Page Two June 17, 2012 602 LITURGY 5:00 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 5:00 pm 8:30 am 10:30 am Saturday, June 16 Joseph Casano, Jr. – Dennis & Jackie Kaine Kathleen M. Follman – Bruce & June Russell Sunday, June 17 People of the Parish Joseph T. McDonald – Son, James & Mary John Steinberg – Wife & Sister Monday, June 18 Scott Janco – Eileen Cramer Healing for Laurie Lee – The Siedlecki Family Tuesday, June 19 Communion Service Wednesday, June 20 Christopher Seffrin – Cleone Byrne Thursday, June 21 Eugene Barbetta – Marie Durbano Friday, June 22 Patricia Devlin – Coeli & Mike Netsky Edythe Shurley – The Siedlecki Family Saturday, June 23 Robert Bradley II – Mom & Dad Wayne Roszel – Joe & Marie De Luca Sunday, June 24 John & Catherine Kinnerman – Tom & Kathy Purul Nicholas Sauro & Family – The Sol Family People of the Parish Altar Flowers are in memory of John Steinberg, from his wife and sister. Dear Friends: The readings this week show that what is small, hard to see, and even invisible can have vast importance. Whether it’s the tender shoot of the cedar tree or the tiny seed of the mustard plant, what seems slight now will become something mighty. “We walk by faith, not by sight,” the 2nd Letter to the Corinthians says; we hope in that what is unseen and in the future will come to pass. The important thing, though, is to realize how the present still matters. How you tend that invisible seed makes a difference; what you do “at home in the body” now has consequences for when you are at home in the Lord, so “aspire to please him” at all times. Think of the little seeds, shoots, and easy to miss places in your life where more attention and cultivation “shall bear fruit,” as the psalmist says, in the kingdom of God. Where in your life as a Christian has God taken a “tender shoot” and grown it into a “majestic cedar”? As you can see the property is buzzing with activity; the church grounds are looking great with the spring clean up of weeds, trimming of bushes and flowers planted; the set up for the festival is underway and the installation of the solar array is coming along nicely. Keep a watch in the bulletin for updates on the solar project for our parish. Remember to sign up for our parish Pine Barrens Festival; we need as many people as possible to assist on Wednesday nights and Saturday mornings for festival set up. Watch the bulletin for more information. Vacation Bible School begins on July 9th and goes to July 13th. Visit the display in the atrium after mass and see how you can help. This year’s theme is SKY. My thanks to our Hospitality Ministry for providing the wonderful refreshments for our parish feast day last week. Everyone really enjoyed them. Our new seminarian, Carlo Calisin, has arrived for his summer assignment at our parish. Please take a moment after mass to introduce yourself and welcome him. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers of the parish! Please keep them in your prayers on this special day. Enjoy this beautiful summer weather! Fr. Andrew Page Three June 17, 2012 602 FAITH FORMATIOn THE BISHOP’S APPEAL – IN ACTION! MINISTRY OF CONSECRATED LIFE 2012 VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL! Don’t Miss Out on All of the Fun!!! Vacation Bible School starts up on July 9-13th from 9am to noon each day! You can get your enrollment forms online or visit the table in the atrium. We are still in need of some donation items. Please visit the hot air balloon also located in the atrium. Thank you to all who have generously donated so far! Reminder: ALL STAFF AND CHILDREN FORMS ARE DUE BY JUNE 17th Contact with any questions. We represent membership in 49 male/female congregations who have dedicated our lives to announce and proclaim the word of the Lord. Prior to the 1970’s, religious served the needs of the Church via education, health care and orphanages. Additional ministries are essential to our service today. While the physical appearance might not be easily recognizable today, the face of God is evident in the many paths and journeys taken daily by those who have dedicated their life to further announce and proclaim the Word of God. ****************************************** Our formal Bible Study, directed by Dr. James Bridges, will continue this year starting on September 11th from 8:00 pm to 9:30 pm. Participation in previous years is not necessary. For more information, Call Shirley Howe at 268-7691 An hour of silent prayer and meditation. Every Thursday Night at 7:00 pm in the Daily Chapel Sponsored by G.I.F.T. Thank you to all those who helped the Interfaith Hospitality Ministry provide meals for two homeless families the week of May 28th to June 2nd. Whether you helped cook a meal, bought an item, or said a prayer, thank you for your generosity and support of this ministry. The next time we are providing meals is September 2 – 8, 2012. If you have any questions, please contact Janet Boris at 609-268-0828 