West Lakes Shore School R-7 BUILDING STRONG FOUNDATIONS FOR LIFE LONG LEARNING RESPECT* RESPONSIBILITY* HONESTY* EXCELLENCE* AND RESILIENCE* Website: Principal Sue Toone Deputy Kellie Brown Senior Leader Paul Marshall Business Manager Cheryl Jaeschke Diary Dates ACQUAINTANCE NIGHT Year 1-Year 7 Date: Monday 9th Feb Time: 5:30-6:30pm A.G.M. Date: Monday 9th Feb Time: 7pm COMMUNITY NETWORK MEETING Date: Thurs 12th Feb Time: 2pm Where: Staff room YR 6 & 7 AQUATICS Dates: Thurs 12/ Fri 13th Feb www.westlakes.sa.edu.au Email: dl.1246.info@schools.sa.edu.au Wednesday 4th February, 2015 Volume 2 Curriculum Term 1 Setting Sail Our first term Connected Curriculum Module is called Setting Sail. This covers specific elements from within the Australian Curriculum at each year standard. The big ideas that students across the school (as appropriate for each year level) will be engaged in learning are as follows; We are coming together as a new class and we need to help ourselves and each other to be successful learners in safe and stimulating classrooms. To learn successfully and achieve our personal best we need to support each other in taking good risks and learning from our mistakes. As individuals we need to understand and embrace our school values and codes of conduct so they can be reflected within our classroom and then our school, for the benefit of ourselves and others. VOLUNTEER TRAINING Date: Tues 17th Feb Time: 2:15pm We need to appreciate how the world and its people have changed, and that these changes have helped create the world we live in today. People from the past have made sacrifices so that we may live in a peaceful democratic country. VOLUNTEER TRAINING Date: Fri 20th Feb Time: 9:00am We have a responsibility to our present and future generations to become active and informed citizens who participate, understand and contribute to the world in which we live. Rec-YR 5 SWIMMING Week 5 & 6 Mon 23rd Feb – Fri 6th March ADELAIDE CUP Mon 9th March GOOD FRIDAY 3rd April EASTER MONDAY 6th March SPORTS DAY Date: Wed 8th April Back Up Date: Thurs 9th April Absentee Number: 8449 7574 (4:30pm-9:00am) Phone: 8449 7255 Facsimile: 8449 1559 Save the Children Global Peace School Our Earth is home to many living things, including those that exist in a coastal location such as West Lakes that are interdependent and interact with each other and their environment. People have similarities and differences that need to be understood and valued. Australia is a nation with a multicultural society and in our school and country we have people who have travelled across the seas from many places as well as our indigenous peoples. We need to work together to live in harmony. Honour an ANZAC Project As mentioned last year the school will be taking part in a project to commemorate the 100th anniversary of ANZAC day. This is an exciting activity planned for later in the term where each class identifies at least one ANZAC serviceman to investigate. Information on how to nominate your ANZAC will be in the next newsletter. ACQUAINTANCE NIGHT We have had a great start to our school year and students and teachers have begun some exciting learning experiences. On the evening of Monday 9th February we are inviting parents and friends of students in Years 1 to 7 to drop in between 5:30pm and 6:30pm to have a look at classrooms and meet the teachers. This is the chance for your children to show you their learning spaces for 2015. The teachers will not be able to discuss individual students needs at this time, but if you feel the need to talk with the teacher on a 1:1 basis, this may be the time to let them know and book an appointment for a later date. The Reception teachers have made a different arrangement for their classrooms to be open in the mornings across the week and these parents will have received a note explaining this. SCHOOL ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Just a reminder that the school AGM will be held on Monday 9th February at 7pm in the resource centre - all welcome. This is the time when we elect new representatives to Governing Council and present the annual report to the school. The annual report will be available for all parents to read on our school website later that week. If you are interested in being part of the Council please consider nominating. It is important that you are able to attend the two meetings a term. These are currently Monday nights 7:00-9:00pm with dates set once we know Council Members. Nomination forms are available at the office or you can nominate at the AGM. If necessary, voting is done at the AGM. PHOTOGRAPHY AT SCHOOL EVENTS We fully understand that many parents may wish to film their children's participation in school events such as assemblies, sports days, concerts etc. In order to ensure the privacy of all students, please be aware that any vision or photographs taken must be for personal