Sunday, June 15, 2014: Trinity Sunday FAITH CORNER THREE IN ONE We have come to know God as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, the Blessed Trinity Our God is a mystery which we can never fully understand or put into words. Yet we often use images to help explain something about what God is like. We speak of God as Creator of all things, as the almighty one, as lover, as judge, as rock. Each of these images tells us something about God, but no one image could ever express completely who God is. Jesus spoke about God as his Father and our Father, and Jesus spoke about the Spirit whom he and the Father would send to his Church. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God. As the early Christians tried to discern how they could talk about God as Father as Son, and as Holy Spirit, and still believe in the one God of their ancestors, they began to use the term, the Holy Trinity. The doctrine of the Holy Trinity affirms that there is only one God, but that in God there are three divine Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. National Catechetical Directory By words and actions, God prepared for the ultimate disclosure of Himself as a Trinity: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (#83) The mystery of the Holy Trinity was revealed in the person, words, and works of Jesus Christ. (#83) Catechism of the Catholic Church The Church never ceases to proclaim her faith in one only God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (#152) The mystery of the Most Holy Trinity is the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightens them. It is the most fundamental and essential teaching in the “hierarchy of the truths of faith” [GCD 43]. (#234) Masses, Intentions & Services Sat. June 14 5:00 p.m.+ Robert Unrein Sun. June 15 9:30 a.m.+ Henry & Mary Rohr 11:00 a.m. People of the Parish Wed. June 18 7:30 a.m.+ LeRoy Richmeier Fri. June 20 7:30 a.m.+ Esther Wasinger Family Sat. June 21 9:30 a.m.+ Donald Wasinger Sun. June 22 9:30 a.m.+ Delmer Berens 11:00 a.m. People of the Parish PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS Summer Parish Office Hours: Monday – Thursday: 8am to noon – 1 to 4pm & Friday: 8 to noon. CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION on Sunday, June 22, at 2pm, at St. Nicholas. Join us in celebrating the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ, traditionally known as Corpus Christi. Exposition begins at 2pm, followed by Procession of the Blessed Sacrament throughout the neighborhood, hymns and blessing, then back to the church for Benediction. FAITH SHARING QUESTIONS FOR THIS WEEK: ADULTS: If you were to encourage the members of your own parish to live as a “community of love,” which is how we define the Trinity, how would you advise them to live? Use St. Paul’s list of exhortations as your starting point. YOUTH: The Trinity is celebrated today. How would you describe your relationship with God the Father? With Jesus? With the Spirit? CHILDREN: When people love each other, how do they treat each other? Tithing: Your Gift to God Fiscal Year: July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014 Collection for the week of June 8 $ 10,575 Weekly Collection to meet Fiscal Budget: $ 13,244 Fiscal Year Budgeted: $688,711 Collected Year to Date: $653,909 June 15 June June July 22 29 6 MONEY COUNTERS JoAnn Koerner, Ramie Wasinger, & Judith Zerr-Schamberger Mark & Amanda Lang Nancy Duffy & Tammy Lawson Tammy Dreiling & Lisa Hess Sunday, June 15, 2014: Trinity Sunday Readings for Eleventh Week in Ordinary Time Monday, June 16 1 Kgs 21:1-16 / Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-6a, 6b-7 / Mt 5:38-42 Tuesday, June 17 1 Kgs 21:17-29 / Ps 51:3-4, 5-6ab, 11 and 16 / Mt 5:43-48 Wednesday, June 18 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14 / Ps 31:20, 21, 24 / Mt 6:1-6, 16-18 Thursday, June 19 (St. Romuald) Sir 48:1-14 / Ps 97:1-2, 3-4, 5-6, 7 / Mt 6:7-15 Friday, June 20 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 / Ps 132:11, 12, 13-14, 17-18 / Mt 6:19-23 Saturday, June 21 (St. Aloysius Gonzaga) 2 Chr 24:17-25 / Ps 98:4-5, 29-30, 31-32, 33-34 / Mt 6:24-34 Sunday, June 22 (The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ) (Corpus Christi) Dt 8:2-3, 14b-16a / Ps 147:12-13, 14-15, 19-20 / 1 Cor 10:16-17 / Jn 6:51-58 PARISH AND COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS Summer Adult Small Group opportunity – A Beginning Apologetics (how to defend and explain your Catholic faith) group will meet once a month during the summer. The dates will be Wednesday, June 18, July 2, 16, 30, Aug. 13, and 27, at 7pm, at the church. Book can be purchased at the Messenger Bookstore. Backpack for Kids First Call for Help is sponsoring Backpack for Kids. The box has been placed in the gathering space for donations you may wish to make. FAITH FORMATION ANNOUNCEMENTS Faith Formation News Confirmation Candidates - Biweekly summer packets will be mailed to you beginning with readings for the weekend of June 7 & 8. Work on these throughout the summer to continue your personal preparation for