COVER SHEET St. Andrew the Apostle Church 7

St. Andrew the Apostle Church
October 10, 2010
St. Andrew the Apostle Church
27 Kresson-Gibbsboro Road, Gibbsboro, New Jersey 08026
Website address: ♦ E-mail:
Monsignor Louis A. Marucci, Pastor
Rev. Allen B. Lovell, Parochial Vicar
Rev. Howard E. Muhlbaier, Senior Priest
Rev. Mr. Vincent Okoro, Deacon
Loretta Stech, Pastoral Care Minister
Alma Gallagher, SSJ, Spiritual Life Ministry
Kate Vukicevich, Director of Religious Education
Mary Giorgione, Director of Pre-School
Regan Peiffer, Liturgy & Music Ministries
Katie Witts, Youth Ministry Coordinator
Anne Marie Gavin, Business Administrator
Kathy Sacco, Administrative Assistant
Juliette Passalacqua, Receptionist
Larry Anlage, Maintenance
Russell Chilcott, Maintenance
Rhodora Mangaser, MD 2009-10 Francis Clark 2009-10
Little Angels Academy-St. Andrew Pre-School
Religious Formation - Academic Prep. - Social Development
Certified Teachers - State Licensed Program
Children 2 through 5 years of age
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Regional School (Berlin)
Pre K (3 and 4)
Director: Mrs. Abruzzese - 767-3102
Grades K-8
Sr. Mary Ellen Tucker, Principal - 767-1751
7:00 AM - Monday thru Friday
8:30 AM - Monday thru Saturday
Saturday: 5:00 PM
Sunday: 8:30, 10:00, 11:30 AM & 6:00 PM
Saturday 4:00-4:30 PM (Chapel)
Is celebrated at 11:30 AM Mass on the first Sunday of the month
and at 1:00 PM on the third Sunday of the month, except during
Advent and Lent, when we observe the solemnity of these seasons in anticipation of Christmas and Easter.
Weddings are celebrated on Saturdays at
10:00 AM, Noon, & 2:00 PM
Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time
October 9-10, 2010
WELCOME New Parishioners
So that we might better serve your needs, please fill out this
form and drop it in the collection basket or mail it to the Parish
Office. Thank You.
____New Parishioners
____Moving out of parish
____New Address/Phone
____Returning to parish
____Desire to Convert
____Returning Catholic
____Questions re: Catholicism
____Send Envelopes
____Not Catholic
____Wish to speak to a priest
Parish Office
Parish Office Fax
Religious Education
Spiritual Life
Youth Ministry
Page Two
October 10, 2010
Several years ago, when I was first paralyzed, I spent a significant number of months in Our Lady of Lourdes Rehab
learning to live my life as a wheelchair dependent person. An important goal during a rehabilitation stay, is finding ways
to overcome obstacles or challenges related to daily living skills. While my PT’s (Physical Therapists) and OT’s
(Occupational Therapists) worked diligently to assist me to overcome the physical challenges, I was working toward a
secret goal.
At that time I had befriended a marvelous 88 year old lady, named Alice. Actually, Alice was more adorable than one
could possibly imagine. Her kindness was outstanding, her smile was infectious, and her personality was saintly. Each
morning the 28 year old priest and the 88 year old grandmother-type lady would sit together in the common solarium;
they would wait for the various doctors and nurses to make their rounds; and they would eat their breakfasts together,
enjoying company and conversation…or so everyone thought. After the doctors left, their secret plan went into
effect. You see, the priest was not allowed to have coffee (caffeine) in his diet plan, and Alice was not permitted orange
juice. Between the two of us, we concocted, “What more could we possibly lose….she was 88 and I was already
paralyzed.” Thus, each night Alice would order coffee on her breakfast menu (for the next day), and I would order the
orange juice. On a daily basis, after the medical personnel left our table, we would wink at one another, utter our
common phrase (“with a loving and grateful heart,”) and hand over the contraband. With a toast of our cup and glass, we
would laugh with delight since not a blessed soul ever suspected that an 88 year old lady, nor a 28 year old priest, would
be in cahoots over a cup of coffee and a glass of orange juice. The amazing part of this story is Alice. Without a doubt,
she was one of the most sincere, sweetest, kindest, loveliest, magnificent, gentle souls I have ever met. She lived at least
a decade beyond that time, and throughout all those years, she consistently sent cards and letters with the following
closing words…“With a loving and grateful heart, Alice.” One of the great lessons that I learned in that rehab was the
importance of gratitude, for such things as appreciating the gifts I often took for granted (like walking), for little things
like coffee and orange juice, and for extraordinary things like Alice, and the people that God puts in our lives to guide us
on the right path.
