Page Two September 30, 2012 602 LITURGY Mass for the New Evangelization, October 16, 2011).” Saturday, September 29 5:00 pm People of the Parish Sunday, September 30 8:30 am 10:30 am Thomas & Marge Purul-Tom & Kathy Purul Donald L. James, Sr. – Ed, Linda, Jennifer, & Sara Midura St. Vincent de Paul Members & Those We Serve Dolores Szmaciasz – Joanne Marinelli Monday, October 1 9:00 am Kathryn Foster – Steve & Marianne Sierocinski Tom Kenney – Wife, Rose 9:00 am Communion Service 9:00 am Leo Dobler – Millie Dobler Mrs. Ryan – The Devereaux Family 9:00 am Joseph Priole, Sr. – John, Michael & Donna Priole 9:00 am William McFarland – Nancy Valaika 5:00 pm Joseph Casano, Jr. – Children’s Faith Formation Edith Crosby – Mary & Jim Warner 8:30 am Joanne Niedzwiecki-Charlie & Edith Moore Christopher Mullen – His Wife People of the Parish Tuesday, October 2 Wednesday, October 3 Thursday, October 4 Friday, October 5 Saturday, October 6 Sunday, October 7 10:30 am Diocese of Trenton Eucharistic Congress 2012 His Presence. Our Faith. CELEBRATE! October 12 - 14, 2012 When he announced the “Year of Faith” for the Church, October 11, 2012 through November 24, 2013 – Pope Benedict XVI shared his conviction that this proposed year would give “renewed energy to the mission of the whole Church to lead men and women out of the desert they often are in and toward the place of life: friendship with Christ who gives us the fullness of life.” The Holy Father continued, “It will be a moment of grace and commitment to an ever fuller conversion to God, to reinforce our faith in him and to proclaim him with joy to the people of our time (Benedict XVI, Homily, Dear Friends, Religious traditions have a funny habit of condemning all other traditions. It wasn’t that long ago that Catholics consigned all Protestants to hell, and vice versa. Some of us can even remember when it was considered a sin for parishioners of the Irish church to go across the street to the Italian church, or the Polish church, or the German church, or whatever the other church was. But Jesus taught extraordinary tolerance and acceptance of everyone of good will. We embrace our faith, but not to the rejection of Jews, Muslims, other Christians, or even nonbelievers. The Gospel this weekend makes it clear that any good is of God, no matter who is doing it. The fact that others not of our faith may be doing good things in the world should spur us on to even greater acts of charity and love. After all, we follow Christ, who gave everything for us. But when we do evil, the greater is our sin, because our wicked example becomes a stumbling block to those who might want to draw closer to Christ. The way we live can be for good or evil. I will be leaving for some vacation time on October 5 th and returning on October 21st. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend the Eucharistic Congress. Please remember that if you are going to attend the Eucharistic Congress you need to sign up in the atrium. We need to know in order to provide for transportation. Thursday September 27th is the celebration of Saint Vincent de Paul. Saint Vincent de Paul spent his life working for the poor and the abandoned and the hopeless. Four hundred years later, SVDP Conferences in parishes provide many families with food, clothing and furniture and when possible financial assistance in times of need. We are blessed here at Holy Eucharist to have a SVDP Conference here in our parish. I don’t need to share with you all the wonderful work they do for the poor and needy. Over the years the members of this parish have been strong supporters. At the 8:30 mass this weekend members of our SVDP society will have their annual commitment ceremony. During that ceremony Rene Pedano will be recognized for her leadership over the past several years. We join the members of SVDP in recognizing Rene and ask God’s continual blessing upon this important ministry. Please join with the members of SVDP in Hoffman Hall for some refreshments following the 8:30 am Mass. Please remember the importance of your participation in the Bishop’s Annual Appeal. We still have a little way to go to meet our goal. Thanks for your support. I hope you are enjoying this Fall weather. Have a great week. Fr. Andrew Page Three September 30, 2012 602 FAITH FORMATIOn October 14, November 11 – 1:00 pm Baptism Preparation Classes October 19, November 16 – 7:00 pm Please call the Parish Office to Register for Class. Faith Formation Update September brings with it a new school year of activities and adventures. So too, our new year of family faith formation begins at Holy Eucharist. If you have not already registered for either our intergenerational program, Faith Fest or Children’s Classroom Faith Formation, please do so immediately. Adults attending Faith Fest without children can register using the same form. Forms are available in the Faith H.E.R.E. booklets or on our website Faith Fest Faith Fest is for EVERYONE –it uses the Generations of Faith approach to provide faith formation for the family and the entire parish so that all members of the parish community can learn together and from each other. Attendance at Faith Fest fulfills children’s religious education requirements. Please join us! This year’s theme of Faith Fest is “Navigating Life with G.P.S. – God’s Proven System”. Second Session – “Road to the Mountain Top” October 18 Thursday 5:30-8:30pm October 19 Friday 5:30-8:30pm October 21 Sunday 12:00-3:00pm Volunteers are still