Blessed Sacrament C October 19 The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

October 19, 2014
Blessed Sacrament
Catholic Church
October 19
From the Pastor
The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Dear parishioners:
Images of the first commandment are heard in the text
of Prophet Isaiah (45: 1, 4-6) this day, “I am the Lord and
there is no other.” Images of the fall are also heard in the
Gospel this day (Matthew 22: 15-21) as the Pharisees
plot to trap Jesus in a discourse over heavenly and earthy
obligations. While on the earth one might need to use the
“head of Caesar on a coin,” one should never lose sight that
even the earth is a part of the heavens! The impeccable
wisdom of the Lord Jesus guides us through every earthly
consideration and leads to the eternal life! We pray that,
even subject to the earthly obligation, we may render to
God that which belongs to Him:
Grant, we pray, O Lord, that your chosen ones may come
worthily and wisely to the confession of your praise, so
that in accordance with that first dignity which was lost
by original sin, we may be fashioned anew through your
The Fall Festival begins on Friday night and continues
through 10pm on Saturday. I do hope to see many of you
there! There will be activities for all ages, food, fun, and
fellowship! The Youth Group will be hosting the “Pumpkin
Patch” throughout so you know that you’ll be able to get a
great pumpkin at a great price! I even hear that there will
be a gigantic pumpkin … over 150 pounds … as a part of
the auction too! Many thanks to all those who are planning
and for those of you who have already returned the raffle
“Trunk or Treating” is also on the horizon! As is our parish
tradition, the Vigil Mass for All Saints Day (or “Halloween”
as we commonly know it) will at 6:00pm. It will be a family
friendly Liturgy and the children (and adults) are welcome
to come in costumes. The Mass will be followed by games
in the courtyard, trunk or treating in the upper parking lot,
and a spaghetti supper in the Social Hall. It is a wonderful,
safe and Christian environment. All are invited. There will
be more information in the bulletin this week as well.
May the week ahead be filled with countless graces and
The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Elvis Concert
Peter Alden has been entertaining as an Elvis tribute
artist since 1988. He performed at Walt Disney World
for over 10 years, on cruise ships, and in theme parks
such as Cypress Gardens and Libertyland. Peter also
spent many years performing with the Las Vegas’ famed
“Legends in Concert” show and performed a sold-out
show at the “House of Blues” in honor of Elvis birthday.
This is a show you won’t want to miss!
The Boomerang
This amazing ride consists of an open seated ship
suspended from a giant pendulum. As the vessel swings
back and forth, soaring high above, it will spin you on a
trip you will not forget.
Train Ride
Trains have been part of American Tradition for
generations. The whole family can take a ride on this
trackless train.
Fire Truck
Four-alarm fun arrives at BSCC! Check out one of
Clermont Fire Department’s vehicles.
Police Car
Check out one of Clermont Police Department’s vehicles.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
October 19, 2014
Volunteers Needed
Baskets Needed
Volunteers are needed to help with
various aspects of the Fall Festival.
Goody baskets are needed to raffle!
Create a themed basket to donate. Have
fun! Use your imagination! Contact
Donna McRobbie at (352) 432-5035 or
(352) 988-7024.
Fingerprinted volunteers are needed to
assist with children’s games & activities.
If you are fingerprinted for a ministry
through the Diocese of Orlando and
your clearance is current, please donate
some of your time to assist with the
festival and insure that there are plenty
of activities available for the children.
Please contact the parish office at (352)
Talent Needed
Talented individuals and groups are
needed! Are you a magician? Are you a
face painter? Do you play an instrument
or sing? Would like to donate a little time
on the stage? Call the parish office today!
Festival Events
Silent Auction
The silent auction team is looking for
new items that can be used to create
exhilarating packages for the auction.
If you have an item to donate or would
like to help, call the parish office!
Bounce Houses
Candy Apples
Silent Auction
Tiki Bar
Train Ride
“The Boomerang”
Cake Walk
Lots of Food
Basket Raffle
Funnel Cakes
Did We Say Food?
Coffee & Cake
Ticket Pre-Sales
The Fall Festival coffee & cake venue is requesting donations of cakes, cookies &
cupcakes which may be either homemade or store bought. Please be sure to mark
your donation “coffee & cake” and deliver it to the parish office on Friday, October
24th. If you are unable to drop off your donation on Friday, please drop it off on
Saturday, October 25th to the social hall.
