THIRTY THIRD SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME Sunday, November 16, 2014 MASS INTENTIONS Monday November 17 Fr. Negusse Kelata 8:40 am Ernesto Bravo (RIP) Demetria Estrada (RIP) Tuesday November 18 8:40 am Communion Service Wednesday November 19 Fr. Felino Paulino 8:40 am Helen Giersch Topel (RIP) Thanksgiving – Galban & Lopez Family Thursday November 20 Fr. Bob Kenny 8:40 am Erl Atkinson (RIP) Thanksgiving – Orontes Castro Friday November 21 Fr. Felino Paulino 10:00 am Anointing of the Sick Mass Saturday November 22 Fr. Felino Paulino 5:30 am For Our Parish Family Sunday November 23 Fr. Felino Paulino 9:00 am For Our Parish Family 11:00 am For Our Parish Family 1:00 pm Spanish Mass REST IN PEACE November 15: Arnold Ratliff ’83, Katarina Platt ’83; November 16: Johnas Denoso Cabilin ’97, Sally Ayco ’92, Alana Edward ’89, Charlotte Schallar ’85, Kristi Tyler ’84, Joseph Wong ’84; November 17: Wilfredo A. Ducay ’11; Ildefonso Ramos ‘’94, Josephine Bolf ’87; November 18: Bibiana Kuhn ’98, Rachel Carlson ’90, Michael Spellman ’90, Dorothy Jenkins ’89; November 19: Robert Rice ’89, Matthew Stilnovich ’83, Potenciana Villanueva ’83, Tony Romero ’78; November 20: John Iacolucci ’94, Arnaldo Pena ’91, Mary Cassidy ’81; November 21: Stanley B. Corpuz ’00, Teresa Martinez ’90. Last week we prayed for: Ill: Carmen Dunn, Richard Cormier, Archbishop Brunett, Kim Carroll, Patty Walsh Bernard, Kathleen Huddleston, Ken Schmidt, Jim Clark, Julio Arreola Deceased: Demetria Estrada, Joseph Cruz Death Anniversary: Charlene DeLeon, Jessie DeLeon, Cavina Camitan, Eufemio Camitan, Cleopar Santa Maria, Diosdado Nudo, Monica Antonio, Conrado Antonio THANKSGIVING DAY MASS THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27TH, 9:00AM Come and give thanks to God at our Thanksgiving Day Mass. All money collected that day will go to St. Edward’s ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY. Donations of canned goods are also accepted. Note: The parish office will be closed Thanksgiving Day as well as the day after Thanksgiving. WELCOME TO SAINT EDWARD PARISH! We want to welcome you, whether you have come from another part of the country, from across the world, or simply from another parish. Won’t you join us and become a part of our Catholic Community by registering at St. Edward? If you have been away from the Church for awhile & would like to return, or if you would like to learn more about the Catholic faith, please contact Father Felino Paulino. If you would like to register in the parish, call the parish office, 206-722-7888, to obtain a registration form. RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION FOR ADULTS (RCIA) Do you know someone who would like to become a Catholic? Or would like to learn more about our Catholic Faith? Invite them to our RCIA Program which recently began. It’s held at St. George Parish Center 7:00pm every Wednesday. The topic for Wednesday, November 19th is Baptism & Confirmation. The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is the process through which women and men become members of the Roman Catholic Church. The process is concerned with the total formation of the person into believing, praying, worshipping and serving with the community of the Catholic Church. For more information, please call St. Edward Parish office at 206-722-7888. BAPTISMS Please contact the Parish Office at 206-722-7888 to find out details on how you can have your child Baptized. Parents need to be registered in the parish and take a Baptism Preparation Class. For information about Spanish Baptism Preparation, please call Ventura Herrera, 206-291-6337. ANOINTING OF THE SICK MASS St. Edward Church - Friday, November 21st – 10:00 am Fr. Felino, Presider The Sacrament of the Sick is for anyone who would like to receive it. Parishioners from St. Edward, St. George, and St. Paul Parishes are invited to attend. The homebound, ill, and elderly are especially invited to come. Refreshments will be served after the Mass. CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Weekend of Nov. 29th & 