or Page Four June 17, 2012 602 OUTREACH Your continued support of our efforts to provide assistance to those in our community is most appreciated. It provides us with the means of helping many families during these challenging economic times. Donations to the Poor Boxes located through out the church are used to assist people in need with expenses such as housing, medical and utility bills. All funds go directly to support this effort. Anyone in need of assistance should call our confidential hot line 268-0005. Our Food Pantry services approximately 80 families on a monthly basis. The pantry is opened on Tuesday & Thursday of each week from 10:00 to 12:00 noon. If you plant a vegetable garden this year and you find an abundance to share, the food pantry would greatly accept a portion of your harvest. It can be donated after all masses on the weekend or on the days that the food pantry is opened. "REMBER THOSE IN NEED" The items the pantry is low on this week are: PAPER PRODUCTS – TOILET PAPER, PAPER TOWELS, NAPKINS. Super Market Certificates are available after all masses at a table set up in the ATRIUM. The super markets give us 5% of all the gift cards sold. You may also donate certificates and put them in the Poor Boxes. We use them to provide dairy and meat products to those who use our Food Pantry. BREAD ARE GIVEN CARDS are also available. They are used for special occasions to celebrate joy or to provide comfort those in need. Names of those remembered are kept in a special book and prayed for at our St. Vincent de Paul meetings Thank you Holy Eucharist Parishioners for your kindness and generosity with all your donations. Without your continued support, we would not be able to “HELP US HELP OTHERS". A.C.T.S. A.C.T.S. is reaching out to any active duty military families in the area to help and support you. Please contact us on our website. Laurie Lee, Dolores Szmaciasz, Pierce Thomas Humbert (infant) Mary Klotz, Vivian Boyd, Theresa Kennedy, Patricia Sicilia, Bill Esposito, Christian Zuba, Jacob Zuba, Marie Ortman, Frances McCormick, Kyle Dobiszewski, Joseph & Sarah Casnet, Helen Lange, Mary Meagher, Nancy Valaika, John Urmson, Gertrude Romanowski, Florence Gilmartin, John Keohane Please Note: A continuing list of the sick will be listed in “The Book of the Sick.” Please see or visit the Book of the Sick located in the atrium. Write in the name of those you wish the community to hold in prayer. This book will be brought up with the gifts and the prayer intentions. **************************************************** RESPECT LIFE MINISTRY Our US Bishops have asked us to support religious liberty during the upcoming “Fortnight For Freedom” from June 21 to July 4. The Bishops have asked us to pray the following prayer during that time to ask God to defend and maintain our freedom of religion. Almighty God, Father of all nations, for freedom you have set us free in Christ Jesus. We praise and bless you for the gift of religious liberty, the foundation of human rights, justice and the common good. Grant to our leaders the wisdom to protect and promote our liberties; by your grace may we have the courage to defend them, for ourselves and for all who live in this blessed land. We ask this through the intercession of Mary immaculate, our patroness, and in the name of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, with whom you live and reign, one God, for ever and ever, Amen. Please pray for and with our priests and bishops during this critical time in our country’s life Come And See Together “Two thousand years have not diminished the freshness of the truth that Jesus inaugurated. It is as enduring as ever, for Christ is the foundation and center of history; he is its meaning and ultimate goal.” (Pope John Paul II) In today’s Gospel Jesus compares the kingdom of God to fertile land that yields fruit from seed that was scattered and also to a tiny mustard seed that produces the largest of plants. In our daily lives we too scatter seeds of faith, no matter how small, to all we encounter. Page Five June 17, 2012 602 COMMUNITY WELCOMING NEW MEMBERS: Our Parish family warmly welcomes new members to its community. We invite you to register at your earliest convenience by stopping by the parish office during regular office hours. SCHEDULING MEETING ROOMS/SOCIAL HALL: To schedule meetings or activities to be held on the premises contact the Parish Office. This includes activities and meetings in the original building, Hoffman Hall and the Faith Formation Center. Meetings and events will be compiled for the monthly calendar distributed through the Bulletin. If you will be using the kitchen facility in Hoffman Hall, please advise at the time of scheduling. The next meeting of the Holy Eucharist Senior Citizens Club will be held on Thursday, July 5, at 1:00 pm, in Hoffman Hall. Our club is non-denominational and is open to anyone 55 or over. Guests and new members are always welcome. July 25 – Resorts Casino & Show “Broadway Favorites” Price: $35 ($10 Slot Bonus, Show, Buffet) Depart: 1:00 pm Return: 9:45 pm July 8, August 12 Baptism Preparation Classes June 22, July 20 – 7:00 PM Please call the Parish Office to Register for Class. Non-members are welcome on all trips. Our trips have two pick ups – one at Laurel Hall in Leisuretown and one at the church. For information call Rose Kenney at 859-9107 or Theresa at 859-7308. MUSIC MINISTRY NOTES GRAND KNIGHT FRED HINZ New members are always welcome. Please contact 609-859-0945 for more information. Our council works to support the church and our community. Knights of Columbus Council #8733 Teen Choir Our Teen Choir will be starting up again on Sunday, July 1, at the 10:30 Mass. If you are middle school through college age and can sing, you’re invited to come and sing with the Teen Choir during the 10:30 Mass on most Sundays during the summer. Joining is easy – just show up in church by 10 am to run through the music for that day’s mass. (Music packets will be provided each week.) Come whatever Sundays you are available. For more information, contact Linda Midura in the Music Office at 268-1119. Bring a friend! REFRIGERATORS NEEDED If you have a refrigerator you would like to donate to the church for the small kitchen and the Festival, it would be greatly appreciated. JULY 23 TO JULY 28 Chairpersons Meetings July 6 – 7:00 pm Volunteer Meeting & Shirt Distribution In Church – Friday, July 20 ********************************************* In addition to meeting dates, we are including the setup dates for which we would appreciate “any help”: All Wednesdays: 6:00 pm – 8:00 pm June 20, 27 July 11, 18, & 19 (Thurs.), & 20 (Fri.) All Saturdays: 8:00 am – 12:00 pm June 16, 23, 30 July 14, 21 Looking forward to seeing all of you! From the Festival Directors MASS BOOK FOR 2013 The Mass Book for 2013 is now open. Please stop at the Parish Office during office hours for your Mass requests. IN URGENT NEED OF PRAYERS? CALL THE HOLY EUCHARIST PRAYER CHAIN FOR HELP. DEANNA KINGKINER 859-3546 MAUREEN FLYNN 859-3687 Page Six June 17, 2012 602 ANNOUNCEMENTS Please pray for the safety and protection of the men and women from our parish serving in the Armed Forces. NOTE: We have posted the names of the men and women serving in the military. Please check to see if there are any names to be added or taken off. Call the Parish Office at 2688383, ext. 100. You are invited to join other parishioners to pray the Rosary on Sundays before the 8:30 am Mass. Meet in the Daily Chapel at 8:00 am. STEWARDSHIP Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down, and overflowing, will be poured into your lap. For the measure with which you measure will in return be measured out to you. (Luke 12:48) 2011 2012 Sunday, 6/10/12 $12,573.00 Support Catholic Education 578.00 $13,831.00 697.00 ONLINE GIVING 14 Night “Mediterranean Treasures Cruise” October 6 thru October 20, 2012 Join Father Andrew and your fellow parishioners to experience a magnificent cruise of the Mediterranean on Royal Caribbean’s, “Independence of the Seas”, which leaves from Southampton, England. Visit 8 ports of call: Gibraltor, United Kingdom; Cannes/Monte Carlo, France, Barcelona, Spain, PalmaDeMallorca/Alicante/Malaga/Vigo,Spain; and Lisbon, Portugal. The special group rate starts at $1648.00 per person, based on double occupancy, which includes the cruise fare, port charge and tax. Airfare and travel insurance are not included, but can be arranged. Only a limited amount of reserved staterooms are available at the special group rate. A deposit of $900 is required to hold a reservation. For more information and for any other travel, please contact: Dennis & Jackie Kaine (609) 268-2428 or email: Altar Server Schedule – June 23 & 24 Saturday – 5:00 pm Jillian Connelly, Elizabeth Hagmayer, Brandon Smith Sunday – 8:30 am Allison Hoffman, Nathan Steele, Michelle Haines, Angela Haines Sunday – 10:30 am Hailey Graham, Conner Blesi, Emily McNally, Brandon Siedlecki Holy Eucharist Church now offers Online Giving! Visit our website at to sign up for Online Giving and begin donating to the church automatically. Use the Internet for the good of the parish through this secure and convenient process. Online Giving can be effectively used on its own or with regular offering envelopes. If you would still like to receive envelope packets but also want to give online, you have the option to do so. REMEMBRANCE IN YOUR WILL Consider this very special way of sharing with your parish family. A remembrance in your will for your parish is a wonderful way to provide for the future well-being of your parish community. SPECIAL BUILDING REPAIR COLLECTION Previous Contributions 6/10/12 Contribution Balance Repairs pending: Flat Roof $10,122.10 271.00 $10,393.10 62,000.00 2012 BISHOP’S ANNUAL APPEAL Goal: Pledged to Date: Cash Received: $61,498.00 $51,944.00 $44,945.50
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