“I have risen . . . & I am still with you, Alleluia!.” Easter Sunday Our Lord’s Resurrection April 20, 2014 - Psalm 138: 18 Entrance Antiphon Daily Masses and Mass Intentions Sunday 04/20/14 EASTER SUNDAY In-Thanksgiving Mass for the Parishioners For Strength, Success & Safety of our overseas Evangelists 11:15 AM (R) Father Richard Doheny by Sally Coughlin 11:25 AM (I) John Stoltz and Family by MaryPat & Don Jones 7:30 AM (I) 9:30 AM (I) 9:40 AM (I) JESUS IN THE TABERNACLE May the Heart of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar be praised, adored and loved with grateful affection, at every moment, in all the tabernacles of the world even to the end of time. Amen CATHOLIC HOME MISSIONS APPEAL Next weekend our par ish will be taking up a collection for the Catholic Home Missions Appeal. Many dioceses right here in the United States do not have enough priests and trained lay ministers to serve their parishes. These dioceses are known as home missions. The Catholic Home Missions Appeal supports these dioceses by funding essential ministries, including seminary education and lay ministry training. Please be generous in this Appeal and help strengthen the Church at home. Monday 04/21/14 7:00 AM (I) 8:30 AM (R) Fr. Carroll Keating by Friends Tim Melanson by MaryPat & Don Jones Tuesday 04/22/14 *MOTHER OF PERPETUAL HELP NOVENA CHAPEL OF THE HOLY EUCHARIST Perpetual Adoration *7:00 AM (R) Bart Russo by Aunt Donna, Uncle Bruce and Cousins *8:30 AM (R) John Baker by Tom Baker Times Adorers are needed: Wednesday 04/23/14 7:00 AM (I) 8:30 AM (R) Leslie Fairchild by A Friend Aaron Jackson by Olive Jackson & Family Thursday 04/24/14 7:30 AM (I) Jilian Heskett by Karen & Ray Fitts 8:30AM (R) John Stoltz by MaryPat & Don Jones Friday 04/25/14 7:00 AM (I) 8:30 AM (I) Paul Parker by Gerri Parker Amanda Lasat & Family by A Friend Saturday 04/26/14 8:30 AM (I) 4:30 PM (I) Dennis, Lloyd & Chuck by Brothers in Christ Bob Laywell by Bible Study Group Sunday 04/27/14 DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY 7:30 AM (I) Mass for the Parishioners 9:30 AM (R) Maurice Metzger 11:15 AM (I) hose Making 33 Days to Morning Glory by Karen and Amy 4:30 PM (I) Fidel Barajas by John Lubecki Friday 6 - 7pm Saturday 11am - Noon & 7 - 8pm “God is “thirsting” for you to satiate “His thirst.” What will convert America and save the World? My answer is prayer. What we need is for every parish to come before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament in Holy Hours of prayer.” (Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta) “Come to Me all you who labor and are burdened, and I will refresh you.” (Matthew 11:28) If you would like to be in the “Real Presence” of Jesus, for any of the above Hours or any Hour, or as a substitute, please call Marge, 967-0641 or Chris, 966-3266. When unable to come to your committed Hour, a phone call will arrange for someone to come for you. Please Pray for the Sick of Our Parish Commentator & Music Leaders for April 26 & April 27, 2014 Mass Times Commentator Music Leader SAT 4:30 PM Welsh, V. / Nagel Song Leader SUN 7:30 AM Yanez / Wagner, P. Johannis SUN 9:30 AM Styer, M. / Lehman, M. Contemporary Choir SUN 11:15 AM Fischer / Abi Naderl Traditional Choir SUN Burton / Estipular Song Leader 4:30 AM Ann Miler Barbara Hewins Bob Dirk Bud Terra Casey Barron Cecelia Beviacqua Chris Stabile Christina McCollor Connie McKie Curtis Calvin David Wetworth Diana Mehlhaff Domenico Bellocci Elizabeth Ashby Frances Lawler George Kim Harry Moss Jeannette Barron Jody Robinson John Langland Juliane Hummer Kathy Wilson Lance Whatley Lee West Lillian Baxter Lloyd Bousliman Louis Patterson Lynda Cook Maria - Elena Fallai Marilyn Gross Martha Warner Mason Johnson Matt Purvis Mike Marchese Nancy Dibble Nick Tenaglia P. J. Spain Patty Arcenequx-Conti Ralph Virgin Reilly Waterman Ricky Garcia Sabina Rodriguez Veronica Saenz Yolanda Martinez Yvonne McMahon KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus ar e holding their Monthly Food Collection for the needy NEXT weekend, April 26 & 27. Baskets will be in the vestibule for your donations of unopened, non -perishable food items. SPRING BLOOD DRIVE Come join us, the Knights of Columbus, on Mercy Sunday, April 27th, for the St. Mel's Spr ing Par ish Blood Dr ive in Doheny Hall. The Blood Source will be collecting donations of whole blood to supply hospitals throughout Northern California. Donations will be accepted from 8:30am until noon. Come and show your love for your neighbors by giving the gift of life. The Knights will also be holding a Pancake Breakfast in the Small Hall for all parishioners from 8:30am until 1:30pm, free to all donors, $5 to all others with a max of $15 per family. For questions or appointments, call Chris at 989-4572 WHERE IS YOUR TREASURE? As a Catholic finding a place to invest your money where your Catholic values are honored, it is