Blessings: This week’s message: Close Encounter In the study of UFO’s, a “close encounter” refers to actual contact with beings from another planet. In the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” a meeting is arranged between scientists and aliens. The meeting takes place on a mountain in Wyoming, known as Devils Tower. The movie portrays the meeting as an awesome and truly “other worldly” encounter which inspires hope that life will change for the better. But as wonderful as such an encounter with advanced beings from another world might be, they would still be only creatures, and therefore, limited. Every Sunday we are invited to a mountain for a close encounter with someone who has no limitations. The mountain is Mt. Zion, but we do not have to travel to Israel to be present at this meeting; the mountain comes to us. Every time we celebrate the Eucharist, we are standing at the foot of the cross on Mt. Zion, encountering the one who promises always to meet us there. And the one who meets us there is God in the flesh, not some alien flesh, but in our own human flesh and blood. God Himself comes to us, not in a space-ship, but through the humble elements of bread and wine. He invites us into communion with Himself, and by entering this communion we are taken up with Him to the highest heavens. Such an encounter requires preparation on our part, an openness to the mystery of the encounter. There are people in the world who devote their entire lives to attempts to contact extra-terrestrial life. They think of how wonderful it would be to make such contact. But again, such life would still be created by God. Wouldn’t it be even better to make contact with the Creator, to see and touch Him? As Catholics we do, at every Mass. The unseen and all-powerful God comes to us as food in the Eucharist. God Himself is the banquet to October 12, 2014 Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time which the Scriptures invite us. But do we respond to the invitation? Jesus tells us the parable of the king who invites guests to the wedding banquet of his son, but the guests ignore the invitation, and go about their worldly business. So, the king calls others to come and celebrate his son’s wedding. One man, however, comes without a wedding garment, and is cast out of the banquet into the outer darkness. The man in this parable was not being punished for his inability to purchase a proper wedding garment. He symbolizes lack of preparation for the occasion, that is, he was treating the celebration of the son’s marriage as any common meal. How do we prepare for the Eucharist? Has communion simply become a habit? Or do we recognize it as that which destroys death, and gives eternal life? Do we see Mass as an inconvenient disruption of our worldly activities, or as an encounter with the living God? Do we prepare our minds and open our hearts so as to enter deeply into this closest of encounters with the God who is the greatest mystery? If we are properly prepared we find a surprise: the wedding garment we are called to wear is a bridal gown. We are not simply guests at the wedding banquet, we are the bride! As the bride of Christ, all that is His is ours. How does this great truth play out in our daily lives? Do we simply return Monday morning to the mundane? Or do we bring heaven to earth? By encountering God in the Eucharist, we become one with Him. And, by our union with God, we in turn become an encounter with God for others. In the movie “Close Encounters” a few individuals were selected to go home with the aliens. In the Eucharist, Christ invites all to the feast, which finds its fulfillment in Heaven. May we always prepare ourselves spiritually, through prayer and mindfulness, for the closest encounter with God in the Eucharist. Fr. Roberts Sacraments: Weddings: Contact Pastor at least six months in advance. Baptisms, Communion to the Sick, Anointing of the Sick: Call Parish Office between 8 am and 4 pm weekdays. Penance: Saturday, 4:30 pm to 5 pm -Other times by appointment. Interested in reserving our parish facilities (Doyle Hall) for your next special event? Contact Kelly Wood: 283-5508, ext 1111. This Week at St. Joan of Arc Catholic Prayer: Beginning Wednesday, October 