use only and if possible mainly be of your own child. Images taken of students other than your child should not be placed on public forums such as Facebook or You Tube. We appreciate your respect and co-operation. PERMISSION FORMS The following permission forms have been sent home today. Please complete and sign for each child and return to their classroom teacher a.s.a.p. General permission (annual) Website permission / Child Consent Form (annual) Pastoral Care Worker (once for schooling duration – due by Friday 13th Feb) Please carefully read and fill out the Child Consent Form which refers to giving permission to use a photo of your child in our school newsletter which is then uploaded to our website. COMMUNITY NETWORK WELCOME EVERYONE! The members of the Community Network would like to welcome all of the families new to the school. We trust that your time at the school will be a happy and enjoyable one. We would also like to welcome back to school the families that have been part of the school community in previous years. We hope that everyone is ready for a busy and exciting year at West Lakes Shore School. WHAT IS THE COMMUNITY NETWORK As a group of parents, caregivers and friends the Community Network meets to organise different community events at West Lakes Shore School R-7 every year. The Community Network will be working in partnership with Leadership, staff, students and families to organise events such as: Shores Café at Sports Day, Parent get-together’s like morning teas; and TfEL Parent Talk Workshops, just to name a few. If you would like more information about the Community Network or how to become part of the team, please email us on Community.Network727@schools.sa.edu.au THE COMMUNITY NETWORK NEEDS YOU! The group is always looking for new members’, we do not expect anything from you but your support, friendship and any time you can spare. If you are interested in finding out more, you are most welcome to attend our next meeting. And of course, toddlers and babies are welcome to come along too! There is a box crammed with toys the kids can play with! NEXT MEETING The next Community Network get together will be on Thursday 12th February at 2:00pm in the staffroom. Everyone is welcome! SCHOOL CARD If you believe you may be eligible for School Card in 2015, could you please see Cheryl, our Business Manager, in the front office. It would be good to have applications in and approved as soon as possible. This allows for reapplications where necessary. Further information will be sent home soon. SCHOOL FEES Our Materials and Services Charges for 2015 $365 per child, will be sent home this week. They are due to be paid by the end of Term 1 unless you apply for a School Card or arrange a payment plan with our Business Manager, Cheryl Jaeschke. SKOOLBAG APP Useful and important information is communicated by the school via the Skoolbag app. Currently 508 users! Download from Google Play or Apple App store. There were some issues with the app at the end of last year and Skoolbag is pleased to announce that the issues have been fixed with the current version (Version 3). If you were already using the app, the new version should have shown as an app update and installed it. Some users may already have it if they had automatic updates switched on. Skoolbag have advised that this release fixes the past issues with the Android version, and also brings it up to date with the same features that have been on iPhone for some time. NEWSLETTER The newsletter is sent out via our Skoolbag app. If you do not wish to receive a paper copy, please advise the front office janet.massey644@schools.sa.edu.au by Friday 13th February. The option to opt in or out will take place twice a year – Term 1 and Term 3. PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE 2015 The Premier’s Reading Challenge is in its 12 th year this year. Each year the Premier challenges students from Reception to Year 9 to read 12 books. The purpose of the “Challenge” is to encourage children to read and to increase literacy skills. At West Lakes Shore School R-7, many students participate in the Challenge and have received awards for their efforts. This year the Challenge is to be completed before 4th September. Eight of the books read must come from the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist and four books are the student’s own choice. The books on the list are available in our school library and also in public libraries. These books are identified with Reading Challenge stickers and are divided into 3 categories: Red stickers - Reception to Yr 2 Green stickers - Year 3-5 Yellow stickers - Year 6-9 Students (or parents) are asked to fill in the Student Reading Record sheet which is available from class teachers and the Resource Centre. A certificate signed by the Premier is awarded to students completing the Challenge for the first