Clothed With Christ

Blessings: This week’s message:
Clothed With Christ
When asked which is the greatest Commandment, Jesus
replied with Deuteronomy 6:4-5, known in Hebrew as the
sh’mah, which means, “Hear, O Israel, the Lord our God
is one, and you shall love Him with all your heart, soul,
mind, and strength.” Jesus, the new “law-giver” after
Moses, then adds to it, saying, “You shall love your
neighbor as yourself.” To live these commands is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. The Jews
had a familiar expression, “sh’mah vuh sh’mar,”
meaning “hear and obey.” The word sh’mah
means “to hear” and sh’mar means “to guard, to
keep close, to obey.” It almost means “to clothe
oneself” in divine instruction.
When we are baptized we put on a white garment,
symbolizing that we have clothed ourselves with
Christ. When the first sin was committed, Adam and Eve
felt naked and ashamed, and sought to cover themselves
with fig leaves. But the only garment which can truly
cover the nakedness of sin, and restore us to our Godgiven dignity, is Christ Himself. In Christ, God clothed
Himself with our humanity, and even our shame. This is
why Jesus was stripped naked upon the cross, that
through enduring our shame, He might clothe us with His
own dignity. To live the way of Jesus, that is, to guard,
keep and obey His teaching, is to be clothed with Him.
Sin is the ultimate nakedness and shame. And yet, our
society today has lost its sensitivity to sin. What would
have brought scandal fifty years ago is now held as acceptable and normal. This growing inability to see sin, our
own “nakedness,” is reminiscent of Hans Christian Andersen’s story, “The Emperor’s New Clothes.” In this
story, an extremely vain king, who loves the finest of
clothes, finds himself swindled by two thieves. Knowing
of his passion for clothes, they tell him they have a special cloth which is invisible to fools and to those unwor-
October 26, 2014
Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time
thy of their office. The king desires a set of clothes made
from such cloth. The problem is, none of the king’s advisors can see it, nor can the king himself. Yet, no one
wants to be proven a fool or unworthy of his office, so
they all pretend to see what is not there. When the clothes
are “finished,” the king wishes to parade down the street
in his new outfit. Although he is completely naked, he
believes he is wearing beautiful clothes, as do all
the onlookers… except for one little child, who
cries out, “Look, the king is naked!”
To try and live apart from divine teaching is to go
about naked, that is, still in sin. And yet, many of
us choose to ignore the shame of sin, and to pretend that the sin is covered, or is not there at all. It
takes the innocence of childhood, restored
through baptism and confession, to see sin for what it
truly is. Have we become hardened to sin, to the point we
fail to recognize it in ourselves and in the world around
us? Do we make excuses and try to explain sin away? To
do so is to try and cover ourselves with fig leaves. It is far
better to acknowledge our sins, and our need for grace,
and to clothe ourselves with Christ. If we do, we are like
the Catholics in Thessalonica, whom Paul praises because
their reputation for living the Gospel has spread far and
The words sh’mah (to hear), and sh’mar (hold close,
guard, obey) go together. It is not enough simply to hear
Christ’s teachings, we also must live by them. If we are
not covering ourselves with Christ, what are we holding
close, what are we obeying? Have we allowed Christ’s
teachings to form our conscience, and make us sensitive
to sin? Or, have we become corrupt in heart and mind,
and numb to it? If we ignore the Gospel, we walk about
foolishly, like the king with no clothes. But if we love
God with all our heart, soul, mind and strength, and our
neighbor as ourselves, then we find ourselves clothed
with Christ. Fr. Roberts
Weddings: Contact Pastor at least six months in advance.
Baptisms, Communion to the Sick, Anointing of the Sick:
Call Parish Office between 8 am and 4 pm weekdays.
Penance: Saturday, 4:30 pm to 5 pm -Other times by appointment.
Interested in reserving our parish facilities (Doyle Hall) for your
next special event? Contact Kelly Wood: 283-5508, ext 1111.
This Week at St. Joan of Arc
Father Guy Is Teaching a Class on the nature and methods of Catholic prayer. Topics include prayer in Scripture,
contemplative prayer, Benedictine, and Ignatian prayer.
Classes meet in the lower level of the parish office center
from 7-8:15 p.m.
Again this Year in November, the Angel Tree will be in
church for parishioners to select and purchase Christmas
gifts for a child with a parent in prison. A new option this
year is to “adopt” an entire Angel Tree Family. This
would include giving Christmas gifts to all siblings in one
family and delivering the gifts to their home. Please contact Sarah Nanos at or at 417–
6430 if you would like to take advantage of this opportunity to help a family for the holidays.
40 Days for Life Prayer Vigil continues every Tuesday
through November from 2 to 6 p.m. at Planned Parenthood at 8590 Georgetown Road. Please join us in prayer
for the unborn and their mothers. There are sign-up sheets
at the break of the pews through October 26. If you are
unable to commit to a certain date, please come whenever
you can.
