Lackagh Parish Fr. Des Fr. Des 087 2255 740 Lackagh Lackagh, Turloughmore, Athenry, Co. Galway Tel:( 091) 797 114 Parish Radio : 106.8 fm Parish Office: 087 2255 740 Saturday Vigil Mass time - 7:30pm 9th March, 2014 First Sunday of Lent. Wor Saturday 8th Sunday 9 th Monday 10th th Tuesday 11 Wednesday 12th Thursday 13th Friday 14th Parish E-mail Address: Website: Tel: ( 091) 797 114 Sunday Mass - 11:30am Baptisms take place on the Parish Office Opening Hours: 2:30pm – 4:30 pm Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. First and Third Sunday of each month AFTER 11:30am Mass. A minimum of two weeks notice is required. March is the month of St. Joseph. Stephen Gorham, Ballybrone. 1st Anniversary. Willie, Bridie and Liam Murphy, Ballyglass. John Morris, Canteeny, 21st Anniversary. Mattie Duffy and son Martin, Cregcarragh and deceased of family. Deceased members of Higgins and Lyons families Mountbellew/Moylough. John Hoban Mirah and his mother Agnes. Pat and Ellie Ryan, Roshill. Pat Greaney, Cahernashilleeney. 7:30pm 11:30am 9:30am 9:30am Saturday 15th 9:30am 9:30am 9:30am 1:30pm 7:30pm Sunday 16th 11:30am Private Intention . Private Intention Private Intention Private Intention Marriage Mass Paddy Hession, Ballybrone, (6th Anniversary) his daughter Edel and his sister Margaret Browne. Christina and Christy Burke and deceased of family, Coolarne. Tim Feeney, Cartymore. 5th Anniversary. Michael and Sarah Cullinane, Cahernashelleeney. James Costello, Glenmore 9th Anniversary, his parents Kitty and Peter. Ian Newton, Ruanmore, 20th Anniversary. Kieran McDonagh, Ballinvoher. (19th Anniversary) Parish offering for the upkeep of our parish last weekend: €1,600 . Thank you for your contributions. Please Pray for: Margaret Long, Kiltrogue. Nathan Coen, Sheeaun Park whose funeral took place on Tuesday. John McNamara, Anbally, Cummer. Margaret Browne, (Nee Hession) Wellpark and formerly of Ballybrone. May their souls rest in Heavenly peace. Eucharistic Ministers: Team B Collectors: Saturday Sunday Saturday Sunday Mary Tarpey Burke Bridgie Murphy Imelda Hussey Ml. Shaughnessy William Ahearne Mary Burke James/Damien Delaney Liam Hussey Bridie Cresham Mary T Murphy Annette Cavanagh Barbara Burke Martin Kearney John Ryan Francis Whelan Adrian Mooney Noel O’Donoghue James/Damien Delaney David Burke St. Patricks Day Mass at 11:30am (please note there will be not be any Vigil Mass on the Sunday evening). A Special Collection will be taken up at the St. Patrick’s Day Mass to provide chaplaincy and assistance services for our young people who are abroad. Rosary in Cregg Cemetery THIS Sunday - 9th every Sunday during Lent at 3pm. and The Rosary in the Lackagh Cemeteries will continue each Sunday after 11.30 Mass during Lent commencing THIS Sunday 9th in the New Cemetery. Church Care Group Margaret Cullinane, Mary Cullinane, Bridie McGrath, Imelda Hussey, Sten Pears, Myra Delaney-Browne, Majella Dalton, Laura Warner Kevin Connaughton. Readers of the Word: 8th Mary Fallon. 9th Frances Molloy. 15th John Joe Kane. 16th Bertie O’Rourke. 22nd William Ahearn 23rd Asumpta Gallagher. 29th Nancy Varden. 30th Ailbhe Hughes. Mass Servers: As per your schedule – please look up. CONGRATULATIONS to the following children who received the Sacrament of Confirmation last Saturday. Bawnmore N.S. Kaitlin Kearney, Miriam Greene, Shannon O’Connell, Khayla Timothy, Maelíosa Walsh, Leah Grealish, Grace Fahy, Meadbh Corrigan, Mary Duggan, Edel Flattery, Adam Heneghan ,Adam Reilly, Shane Heneghan, Paul Costello, Conor Keane, Ethan Kaya and Jamie Forde. Coolarne N.S. Mollie Burke, Eimear Fahy, Helena Doyle, Alanna Magliocco, Aisling Burke, Alicia Spellman-Nalty, Katie Keane, Charlene Dunleavy, James Keighrey, Adrian Dunleavy and Aaron Nicholl. Cregmore N.S. Niamh McGrath, Amy Walsh, Sarah McHale, Olivia Tolhurst, Vicka Mulroy, Chloe Molloy, Chloe McNamara, Jade Daly, Nicola King, Elena Morrissey, Adam Burke, Nathan Grainger, Ian Fitzmaurice, Damien Clarke, Enda Slattery, Neil Farragher, P.J.Burke, Ryan O’Meara, Ethan Fox and Eanna Kelly. Lackagh N.S. Ellie Creane, Rebecca Reilly, Laura Flynn, Teigan O’Rourke, Niamh O’Connor, Caitlin Quinn, Rachel Flaherty, Charlotte Moran, Aine O’Hanlon, Kristy Fallon, Kenny Costello, Adam Kearney, Josh Buckley, Allyn McKenna Patterson, Darren O’Brien, Jack Walsh, Alex Raffterty and Mark McGrath. Parish Pastoral Council meeting THIS coming Monday 10th at 8:00pm in the Sacristy. Lourdes Pilgrimage: From 22nd - 27th September for 5 nights with Full Board in the 4 Star Grande Hotel Moderne (close to the Grotto) The cost will be €725 which is fully inclusive. Deposits of €100 now being taken. Gabriel Ryan 087 228 7078. The diocesan pilgrimage to Lourdes will be from August 7th to 13th and as usual will be led by Archbishop Michael Neary. Ms. Sheila Davin 086 866 4633. Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock The Diocesan Pilgrimage to Knock will be on Sunday, May 4th . The Archbishop will lead the Pilgrimage and the Ceremonies will commence with the 'Blessing of the Sick' at 2.30 pm. Foyer of Light, Charity and Love: 5 Day Silent Retreat - April 21st to 27th . The Theme:“ If you but knew the gift of God...” Cost: €350, residential. Preached by Fr. Kilian Byrne. Esker retreat centre, Athenry. see Helen 086 167 8027. addresses those who search for God, or those who wish to progress in their life of faith, of prayer and their apostolate. The retreat Gospel Reflections CD for Lent and Easter A new CD with 14 Gospel reflections for Lent and Easter, given by Monsignor Tommy Waldron (RIP) on the Faith Alive Programme on Mid West Radio is now available. It cost €12 and is available in the Knock Shrine Bookshop. Further details can be got on Galway Race Committee and Bishop Drennan issue an open invitation to a Mass of Thanksgiving at Ballybrit Race Course at 12:00 noon on 27th April, to mark the canonization of Pope John Paul II and Pope John XXIII. The joint hosts welcome the event in remembrance of the visit of Pope John Paul II to Ireland in September 1979 and the very memorable Mass that was celebrated. Trócaire boxes are available in the church porches for Lent. Your support for Trócaire is greatly needed. We ask people to give a little this Lent and to try and make some sacrifice during Lent to support the work of Trócaire. Cregmore Residents AGM will be held THIS coming Wednesday evening (12Th) at 8:30pm in the School. Information night on water rates/ metering, guest speakers will attend. Also local clean up date will be arranged, plus other current local issues. A good local attendance would be appreciated. Western Family History Association Meeting on tracing family ancestry, Lackagh Parish Centre, THIS Wednesday 12th at 8.15pm. Speaker: Sean Flanagan, WFHA, "Finding out about my grandfather that I never knew...and some more". All are welcome. Bawnmore Community Alert will hold their A.G.M. in Bawnmore school THIS coming Wednesday 12th at 8pm. All households in the area should be represented. Host families / Exchange students summer 2014.Host families wanted for foreign students and student exchange programmes available for summer 2014. Details: Email: or 087 9232 106. Website: Heartsaver CPR and AED Training Course delivered by CROI available to family carers in the Caring for Careers Ireland, West Regional Centre, The Glebe, Tuam on Wednesday, 16th April. Please contact the HSE Carers Department 091-548333 for further information and application form. Feileacain-Stillbirth and Neonatal Death Association of Ireland are holding a Spring Remembrance Service THIS Sunday 9th at 3.00pm in The Holy Family Church Mervue, to remember all babies lost through stillbirth or neonatal death. Anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby is welcome to attend. 10th Anniversary Corrib Toastmasters, Oranmore on the 21st March in the Maldron Hotel Oranmore at 8pm. Opening address by Cllr Liam O Carroll, Mayor of County Galway. Hot buffet. Admission €10. Past members and Guests welcome. A night to meet ‘Toasties’ old and new. For tickets contact; Seamus Gallagher 087 2547748: Doreen O’Keeffe 087 6606352: Annabelle Fitzgerald 086 8565743: Mary Mc Mahon 086 8773866. Classes run by the Lackagh Ladies Club in Knitting, Sewing and Crafts continue in the Museum Cottage every Friday evening from 7pm - 9pm. 091 797 259 for details. Computer Training in Lackagh: BenefIT 4 is a Government grant scheme providing funding to third sector organisations for the provision of computer and iPad training . Lackagh IT Computer Centre will be rolling out this training in the coming weeks for beginners and all levels of computers, please contact the centre for times / dates of this training. Geraldine 087-8153762 or e/mail Museum Lotto: No Winner or no match 3. Lucky dip- Eoin Fallon, Lackagh Road. Thomas Murphy, Ballinvoher .Next weeks jackpot will be €6,925 PLEASE Avail of the Clobber Scheme to get rid of unwanted clothes and support our Parish Centre funding: Please continue to leave your clobber at the Museum