important to find a place which operates with the highest ethical standard and a place that has the financial stability to be there for you and your family. The Knights of Columbus has their portfolio scrubbed to insure our investments value our Catholic beliefs. We have been one of the highest rated programs in the USA for decades and we have been named as one of “The World’s Most Ethical Companies” by the Ethisphere Institute. We were founded in 1882 and have generated wealth to our Brothers for over a Century. If you want to see if you can put your religion in your investment portfolio, email: Justin.tanjuaquio@kofc.org., or give Justin a call, 726-0981. DIVINE MERCY SUNDAY Come to the Feast of Divine Mercy on the Sunday after Easter, April 27. Did you know that the Lord said that this Feast would one day be the "last hope of salvation"? Have you considered what would happen to you if you suddenly died in the state of mortal sin? What is so special about this new Feast of Divine Mercy? It is the promise of the total forgiveness of all sins and punishment for any soul that would go to Confession and then receive Jesus in Holy Communion on that very special Feast of Divine Mercy! To celebrate properly the Feast of Divine Mercy and to receive the forgiveness of all sins and punishment, you must go to Confession to a Catholic priest within 20 days before or after Divine Mercy Sunday. For more information about the Feast of Divine Mercy and a Confession Guide, visit www.DivineMercySunday.com, or call Amy, 342-2088, or Karen, 966-0184. MEN’S DAY OF FAITH RENEWAL 2014 SAVE THE DATE Saturday, June 7, 2014 - Join the one day event for men. Featuring Jesse Romero a full-time, bilingual Catholic Lay Evangelist, who is nationally acclaimed for his dynamic, upbeat, Christ centered preaching. He is the director of “On Fire Evangelization.” Continental breakfast and catered BBQ lunch included. $35 now or $40 at the door. Hurry! Register today!! We are looking forward to seeing you along with 200 other men growing in their relationship with Christ. More details at smpcevents.org or telephone 834-6226. We are your brothers in Christ, The Day of Faith Renewal Team. CATHOLIC FAITH FORMATION There will be NO CFF classes Mon., April 21 & Tues., April 22. We wish everyone a very blessed and joyful Easter. CFF Classes resume on Mon., April 28 & Tues., April 29. If you have any questions, please call the CFF office, 966-4314. ST. VINCENT DE PAUL If you are interested in finding out more about what we do please join us for a one hour meeting, after the 8:30 AM Mass, every Tuesday in the Parish Hall conference room. Questions call Craig 826-6423. REMINDER Sat., April 26, from 9am - 1pm Our ‘Annual SVdP Shred and E-Waste event’ takes place next weekend. Please gather all paper documents, old checks, tax records and E-Waste that you want professionally destroyed. Questions? Call Theresa, 715-3050. ST. MEL’S BOY SCOUTS St. Mel’s Boy Scout Troop #217 is proud to announce it’s latest two Eagle Scouts!!! On April 7, Cristian Amaral became Troop #217’s 52nd Eagle Scout and Andrew Brown the troop’s 53rd Eagle Scout. This is a major accomplishment and we congratulate Christian and Andrew on their success! For more information about Boy Scouts and Troop #217, contact Doug, Scoutmaster, 635-3222, or Bob, Committee Chair, 852-7213. We welcome all new parishioners and ask that you register in the vestibule and fill out a census card. We look forward to meeting you! Thank you! PLEASE NOTE! *** BULLETIN ARTICLES *** Please send your typed articles, in MS Word - Times New Roman font 10, via email to stmeloffice@yahoo.com, no later than NOON ON FRIDAY to be included in the next bulletin. Refer to the schedule below. Thank you for your cooperation. ST. MEL SUMMER EXPERIENCE A fun, stimulating, and enriching environment provided to students entering grades TK - 6th. Weekly sessions are offered starting June 9-25. Registration starts NOW! Payment due by June 6. Hurry slots are filling fast! Call St. Mel School For more information, 967-2814. Bulletin Weekend Dates Articles DUE On ‘FRIDAYS’ April 26 - 27 ♦ Thursday April 17 May 03 - 04 April 25 May 10 - 11 May 02 BAPTISM RECEIVING THE MOST HOLY EUCHARIST Garren Nester P. and Greysen Herbert P. sons of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis D Guerrero Baptized on Saturday, April 12, 2014 Holy Eucharist is the “source and summit of the Christian life”, (Lumen Gentium). As Catholics, we are called by the Church to a “fully conscious and active participation”, (Sacrosanctum Concilium), in this great celebration. We bring our whole selves to Mass, as Jesus commanded, that we love God “with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30). All our attention and focus is to the sanctuary of the Church where the Word is proclaimed and the Sacrifice takes place. When it is time for us to receive our Lord in the