The Respect Life and Daughters of Mary Ministries
are gathering donations to benefit Birthline and the
Boulevard Place SVDP Food Pantry. Please bring your
contributions of diapers (sizes newborn-3), baby food and
formula to the pack-and-play located at St. Michael's altar. Thank you for your cooperation to help these little
ones who need a healthy start to life.
Usher/Greeter Gathering: Monday, November 3, at 6
p.m. - Pizza and fellowship, followed by 6:30-7:30
p.m. meeting in the lower level of the Parish Center Offices. RSVP: Barb Cady Smith,
or at 506-8263 . If you're an usher/greeter at Mass, or
would like to serve, please join us on November 3 to meet
other volunteers and learn what is expected for this important and fun ministry.
Weekly Prayer Petition: We pray for God’s blessings on
all of our RCIA participants this year. May their faith be
deepened and their lives be enriched as they enter the next
phase of their journey.
Please Pray for: Ed Pritchard, Carol Zeltner John &
Mary Welch, Pat DeVault, Don Orth, Andrew Perkins,
Nancy Orth, Valorie Woods, Susan Handschy, (aunt of
Dee Enrico-Janik), Leslie Burnside, Maria Stotts, Colleen
Lupiezowiec (sister of Mary Ellen Diemer), Mary Marbaugh, Carolyn Holder (our NYO director), Ron “Gene” Williams, Harley
Janssen, Ann, (Catherine Hayes’ sister), Michael Christie, (brother of
Yolanda Hill), Gary, (friend of Myra
Stemnock), Joseph Collins, (son of
Greg and Debbie), Bill Homrighausen & Christine
Smith (father & sister of Jean Zander), Tracey Bish,
(friend of the Rivelli’s), Joseph M. Brown (husband of
Mable), Trenda Atwell (friend of Amber Powers), Agnes
Brake, Gary Williams, Bob Sparks, Chanty Yun, Janet
New, Betty Taube (mother of Barb Fasbinder and Kate
Taube-Osborn), Diana Smart (sister of John Gresehover),
Doug Smith (brother of Eric), Jeanetta Torence (sister of
Mable Brown), Betty Nolting (mother of Penny), Mandy
Wessel, Carrie Godsave-Beguin family, (friend of Amber
Powers), Tanis Atkisson (mother of Jayne), Alice Hilario,
Julie Howie (mother of Laura Howie-Walters), Heather
Allman, (friend of Emily Campbell), Patty Hughes, Christina Shedrick, Megan Furgason (daughter of Ann), Angee
Poe (friend of Margaret Graves), Owen Griffith (son of
Richard and Jamie), Diane Neyer Rose (friend of Patty
Weddings: Joe Weisenberger & Liz Halsey, November
8; Stephen Burrows and Rachael Korkzon, November 15.
There Will Be an Opportunity for Eucharistic Adoration Friday, November 7, from noon to 5 p.m. If you can
take a one-hour shift, please contact Dee Enrico-Janik
at or sign up at the break of the pews
after Mass. This is a great way to spend some quiet time
with our Lord.
Parish Staff:
Father Guy Roberts
Molly Ellsworth
Kelly Wood
Judy Cox
Joseph Burrows
Mary Anne Schaefer
Melinda Rivelli
Joe Sheehan
Joe Feeser
Carolyn Holder
Emily Waldron
Business Manager
Parish Financial Bookkeeper
Parish Office Administrator/Secretary
Director of Music Ministries
Pastoral Associate
Pastoral Associate
Coordinator of Parish Religious Formation
Principal, St. Joan of Arc School
Director of Neighborhood Youth Outreach
Athletic Director
October 18 & 19 Collection
New Fiscal Year Began July 1, 2014
Weekly Budgeted Contributions $
Regular Contributions
Direct Deposit 5/3 Bank
Faith Direct Deposit
Weekly Overage (Shortfall)
Yearly Overage (Shortfall)
It Is Our Turn to Volunteer at the St. Vincent de Paul
Warehouse next Saturday, November 1, from 8 a.m. to
noon at 1201 E. Maryland St. Volunteers drive the eleven
(11) trucks, receive donated items delivered to the dock,
prepare donated merchandise for distribution to the needy,
and do the myriad of tasks necessary to keep up with this
important work. Working the entire 4-hour shift is preferred, but whatever time a volunteer can give would be
appreciated. Check in with the manager on duty upon arrival for your assignment for the day.
Immaculate Heart of Mary 50+ Luncheon is on Wednesday, November 12,. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Our speaker
this month is Dr. Patrick Healey, who will answer the question: “What is aging all about?” RSVP to Jeanne Whaley at or call the IHM Office at 257-2266.
There Will be a Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend at Fatima Retreat House November 7-9. If you have
been married several years, the weekend can help you enhance communication, renew commitment, and rekindle
romance. If you have been married for a short time, you can
learn skills you will need to stay close through the ups and
downs of life. To register, contact Mark and Jill Levine at
888-1892 or visit
50/50 Club: No.1527 was drawn, and they were not among
the 54 who participated. Therefore, $1,656 will roll over to
next week.