needed as facilitators ( training provided), meal prep and material prep. Volunteer for just one or more Faith Fest Sessions. Share your talents! Call 609 268 7742 or email Children’s Classroom Faith Formation Classes begin the first week in October. We look forward to sharing this joyful Year of Faith with our students. Classes are held Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday for Levels 1-6 – 4:00-5:15pm Tuesday evening for Level 7 7:00-8:00pm Wednesday evening for Level 8 7:00-8:00pm Sacrament preparation Please note the following meeting dates for those children preparing for Reconciliation, First Eucharist and Confirmation: Level 7 First Year Confirmation Preparation October 16 Tuesday 7:00pm Confirmation Orientation Candidate and Parent Level 8 Second Year Confirmation Preparation October 29 Monday 7:00pm Confirmation Orientation - Candidate and Parent Please Note: th Children in the 8 Level who attend Faith Fest will attend a multi-week session as part of their preparation for the sacrament of confirmation. These sessions will be Wednesday evenings from 7-8:15pm. Those with last names beginning with: A-D will attend October 3- November 14 E-K will attend November 28-January 23 L-P will attend February 6-March 13 Q-Z will attend March 20 –May 8 Level 9 Sacrament of Confirmation October 15 Monday 7:00pm Practice – candidates only October 20 Saturday 5:00pm Candidates and Sponsor attend Mass followed by practice October 26 Friday 7:00PM Confirmation – candidates arrive at 6:15pm Attention Volunteers for the Parish If you are a volunteer for the Parish who works with children in your ministry, you are required to attend ONE Protecting God’s Children for Adults session. Sessions will be held Saturday, October 6, 2012 or Saturday, October 13, 2012. Both programs will be held 9:30 am – 12:30 pm in Hoffman Hall. If these dates are in conflict with your schedule, please go to for registration and other available dates and times. If you have further questions, please speak to your ministry leader or call Marybeth Pavlik at 1-609-268-4988. Page Four September 30, 2012 602 OUTREACH Dear Fellow Parishioners, The St. Vincent de Paul Society would again like to thank you for responding to our request for school supplies. Because of your donations, many children in our surrounding area are able to return to school with backpacks filled with school supplies, new shoes and haircuts that they needed to start the new school year. It couldn't be done without your continued support. "Remember Those In Need" The item the pantry is low on this week is: Canned Fuits (all varieties): Fruit Cocktail, Peaches, Pears, Pineapple, etc. “FOOD PANTRY ALERT” We have had an increase in the number of families using our pantry on a monthly basis. We broke a record last month approximately 100 families were helped at our food pantry. There have been cuts from the Federal Government regarding the food we get from the Food Bank. Our shelves are getting low on a lot of food items and can’t seem to keep them filled. Your donations of food to our pantry are so important. Please pick up a few items each week and help us replenish our pantry shelves. Without your continued support of food and monetary donations, our pantry would not be able to continue helping many families in our parish area of Shamong, Southampton, Tabernacle, Vincentown and Woodland Township. Please continue to purchase Super Market Certificates which are sold after all the masses on the weekend in the atrium. The St. Vincent de Paul society receives 5% back on every dollar spent. The money you donate to our Poor Boxes located throughout the church allows to help many families with many of their outstanding bills. God bless you all for helping us make a difference with those in need. NOW THAT THE BUSY LIFE OF SUMMER IS OVER, IT’S YOUR TURN TO FOCUS ON EACH OTHER. TAKE TIME TO REKINDLE THE ROMANCE OF YOUR EARLY DAYS OF MARRIAGE BY ATTENDING THE OCTOBER 26-28, 2012 WORLDWIDE MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND. IT IS A PRIVATE AND PERSONAL TIME TO ENRICH YOUR MARRIAGE. FOR MORE INFORMATION, PLEASE CONTACT BOB & MICHELLE DOOLEY AT 609-827-7117 OR Laurie Lee, Betty Ronca, Theresa Kennedy, Kathy Zurzolo Loretta Nixon, Patricia Sicilia, Bill Esposito, Andy Komar, Marie Ortman, Linda Johnson, Jean Weir, Nancy Valaika, John Keohane Please Note: A continuing list of the sick will be listed in “The Book of the Sick.” Please see or visit the Book of the Sick located in the atrium. Write in the name of those you wish the community to hold in prayer. This book will be brought up with the gifts and the prayer intentions. Helen Begliomini, mother of Janice Shedaker, passed away last week. We offer our condolences to her family and ask that you remember them in your prayers. RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY On Sunday, October 7th of Columbus Day Weekend, the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a short patriotic service for Religious Liberty after the 10:30 Mass. Come and join the Knights in honoring our Church and country and praying for our future at this critical time in the life of the church in America. Let us show publicly that we want God’s presence as the center of our lives. ComeAndSeeTogether “For whoever is not against us is for us.” Mark 9:40 In both the first reading and the Gospel this week, we witness God’s INCLUSIVE Spirit breaking into human power struggles. Upon hearing that others prophesied “outside” of his