Although I personally believe that prudence is the greatest of all the virtues, some people say that gratitude is the
highest virtue. The Roman philosopher, Cicero, said “a thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all
other virtues.” When offered to God, gratitude becomes an expression of faith, perhaps the most redemptive of all our
expressions of faith. In the Gospel today, we learn the important connection between gratitude and faith.
When Jesus entered the village, ten lepers met him, called out, and asked for pity. Surely all ten held out some level
of hope that Jesus could assist them, otherwise why would they call out after him? We cannot know what they really
knew about Jesus and his ministry, but they call him “Jesus, Master.” In the ancient world, leprosy was a most horrifying
disease. It was incurable, unspeakable, physical suffering, accompanied by psychological and emotional torment,
because the leper was ostracized from society. Leviticus 13:46 reveals that a leper was required to be isolated from all,
except other lepers.
Perhaps the band of lepers had already heard about his power to heal and hoped that healing would be theirs as well.
After all, healing would allow restoration with the community, their families, friends, and their loved ones. Moved with
mercy, Jesus commanded them to show themselves to the priests and they were healed, but only one returned, bowed
down, and gave thanks to Jesus. Jesus asked “did no one return to give thanks except a foreigner,” and then said, “Rise
and go your way, your faith has made you whole.” One might ask…was it faith, or gratitude, that made this foreigner
whole? Surely all ten were grateful. How could they be restored to their family, friends, and loved ones, after years of
isolation, and not be grateful. The difference lies here. Only one of the ten understood to whom his thanksgiving was
due. It is not that one out of ten was grateful, but that one out of ten had faith. Faith is gratitude to God, not for things,
but for simply being God in our lives. What is extraordinary about the foreigner in the Gospel, and Alice in the rehab, is
that both had hearts that gave praise and thanksgiving to God FIRST. What about you? Each time that you ask, and you
receive, do you return to bow down and thank the Lord for his mercy? In what areas of your life are you one of the nine,
failing to return to give thanks?
With a loving and grateful heart….Msgr. Marucci
Page Three
Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Stewardship Weekend will be October 23-24, 2010.
Each week in our bulletin we will highlight three ministries,
so parishioners might be aware of what the ministry
accomplishes, and the time involved in service to the Lord
and the Church. This week we highlight the following
Art and Environment Committee -The Art and
Environment Committee is responsible for decorating our
church throughout the liturgical seasons of the year. If you
are interested in joining us or would like more information,
call Joanne McFerren at 783-1336.
Book Club - Women gather to discuss a book and rotate
the meetings from home to home. Contact Sharon
Hulbert at 856-346-4648.our community.
Prison Ministry – Volunteers go to Camden County
Thursday mornings to minister to those confined in prison.
Mass is said one time monthly and counsel is given as
needed. Volunteers also go to the Camden Juvenile
Transition Home, Camden, the second and fourth
Thursday of each month to minister. Our contact person
is Chris Parry at 856-906-5127 or email at
If you have questions or require clarification, please
contact the ministry coordinator.
The Jubilate Deo Chorale & Orchestra is turning green
with anticipation this Christmas, under the direction of Dr.
Ron Matthews and Executive Director, Msgr. Louis A.
Marucci, as they present “A Celtic Christmas” as their
annual Christmas Concert at Paul VI Auditorium in
Haddon Township on Sunday, December 19th at 2:30pm.
Please join us as we present some of your favorite
Christmas music with a bit of Irish flair as our 60 voice
choir and full professional orchestra will perform both
secular and spiritual selections to set the scene for our 20
member cast to send you into the spirit of the season,
culminating with a live nativity ending. A “must see
experience” for patrons of all ages. You will be certain to
feel the power of Jesus’ Birth by attending the
performance, especially if you have never experienced it
before. The JDCO Christmas Concert has been described
as “One of the most moving experiences of faith and
music.” Tickets are available now and can be purchased
for $15, $25, & $30. For tickets please contact the JDCO
Office at 856-858-0693 or order online at
Family of God Charismatic Prayer Group
The Prayer Group will host a Life in the Spirit Seminar
Series beginning on Friday, October 15th at 7:30 PM.
(8 week series). We will meet in the chapel. All are
welcome. For more information call Cecilia at (856) 7531906.
“Has none but this foreigner returned to give thanks to
God?” (Luke 17:18)
Jesus seems so sad and disappointed in the nine lepers
who did not return to thank Him. Good Stewards regularly
return to thank God. They do not take for granted all the
wonderful blessings that God gives to us everyday.