Eucharist, we come towards the table of the Lord with hearts full of humility, love and reverence. All our actions should reflect this focus. It is for this reason that we will no longer distribute Holy Communion at the back of the Church. Preparations and accommodations have been made for a more fluid and efficient distribution in front of the altar. We are sensitive to the possibility that because of physical limitations some people would need to receive at the back of the Church. Please make the ushers aware if this is the case. Thank you for your understanding. THE PASSOVER SEDER To everything there is a season...thus, our Passover Seder for 2014 has been postponed until 2015. Yes, work has already begun for 2015. A year was needed to revise, revamp, reorganize, "re" everything, to present to our Parish a beautiful Passover Seder next spring. Thank you for your inquiries and support for this year. Mark your calendars for March 29, 2015. THANK YOU! The Altar Society would like to thank the students of St. Mel School who pitched in and helped clean the Church. Your help was greatly appreciated. SAVE THE DATE & SAVE YOUR STUFF St. Mel Rummage Sale - June 28 thru June 30 During the past few years the parishioners of St. Mel have been very generous in their support of this rummage sale by donating items to The Father Richard Doheny Religious Fund. Again, this year, we solicit your donations and enlist your support. Also, this year we will have E-Waste containers available for proper disposal of subject items. Contact Pat, 863-5537 or peastong@att.net. SCHOLARSHIP OFFERS FROM KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS The Knights of Columbus Fair Oaks Council #6066 is offering two $750 scholarships to students entering the 9th grade at a Catholic high school in the Fall of 2014. To be eligible you must be a member of St. Mel’s parish or your father must be a member in good standing of the Knights of Columbus Fair Oaks Council #6066. If you are interested in applying, please call Vince Mammano at 858-1466. GABRIEL PROJECT SPECIAL NEEDS BAPTISM AND RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION Do you know a family with a special needs child who would like individualized religious instruction with modified materials, and individualized Baptismal arrangements? We are excited to begin a pilot program of religious education for children with special needs to prepare them to attend mass with their families and to receive the sacraments. Please attend our inaugural meeting Monday, May 12, starting at 6:30pm in the parish hall at St. John Vianney Parish, 10497 Coloma Road, Rancho Cordova. Parents, grandparents, therapists and children are all encouraged to attend. Childcare helpers will be available. For more information contact Fr. Dariusz Malczuk, 362-1385. YOUTH AND YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY Prayer and Worship Youth Ministry Course The certificate in Youth Ministry Studies is a two-year ministry education program for adults in ministry with youth, ages 11 to 18, in both parish and school settings. The primary aim of the program is to promote personal, spiritual and ministerial growth. Prayer and Worship investigates the foundational role that prayer and worship have in fostering the spiritual growth of youth. It will be offered in our Diocese April 26 & 27. For more information and registration contact Kevin at 733-0123 or visit http://icatholicyouth.com. The St. Mel Gabriel Project is in need of the following items: ♦ Diapers size 5/6 or Pull-ups ♦ Boys shoes, size 9.5 or 10 ♦ Toddler Bed If you are able to donate any of these items, please, contact Grace, olsengr@gmail.com or Peggy, erlgrass@sbcglobal.net. WOMEN’S WEEKEND RETREAT Come rest and experience the graces of a weekend retreat at Christ the King Passionist Retreat Center May 2 - 4. Call 7254720 for reservations. Questions? Call Martha at 962-3307. WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER By offering Married Couples the beautiful experience of a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, the Catholic Church is affirming and supporting you in your chosen vocation - Marriage. Take advantage of this great gift to enhance your relationship and enjoy a love-filled weekend away together, Early registration is highly recommended. The next Weekend dates are: May 2-4 in San Juan Bautista, May 17-19 in Reno or June 13-15 in Sacramento. For more information visit our website at: sacramentowwme.org or contact John and Angelica at applications@sacramentowwme.org or call (866) 825-2046. *** OPPORTUNITIES STILL EXIST *** DEATH AND FUNERAL NOTICES St. Mel’s has many opportunities available for you to become involved in the different ministries of our church. Training will be provided as needed for each of the following: ♦ One or two people are needed to assume the operation of the Religious Article Booth located in