22, and continuing Wednesdays through November 19, Fr. Guy will teach a class on the nature and methods of Catholic prayer. Topics include prayer in Scripture, contemplative prayer, Benedictine, and Ignatian prayer. Classes meet in the lower level of the Parish Center Offices from 7 to 8:15 p.m. (We are looking for someone to record Father's class and put it on youtube. If you can help, contact Molly Ellsworth at or 283-5508, ext. 1110). Weddings: Andrew Quinnette and Madison Briscoe, October 18; Jon Miller and Brooke Woodard, October 25. Babies & Bagels/Tots & Tea will take place Wednesday, October 15, in the lower level of the Parish Center Offices. Please note our new location. Stop by any time between 10 a.m. and noon. This is a great way for parents and caregivers to get to know one another while the little ones play. For more information, contact Melinda Rivelli at 283-5508, ext. 1116 or Teen Suicide Information Session will be offered on Thursday, October 16, at 7 p.m. in the St. Pius X parish conference rooms. Contact Bev Hansbery at for more details. The recent suicides within our Catholic community have brought not only much sadness and grief, but also many questions. Jennifer Layton, a licensed mental health counselor working with Community Health Network, will address these and other concerns. This adult education evening will focus on teen suicide and will also incorporate a time for questions and answers. Immaculate Heart of Mary 50+ Luncheon will be on Wednesday, October 15, in the parish gathering space from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. This month’s speaker is Dick Crum “Dr. Dirt”. Bring your gardening questions and enjoy a catered lunch. Cost is $8 per person. Parking is available on the school playground. RSVP to Jeanne Whaley at or call the IHM parish office at 257-2266. Weekly Prayer Petition: We pray that God, the Creator of life, will open the minds and hearts of all people to reverence human life from conception to natural death. Please Pray for: Ed Pritchard, Cecilia Strigari, John & Mary Welch, Pat DeVault, Don Orth, Andrew Perkins, Nancy Orth, Valorie Woods, Jennifer & Rose Marie Janik, Leslie Burnside, Maria Stotts, Colleen Lupiezowiec (sister of Mary Ellen Diemer), Mary Marbaugh, Carolyn Holder (our NYO director), Ron “Gene” Williams, Harley Janssen, Ann, (Catherine Hayes’ sister), Michael Christie, (brother of Yolanda Hill), Gary, (friend of Myra Stemnock), Joseph Collins, (son of Greg and Debbie), Bill Homrighausen & Christine Smith (father & sister of Jean Zander), Tracey Bish, (friend of the Rivelli’s), Joseph M. Brown (husband of Mable), Trenda Atwell (friend of Amber Powers), Agnes Brake, Gary Williams, Bob Sparks, Chanty Yun, Janet New, Betty Taube (mother of Barb Fasbinder and Kate Taube-Osborn), Diana Smart (sister of John Gresehover), Doug Smith (brother of Eric), Jeanetta Torence (sister of Mable Brown), Betty Nolting (mother of Penny), Mandy Wessel, Carrie Godsave-Beguin family, (friend of Amber Powers), Tanis Atkisson (mother of Jayne), Alice Hilario, Julie Howie (mother of Laura Howie-Walters), Heather Allman, (friend of Emily Campbell), Patty Hughes, Christina Shedrick, Megan Furgason (daughter of Ann), Angee Poe (friend of Margaret Graves), Owen Griffith (son of Richard and Jamie), Diane Neyer Rose (friend of Patty Carroll). Next Weekend we will celebrate World Mission Sunday. These Mission churches are in the most remote areas across our world. Please keep the Missions in your daily prayers and we appreciate your generosity to the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. There are envelopes at the doors to church. Parish Staff: Father Guy Roberts Molly Ellsworth Kelly Wood Judy Cox Joseph Burrows Mary Anne Schaefer Melinda Rivelli Joe Sheehan Joe Feeser Carolyn Holder Emily Waldron Pastor Business Manager Parish Financial Bookkeeper Parish Office Administrator/Secretary Director of Music Ministries Pastoral Associate Pastoral Associate Coordinator of Parish Religious Formation Principal, St. Joan of Arc School Director of Neighborhood Youth Outreach Athletic Director October 4 & 5 Collection New Fiscal Year Began July 1, 2014 Weekly Budgeted Contributions $ Regular Contributions $ Direct Deposit 