time. After that, Bronze, Silver, Gold, Champion, Legend and Hall of Fame medals are awarded. A Hall Of Fame Reader for Life, gold embossed certificate reflecting the number of years students have participated in the Challenge is awarded in following years. We encourage all students to take up the Challenge and begin reading!!!! Information, competitions and activities can be found on the Premier’s Reading Challenge website at www.prc.sa.edu.au There is also a dedicated iPad version in the iPad App Store! New Version 3 features include: Supports iPhone 6 and 6 Plus resolution Rotation/landscape view when viewing landscape on larger resolution devices. New interface design and content navigation improvements Colour coded for each school iPhone Version has new Accessibility mode for visual impaired users. iPad Version! IMPORTANT DATES Adelaide Cup Day - Monday 9th March Good Friday - 3rd April Easter Monday - 6th April Sports Day - Wed 8th April Sports Day Back Up - Thurs 9th April SCHOOL SPORTS PROGRAM TERM 1 Welcome parents, students and friends to another school sports year. Our school sport program commences this term with the sports of basketball, cricket, swimming and athletics beginning from week 3. Below are the details and dates for these sports. Some notes have been distributed already and more will be given out over the next few weeks. If you require any more additional information please contact me via the front office. BASKETBALL When: Thursday nights after school at various times Where: Port Adelaide Rec Centre Who: Students from R-7 can nominate CRICKET When: Saturday mornings from 8.30am Where: Various grounds in the western area Who: Students from Year 2-7 can nominate SWIMMING The SAPSASA district swimming carnival is being held on Tuesday the 24th of February. We will be conducting trials to help choose our school team. Students from Year 4-7 can nominate to trial for the team. This note will come out next week. ATHLETICS The SAPSASA district athletics carnival is being held on Tuesday the 24th of March. We will be conducting trials to choose our school team. These trials will be held at school and students from Year 4-7 can nominate for this. This note will come out over the next few weeks. Over the course of the term there will be various SAPSASA District teams that students in Year 6 and 7 can try out for. This information will be passed on via the newsletter or to students direct as it comes in. Once again the success of our sports program depends on the support we get from our parents and friends within our school community. If you can help support any of our school sport teams or anything else please contact me via the front office. Paul Marshall FROM THE PASTORAL CARE WORKER Welcome to all of our old and new families. I look forward to spending time with many of you during the year while I visit and provide assistance in classes. The Pastoral Care Program (formally the Christian Pastoral Support Program) is an opt-in program. One to one support is available to children, their families and school staff. These times are not counselling or therapeutic sessions, but opportunities for individuals to voice their concerns and work through strategies. During these times children are able to talk to me about anything that is going on in their lives. My role is to listen and provide comfort and encouragement. Children may also have the opportunity to engage in experiences that will support the development of their social and emotional capabilities. Pastoral support can be requested by students, their teacher, or their parents/caregivers once consent has been given. I am able to provide families with information about support and service providers. Family members are able to contact me via email or through the front office regarding any concerns they have for their child or if they simply want someone to talk with about their personal situation. I run group and lunch time activities that aims to encourage children to develop friendship skills, self management skills and engage with and feel supported by their peers. These experiences can take the form of art/ craft activities, group games, physical activities and group discussions. Consent forms must be signed in order for your child to request assistance or to attend lunch time activities. Please let your child know what level of support you have given permission for. Your decision regarding access to the school’s Pastoral Care Worker will apply for the duration of your child’s time at West Lakes Shore School. However you are able to change it at any time by completing another form and returning it to the front office. Your child can request assistance through the message boxes located in the front office, my office (near the canteen) and the library. Further information about my role can be found in the ‘Our Pastoral Care Worker’ brochure and on the school website under Pastoral Care Worker. Email: annelise.bradley699@schools.sa.edu.au I wish everyone all the best for Term 1. Annelise Bradley CANTEEN - IMPORTANT At the end of the year we changed from Flexischools to QkR (Quicker) which is the Commonwealth Bank online ordering system. The reasons for this change were due to significantly lower cost to the school and no transaction cost for families. Additionally, families will no longer be required to have an account with funds in order to order, instead payment is processed from your debit/credit card at time of ordering. Qkr!