30th A representative of Catholic Cemeteries will be in the vestibule after the Masses on the weekend of Nov. 29th & 30th. They can answer any questions you may have regarding Catholic Cemeteries. ST. EDWARD PARISH SCHOOL NEWS St. Edward School continues to enroll students for the 2014-2015 school year. We have space in most grades. If you have questions, you can call the school office at 206-725-1774, or send a query using the Contact form on our website: We look forward to meeting you! SCHOOL COFFEE HOUR Weekend of Nov. 22nd & 23rd Next weekend there will be a Coffee Hour after the 9 am & 11 am Masses as a “Thank You Gift” to St. Edward Parishioners for their support of St. Edward School. Please join us and meet some of our school teachers and students. AN EVENING FOR MARRIED COUPLES Whether you’ve been married a long time or a short time -- come and enjoy an evening together just for married couples. Tuesday, Nov. 18th 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm St. Edward Parish Coffee Room & Chapel Dr. Robert Fontana has given many retreats for married couples over the past 25 years. He has a doctorate in ministry and draws on his 36 years of marriage and being the father of 6 children. He will offer his insightful reflections on the amazing gift of Christian marriage for the couple, family, and society. Each couple will have an opportunity to talk with each other about topics related to their love and friendship. Bring a treat to share at the break time and consider making an offering. To register, please call the Parish Office at 206-722-7888. COMING UPAdvent is right around the corner! PENANCE SERVICE Tuesday, Dec. 2nd – St. George Tuesday, Dec. 9th – St. Edward Sunday, Dec. 14th – St. Paul Penance Services start 7:00 pm IMMACULATE CONCEPTION MASS Monday, Dec. 8th 8:40 am & 7:00 pm Holy Day of Obligation PARISH STEWARDSHIP As of 11/12/14 Pledges received: 73 $ Pledged: $75,387 Our goals are to receive 315 pledges and to raise $280,000. Thank you to all parishioners who responded this past weekend and returned their pledges. Your support and generosity is greatly appreciated! Last weekend, our guest presider, Fr. Jerry spoke about “listening to the walls of the church…” The church was built thanks to the support and generosity of families before us. Thanks to them, we have a beautiful church, it is our responsibility now to take care of the church for present and for the future. Parish Stewardship is not a new collection. Parish Stewardship is your Sunday Contribution to St. Edward Parish. We ask you to make a pledge for your support of St. Edward Parish for 2015. By making a pledge, you are promising to give from the best of what you have in gratitude for the blessings God has given you. If you have not yet made a pledge, please prayerfully consider doing so. We have around 650 registered in the families in the parish. We all should participate and support our church. Please fill out a pledge card this weekend! STEWARDSHIP CORNER Stewardship of Treasure Weekend of November 8-9, 2014 Amount needed to support parish: $ 7,755.00 Electronic donations: $ 346.00 Children’s envelopes $ 5.00 Spanish Mass Collection $ 376.60 Weekend Collection: $ 6,366.67 Total Donations received $ 7,094.77 Shortfall: $ 660.23 July 2014 – June 2015 Fiscal Year to Date (Actual) $120,075.49 Budget to Date $147,345.00 Shortfall: $ 27,269.51 Good stewards are like the industrious and reliable servants in today’s Gospel, prudently using and multiplying the gifts entrusted to them by God. SIGN OF PEACE AT MASS OUR LADY OF GUADALUPE Friday, Dec. 12th 6:00 pm SIMBANG GABI Dec. 15 – 23 Weeknight Simbang Gabi Masses are at 7:00 pm Weekend Simbang Gabi Masses are at 5:30 pm During the sign of peace at Mass, please withhold from shaking each other’s hands during the flu and cold season. You can quietly say “Peace be with you” as you would normally do without shaking hands. Thank you! If you or a family member are seriously ill, please call the parish office at 206-722-7888 so a priest can visit.
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