5/3 Bank $ Faith Direct Deposit $ Weekly Overage (Shortfall) $ Yearly Overage (Shortfall) $ 17,752.25 9,166.98 1,896.00 13,563.19 6,873.92 (38,163.75) There Will Be a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend at Fatima Retreat House November 7-9. If you have been married several years, the weekend can help you enhance communication, renew commitment, and rekindle romance. If you have been married for a short time, you can learn skills you will need to stay close through the ups and downs of life. To register, contact Mark and Jill Levine at 888-1892 or visit Calling All Young Adults (ages 18-35): Bowling with Indy Catholic intramurals begins October 28 and continues through December 16 from 7 to 9 p.m. For more information, go to “Fill These Hearts” Young Adult Retreat: Dive deeper into your faith and build community at IndyCatholic’s annual retreat: December 5-7 at Camp Rancho Framasa in Nashville, IN; The $54 fee includes meals and lodging. All young adults (ages 18-35) are welcome. Details and registration at French Market Raffle Winners Were: $1,500-Jean Beil; $500-Beth Heyboer, Quilt-Martina, Ipad Mini-Liz Koon. All were very excited and grateful with their winnings. All of our wonderful ticket sellers have been asking, “So, who won?” Sorry to be late in reporting. 50/50 Club: No.828.1 was drawn; and, they were not among the 52 who participated. Therefore, $1,549 will roll over to next week. Dear SJOA Families and Friends, This past Thursday was an exciting day at SJOA. We had members of the Indianapolis Fire Department visit the school and give a presentation to our preschool through 4th-grade students. We also had a local police officer, Darin Odier, speak to our middle school students regarding cyber safety. Darin also presented to our school and parish parents about the same topic on Thursday evening in our school gym; thank you for those who attended. Looking ahead, our first school quarter ends this coming Thursday, October 16. On Friday, October 17, we have our pre-school open house event “Peek-a-Boo” for current and future/potential preschool students and families. The event is from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. and will be held in our school gym and pre-school classrooms. We are hopeful to see our preschool families at the event! Please have a great week. God bless, Joe Our Parish Mission Statement: St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church is a community gathered in Jesus Christ. We welcome all people and provide them opportunities to know God, grow in faith, and use their gifts to serve others. Through Word, Sacrament, Prayer, and Service, we honor our tradition as we extend our ministry to each new generation. THIS WEEK AT SJOA Monday, October 13 8:00AM Daily Mass 7:00 PM Parish Council 7:00 PM Bible Study—lower level Tuesday, October 14 8:00 AM Daily Mass 6:30 PM Holy Family Ministry—dining room 7:00 PM Choir —Church Wednesday, October 15 10:00 AM Babies & Bagels—lower level 5:30 PM Daily Mass 7:00 PM Finance Council 8:00 PM King’s Men—Daily Mass Chapel Thursday, October 16 8:15AM Daily Mass 7:00 PM Endow Study Group 7:00 PM Respect Life 7:00 PM RCIA—lower level Friday, October 17 5:30 PM Daily Mass 6:30 PM Wedding rehearsal Saturday, October 18 2:30 PM Quinnette and Briscoe wedding 5:30 PM Mass Sunday, October 19 8:30 AM Mass 9:00 AM Sunday Faith Formation—school 10:30AM Mass 5:30 PM Mass Monday, October 20 8:00AM Daily Mass 7:00 PM Bible Study—lower level 7:00 PM School Commission MASS INTENTIONS Monday, October 13 No intention Tuesday October 14 Efren Ramirez & Marie Norman Wednesday, October 15 Int Helen Peck Thursday, October 16 Debbie Dominguez Friday, October 17 No intention Saturday, October 18 Emily Robinson Sunday, October 19 Int Kevin Zander For SJOA Parish No intention Readings for Next Sunday Is 25: 6-10a Phil 4: 12-14, 19-20 Mt 22: 1-14 OCTOBER 18 & 19 MINISTERS SCHEDULE 5:30 PM 8:30 AM ALTAR SERVERS Simon H Nelson W Corbin W Matthew C Gabby W- H Bella H-W LECTORS John Bradshaw Barbara Welch EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Blood Body Dee Enrico-Janik Sandy Keller Rod Kramer Nancy Petrick Patty Carroll Paul Cvar Ellie Davis Mark Henry Patricia Hemmerle Barbara Welch