any day from Monday to Friday 9 am-4pm. All types of old clothes and shoes acceptable. NO duvets or pillows please. Thank you for your ongoing support as the money received from clobber goes towards the financing of the Centre. EmployAbility Service Galway provides support to job seekers with disabilities, and employers throughout Galway City and County. If you have an interest in integrating an employee with a disability into your workplace, you can 091 755 235 or 086 3800 444. Email: Website: Doodle 4 Google Seán Duggan form Bawnmore National School, Claregalway needs you to give him your vote! To vote, simply search online for 'Doodle 4 Google, Group Two, Seán Duggan or enter the following url: Board Na NÓg Registration and Medal Presentation. evening will take place NEXT Saturday the 15th at 6.00pm. Camogie registration will take place at 5.00pm the same evening. All players will receive medals immediately following registration. Bingo Thursdays at 8.30 pm. €100 houses plus a Jackpot of €2,600. Also Flyer Sheet Jackpot of €1,320. Cards Tuesdays at 9 pm with a prize fund of €760. Admission €10. GAA Club will Launch their 5 year strategic Plan THIS coming Friday 14th at 8.30pm in the Social Centre. The special guest who will officially launch the plan is legendary sports commentator Michael O Muircheartaigh. After the Launch Entertainment will be provided by Rodney’s Glory. All are Welcome. Turloughmore Women's Group: Meet in the Turloughmore Social Centre each Tuesday Night at 8.30. Stacey Morris 087-634 3011. Claregalway 5k Fun Run and Walk in aid of Claregalway and District Daycare Centre takes place on Tuesday 8th April at 7p.m. Race headquarters is Claregalway Secondary School. Sponsorship cards are available from the Daycare Centre, Never Too Old charity shop and local businesses. For details on registration go to Athenry Movie Club presents its latest film “Off the beaten track” THIS coming Monday 10th at 8:15pm. Director Dieter Auner will also give a talk after the film. Venue: Town Café. Admission €5. All are welcome Coolarne Fun Walk/Cycle/Run on Sunday, March 30th. at 2:00 p.m. in aid of St. Vincent's National School, Coolarne. Registration on the day at the school. Cost: Family €20. Single €10. Child/Student €5. Bawnmore N.S Open Evening takes place in the school THIS Thursday 13th at 7pm for parents of children starting school in September 2014. Any parent wishing to enrol their child, please contact the school at 091-798600 for an enrolment form. Coolarne N.S. New Enrolments 2014: An open evening for prospective parents of Junior Infant children commencing school in September 2014 has been rescheduled and will now be held in Coolarne N.S. THIS Monday 10th at 7:00pm. All enquiries to the School Office 091 797 617. Scoil Bhríde Lackagh National School Open Evening THIS Monday 10th at 7pm for parents of prospective pupils enrolling for September 2014. Tel: 091 797474 Cregmore National School Enrolment: Application forms and school information booklets for pupils wishing to enrol in Scoil Padraig Naofa, Cregmore for September 2014 are now available directly from the school office or by calling the school Secretary on 091799037. An official Open Night for prospective new parents will take place in the school on Thursday, April 10th at 7pm. This will include a Power Point presentation and a showcase of the school facilities. Notices for the Lackagh Parish Newsletter: must be emailed or submitted in writing for inclusion. No notices will be taken over the phone. Please read over your notice and have notices free from incorrect spelling and not in poster style, plain text only please. The cut off time for notices is strictly Thursday at 3:00pm to be included in the weekend newsletter. Notices arriving after this time cannot be included. The primary purpose of the Lackagh Parish Newsletter is to inform parishioners of the times of Church Services and parish related and organised events. When possible, notices about events run in the new parish centre, events run by community based charities and organisations are publicised. Notices for private enterprise are not printed. However, due to constraints of space there is no guarantee that all notices can be published on any given week. We do not guarantee the accuracy of statements made by any of our contributors or other organisations or accept responsibility for any statement which they may express. The parish Newsletter can be viewed on Email
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