Purchase your your tickets for the Fall
Festival in advance following every Mass
the weekend of October 11 and 12 and
the Weekend of October 18 and 19.
We thank you in advance for your donations.
Special - Pre-Sale Only
Purchase 20 tickets for $10.00 and
receive an additional 5 tickets for free!
1st Prize: $ 10,000
2nd Prize: $ 2,500
3rd Prize: $ 1,000
Tickets are $5.00 each
or 6 for $25.00
October 25, 2014
(you do not have to
be present to win)\mybscc
The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Widows &
Social group meets 2nd
Mondays for lunch &
Please join us. Contact
Phyllis at (352)255-3449 or
Peggy at (352) 404-8503.
Prayer Line
Within a few minutes of
your calling, many people
will be praying for you - 7
days a week, 9am-9pm.
Toni (352) 787-3696
Stella (352) 243-5080
Oria (352) 242-3730
BSCCW Meeting
Tuesday, October 21 - 12:00pm
All women of the parish are invited to join us the 3rd Tuesday
of each month for Blessed Sacrament Council of Catholic
Women (BSCCW). Since 1920, the National Catholic Council
of Women (NCCW) has pursued its mission to support,
empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality,
leadership, and service through affiliate memberships (such
as BSCCW) and individual memberships.
Bring a covered dish (by 11:45 a.m.) to share. Lunch begins
promptly at 12 Noon.
We will be selling Belk’s Charity Sale Tickets ($5) each and
discussing upcoming events including our Thanksgiving
luncheon, Little Dresses and Britches for Africa, parish Fall
Festival, and more!
It’s not too late to pay your dues of $5 for the year. See you
on the 21st.
Garden of
The Garden of Blessings
Charismatic Prayer Group
will resume their meetings
on Thursday, September 6
at 6:30pm in classroom 6.
Anyone needing prayers are
always welcome.
The Knights Of Columbus
Council invite you to
celebrate with them at their
12th Anniversary Dinner.
The dinner is open to the
Parish Community to
celebrate with us another
year and looking forward to
increasing assistance in our
The dinner is November
15th in the Social Hall.
Contact Charlie Miller
Trunk or Treat
Join us at the 6:00pm Mass in the Church, then off to
Halloween fun, games, and more!
October 31
Adults: Decorate your car trunks, bring your lawn
chairs, and hand out goodies as children go trick or
treating from trunk to trunk. A prize is awared to the
most spook-tacular Trunk!
Volunteers are needed to help with this event. If you are
interested in assisting, please contact the parish office.
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Articles for the bulletin
can be submitted to the
parish office or online at
bulletin is Wednesday,
October 22.
Join Boy Scout Troop 20 for
their Halloween Meatball
& Spaghetti Dinner during
trunk or treat. Come
hungry as troop 20’s famous
chef will prepare his secret
spaghetti sauce for a spooktacular meal!
Dinner is Friday, October
31st after Mass until 8:00pm
Tickets are $5.00 ($2.50 for
children under 5).
Enjoy salad, spaghetti &
meatballs, breadsticks and a
Join us as we pray the
rosary and for morning
prayer before daily Mass
each weekday beginning at
7:40am in the church. October 19, 2014
The Place of Silence at Mass
We are surrounded by noise in our daily lives. The sounds from TV, cell phones, and a plethora
of the latest electronic devices bombard our senses. Our Catholic Church gives us a great gift
of periods of silence at Mass. One of these special places is during the Liturgy of the Word.
The Church explains:
“The Liturgy of the Word is to be celebrated in such a way as to favor meditation, and so
any kind of haste such as hinders recollection is clearly to be avoided. In the course of it,
brief periods of silence are also appropriate... so that the Word of God may be grasped by the
heart and a response through prayer may be prepared. It may be appropriate to observe such
periods of silence, for example, before the Liturgy of the Word itself begins, after the First and
Second Reading, and lastly at the conclusion of the Homily.” (GIRM, no. 56)
Our readers at Church will now pause briefly for a period of silence after they have proclaimed
the Word of God. We Catholics believe that when the Word of God is proclaimed “God is
speaking to his people.” Use this period of silence to let God’s word be grasped by your heart.
Ask yourself “how am I to respond to God?
Youth Ministry
We Remember
Respect Life
Life is from conception to
natural death. We all face
challenges over that time
span. We all know people
struggling with life’s events.
