know, Love & Serve, takes a major step forward with the publication of Bishop Cupich’s pastoral letter, Joy Made Complete. The letter outlines a Diocesan Pastoral Plan which Catholics throughout the Diocese are called to implement over the next four years. The text is on line at the diocesan website: Please take time to read the Bishop’s letter and commit yourself to work with our parish leaders as we implement the Pastoral Plan he outlines for us. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, our efforts will bear much fruit.
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