Mass Times and Intentions Today’s Psalm Response dwell for ever and ever.

Mass Times and Intentions
Saturday 11th October
ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday:
Francis Xavier Paul RIP &
Marguerite & family G.E.
SS 6.00pm Holy Souls
Sunday 12th October
SJ 8.00am Charles & Irene Horan RIP
SS 9.30am Angele Shore & Nita Dubois
SJ 10.30am All deceased members of
Tersigni family
SJ 6.30pm Our Lady of the Rosary
Monday 13th October
SJ 7.30am Our Lady of Fatima In
SS12 noon Susie McGarrity RIP
Tuesday 14th October
LP 7.30 am Annie & Billy Cashin RIP
SJ 9.30 am Fr Seelan
Wednesday 15th October
SJ 7.30am
Sister Columba RIP
ND 12.05pm Sheila Oke RIP
Thursday 16th October
LP 7.30am Ernie Breban RIP
SJ 9.30am Decima White RIP
Friday 17th October
SJ 7.30am Sam Clapp RIP
Saturday 18th October
SJ 10.00am Peter & Mary’s Intentions
ND 5.30pm First Mass of Sunday:
Raymond & Miriam Rees RIP
SS 6.00pm Deceased Members of
Moriarty Family
Sunday 19th October
SJ 8.00am Charles & Irene Horan RIP
SS 9.30am Victor, Kathleen, Peter &
David Troalic RIP
SJ 10.30am Tersigni Family G.E.
SJ 6.30pm Yves Davy RIP
Today’s Psalm Response
In the Lord’s own house shall I
dwell for ever and ever.
Prayer of the Church: Week 4
Morning Prayer: 9.15am on Tuesday &
Thursday and at 9.45am on Saturday (SJ).
Feast Days this week
Wednesday: St. Teresa of Avila
St Ignatius of Antioch
St Luke
Confessions next Saturday
St Joseph's:
Notre Dame:
Star of the Sea:
10.30am - 11.00am;
5.00pm - 5.20pm;
5.30pm - 6.00pm.
Parish of Our Lady and the Saints of Guernsey
28th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A - 12th October 2014
St Joseph & St Mary Church, La Couperderie, St Peter Port
Notre Dame du Rosaire Church, Burnt Lane, St Peter Port
Our Lady Star of the Sea Church, Rue des Monts, St Sampson
Parish Priest and Dean
Assistant Priest
Canon Michael Hore
Fr Paul Dzwig
Mark Leightley
Residence & Parish Office: Ampthill House, Cordier Hill, SPP, GY1 1JH. Tel 720196
The Parish Office is open weekdays 9.30am - 1.30pm
Diocese of Portsmouth Registered Charity No 246871
Matthew 21:1-14
SJ - St. Joseph’s Church
SS - Our Lady Star of the Sea Church
ND - Notre Dame Church
LP - Le Platon Convent
Sunday 19th October 2014 is
World Mission Sunday
This years campaign focuses on the needs of
the 100,000 displaced people in Northern
Myanmar (formerly Burma). Many of you will
have read the recent copy of Missio Today
and be aware of the incredible work being
done by the Missions in the Solomon Islands,
India, Kenya, Cameroon, Malaysia, Philippines,
Zambia and Bangalore. In a world where the
“Have Nots” have so little we “Good
Samaritans” must do all we can to help them.
Please give generously and make this a really
great year. Thank you.
Can you recall the last time you arranged a celebration? I’m not talking here about just inviting
a few friends around but something quite special. The invitations have all gone out and clearly
marked along the bottom is RSVP. What happens next? Some will reply with a yes but what of
those who can’t come. Some reply with a flat no while others will say that they would love to
have come but already have a prior engagement. From the final group though you hear nothing.
Not a word. In some ways this refusal is the most hurtful, not because they can’t come but
because they show indifference. You simply don’t know where you stand. They meant to reply
but just didn’t get around to it. Sadly ‘I meant to’ just leaves you feeling empty.
Everyone and everybody were invited to the wedding feast in today’s parable. The good, the
bad and the very bad. All were welcomed with open arms. The king of course is God and the
banquet (the kingdom of heaven) was being laid on for his son. The point of the story does not
rest with who is invited but with who will accept the invitation. Who will choose to come? This
is clearly no ordinary banquet. For a start it involves more than just turning up. There are
responsibilities attached to this invitation. Yes everyone is invited but if we accept we must
review our lives and the way we live. We are expected to dress correctly or risk being thrown
out. The wedding gown spoken of is clearly a garment of conversion. Those that did not reply
to the king did not do so from evil motives but from perfectly reasonable ones and that is
precisely what makes them so dangerous. The greatest danger we face is not that we will
abandon God and turn to evil, but that we will ignore his invitation. In doing so, we become
indifferent and devote our energies to goals and idols of our own choosing.
God invites all. His loving mercy and with it salvation is extended to everyone. The choosing is
not what God does from among all those invited. The choosing is what we do in our response
to Gods invitation.
Deacon Mark
Items for next week’s Link should be sent to
the Parish Office by noon on Thursday at
the latest.
Missio I recently received a Red Mission Box
without any name on it. If you think it might
be yours please contact me on 256040
'We are pleased to welcome visiting Knights and Dames of the
Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem who will be joining us for
10.30am Mass at St Joseph's today'
Thank you for your generosity towards the
work of the Church in Guernsey:
Standing Orders:
Covenant with the Poor:
CAFOD (family fast day):
The Retiring collection next
weekend is for World Mission
A warm welcome to all visitors who join
us for today’s Celebration. Please join us
for tea/coffee available after 9.30am Mass
in Our Lady Star of the Sea and
8.00am & 10.30am Mass in St.