the vestibule of the church. Contact Joyce at 944-1374. ♦ St. Mel’s A ltar Society needs new members. Young people are welcome to assist with the duties performed by this ministry. Any questions contact Patricia, 967-1229. PLEASE NOTE - Space has been r eser ved on the Vestibule Bulletin Board for posting death and funeral notices. RIGHT TO LIFE Check out the “Right to Life” display table in the Vestibule. THOMAS AQUINAS COLLEGE CATHOLICS RETURN HOME We welcome returning Catholics who are here to worship with us today. We have a special program for non-practicing Catholics who may be considering a return to the Church. This program begins in the next two weeks. For more information, see details in next Sunday's bulletin. We wish everyone a Blessed and Happy Easter. JOB OPENING - DIRECTOR OF TRIBUNAL The Diocese of Sacramento has an immediate opening for a fulltime Director to oversee the operation of the Tribunal Office. This position is responsible for managing the day to day operations of the Tribunal department. We offer a competitive salary and a full benefits package. To apply, please send cover letter and resume to personnel@scd.org. Deadline to apply is May 2, 2014. For more information and a complete job description, visit the diocesan website www.scd.org and look under employment. KEEPING UP WITH THE DIOCESE OF SACRAMENTO There are several ways to keep up with the events in the Diocese of Sacramento. First, we invite you to follow us by “Liking” our Facebook page at www.facebook.com/dicceseSacramento. Secondly, you can follow us on Twitter@SacCatholic. Last but not least, you can visit www.saccatholic.com to learn about events from all over the diocese. If you have any question, please send an email to aignacio@scd.org or call 733-0154. A NIGHT AT THE TROUBADOUR The show is a Hootenanny featuring the Whole Notes backed by the Sons of the Golden State band. Songs featured will be those made popular by such artists as Peter, Paul, and Mary, The Kingston Trio and The Brothers Four just to name a few. Where: Holy Family Catholic Church 7817 Old Auburn Road, Citrus Heights Dinner and Show: Saturday, May 3rd Spaghetti Dinner: 6 - 7pm Show: 7pm Cost: $15 per ticket All profits go toward completing the Community Center stage area with a sound system, lighting system and curtain. Tickets are available in the Holy Family Catholic Church Parish Office, 723-2494. Applying to college? Check out the Great Books Program at Thomas Aquinas College. Representatives from the Admissions Office of Thomas Aquinas College will be at Presentation Parish in Carmichael on Friday, April 25 at 7 PM to answer all of your questions regarding financial aid, what qualifications the College is looking for, and what you can expect from the education. Hors d’oeuvres and beverages will be served. See Flyer on the tables in the vestibule. Pope John Paul II's Theology of body Retreat weekend offered for teens, youth ministers May 16-18 at Marello Youth Center The Oblates of St. Joseph will offer a “Theology of the Body” retreat weekend for teens ages 14-17 and their youth ministers on May 16-18 at Mar ello Youth Retr eat Center , located at 6530 Wells Ave. in Loomis. Participants will be introduced to Pope John Paul II’s Theology of the Body and how to unfold the pope’s theology in understandable terms for teenagers. The cost for the weekend retreat is $60 per person, which includes meals. Participants are asked to bring a sleeping bag and pillow. All registrations for the retreat are due by May 2. For more information, call Lynette Magnino at (916) 652-6155 or email Lmagnino@marelloyrc.org. CAMP PENDOLA OFFERS SUMMER SESSIONS STARTING IN JUNE Camp Pendola, the official summer camp of the Diocese of Sacramento, is accepting registrations for the 2014 summer season. Camp Pendola offer s a fun-filled experience for children and youth under the supervision of trained college-age counselors. Located in the Sierra Nevada foothills in the Tahoe National Forest 15 miles north of Nevada City, Camp Pendola is on 40 acres of natural, rustic surroundings. More than 20,000 campers over five decades have created a tradition that for many families continues every year and even passes from one generation to the next, according to Lori Rosene, director of Pendola Center. Most camp sessions, the first of which begins June 15, are one week in length. During their time at camp, youths can hike, swim, make arts and crafts and play in the outdoors. Every cabin goes on a one-night “under the stars” overnight where campers cook out and spend the night. For more information and registration materials or to register online, visit www.pendola.org or call Lori Rosene, (916) 733-0141 or email, Lrosene@scd.org. Some scholarships are available and Camp Pendola offers multi-child or multi-week discounts. The early bird discount ends May 15.
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