™ (pronounced 'quicker') is a mobile payments platform that enables parent/caregivers to order and pay for canteen orders directly from their smart device or computer. Qkr accepts all major credit and debit cards and parent/caregivers can register more than one card. Instructions on how to download the app are available on our website. You can also set up and access online : Go to: https://qkr.mastercard.com/foreveryone-australia/ Click on ‘Use Qkr Online’ Enter your username and password if you have already set it up on the app OR Sign up. Enter the school name ‘West Lakes Shore School’ and press Search. Click on the link that appears. Enter your child/rens information and place orders. ** IMPORTANT - Please make sure you enter the correct Year Level and Class for each child. ** FLEXISCHOOLS REFUND Any families with credit left on Flexischools can request to be reimbursed through their account online. No costs will be incurred. To refund from Flexischools. Log into your account www.flexischools.com.au Click ‘My Account’ Transfer my account balance back to me Click Close Account PARENT VOLUNTEERS AT SCHOOL A reminder that ALL parent volunteers helping in the canteen, class room, with sport, on excursions, with swimming, camps etc. must have a clearance from the Department of Communities & Social Inclusion. This clearance can take up to 5 months and is valid for 3 years. So it is recommended that if you are intending to be an active helper at our school you contact the front office for the appropriate form. As well as the DCSI clearance, our volunteers are required to attend Volunteer Training every 3 years conducted at school. Please see the details following for our next sessions for volunteer training. BANK SA STUDENT BANKING Unfortunately, Bank SA will no longer be picking up and delivering to schools from 2015. So sadly we advise that we will be unable to offer this service from next year. Student banking will still be available at Bank SA at any branch. CONTACT DETAILS Have you moved recently? Changed mobile number? Need to change Emergency Contacts? It is imperative that you advise the school of any changes to your contact details. Please advise in person at the front office or email to Janet Massey at janet.massey644@schools.sa.edu.au Please request a print out if you are unsure what your details are currently. IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR PARENTS / CAREGIVERS We have several children in the school with a severe allergy that can cause an anaphylactic reaction. An anaphylactic reaction is an allergic reaction so severe and fast that it can cause death. These children have a severe allergy to peanuts, cashews and all nuts. The allergy is so severe that eating, touching or inhaling even trace amounts will trigger a life threatening reaction. Emergency treatment involves an immediate drug injection (school has the needle on hand) and an immediate, emergency trip to the hospital. Even though these children are showing admirable restraint and maturity in dealing with their problem by refusing offered and tempting foods during recess and lunch times, they also need our support. Tuesday 17th February – 2:15 – 3:00pm We, therefore, respectfully suggest that you not send snacks to school that contain peanuts, cashews and all nuts, including those found in spreads such as Peanut Paste & Nutella, cake mixes, processed foods, sweets, foods cooked with peanut oil, etc. Your support in this important matter is, of course, deeply appreciated. Friday 20th February – 9:00 – 9:45am LATE ARRIVALS & EARLY DEPARTURES VOLUNTEER TRAINING SESSIONS Please contact the front office to book your space or email janet.massey644@schools.sa.edu.au PAYMENT OF EXCURSIONS TO SCHOOL Please ensure that any money sent to the school for payment of excursions is enclosed in either a zip lock bag or envelope with the details of what and who the payment is for. These payments are to be placed into our Payment Box ready for processing. Payment can also be made online via Bizgate. Paywave is available for over the counter transactions at the front desk. All children arriving late to school, MUST enter via the front office to sign in. They will be issued with a sign in slip which must be presented to the class teacher. Parents collecting their children early must also enter via the front office to sign out and receive a sign out slip to present to the class teacher. ABSENT CHILDREN The school has a special phone line to ring and advise of absent or late children. It is a legal requirement with DECD that a child must have a reason for absence recorded on our system. 