Gal 4:22-24, 26-27, 31 - 5:1; Lk 11: 29-32
Gal 5:1-6; Lk 11:37-41
Wednesday: Gal 5:18-25; Lk 11:42-46
All are invited to Our Lady of Guadalupe Church,
Lindenwold, on Saturday, October 30th at 12 noon. The
principal celebrant will be Bishop Joseph Galante.
Following the mass, all are invited to feast in African
traditions. Enjoy the diversity of African Food, Dance and
Song. Questions, please contact Deacon Vincent Okoro
at 856-520-0953. This event is organized by the African
Catholic Community of Camden Diocese.
Eph 1:1-10; Lk 11:47-54
Eph 1:11-14; Lk 12: 1-7
Coming Soon...
Eph 1:15-23; Lk 12:8-12
Ex 17:8-13; Ps 121; Tm 3:14-4:2;
Lk 18:1-8
OCTOBER 23/24, 2010
Page Four
October 10, 2010
World Mission Sunday
Our second collection next weekend provides the Society
for the Propagation of the Faith with the means to reach
in faith to more than two-thirds of the world’s people who
have yet to hear the Good News of Jesus Christ, or to
experience His love through the word and witness of
missionaries. Your support is vital to this ongoing
program. Please be as generous as possible.
Thank you for what you will do.
Rite of Christian Initiation
For Adults
Have you ever thought about being Catholic?
Would you like to know what Catholics believe, and
understand how they worship?
Are you an adult or teenager who has never been
baptized, received Holy Communion, or celebrated
Are you Baptized in another denomination and interested
in learning more about the Catholic faith?
Are you married to a Catholic and wondering if you should
join the Catholic Church yourself?
Were you married outside the Catholic Church and wish
to investigate whether or not your marriage could be
blessed in the Church?
Come explore the possibilities! Call Kate Vukicevich at
(856)783-0550 or
Each month we will publish a new sick list. If you or your
family members still want to be listed, you or a family
member MUST submit the name to the rectory. Because
of the HIPPA regulations, the hospitals, nursing homes,
etc. do not notify the parish. Please use the form below:
Name to be included on sick list:
Family member submitting name:
Many businesses began their Employee Giving
Campaigns this month and will continue to solicit
donations through the Fall months. Whether through the
United Way or another corporate giving campaign,
employees welcome the opportunity to participate when
they can direct their donations toward charities that
reflect their beliefs and social concerns. Please
remember…if you do participate, the House of Charity is
a qualified non-member Donor Option Agency. Kindly
ask your agency representative for a pledge form and
complete the form using your Home Address. These may
also be available online. In addition, designate House of
Charity in the Donor Choice section along with any
other information they may require. Some agencies use a
specific code that can be found on the Employee Giving
Poster located on the bulletin board in the vestibule of the
church. Please feel free to take an informational card,
which will assist you in completing your form. Donors to
last year’s campaign will receive a letter from Mariann
Gettings, Director of the House of Charity – Bishop’s
Annual Appeal, which will provide specific information to
aid Employee Giving Donors in completing their forms.
Donor-designated gifts to the House of Charity through an
Employee Giving Campaign will be gratefully
acknowledged and will be credited to St. Andrew the
Apostle Parish for the 2011 House of Charity Appeal.
The vital human needs of people in the Diocese of
Camden throughout Southern New Jersey will be served
to the fullest extent of our capability through your
generosity to the House of Charity. If you participate in
the following United Way / Combined Federal
Campaigns, the list of Code numbers below will be of
assistance. Please see bulletin board for material.
Business Campaigns
ALLSTATE Giving, Boeing Company
Comcast , PSE&G, Verizon
IBM, GlaxoSmith Kline, Merck
United Way Agencies:
Atlantic County
Camden County
Southeastern PA
Other United Way Agencies
Employee Charitable Campaigns
Atlantic County Public Employee
Burlington County Public Education
Camden County …
Cape May Public Employee
Gloucester County…
New Jersey State…
Salem County Public Employee
Combined Federal Campaign
CFC Philadelphia or CFC So. Jersey
Phone Number:(_______________________________)
* Agency requests printed Name and Address of the House of
Charity. Please use House of Charity, 631 Market Street,
Camden, NJ 08102.