the Sacrament of Confirmation on Aug. 10. Please put all papers in your binder and write responses or reflections in your notebook. Continue to work on your service projects. Service Form D is due July 18. Have a Blessed Summer! Catholic Reading Rack Are you looking for some good reading, but aren’t interested in another magazine subscription? We have a solution!! Take a look at the new Catholic Reading Center located in the gathering space. Assembled there are a variety of wonderful reading resources. On the table are free reading items and in the rack are items to purchase. Please use the handy envelopes on the rack for your donations. St. Nicholas Parish will keep 20% of all sales. So you get quality reading with no hassle and help the parish at the same time. Contact Kathy in the parish office if you have suggestions for other title. Catholic Websites Adults – Divine Office site Children – J Club x Families – Family Catechism, interactive 01_+Fr._Lawrence_Lovasik Teens –Youth Apostolate online Catholic Youth Weekly Quiz _of_the_week.html Sunday, June 15, 2014: Trinity Sunday CATHOLIC SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS Holy Family Elementary May 19 – Aug 15 – Summer Vacation – No School June & July – Office Open Tues-Thurs 9am – 4pm (closed over lunch hour) July 14 – Parker/Used/Gone Logo Uniform Sale, 11am – 6pm, in AC Aug 6 – Enrollment Day, 7:30am to 2pm, in LT Aug 11 – New Family Orientation, 7 to 8pm, in LT Aug 12 –14 – Staff/Faculty In-services Aug 17 – Back-2-School Bash, 4 to 6pm, in LT (students bring supplies) Aug 18 – 1st Day of School, Half Day; Dismissal at 11am -- You can help support HFE by collecting Box Tops, Campbell’s & Tyson Labels, cell phones, batteries, and McDonald’s receipts. Every bit helps our school! Don’t forget to recycle your aluminum cans in our trailer in the north parking lot! -- Holy Family has a kitchen staff position available in August, 2014. Potential employees should be willing to work early morning hours, able to multitask, enjoy working as a team, and serving others. This 10 month position is approximately 30 hours per week and includes benefits. Interested individuals can fill out an application in the front office of Holy Family elementary. -- Holy Family is searching for an Information Technician to help fulfill the technology needs of our school. The potential employee should have knowledge of networking, computer hardware and software, cybersecurity, and be willing to assist teachers, staff, and students with their technology needs. Additionally, this person would assist both Holy Family and TMP-Marian with public relations through the schools’ websites, assist in the creation of news stories for the school websites, and be present at some events to take photos. Knowledge of the Adobe Suite and Wordpress would be helpful. This position is a 12 month full time position that includes benefits. Interested individuals should apply at Holy Family Elementary’s front office. For more information contact Rachel Wentling. -- For more information go to CATHOLIC SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS -- Be a mentor/supervisor to students from around the world! Thomas More Prep - Marian is looking for several Resident Advisors for their high school resident program for the upcoming 2014-2015 school year. Gain experience in working with teenagers. If you enjoy working with a diverse population this job is for you. No experience is necessary but you must be able to pass a background check and health exam. Overnight and weekend shifts for an average of 13 shifts per month are required. College students and patient, compassionate and responsible adults are encouraged to apply. Salary includes a monthly stipend and room & board, cable, internet and laundry. Call Michelle Fairbank @ 785-432-1212 or send resumes to: Monarch Football Madness Kicks Off Again! Once again TMP-Marian is selling tickets for Monarch Football Madness, an exciting fundraiser tied to the NFL 2014 football season. $500 paid out for the 17 weeks of the regular football season! Each ticket is valid for the 17 weeks of the regular football season and can win each week. Each ticket has three NFL football teams assigned each week. No two tickets have the same combination of teams for a given week. The three team scores added together determine winners .Each week there are four ways to win! Total prizes for the length of the fundraiser is $8,500 ($500 per week for 17 weeks). This is a total of 68 cash prizes. You can also buy your tickets online! For complete details go to: A suggested donation of $20 per ticket is accepted and can be sent in to: TMP-Marian, Attn: Sandy, 1701 Hall Street, Hays, KS 67601. Multiple tickets may be purchased and the ticket(s) will be mailed to you showing your computerized selected teams for each week. Don’t miss out on this chance to win a cash prize and support TMP-Marian! If you have any questions, feel free to contact Sandy Losey at the school at 785-625-6577 or by email at -- For more information go to Sunday, June 15, 2014: Trinity Sunday PARISH AND COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS MINISTRY SCHEDULE FOR June 21 & 22 Saturday, 5:00 P.M. Mass EMHC Proclaimer Hospitality Bernice Kaiser Clare Gustin #1 Aaron Brady Deacon Sarah Gustin #2 Darlene Arnhold Sacristan Bryan Brady Altar Servers Glen Gabel Marilyn Gabel Alayna Arnhold Marvin Kaiser Grace Stanton Gift Bearers Mary Straub Jackson Stanton Matt Allen Sunday, 9:30 A.M. Mass EMHC Proclaimer Hospitality LeRoy Lang Michael Reif #1 Bernie Werth Deacon Emily Reif #2 Deb Kraus Sacristan Pat Lang Altar Servers Paul Kraus Joyce Newell Drew Morley Kelly Schmidt Emma Schmidt Gift Bearers Bob Wasinger + Gracie Schmidt Ruben Schuckman Sunday, 11:00 A.M. Mass EMHC Proclaimer Hospitality Mary Hickman Patty Stull #1 Wes Leiker Deacon Hannah Keil #2 Mike Leiker Janet Kohl Sacristan Jenni Leiker Altar Servers Jenni Leiker Mary Lou Mastin Nathan Leiker Kathy Taylor Tucker Veach Gift Bearers Jorge Vazquez Mindi Veach Adeline Viegra Fr. Daryl will be gone from June 9 to 19. Parish Directories are free to the parishioners who had their pictures taken. Stop by the parish office to pick up your directory during office hours. COFFEE & CONVERSATION – June 22, after the 9:30 a.m. Mass. Hosted by the Liturgy Committee. Come join us. Hays Catholic Charities Just a reminder to please return your Catholic Charities baby bottles when you come to Mass next weekend, June 21-22. Volunteers and containers will be available to receive them. Thank you for supporting our work with mothers, fathers, children, and families! You help us make a difference in the community. PARISH AND COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS WE PRAY FOR James Hahn, and Linda Dewey as they celebrate their Sacrament of Marriage on Saturday, June 14. WE WELCOME IN BAPTISM Jillian Mae Brown, infant daughter of Scott and Jennifer Brown. She will be baptized on Saturday, June 14. MacKayla Ranae Karst, infant daughter of T.J. and Kristen Karst. She will be baptized on Sunday, June 15. Men of Myra is a group of men whose sole purpose is to gather to break open the upcoming Sunday Scriptures. We begin at 7:30am, each Saturday. Following a short prayer the group wrestles with what the three Sunday Scripture readings are trying to say to ordinary men in their everyday lives. The gathering ends with prayer around 8:30am. Bring a cup of coffee, your favorite Bible, and join us Saturday mornings. Women's Scripture sharing group meeting 7:30am-8:30am every Saturday morning at St. Joseph Parish Center, across the street from St. Joseph Church. We read through the Sunday scriptures and participate in discussion. This is not a Bible Study but a Scripture Sharing. We do have a printed guide that aides us in directing our discussion. All women are welcome to attend every week or drop in....just bring your Bible or Book of Sunday's readings. Call Laura Sadeghi for more information at 785-635-3323 or STEWARDSHIP RENEWAL FORMS For those of you who have not returned your forms, please be sure to send back BOTH forms to the parish office. Catholic School and Faith Formation families must complete both forms and send them back to insure that your child can be enrolled at HFE, TMP-M or Faith Formation Program for the 2014-2015 school year. Sunday, June 15, 2014: Trinity Sunday PARISH AND COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS PARISH AND COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS The Mission Appeal will be this weekend June 14 & 15. Speakers will be from Pallottine Fathers and Brothers Society of the Catholic Apostolate. Here is a brief description of their Society. Pallottines (The Society of the Catholic Apostolate) is a religious community of over 2300 members spread over several countries in the five continents. It was founded in Rome in 1835 by St. Vincent Pallotti. He is considered the pioneer in championing the role of the Laity in the mission of the Church. He is recognized as having profoundly influenced teaching of Vat.II on Laity. The motto of the Society is: “make everyone a Catholic, every Catholic a good Catholic, and every good Catholic an Apostle.” In India, besides carrying out his vision by inspiring laity to take active role in the church, we run several mission stations aimed at catering to the needs of the poor and the underprivileged. We do the same in the Zambia, Africa as well. We run orphanages for poor boys and girls, run educational institutions, dispensaries and other charitable works along with faith formation. We undertake many social work programs directly aimed at helping the poor and needy. In the traditional Catholic areas we concentrate on re-evangelization and the training of the laity to become active apostles. FOOD PANTRY ANNOUNCEMENTS -- 124 boxes were distributed on the June 7th Pantry Day. -- June Food Pantry Dates is: June 21 -- Items of the month for June—Mac-n-cheese and Ramen Noodles… all varieties are appreciated and most in need of this month! -- Monetary Donations can be sent through the weekend collections or left at the Parish Svc. Ctr. -- The Kansas Food Bank June Shipment will be delivered on