Visit an elderly friend, take
a moment to relieve a care
giver, go pray at an abortion
center for those women and
men struggling with what
to do with the unplanned
baby. Take time in October
to pray for them, visit them,
and let them know you care
and they are not alone.
- article sponsored by
Knights of Columbus
those from our parish
who have entered into
eternal life.
Ligaija Wery
Pumpkin Patch
Join the fun at Blessed Sacrament’s
Pumpkin Patch. Pumpkins go on
sale beginning Wednesday, October
15th and are only $5 each, so don’t
Children can paint their own
pumpkin and play a few pumkin
games, too. Plus, you won’t want
to miss the family photo-op in our
pumkin patch.
See you at the patch and thank you
for your warm support of Youth
New Altar Server Training
for Children - Youth - Adults
The ministry of altar server is for
people of all ages. It is not limited
to young children. The ministry is
open to older youth, young adults,
and adults as well. It is a beautiful
symbol for our parish community
to have parents and grandparents
serving alongside their children
and grandchildren.
Altar servers provide their ministry
for Sunday and weekday Masses,
Sacramental Preparation Sessions,
Weddings, Funerals, and other
liturgical celebrations in the parish.
Those who desire to be an altar
server must have celebrated their
First Communion.
New Server Training
Thursday, November 6, 2014
6:30 pm in the Church
If you are interested in becoming
an altar server, please complete the
altar server application by Monday
November 3, 2014. The altar server
application can be found by clicking
“get involved” on the parish website
[], by calling (352)
394-3562, x107, or emailing the Office
of Liturgy [].
The Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time
S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 1 9
Coffee and Donuts following
8am & 10am Mass
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
† Jim & Thea Osborne & Family
† Deirdre Boudreau
† Lou Pastura
M o n d a y, O c t o b e r 2 0
7:40 am Morning Prayer CH
9:00 am Food Addicts Anon
5:30 pm Schola Rehearsal DC
8:30 am
† Paul Lange
Eph 2:1-10 / Lk 12:13-21
† Josephine Crowe
Is 25:6-10a / Phil 4:12-14, 19-20 / Mt 22:1-14
T u e s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 1
7:40 am Morning Prayer
9:30 am Adoration
8:30 am
6:00 pm Cub Scouts
7:40 am Morning Prayer
Eph 2:12-22 / Lk 12:35-38
9:30 am WMO Study Series R3/7
12:00 pm BSCCW Meeting
† Carmina Dos Santos
6:30 pm Handbell Rehearsal HB
7:30 pm Spanish Choir Reh.
8:30 am
Fall Festival
12:00pm - 10:00pm
5:45 pm Children’s Choir
6:00 pm Children’s
Robert & Joan Tuzzo
50th Anniversary of Marriage
8:30 am
7:00 pm
† Memorial Mass Association
† Ralph Boza
Eph 3:2-12 / Lk 12:39-48
† Lucille Risteter
† Carlos & Mercedes Graciano
Eph 4:7-16/ Lk 13:1-9
8:30 am
† Frank Santoro
Eph 4:1-6/ Lk 12:54-59
Fall Festival
4:00pm - 10:00pm
4:00 pm
7:00 pm
F r i d a y, O c t o b e r 2 4
7:40 am Morning Prayer
Eph 3:14-21 / Lk 12:49-53
S at u r d a y, O c t o b e r 2 5
2:30 pm Confessions
1:00 pm Bingo
8:00 pm Contemp. Ens. Reh. CH
T h u r s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 3
7:40 am Morning Prayer
6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal
6:30 pm WMO Study Series R3/7
7:00 pm Men’s Club
W e d n e s d a y, O c t o b e r 2 2
S u n d a y, O c t o b e r 2 6
Coffee and Donuts following
8am & 10am Mass
6:30 pm Coffee/Conversation MB
6:30 pm Faith Formation
8:00 am
10:00 am
12:00 pm
5:00 pm
† Dolores Tuzzo
† Margaret D. Mattle
Parish Family
Catharina Maria Meerleveld
Ex 22:20-26 / 1 Thes 1:5c-10 / Mt 22:34-40
Parish Office
Monday, Tuesday
Thursday, Friday
9:00pm - 4:00pm
720 12th Street
Clermont, FL 34711
(352) 394-3562
9:00am - 7:00pm
Weekend of October 12
Second Collection
Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church
Closed daily
12:30pm - 1:30pm