Meetings in St. Joseph’s Parish Room (SJ),
Our Lady Star of the Sea Centre (SS),
Centre for Peace (CP) unless noted
otherwise; Services in the Church.
Parish Schola (SJ)
12 noon
Mass (Rosary at 11.30am) (SS)
Bible Study Group (SS)
10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament (SJ)
Rosary (CP)
Holy Hour & Rosary (SJ)
10.00-11am Exposition of the Blessed
Sacrament (SJ)
RCIA (SJ Parish Room)
Praise, Adoration & Prayer
Vigil (SS)
Legion of Mary (SJ)
All Saints Youth Club (SS)
Please remember in your prayers:
• Sister Carmel, Ronald de Putron,
Elizabeth Maloret, Peter Hanna,
Ken Finch, Fletch O’Hara (baby) and
all who are sick in our community;
Samantha & Will Jones on the death
of their newborn baby, Evelyn;
Decima White, Sam Clapp and all
whose anniversaries occur about now.
May they rest in peace.
The Island Prayer Scheme this week
asks prayers for St Joseph and
St Mary Roman Catholic Church.
Holy Hour and Rosary
For Vocations
Wednesday 15th October,
7.30pm, St. Joseph’s Church.
October is the month of the
Holy Rosary
In the Parish opportunities to join
together to pray the Rosary are:
Mondays at 11.30am, Our Lady Star of
the Sea;
Tuesdays at 7.30pm, Centre for Peace;
Wednesdays before the 12.05 pm
Mass at Notre Dame
and at 7.30pm during Holy Hour at
St Joseph’s;
Saturdays before 5.30pm Mass at
Notre Dame.
Praise & Adoration and prayer vigil
The next ‘ Praise & Adoration’ will be on
at 7.30pm. This begins with ½ hour of
praise and worship, and is followed by a
period of silent Adoration of the Blessed
Afterwards there will be refreshments and
cake in the hall.
Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will
continue until 11pm with a few short prayers
and silent Adoration to PRAY for our
YOUNG PEOPLE and youth work in the
parish during the coming school year. Please
come for as long or short a time as you are
able during the evening.
Le Platon September lottery winners
were:- £100 Number 24, £75 Number 14,
£50 Number 59
Congratulations to the lucky winners.
Forms in Church porches if you wish to join.
St. Joseph’s Bookstall
St. Paul Missal 2015 now on sale Price
Children’s Harvest Mass
Sunday 19th October St. Joseph’s
donations of non-perishable items such as;
tea/coffee, sugar, cereals, pasta, rice, tinned
food and toiletries would be gratefully received
and can be brought to the 10.30 a.m. Sunday
Mass and left in the porch.
Harvest donations are being shared
between Guernsey Cheshire Home and The
Russels Day Centre.
Volunteers working at The Russels Day
Centre have to fund raise in order to buy tea/
coffee/sugar and biscuits for the elderly people
they care for the majority of donations of tea/
coffee/sugar and biscuits will be given to the
Centre. Any other donations will be given to
Guernsey Cheshire Home.
Delancey Music Group
25th Year Anniversary.
Sunday 16th November.
The DMG would like to invite all members
and friends, past and present, to join them
for a brief reception in Delancey Hall after
9.30am Mass to mark surviving 25 years! All
are welcome to join us at Mass, (and play if
you want!) or just in the hall afterwards,
Will be great to see any old friends, Greg.
07781 110471
Is this Sunday 12th October.
‘E-Safety Presentation’
by Matthew Parker
(Information Security & Forensic data Manager, CI)
Wednesday 15th October at 7.00pm
St Mary & St Michael School Hall
Refreshments will be served.
Please inform school should you wish to attend:
Tel 245020 or e-mail
On Prisoners' Sunday the Catholic Church
remembers and prays for prisoners and their
families and for those who support them. For
Pact, this is our main awareness raising and
fundraising event of the year.
You will find more information about Prisoners'
Sunday and how to donate by visiting
Please take a leaflet home; it will give you all the
information on PACT together with the
Prisoners’ Sunday Prayer.
meeting Tues 14th Oct at 7.30 pm in the
Hall for an opportunity to try your
expert guidance of Dave
guaranteed to be an entertaining as well
as instructive evening , so come and
have a go. Please come as promptly as
you can so that we can start the meeting
at 7.30 . There will be a raffle,
tickets on sale from 7.15. Open to any
parishioners who would like to join us.
Prisoners' Sunday 2014
Diary Dates
The Shrine of the Sacred Heart Saturday
18th October 2.00pm-4.00pm (weather
Benediction 26th October 4 pm at OLSS.
Mothers Prayers Friday 7th November new
starting time of 3.30pm.
The Children's Liturgy Group annual cake sale
following the 10.30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, 30th
Discovering Priesthood Day
For those discerning the priesthood at St
John’s Seminary, Wonersh, on 1st
November, 2014, 10am-5pm. Lunch will be
provided. Contact: Fr John Chandler:
ART FUND-Guernsey Fundraising Committee
presents Pugin, Barry and the Houses of
Parliament. An Illustrated lecture by Mark
Collins Monday 10 November 2014 at Les
Cotils 6.30 for 7pm. Tickets available from
Elizabeth Evans 720929 or at the door.