STRAY CAT REGATTA TO BE HELD AT ISLAND SAILING CLUB 20 to 21 JUNE 2015 SAILING INSTRUCTIONS NOTICE OF RACE Notice is hereby given that the above sailing event is scheduled to take place at the Island Sailing Club from the 20+21 of June 2015 both dates inclusive, and race entries are invited in terms of this Notice. ORGANISING AUTHORITY The regatta is organized by the Island Sailing Club. CLASSES ALL CATS RULES The regatta will be governed by the 2013/2016 Racing Rules of Sailing (RRS), the prescriptions of the South African Sailing (SAS), the Bylaws and Rules of the Sailing KZN and this Notice of Regatta Remember this is a fun regatta all disputes on the water to be resolved later by using the phrase AG SORRY no protests will be entered into. CHANGES IN SAILING INSTRUCTIONS Any change to the sailing instructions will be posted on the official notice board not later than [1] one hour before the start of the race in which they become effective. ENTRIES Entries shall be submitted on the Registration Form attached accompanied by the Entry Fee together with, to the Race Secretary at the address below. Entry forms must be countersigned by a parent or guardian if the competitor is under the age of 18 years. The Entry Fee is R300.00 per boat for single up and R400.00 per boat for 2 up. Entries will be accepted until the close of registration at the venue. Entries shall be submitted to: The Regatta Secretary Tel: 076 412 7375 P.O. Box 41626 Email: Rossburgh 4072 Payment of entry fees may be made in cash or by direct/electronic deposit to the regatta account. Where direct deposit is used, evidence of the deposit must be furnished with the entry form. Account Name Island Sailing Club Bank First National Bank Branch/Code Musgrave Branch 221126 Account No. 50900857233 REGISTRATION. Entries shall be confirmed by registration at the Island Sailing Club between 08h30 and 09h30 on Saturday 20 June 2015 , at which time entries will close SAILING INSTRUCTIONS. Sailing Instructions will be available from the regatta secretary at registration. Race briefing to be held in hall at 09h45 on the 20 June 2015 SCHEDULE OF RACING First race of the day to start in front of club All racing will take place in the Durban Harbour on Olympic and/or Windward Leeward courses. On Saturday 20 June 2015 Racing will not start before 11.00. A lunch break is scheduled between races on the sand bank, at the discretion of the race officer. Sunday 21 June 2015 Racing will start not before 09h00 and no race will start later than 14h00. No maximum number of races are scheduled. THE COURSE There is an option of 2 courses to be sailed. Course will be advised at briefing. A. Olympic course (triangle sausage triangle)(T Flag) B. Windward/leeward (W Flag) MARKS Marks will be Round Red Buoys. The start and finish mark will be a pink/red buoy. Marks to be described in detail at the skippers briefing. THE START All races will be started by using rule 26 with the warning signal given 5 minutes before the starting signal. There will be one start for all classes. The class flag will be the Jolly Roger flag. The starting line will be between the staff displaying an orange flag on the committee boat and the start mark. Boats starting later than 5 minutes after her starting signal will be scored DNS. CHANGE OF COURSE AFTER THE START A change of course after the start will be signalled with a C flag and repeated sound signals before the leading boat has begun the leg. The course may be shortened by hoisting the S flag with [2] two sound signals. All boats shall then finish at the prescribed Finishing Line as per briefing. Shipping Movements: The Rescue Boat will hoist a white flag and travel in front of the ship. All competitors will keep well clear and may not cross between the Rescue Boat and the ship. SAFETY EQUIPMENT. All competing yachts shall comply with their class buoyancy and safety requirements. Writing rope and life jacket are compulsory equipment TIME LIMIT There is no time limit for any race but if in the opinion of the Race Committee, the leading boat in any race has not maintained nor is likely to maintain an average speed of two knots, the race may be abandoned. Boats, which do not finish within 15 minutes of the first boat of her class across the finish line, will be scored DNF. This changes RRS 35 and A4.1. SCORING. The ‘Low Points’ scoring system RRS Appendix A4 will be used. A minimum of 4 races will constitute a Regatta No maximum no of races are scheduled There shall be one discard for every 5 races completed i.e. 5 races 1 discard 10 races 2 discards HANDICAPS TO BE AS FOLLOWS: Halcat 1 up 0.86 Halcat 2 up 0.84 Hobie 16 1.00 Dart 1 up no jib 1.01 Dart 2 up jib 1.00 Hobie 14 0.90 Hobie 14 turbo 0.93 Paper tiger 0.89 Tornado or other larger than 18 foot 1.15 Any other Stray cat’s handicap or adjustments to be given by race officer prior to start and to be displayed on notice board PRIZE GIVING. Prize giving will take place at Island Sailing Club after the last race. Prizes will be awarded at the discretion of the race committee LIABILITY Participation in this event is entirely at the risk of competitors and no responsibility for damage or injury resulting there from will rest with the organising authority, class associations, or any persons concerned with the conduct of the regatta
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