Monday, June 16. If you have 30 minutes to help carry casegoods to the 2nd floor around 10:30am, it would be most appreciated! No need to sign up, just show up! Thank you! Secular Franciscan Order (SFO) We are called to conform ourselves ever more closely to Christ. Some of us do so by following the example of St. Francis. For more information about the meetings or about the Secular Franciscans in general please contact Jorge Vazquez at 785-432-3515 or email at or Geri Rupp at 785-6281801. Meetings are held at the Catholic Campus Center every third Sunday at 1:30pm. HOST FAMILIES are needed for high school exchange students for the 2014-2015 academic year. The students will arrive in mid-August 2014 and will attend local high schools. Approved families may choose from online applications. For more information, call Wilma Fast at 316-681-1236. Adoration Chapel needs someone to cover the hours of 1 to 2am, and 2 to 3am, on Mondays, and 5 to 6pm, on Saturdays. If interested please contact Bob Feauto at 628-1429. Rose McFarland Girls’ Basketball Camp Date: Monday, June 16 thru Thursday, June 19 Place: Holy Family Elementary Gym and TMP (Al Billinger Fieldhouse) Times: 11am to noon Grades 1-2 (next year) at Holy Family Elementary 1 to 2:30pm Grades 3-4 (next year) at Holy Family Elementary 3:30 to 5pm Grades 5-6 (next year) at TMP Camp Coordinator: Rose McFarland For more information about the camp call 628-6581 or e-mail Please join the Ellis St Mary's CYO organization for their Ellis Community Dinner on June 22, from 10am until 1pm, or sold out, at the Ellis Knights of Columbus Hall. Menu: Pan fried chicken buffet includes mashed potatoes, gravy, corn, coleslaw & dinner roll with desert Kids 10 and under $5.00 Adults: $10.00. On Vacation, need to find out weekend Mass times for the area you are in? Call: 1-800-MASS-TIME or visit on the web: Sunday, June 15, 2014: Trinity Sunday PARISH AND COMMUNITY ANNOUNCEMENTS This We Believe… Adult Formation Series “Always be ready to give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” —1 Peter 3:15 Immaculate Heart of Mary will be offering a series of talks for adults again this summer. This year we will focus on Apologetics, being able to give an explanation of our faith. Join us as we explore how to answer questions from atheism, “Bible-only” Christianity, and secularism. There is no cost or sign up. Come every week or only when you can. Wednesdays June 11 to Aug. 27 7:30pm In the Little Theater June 18: The Crusades with Fr. Richard Daise from Ellis June 25: The Existence of God with Fr. Gnanasekar from IHM July 2: Mary with Dcn. Andrew Rockers Movie Night Under the Stars! When was the last time you loaded up your car with a date, family or best friends and pulled into the drive-in theatre for a night full of fun and a great movie? You can re-live those memories as your IHM Evangelization Team hosts its second annual DRIVE-IN movie night! Bring your date, your family, your best friends OR just bring yourself! We invite you to come ALIVE with our parish family! Who: ANYONE and EVERYONE IS INVITED What: Letters to God (Rated PG) * view trailer at * When: Saturday, July 12, 2014 Where: IHM North Parking Lot Time: 9pm Cost: A Food Pantry Item– July needs are pasta & Mac-n-Cheese; fruit-canned, sauces, dried, jellies, juices; proteintuna, chicken, chef-boy-ardees. Fill a cooler with your favorite beverage (no alcohol allowed), bring lawn chairs, blankets and pillows to enjoy the show under the stars! Vehicles can be parked in East or South lots. IHM CYO will be serving popcorn for a real drive-in movie feel. In case of inclement weather, please find updates on our IHM Facebook page. THE DAYS AHEAD June 17 Tri-Parish Jesus Through Mary Prayer Group, 9am, St. Joseph’s Service Center -- Community Assistance Center Garage Sale, 12th & Oak St., 8 to 11am June 18 Single and Beyond Food and Fellowship Meet at (south) Wendy’s, 1800 Vine, 6pm Bring a friend. June 21 Men of Myra, 7:30am -- Rosary in the St. Nicholas Church, 4:30pm June 22 Rosary in the St. Nicholas Church, 9am SALINA DIOCESE ANNOUNCEMENTS SCHOLARSHIPS The following scholarship applications are now available through the parish office. Marymount Memorial Educational Trust Scholarship (new and renewal application available). Eligibility requirements include being an active registered member of a Catholic parish in the Diocese of Salina; must attend a Catholic college as fulltime student. Monsignor Clement Kruse Scholarship Fund: applicant must be an active registered member of a Catholic parish in the Diocese of Salina. Deadline for both scholarships is July 1. FATHER’S DAY PRAYER God Our Father, in your wisdom and love you made all things. Bless those fathers who have taken upon themselves the responsibility of parenting. Bless those who have lost a spouse to death, separation, or divorce and who are parenting their children alone. Strengthen all Dads by your love that they may become the loving, caring, person they are meant to be. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen
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