Newsletter Title Number 10 Wednesday 2 July 2014 From the Acting Principal Dear Parents,Caregivers and Students This week we have a couple of exciting technological updates for you. ST. RAPHAEL’S SCHOOL WEBSITE LAUNCH Yesterday our brand new school website went live at St Raphael’s School 114 Glen Osmond Road Parkside SA 5063 Phone: (08) 8272 2368 Fax: (08) 8272 2725 As well as having all the standard Newsletter links, Contact Details and School Information, you will find new areas such News and Events which incorporates an up to date Photo Gallery and a valuable Resources section for students and parents to use. Please jump online and have a look through all the new content. If you have any comments, concerns or content ideas, please let us know! Please note: Some systems may need to have browser history cleared or require you to refresh your internet cache to view the new website. Simply Google to find instructions on how to do this for your specific device. SKOOLBAG COMMUNICATION CENTRE APP Another fantastic technological addition is our new St Raphael’s Parkside Skoolbag App! The SkoolBag App is a fantastic communication tool, particularly for parents of our school. It enables you to receive immediate alerts & updates straight to your handheld device as well as being able to update your contact detail, submit absentee forms, receive newsletters and add events straight into your phone calendars. If you don’t have a smart phone, don’t worry as the Skoolbag App also links to our new webpage so you can keep up to date via the website also. We will start using this more in Term 3 so for now, download the Free App (see attached instructions) and have a look and play with it to familiarise yourself with this great technology. Also have a look online at for more information. Diary Dates Week 10 End of Term Friday 4 July (normal dismissal time) Term 3, Week 1 Pupil Free Day Monday 21 July Term 3 Commences Tuesday 22 July I have attached Parent Instructions for downloading the App to either an iPhone or Android device. When you are searching the App, type in St Raphaels Parkside Skoolbag and that should bring it up for you. Joanna Wright our part-time Marketing Director has been working industriously on these two initiatives. I thank Jo for all her work on these enterprises as most of it was undertaken in her own time. If you have any questions about the SkoolBag App or the website please contact either Jo (, Sue Coghlan or myself and we will do our best to assist you. Finally as this is my last week at St. Raphael’s, it was fitting to attend the end of term Mass this morning and to celebrate and give thanks for the term. I thank each and every one of you for the opportunity to be part of your community. I have enjoyed my stay and I will take with me all the valuable learning I have experienced. I’m sure you will all make Leanne Lawler welcome on her return to school. God Bless Regards Adrian….. Staying Safe As we approach school holidays or in fact at any time students and families are reminded to be wary of approaches from strangers, especially when they are unaccompanied or travelling to and from school. If they are approached students should not respond and should not accept offers of rides or gifts. Students should seek the assistance of other nearby adults if they feel unsafe and should report the event to a trusted adult (parent or school staff member) as soon as possible. Values Postcard Winner Term 2, Week 9 Lauren B Bridget C SAPOL advises that taking out a mobile phone and calling police can deter the offender and they recommend the student making a formal report to their closest police station. Congratulations to the following students who have completed the Premier’s Reading Challenge. School Disco Last Friday night saw the annual School Disco shake the dance floor. I believe all the children had a fantastic time. The Year 7s showed fantastic leadership in organising the event and it was great to see the profits being donated to the St. Vincent DePaul Society. Music Night Last night I attended the music performances in the city. I was amazed with the talented instrumental and vocal performances. It was great so see so many confident children take centre stage. I would like to thank the instrumental and vocal teachers for their efforts in teaching the children and special thanks go out to Amanda Rugari for all her efforts in making the night such a success. Well done to all involved. Jacob M Maddy M Jake G Xavier C Alice S Harshaman C 2P 2P 3/4R 3/4K 3/4K 5/6M Josie W 6/7O Evan C 6/7O Donatus P 6/7O Rebekah B 5/6D Daniela C 5/6D Deanna F 6/70 Term Date Reminders Term 2 Concludes this Friday 4 July at 3:10pm Term 3 Commences Tuesday 22 July at 9:00am (Monday 21 July is a pupil free day) Religious News Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Dear Families, As a Catholic school we take the teaching of our Religious Education curriculum very seriously. Units are planned with the same rigour and expectation as other curriculum areas and the content is assessed in a variety of ways to ensure the outcomes have been met. Next term all Year 4 students in South Australian Catholic schools will take part in on online multiple choice test which will provide a snapshot of basis religious literacy skills. This is not intended to replace all the other rich assessment tasks that take place in Religious Education. I think this is an excellent initiative as I am sure it will provide us with some useful information about content areas that we need to work on. More information will be sent home to the Year 4 families early next term. Sacraments As we progress through our parish Sacramental Programme there are a number of questions that seem