C HURCH OF S T . M ONICA 413 EAST 79TH STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10075 RECTORY: 212-288-6250 W EBSITE : ASSOCIATES: REV. JOE A. FRANCIS REV. JOBY MATHEW IN SUNDAY SERVICE: REV. RICHARD AROLD ORGANIST & DIRECTOR OF MUSIC: MR. DAVID SCHAEFER CANTOR & LEADER OF SONG: MR. JOSEPH NEAL WWW . CHURCHOFSTMONICA . ORG PASTOR: REV. MSGR. THOMAS A. MODUGNO MASSES SUNDAYS: 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:30AM, 12:00 NOON PRINCIPAL LITURGY WEEKDAYS & FIRST FRIDAYS: 7:30AM, 12:00 NOON SATURDAYS: 9:00AM, 5:30PM VIGIL BAPTISMS & MARRIAGES: BY APPOINTMENT. PLEASE CONTACT A MEMBER OF THE PARISH STAFF WELL IN ADVANCE. SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION: CONFESSIONS ARE HEARD AT 5:00PM ON SATURDAYS AND ANYTIME BY APPOINTMENT. THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT: MARCH 11TH , 2012 Page Two THIRD SUNDAY IN LENT MARCH 11th 2012 Jesus “did not need anyone to testify about human nature. He himself understood it well.” Fallen human nature always attempts to define the meaning of life with something we can measure. That is what the presence of the moneychangers at the temple symbolizes. Their atrocious activity in this most sacred place betrays their bankrupt position toward the meaning of life. They prefer the riches of God over a relationship with God. But the commandments of the Lord “are more precious than a heap of purest gold.” They save us from such foolishness and bless us with “the foolishness of God.” TODAY‟S READINGS … First Reading God gives the law through Moses. (Exodus 20:1-17[1-3;7-8;12-17]) or Exodus 17:3-7. Psalm Lord, you have the words of everlasting life (Psalm 19) or Psalm 95. Second Reading We proclaim Christ crucified (1Corinthians 1:22-25) or Romans 5:1-2, 5-8. Gospel Many begun to believe in Jesus’ name when they saw the signs he was doing (John 2:13-25) or John 4:5-42 [5-15, 19b-26, 39a, 40-42]. READINGS FOR THE WEEK … Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 2Kgs 5:1-15b; Lk 4: 24-30 Dn 3:25, 34-43; Mt 18: 21-35 Dt 4:1, 5-9; Mt 5: 17-19 Jer 7:23-28; Lk 11: 14-23 Hos 14: 2-10; Mk 12: 28-34 Hos 6: 1-6; Lk 18: 9-14 2 Chr 36 14-16, 19-23; Ps 137; Eph 2: 4-10; Jn 3: 14-21 Alternate readings (Year A) 1 Sm 16: 1b, 6-7, 10-13a; Ps23; Eph 5: 8-14; Jn 9: 1-41 [1, 6-9, 13-17, 34-38] SATURDAY: VIGIL 5:30 Mary Evelyn Lynch SUNDAY: THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT 7:30 Doris Carrick 9:00 Madeline and Pater Hogan 10:30 Franco Palumbo 12:00 St. Monica Parishioners MONDAY: WEEKDAY 7:30 James Burns 12:00 Edward Fredo TUESDAY: WEEKDAY 7:30 Thomas McGauley 12:00 John A. Telesco WEDNESDAY: WEEKDAY 7:30 Arlene Hardy 12:00 Souls in Purgatory THURSDAY: WEEKDAY 7:30 Christian Van Leuwen 12:00 Dominic and Grace DiTrapani FRIDAY: WEEKDAY 7:30 Maria Alvarez (living) 12:00 John Hrivnak SATURDAY: WEEKDAY 9:00 Michael Mulvey TOTAL ALLEGIANCE… In previous weeks we have seen how the theme of covenant—as a preparation for the baptismal covenant celebrated at Easter—occupies an important place in our cycle of Lenten readings. The notion of covenant as a relationship between two parties carries with it an expectation of mutual accountability and fidelity to the terms of the covenant. When God forged the covenant with the Jewish people on Mt. Sinai, it was a pledge of God’s protection, and it would forever permit them familiar access as the Chosen People. For their part, the Jewish people were to observe the dictates of the law. summarized most succinctly here in the form of the Ten Commandments. To be in a covenantal relationship with the Lord God requires a exclusive relationship, just as discipleship with Jesus—ritualized in baptism—demands a total allegiance to him and none other. Page Three STEWARDSHIP … Third Sunday of Lent (B) Welcome to St. Monica's! The music for today's Eucharist can be found in our hymnal on the following pages: Entrance Hymn Here I Am Lord 373 Penitential Rite 112 Responsorial Psalm 509 Lord, you have the words of everlasting life. Gospel Acclamation 114 Praise to you, Lord Jesus Christ, King of endless glory! God so loved the world that He gave His only Son, so that everyone who believes in Him might have eternal life. Offertory Hymn Eye Has Not Seen 355 Sanctus Memorial Acclamation Great Amen 185 120 Lamb Of God 187 Communion Hymn I Am the Bread of Life 449 Recessional Hymn 239 The Glory of These Forty Days *from the Mass For A New Era (for texts, see pew card) Last Week’s Collection: $ 8126.00 Last Year’s Collection: $ 6688.00 * * The Lord's Prayer NUMBER 9 For Dr. Greer, the tipping point came with a number. He was a young resident in a Miami Hospital in 1984 and his patient was a homeless man the police had brought in. The man had advanced tuberculosis and was far gone he could not speak. No one knew his name: he was identified only by “Number 9” at the end of his bed. Dr. Greer did everything he could to find relatives or friends—anyone who could comfort this man who was past the help of modern medicine. No one was found, and the man died a few days later, essentially alone. Dr. Greer is a gastroenterologist and liver specialist. He could have a top-notch practice on wealthy Ocean Drive, Miami, but Patient Number 9 had left his mark. Dr. Pedro Jose Greer realized that every patient has a story and a soul: their symptoms are the mask that conceals the dreams, hopes, successes, and failures of a human life. Soon after Patient Number 9 died, Dr. Greer