Page Five
Twenty-Eighth Sunday In Ordinary Time
Chris Parry is Director of Human Concerns. Call
Chris at 856-627-0597 or
Nursing Home Companions—If you think this may be a
Ministry that would help you reach out to residents in one
of the many area nursing homes that St. Andrew’s visit,
contact Chris Parry. Chris has a list of residents that
would welcome a visit, be it weekly, monthly, day or
evening…..a half hour or more or less is all that is
needed. The residents are spiritual, friendly, funny and
would love to share their stories and hear your stories.
Christian Cupboard—With school in session and the
holidays fast approaching, please remember our pantry
when doing your weekly shopping. Our pantry is very low
on non perishable items---specifically, tuna fish, jellies
and cereals. Please help us replenish with the items listed
or any non-perishable items. Shopping carts are in front
of the Church before all Masses.
Clothing Bin Items Needed—New Visions Shelter in
Camden is very appreciative of the many clothing items
that St. Andrew’s donates weekly. Men’s, women’s, and
children’s clothing of all types are still in great demand.
Please put your donation into the Clothing Bin on
Thursday, the day St. Andrew’s empties the bin for
delivery to New Visions Shelter on Friday.
Local Outreach—Boys clothing, size 24 months to 3T is
needed for a local parishioner. Contact Chris Parry if you
can help.
Meals For The Homebound and Needy—Volunteers are
needed to prepare meals for those unable to do for
themselves, for one reason or another. Meals are
prepared on a daily, weekly or monthly rotation with
volunteers sharing in a families requirements. Contact
Lisa Papp @ (856) 566-0255
Job Development: Email Monique Melara for information
Wanted to Hire - Elder care for weekend position
Seeking Employment - Tutor for elementary & middle
St. Andrew’s Youth Ministry welcomes Special Needs
Teens and Young Adults to our Annual Halloween Dance
with Buds (Bringing up Down Syndrome) to be held at St.
Andrew’s Parish Hall on Sunday, October 24 from
7pm-9pm. We will have music, dancing, karaoke, food
and lots of fun with the teens and young adults of BUDS.
Wear your costume — we will have prizes for the best
costumes! Please call Katie @856-305-2914 or to RSVP.
October 16-17, 2010
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
6:00 PM
Martin Keane
Ronnie Frantz
Chilandro Mulenga
Tom Fanelli
Stacy Roche
5:00 PM
Michelina O’Neill, Tess Leoncio, Millie Bandeira,
Dan Hearn, Bob Cosentino
8:30 AM
Larry & Jean Anlage, Jan Hornberger, Barbara
Vadenais, Dan & Sherry McGravey
10:00 AM
R. O’Donnell, Don & Loretta Stech, Mary Mitsos,
Catherine Rossignol
11:30 AM
Dora Mangaser, Julia Graciano, Evelyn Ebora,
Carmella Dooley. Terry Knoebel, Janice Lowry
6:00 PM
Lance Beden, Audrey Tanner, Melissa Tiver, Pat
5:00 PM
Pat Milanese, Mike Nolan
8:30 AM
Charlie Maschi, Neil Rowe, Ed Tevis, Harry Kraus
Harry Mc Aneny
10:00 AM
Mary Mitsos, Joe Leonard, Bob Craft, Tom
11:30 AM
Tom Hoffner, Ed Smith, Steve Mawn
6:00 PM
Gerald Roche, Anthony Wolski, Michael Cruz
5:00 PM
8:30 AM
10:00 AM
11:30 AM
6:00 PM
Stephen Becker, Kara Fenton
Miichael Carmody, Julia Santos
Majella DiLeonardo, Matt Rossignol
Ethan and Cameron Ziegler
Michael Berthin, Onye Okoro
5:00 PM
Michelina O’Neill
8:30 AM
Kathy Emrich
10:00 AM
Ronnie Frantz
11:30 AM
Dave Miller
6:00 PM
Tom Hoffner
On Sunday, October 24, 2010 Bishop Joseph A. Galante
will be celebrating the White Mass for Healthcare Workers
and their families at the Chapel of Our Lady of Lourdes
Medical Center, 1600 Haddon Avenue, Camden, New
Jersey 08103 at 1:00p.m. The Saint Luke Awards for
outstanding service in Catholic health care within the
Diocese of Camden are presented during the Mass. This
year’s honorees are Catherine A. Michon, M.D.,
Josephine M. Heisler, R.N., Joanne R. Thomas, Esq. If
you would like to attend the White Mass, please call 856342-4125 or email
to RSVP.