to keep coming up. This information may be helpful to you: The Sacraments are celebrated in the context of the parish and are family based. This is recognising that the family is “the domestic church”. Parents are an integral part of the sessions and this is why sacramental preparation is generally no longer done within the classroom. The order of the Sacraments has changed. Baptism remains the first Sacrament of Initiation and then children celebrate Reconciliation. Following on from these Sacraments the children are fully initiated into the Catholic church through the Sacrament of Confirmation. As full members of the church the children are then invited to celebrate fully in the Mass by receiving their First Communion. The Sacraments are not the end of your child’s faith development. They are a part of your life long faith journey. There are currently about 70 children from our parish preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation on Saturday July 26th. First Communion Masses will be held across both churches in late September, Enjoy your time together in the holidays, Peace to you all, Sue Coghlan APRIM ‘Giving Back’ Whole School Dinner The Snake Charmer Restaurant is offering St Raphael’s School an exclusive night out. Called a "Giving Back" dinner, The Snake Charmer will give back to St Raph's $20 per person who attend the dinner. If 50 people come, we'll raise $1000 for the school! It's that easy! So please save the date. It should be a great, fun night out and we'd love to see you all there. Any further questions you can connect with: Emma: Kaylene: WHEN: WHERE: Thursday 21st August The Snake Charmer 60 Unley Road UNLEY TIME: 6:00pm for 6:30pm start COST: $45 per person (includes 3 course meal) BYO: available at $7 per bottle and other drinks pay as you go You can secure your booking by leaving your name at the office with your payment (cash or direct debit will be acceptable.) Emma and Kaylene (Class reps R/1C) Gold Star Award Winners Congratulations to the following students who have received awards for displaying a consistent work ethic. Term 2, Week 9. R/1C Archie B, Siena P R/1MD Fabian S 2P Natalia N, Harry B 3/4K Damian C, Holly B 3/4R Stella D, Tavish M 5/6D Jada L, Angelena M 5/6M Harshaman C, Ben C 6/7O Rebecca E, Mary M This week we meet two important women who are significant figures in our school’s early history. Seated is Sister Mary Agnes Rogers, born Catherine (Kate) Rogers in Kapunda, South Australia in 1862. Sister Agnes was the first Australian born member of the South Australian Sisters of Mercy. She entered service on the 2nd February 1882 and was professed in 1887. Standing alongside Sister Agnes is Sister Mary Lucy Le Couteur. Born in Argentina in 1852, Sister Le Couteur was one of our pioneer Sisters of Mercy arriving in South Australia in 1880. Sister Agnes was our very first Principal with Sister Le Couteur our first teacher. They both look so kind and beautiful, I wonder what they might think about us? By Julie Kuerschner P& F Executive DISCO 2014 GET BUSY FOR DAD We’re looking for donations of handmade gifts for the upcoming 2014 Father ’s Day Stall. Mini-terraria, seedlings, loom-things, or handmade soap, etc. you name it, make it, bring it. A great time to start working on something special over the upcoming school break.... Please deliver to school by 31st July 2014. W it h mu m o r d ad assist ing please vis i t the S t R ap h ’s fac ebo ok pa ge a nd h ave a look at so me of the r ec ipes & ins tr uctions th a t m i g h t c o m e i n h a n d y f o r g i f ts t o b e for p ric ed b e twe en $ 0 .50 and $10 . More i n fo r ma t io n w il l c o me a t t he s tar t o f Ter m 3 . Friday 27 June St Raph’s Sports Board Jeannette Archer and Dani O ’ Connell Winter Sport More or less halfway through the winter seasons of our school sports of football, soccer, volleyball & netball. It is pleasing to see/hear students are continuing to enjoy their chosen sport despite score lines – they are prepared to persevere with their endeavours, which is a great life skill to possess. The school would like to thank the coaches & helpers who freely volunteer their time to teach/guide/ support our students on a weekly basis. Without their efforts, our school sports programme could not happen. Keep up all of your great work! SAPSASA Soccer Carnival Congratulations to Year 6 students, Ben M & Massimo F (pictured right), on representing the school in the district soccer team. The team finished top in Division 1 of the State SAPSASA Soccer Carnival last week – a brilliant effort! Tuesday 1 July SAPSASA Knockout Netball Our Year 6/7 netballers will play their Round 3 match in the knockout competition against Clapham Primary this coming Friday. We wish them the best of luck as they take on a traditionally strong opponent! Socceroo The Socceroo programme commences in Term 3 on Saturday, 26 July from 9.15 -10.15am at St Raphael's, with the aim of developing the soccer skills of our students in Rec/Year 1. It is not too late to enrol your child – forms available at the office. Canteen News Hi All, As the term is coming to an end I would like to thank the volunteers that have helped in the canteen this term. I would also like to thank the families who order lunches for their children on a regular basis. A little school like ours needs your continued support to be able to run a canteen. Our special lunch order day was a great success! We had many children come and thank us for the delicious hot dogs. Thursday and Friday this week we will have special treats for sale to celebrate the end of term. Have a great holiday and see you in Term 3. Anita Viskic Canteen Manager
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