presence, Moses rejoices in God’s extravagant goodness and the unexpected gifts of others. When Jesus’ disciples demonstrate the same tendency to exclude others, Jesus widens their narrow vision and affirms the “stranger” who is doing God’s work among them. How is God’s inclusive Spirit breaking into our midst and inviting us to affirm the unexpected gifts of others? Page Five September 30, 2012 602 COMMUNITY SCHEDULING MEETING ROOMS/SOCIAL HALL: To schedule meetings or activities to be held on the premises contact the Parish Office. This includes activities and meetings in the original building, Hoffman Hall and the Faith Formation Center. Meetings and events will be compiled for the monthly calendar distributed through the Bulletin. If you will be using the kitchen facility in Hoffman Hall, please advise at the time of scheduling. Holy Eucharist Music Ministry Attention all Music Ministry members, young and old: A new choral season is beginning! Whether you are a returning Music Ministry member, or are interested in becoming a new member, please see the schedule below and join us at one of our rehearsals! If you have any questions, please contact Linda Midura in the Music Ministry office at 609-268-1119. Wed. Oct. 3 4:45 pm Cherubim Choir 5:20 pm Seraphim Singers 6:45 pm ALTO Sectional 7:30 pm Adult Choir Sun. Oct. 7 10:30 am Mass Adult Choir SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7TH, 2012, AT 1:00 PM Bring your pet to be blessed next Sunday outside in front of the Church. HOPE needs two people to work in the office on a Monday or a Friday from 9:30 am – 12:00 pm twice a month. The job consists of helping the seniors in the parish by scheduling transportation, making calls to seniors who live alone, and making condolence calls to the bereaved. Please consider volunteering just five hours a month to help this very worthwhile ministry. Call the HOPE Office at 268-1818 to volunteer and/or for more information. The next meeting of the Holy Eucharist Senior Citizens Club will be held on Thursday, October 4th, at 1:00 pm, in Hoffman Hall. Our guest speaker will be Joe Laufer who will present a program about Burlington County Historic One Room School Houses. Our club is non-denominational and is open to anyone 55 or over. Guests and new members are always welcome. Delaware Park Casino & Racing Wednesday, Oct. 24, 2012 – Price: $25 Package: $30 Slot Play Depart: 11:15 am – Return: 7:00 pm Christmas Show – American Music Theater Friday, Nov. 16, 2012 – Price: $80 Includes transportation, show, and buffet luncheon at Shady Maple Restaurant Depart: 10:00 am - Return: 7:30 pm Non-members are welcome on all trips. Our trips have two pick ups – one at Laurel Hall in Leisuretown and one at the church. For information call Rose Kenney at 859-9107 or Theresa at 859-7308. Knights of Columbus Council #8733 GRAND KNIGHT FRED HINZ New members are always welcome. Please contact 609-859-0945 for more information. Our council works to support the church and our community. On Sunday, October 7th, the Knights of Columbus will be hosting a short prayer service for Religious Liberty after the 10:30 am Mass in the atrium. Come and join the Knights in honoring our Church and country and praying for our future at this critical time in the life of the church in America. Please call 609-859-0945 for more information. Our Council works to support the church and our community. Page Six September 30, 2012 Stewardship announcements REMEMBRANCE IN YOUR WILL Consider this very special way of sharing with your parish family. A remembrance in your will for your parish is a wonderful way to provide for the future well-being of your parish community. Sunday, 9/23/12 2011 $12,729.50 602 2012 $10,088.00 Altar Server Schedule – October 6 & 7 Saturday – 5:00 pm Team 2: Elizabeth Hagmayer, Brandon Smith, Jillian Connelly Sunday – 8:30 am Team 4: Russ Bauer, Nick DeSantis, Aaron Ruiz, Nathan Steele Sunday – 10:30 am Team 5: Jim Waters, Thomas De Palma, Jacob Boris, Jake Peters SPECIAL BUILDING REPAIR COLLECTION Previous Contributions 9/16/12 Contribution Balance Repairs pending: Flat Roof Parking Lot re-striping Parking Lot patch and seal Festival equipment $3,448.86 291.00 $3,739.86 62,000.00 3,300.00 22,000.00 10,000.00 ONLINE GIVING Holy Eucharist Church now offers Online Giving! Visit our website at to sign up for Online Giving and begin donating to the church automatically. Use the Internet for the good of the parish through this secure and convenient process. Online Giving can be effectively used on its own or with regular offering envelopes. If you would still like to receive envelope packets but also want to give online, you have the option to do so. WHOLE BLOOD DRIVE - SUNDAY, OCTOBER 7, 2012 IN HOFFMAN HALL FROM 9:30 AM TO 3:30PM Knights of Columbus Tabernacle Council 8733 will sponsor a whole Blood Drive on October 7th. Sign-ups will be conducted in the Atrium after all Masses the weekends of September 22/23 and 29/30. You may also call Jim Kukura at 609-268-2795 to reserve a time. New donors are needed to replace now ineligible donors. Also, please save the date of October 21st for a platelet drive in the mobile unit in Holy Eucharist Church parking lot. Save The Date 2012 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL GOAL: $61,498.00 PLEDGED TO DATE: $56,490.42 CASH RECEIVED: $52,307.92 Holy Eucharist’s Winter Wine Fest January 26, 2013 7:00 pm – 10:00 pm Tickets: $40.00
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