opened Camillus Health Concern in Miami. In a quarter century of service, Camillus has grown to serve ten thousand homeless men, women, and children annually—people who have no other reliable access to health care. Each year at Greer’s Saint John Bosco Clinic, six thousand immigrants—many undocumented—receive medical treatment in a warm and sympathetic setting. For Greer, diagnosis and treatment is the easy part of doctoring. What’s more important is compassion for the patient as a person. The winner of three presidential awards, two papal awards, and the MacArthur Foundation Genius Fellowship, Pedro Jose Greer has attracted the attention of the rich and powerful, but his mission remains the same. Everyone he helps ensures that Patient Number 9 is never forgotten. Everyone has a name. Everyone is treated with care and compassion. LENOX HILL NEIGHBORHOOD HOUSE … Finding it difficult to stretch a dollar? Come in for a free, confidential financial check-up with one of our trained economic specialists. We can help you identify the benefits and programs that re available to improve your financial health. Call the Economic Security Initiative (ESI) Clinic at (212) 744-5022 ext 1220, for information or to schedule an appointment. Eligible participants must be at 55 years of age and earn less than $2,269 per month as an individual or less than $3,065 as a couple. PLEASE REMEMBER… Both in life and in death, we belong to the Lord. - Romans 14 Please remember St. Monica’s Church in your will. Page Four 2012 STEWARD APPEAL … CELTIC CELEBRATION … To date 45 parishioners have pledged $23,175. to the Stewardship Appeal effort in our parish. It would be wonderful if we could both raise our goal of $67,000 and make a strong showing with the number of parishioners who have committed to the Appeal. The Appeal needs all of us to play a role in order for it to be successful. Please be as generous as possible. Thank you. THEOLOGY ON TAP … BIBLE CLASSES … Join us for Bible classes with Rev. Joe Francis continues on Tuesdays, March, 13th , 20th and 27th from 7:00pm to 8:00pm in the church. The topic will be “Liturgical Readings for Holy Week.” All are welcome to attend! Please bring your bible. Boomers and Beyond will host a benefit, party and raffle to benefit the Yorkville Pantry on Friday, March 16th, 2012, from 7- 10 pm at St. Vincent’s Ferrer Hall (Lex @ 65-66 Sts.) For info or to purchase event or raffle tickets: www: boomersandbeyond.eastside@gmail.com or call (646) 241-1332. “The Religious Life- The Joys and Rewards of a Vocation” On March 19th, 2012, Brother Richard Galvin FSC and Sister Mariette Berier OSB will address Theology on Tap about the Religious life. We hear a lot about vocations to the diocesan priesthood…but what does it take to be a religious? Find out this night! Theology on Tap is located at Klub 45 Room-Connolly’s Bar, 121 West 45th Street, between 6th and 7th Avenues. Event begins at 7:30 pm and ends around 9pm. For more info, visit www.totnyc.org LENTEN „POOR BOX‟ OFFERING … During the 40 days of Lent, it has become our parish custom to give support to St. Monica’s Home for Lepers, Abandoned Elderly, and AIDS Patients in Kingston, Jamaica. Your prayers and generosity will be greatly appreciated. LENT 2012 AT ST. MONICA PARISH … “Turn away from sin and be faithful to the Gospel.” Lenten journey suggestions: Many people embrace the practice of attending daily Mass during Lent. Mass is celebrated here Monday through Friday, 7:00 am and 12:00 pm and on Saturdays at 9:00 am and 5:30pm vigil mass. The church is open week days from 7:00 am until approximately 1:30 pm for prayer. Weekly devotions include the Novena to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal on Mondays after each Mass. recitation of the rosary weekdays after the 12noon Mass and on Saturday after the 9:00am. Holy Hour on the First Friday of each month after the 12noon Mass. The Sacrament of Reconciliation (confession) is celebrated every Saturday at 5:00 pm or by appt at the Parish Office. OUTSIDE THE PARISH … ST. PATRICK‟S DAY CEILI Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish Center, 230 East 90th Street on today Sunday March 11, 2012 from 1:00pm5:00pm will have an Irish Day Ceili. Tickets may be purchased in advanced at the rectory. ST. JOSEPH SEMINARY … The annual Vocation Mass and Dinner will be held on Monday, March 19th, 2012 at the Seminary. The vocation Mass is an excellent opportunity for interested young men to tour the seminary and meet priests and seminarians who can help them in discerning their vocation. For more information call (914) 968-6671. VOCATIONS … Set aside a couple of minutes everyday to pray for vocations to the priesthood. Can you make the time? For more information contact Fr. Luke Sweeney or Fr. Luis Saldana: (914) 968-1340 or nypriests@archny.org NYPriest.com. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED … Terence Cardinal Cooke, 1249 Fifth Avenue, NYC is a 729 bed continuing care facility with many specialty units and two outpatient clinics. They have several volunteer opportunities if your interested in spending some quality time please call: Thomas T. McDonald (212) 360-1099. SPECIAL DEVOTIONS Rosary: Weekdays after the Noon Mass and on Saturday after the 9:00am Holy Hour: First Friday of each month after the Noon Mass Devotions: Miraculous Medal on Mondays after each Mass Page Five
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