USHERS Derrick Delima Patrick Feiler Tom & Lily Flecker Scott Gramman Greg & Libby Hahn Vicki Koenig Peter Reintjes Tony Solhan SUNDAY, OCTOBER 19 MINISTERS SCHEDULE 10:30 AM 5:30 PM ALTAR SERVERS Katherine G Olivia G Grace K Nathaniel K Isabella S Rory P LECTORS Charlotte Leavell Brian Hendrickson Ester Pafford EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS OF THE EUCHARIST Blood Body Martha Leavell Bob Raby Nora Spitznogle Amanda Wilmering Marcus Barlow Mable Brown Tracy Roberts Mary Pat Sharpe Nancy Clapp Chris Kunkel Ron Poe Gail Gardiner Ester Pafford Denise Safford USHERS Denetria Kent Jackie Nytes & Michael O’Brien Bob Raby Rick White Brian Betz Kathy Caparo Desiree Randle Steve & Mary Sommer Gregory F. Hahn, Esq. Praying for a new home? Kevin M. Quinn, Esq. Call Sussan O’Brien for answers to your Real Estate Needs! Joel T. Nagel, Esq. Bose McKinney & Evans, LLP Scheetz 111 Monument Circle #2700 Indianapolis, IN 46204 FEENEY-HORNAK Keystone Mortuary Sussan O’Brien Realtor/SJA Parishioner (317) 705-2592 Office (317) 514-9169 Cell 71st at Keystone 257-4271 HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL SERVICE & REPLACEMENT John & Kara Traub, Owners 317-684-5000 28 Years of Catholic Education 639-1111 Parishioners of St. Joan of Arc Please pray for an increase in vocations to the priesthood and religious life. ✂ Consider Remembering Your Parish in Your Will. Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad” and Present It The Next Time You Patronize One of Our Advertisers For further information, please call the Parish Office. John Gresehover, LUTCF Senior Marketing Representative Also pray for continued support for those ministers already chosen by God, that they may be found faithful in fulfilling their ministry. Thank you for advertising in our church bulletin. I am patronizing your business because of it! Timothy H. Wall, C.P.A. Life • Disability Cell 317-586-1430 Attorney at Law 317 374-7928 338 S. Arlington Ave., Suite 110C Elder & Special Needs Care Homemaker • Companion Personal Care Services Kathy & Terry Huser Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person will reserve your cabin. SULLIVAN HARDWARE DO IT CENTER Cicero 6955 N. Keystone 4838 N. Penn Bob & Pat Sullivan 984-4652 255-9230 924-5040 Jay Snyder Montgomery Tax & Accounting Small Business & Individuals Chris Montgomery, CPA, MBA SJA Parishioner Business and Personal Income Tax Planning and Preparation Estate Planning, Probate and Business Consulting Complete Tax Planning is an Art and a Science 8465 Keystone Crossing, Ste. 160; Telephone: 466-1852 (CTK Parishioner) 255-5700 or 332-8261 SJOA Parishioner Group Health • Business Insurance Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless, Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785 an Official Travel Agency of AOS-USA Dr. Margarita Czeskis is a Board Certified Family Physician. She served the northwest suburbs of Indianapolis before joining Broad Ripple Community Physicians. Dr.Czeskis combines years of experience with staying up to date on the latest medical information. She provides compassionate care and treats each person as the only patient. DR. MARGARITA CZESKIS 1095 A Broad Ripple Ave. Indianapolis, IN 46220 INDIVIDUAL MEDICAL EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SENIOR INSURANCE SOLUTIONS SINCE 1979 Questions about the Affordable Care Act? I can help! • Business & Individual Income Tax Preparation & Planning Jack Werner • Accounting Services & Temporary Controller Services • Quickbooks Assistance JCW Financial Services P: 317.925.6995 F: 317.947.0747 317.253.5312 Jeff & Andrea Collier St. Joan of Arc Parishioners Member of SJOA TYLER’S TREE SERVICE Expert, Local Tree Service includes Emergency tree services, pruning, stump removal, dead tree removal Free Estimates • Angie’s List 317.441.9156 PROTECTING SENIORS NATIONWIDE PUSH TALK ........... 24/7 HELP ........... $19.95*/Mo. + 1 FREE MONTH ➢ No Long-Term Contracts ➢ Price Guarantee ➢ A+ Rating with BBB TOLL FREE: 1-877-801-8608 *First Three Months 376400 St Joan of Arc Church Call.... 926-HEAT Locally Owned and In Your 5240 Winthrop Avenue Neighborhood for 11 Years For Ads: J.S. 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