Page Six
October 10, 2010
Saturday, October 9
8:30 AM H Vincent Castellino r/o Dominic & Cynthia
5:00 PM H Catharine Reitano r/o family
Sunday, October 10
8:30 AM H George & Carol Wolf r/o Swartman family
10:00 AM H Amy Thomas r/o Thomas Family
11:30 AM H Alicia DiNatale r/o Mom, Dad & Brothers
6:00 PM H For the People of the Parish
Monday, October 11
7:00 AM H Giulio DeSanctis r/o Lou Greenwald
8:30 AM H Brandon Peter r/o Grandmom
Parish Office Closed
Tuesday, October 12
7:00 AM H Thomas Douglas III r/o Connie & Lou Giannobile
8:30 AM H Roy Riso r/o daughter Rosemarie
10:15 AM Mass at Brendenwood
10:30 AM Mass at Summerville
Wednesday, October 13
7:00 AM H Robert Newcomb r/o Connie & Lou Giannobile
8:30 AM H Regina Clementi r/o Marc Duyan & family
10:30 AM Mass at Kressonview Nursing Home
Thursday, October 14
7:00 AM H Loretta DeVincentis r/o Charles
8:30 AM Elizabeth Bencivenga r/o Joe & Maria Pogue
10:30 AM Mass at Voorhees Senior Living
“A Time To Be Born…”
Aidan John Osborne
son of John & Lisa Osborne
“A Time To Be Healed…”
Christian Bond, Edwin Breaux, Theresa Burigatto,
Dolores Caputi, Elaine Cole, John Croghan, Yolanda
Danielle, Lawrence A. Dauber Sr., Tyler De Blasio,
Matthew Dougherty, Remedios Ferrariz, Marge Ferrick,
Judi Geczo, Isabella Grandrimo, Marilyn Harris, Alexis
Hayes, Doreen Johnston, Kathy Kelbaugh, Nancy
Masterson, Betty Mc Dermott, Howard Ott, Jamie
Poulson, Thomas Poulson, Patricia Rodia, Lynn Romm,
Rosemary Rufo, Mary Bauman Soards, Sarah Stallitti,
Suzanne Steliga, Richie Suarez, Randolph Ward, Amy
Gorman Weaver, Lara Howard-York, Joseph
Kaczorowski…. and all parishioners who are in nursing
“A Time To Die . . .”
“…And A Time For Peace…”
Saturday, October 16
8:30 AM H Roman S. Robles r/o Rafael & Teresa Valencia
5:00 PM H Joanne McCaffrey r/o Paul & Patty Kramer
(especially for those in the military)
Antoinette & Paul Bardunias, Jon Beale, Caity Brining,
Timothy Chadwick, John M. Ciaccio, Chris Cafaro, Ryan
Clark, Airrian Edwards, Jeffrey & Tim Fitzpatrick, Andrew
Francesconi, Jonathan & Ryan Frazier, Brian Frett, Jim &
Joe Gallagher, Mark Gould, Christopher Hyland, Timothy
Johnson, BJ & Brian Kraemer, Brain McClain, Alycia
Mc Collum, John & James Mc Gee, James E. Miller,
Matthew Pizzutillo, Brian Rafferty, Bryan Sanger, Kurt
Scheifele, Joseph Scocca, Daniel Sheppard, Kyle J. Taggart
Sunday, October 17
8:30 AM H Edward V. Ciavolino r/o family
10:00 AM H For the People of the Parish
11:30 AM H Joe Pantano r/o Millie
6:00 PM Kathleen Winters r/o Melissa Tiver
Let Us Pray For Those Bearing New Life And
Those Expecting Adoption
Friday, October 15
7:00 AM H Teresa L. Valencia r/o Rafael & Teresa Valencia
8:30 AM H Caroline Riso r/o sister Rosemarie
10:30 AM Mass at Genesis-Voorhees Nursing Home
Sanctuary Candle . . .
Burns this week for the Special Intentions at the
request of Juliette.
Saturday, October 16th
5:00 PM Msgr. Marucci
* Deacon Preaching
Sunday, October 17th
8:30 AM Fr. Allen
10:00 AM Fr. Howard*
11:30 AM Msgr. Marucci *
6:00 PM Fr. Allen
(Ecclesiastes 3:1)
Alti Da Mato, Joanna Fabello,
Therese Jarsen, Judy Posey, Francesca Russo,
Danielle Stevens Smith, Mari Ann Trigg
Moving Forward….
With the signs of Fall everywhere around us, St. Andrew’s has
seen the change of a pastor and beginning of a new year. The
renovations and modifications to the rectory living level and to
the grounds surrounding the rectory are just waiting for some
landscaping. Msgr. Is able to go back and forth quickly and to
travel day or night safely. What a difference three months have
made! Next week we will be using this space to ask your help
with our project. Stay tuned!