Dear SJOA Families and Friends,
School staff and students are in the
midst of a very deserving Fall
School is out of session
from Thursday, October 23,
through Monday, October 27. Please
enjoy your time off, staff and students,
and we will see you back at school
on Tuesday, October 28.
God bless,
Our Parish Mission Statement:
St. Joan of Arc Catholic Church is a community gathered in
Jesus Christ. We welcome all people and provide them opportunities to know God, grow in faith, and use their gifts to serve
others. Through Word, Sacrament, Prayer, and Service, we
honor our tradition as we extend our ministry to each new generation.
Monday, October 27
8:00AM Daily Mass
7:00 PM Bible Study—lower level
7:00 Baptism Preparation
Tuesday, October 28
8:00 AM Daily Mass
6:30 PM Holy Family Ministry—dining room
7:00 PM Choir —Church
Wednesday, October 29
5:30 PM Daily Mass
7:00 PM Fr. Guy’s Class—lower level
8:00 PM King’s Men—Daily Mass Chapel
Thursday, October 30
8:15 AM Daily Mass
7:00 PM Endow Study Group
7:00 PM RCIA—lower level
Friday, October 31
5:30 PM Daily Mass
Saturday, November 1
9:00 AM—All Saints’ Mass
5:30 PM Mass
Sunday, November 2
(Daylight Saving Time Change)
8:30 AM Mass
9:00 AM Sunday Faith Formation—school
10:30AM Mass
5:30 PM Mass
Monday, November 3
8:00AM Daily Mass
6:30 PM Boy Scouts—school
7:00 PM Usher/Greeter Training—lower level
Monday, October 27
Forgotten Souls in Purgatory
Wednesday, October 29
Holy Souls in Purgatory
Friday, October 31
No intention
Sunday, November 2
Mitchel Llewellyn
For SJOA Parish
Int Persecuted Church
Tuesday October 28
Efren Ramirez & Marie
Thursday, October 30
No intention
Saturday, November 1
Joan Homrighausen
Lee & Margarite McIntyre
Readings for Next Sunday
Wis 3: 1-9
Rom 5: 5-11
Jn 6: 37-40
9:00 AM &
5:30 PM
8:30 AM
Grace M
Rory P
Sally B
Hillary P
Jonah H
Jonas H
Josiah H
Jules H
Matthew Davis
Joe Sheehan
Peter Reintjes
10:30 AM
5:30 PM
Matt C
Max M
Harry M
Katherine G
Simon H
Olivia G
Sam A
Jon Owens
Rochelle Triplett
David Watkins
Gregory F. Hahn, Esq.
Praying for a new home?
Kevin M. Quinn, Esq.
Call Sussan O’Brien for answers to
your Real Estate Needs!
Joel T. Nagel, Esq.
Bose McKinney & Evans, LLP
111 Monument Circle #2700
Indianapolis, IN 46204
Keystone Mortuary
Sussan O’Brien
Realtor/SJA Parishioner
(317) 705-2592 Office
(317) 514-9169 Cell
71st at Keystone
John & Kara Traub, Owners
28 Years of Catholic Education
Parishioners of St. Joan of Arc
Please pray for an increase
in vocations to the
priesthood and religious life.
Your Parish in
Your Will.
Please Cut Out This “Thank You Ad”
and Present It The Next Time You
Patronize One of Our Advertisers
For further information,
please call the Parish Office.
John Gresehover, LUTCF
Senior Marketing Representative
Also pray for continued
support for those ministers
already chosen by God,
that they may be found
faithful in fulfilling
their ministry.
Thank you for advertising in
our church bulletin.
I am patronizing your business
because of it!
Timothy H. Wall, C.P.A.
Life • Disability
Cell 317-586-1430
Attorney at Law
317 374-7928
338 S. Arlington Ave., Suite 110C
Elder & Special Needs Care
Homemaker • Companion
Personal Care Services
Kathy & Terry Huser
Come Sail Away on a 7-night Catholic Exotic Cruise
starting as low as $1045 per couple. Daily Mass and
Rosary offered. Deposit of only $100 per person
will reserve your cabin.
6955 N. Keystone
4838 N. Penn
Bob & Pat Sullivan
Jay Snyder
Montgomery Tax & Accounting
Small Business & Individuals
Chris Montgomery, CPA, MBA
SJA Parishioner
Business and Personal Income Tax Planning and Preparation
Estate Planning, Probate and Business Consulting
Complete Tax Planning is an Art and a Science
8465 Keystone Crossing, Ste. 160; Telephone: 466-1852 (CTK Parishioner)
255-5700 or 332-8261
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Group Health • Business Insurance
Space is limited. Thanks and God Bless,
Brian or Sally, coordinators 860.399.1785
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