8449 7574 Please phone to leave a message of your child’s reason for absence. If your child will be absent for 3 days or more for family reasons, you are required to complete an Exemption Form. Please contact the administration office for this form. In the event that your child is ill and will be absent for 3 days or more, it is a legal requirement that you provide the school with a doctor certificate. UNIFORM ITEMS TO GIVE AWAY Uniform items either donated or items from lost property that are not named or the name is illegible are washed and placed on a rack to give away. This rack is situated opposite the canteen and placed out on the first Friday of every month. Please leave coat hangers on the rack. Also, if anyone has old reader folders to donate to the school please bring them to the front office. LOST PROPERTY All lost property is placed in the Turtle building (green doors) on a rack at the western end of the building. Please check regularly for lost uniform items. It is essential to ensure your child’s clothing is clearly marked with their name. We will endeavour to return all lost property where we can read names. COMMUNITY NEWS We are happy to support local organisations and groups however, please understand that we take no responsibility for the quality of any of the programs and products included in our Community News. ADELAIDE OLYMPIC FC MORE PLAYERS NEEDED AOFC is currently looking for more players particularly in age groups U9/U11/U12. However, if children in other age groups (U6 – U15) are interested in joining our soccer club with training facilities at West Lakes Shore School, please contact juniorsecretary@aofc.com.au. For information refer to www.aofc.com.au or link on school website. 10 WEEK FOOTBALL DEVELOPMENT/PARTICIPATION CLINIC AGE 5 -8 YEARS Dates: Every Sat, 28 Feb until 9 May 2015 th (Excluding Easter, 4 April 2015) Where: Pedlar Reserve, Seaton Time: 8:30am – 9:30am Cost: $65 Fee (Paid to AFL) via online registration www.aflauskick.com.au/register/ or at Seaton Ramblers Registration Day, Sunday 8th Feb 2015 @ 11am – 1pm. If your child decides to continue playing and registers as a NEW PLAYER in our U8’s competition, Seaton Ramblers Football Club will reduce your Club Registration Fee for Season 2015 to ONLY $40 (Includes 1 pair football shorts and Ramblers football) Normally $90 S A V E $ 5 0. For more info contact: Auskick Coordinator, Melissa Paddick 0434 642 352 or Head Coach, Dave Mazey 0407 793 165 SEATON HIGH SCHOOL 2016 YEAR 8 SHIP CLASS th Parent Information Evening - Monday 9 February 7-8pm. Students and Parents welcome. Feel like something sweet? Having a Birthday and need a cake? From simple to extraordinary, BitterSweet Patisserie can design and create the perfect cake for you. Come and visit our shop and tempt your taste-buds with cakes, pastries and chocolates- all hand made on the premises - by top pastry chefs. BitterSweet Patisserie, Shop 4/178 Frederick Road, Grange, Phone 8355 3337 TENNIS State Tennis West Lakes is now taking enrolments for tennis coaching in Term 4, 2015 2-5 year old motor skills program ‘Jump Start' / ANZ Tennis Hot Shots lessons from Age 4+/Adult lessons. Ph 83554466 or visit statetennis.com.au SCHOOL OF LANGUAGES Languages offered for 2015: Afrikaans, Chinese, French, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Khmer, Korean, Spanish. Also offering year 7 students who are studying one of our languages at year 8 level. For further information please see www.schooloflanguages.sa.edu.au or ring 8301 4800. PIANO KEYBOARD LESSONS Let your child have fun learning music. Students can start at 6 yrs onwards. For a free ‘meet and greet’ call Margaret on 8242 6732 or 0419833215. FESTIVAL OF MUSIC PERFORMANCE TROUPE Year 6/7’s who like to sing, dance or act. Each troupe will be involved in 4 performances accompanying the massed choirs at the Festival of Music. Weekly rehearsals are held at 3 locations Parafield Gardens, Gilles Street, Darlington. Audition bookings open Monday 9/2/15 and close on Wednesday 25/3/15. For more information ring 8261 5438 or visit www.festivalofmusic.org.au SOUTHERN CROSS SELF DEFENCE & FITNESS Ninjutsu Based Self Defence and Fitness. Tuesdays 6-7:15pm, Club West Lakes, 21 Edwin St, West Lakes Shore. (Parking at West Lakes Shore Primary School). Ages from 5 years welcome. Adults and Children train at the same time. Call Pete for further info – 0400827089. GET ACTIVE SPORTS Locations around Adelaide. Sport for 3-8 year olds. Only $90 inc equipment. Ph 1300772106 www.getactivesports.com.au
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